Persona 2: Innocent Sin - Out Now!

Sigh....fucking Atlus.

PS1 release of P2: EP, that isn't compatible with Vita, then full out cancelling PSP version with no rhyme or reason. Nich Maragos from Atlus (editor on their staff) posted over at Neo Gaf that he was going to reveal a reason why they couldn't not wouldn't (or didn't want to) release P2:EP on PSP on the PSN blog for P2:EP PS1. Official wording was unusual circumstances Well some where along the way Atlus or Sony blocked the explanation, Nich asked to be banned from Neo Gaf (users pestering him or some such) and more drama queen crap about this and that popped up there and on his Twitter, and still no explanation other than complications.

Speaking of which is the video games industry still one of the few that cloak and dagger talk is still acceptable in, why can't a straight answer come out and keep rumor and conjecture at a minimum so sick of that shit when it comes to internal policies at some of these companies, like it's g'damn state secret or something.

In effect saying nothing but a big fuck you to users that have been patiently waiting for this to be released. Atlus even locked the thread on their forums requesting it's release before the announcement, when the PS1 version leaked it was ESRB rated for PSN.

So sigh..... fuck Atlus.

I went and imported it, along with Valkyria Chonicles 3 (fuck Sega ;) ) from Sam (awesome CAG) over at The two games cost me around $30, plus about $15-20 to get forwarded by Sam and his wife Ai to me, which is still tons cheaper then dealing with Ebay ($80-90 for both shipped) or digitally on JPN PSN, where it'll cost almost $100 for both.

Don't even get me started on Xseed and the Legend of Heroes games (tale for another day). Atlus as a company is going to hell in a hand basket since Index took controlling interest, wouldn't surprise me they pull a Nautilis when Aruze killed'em or even worse a Sega when they merged with Sammy (shudder)

And I must say it one more time, because I truly must, but....

fuck Atlus.

Getting really hard to keep supporting them in anyway after this (which is not an isolated incident, nor the only one with me), but also SMT IV was announced only for 3DS, Soul Hackers as well, and most all of their other titles handheld only. And the fathers of Megaten Okada left long ago and Kaneko being pushed to the side while they kill the series he helped make famous...should just go through and play all of the older stuff and forget they even exist anymore, it's getting me down that much
NichM asked to be banned from GAF? :rofl:

Honestly I cannot truly fault them for this. PSP is long dead and I am not quite sure why other companies are still localizing games for it (though I'll gladly buy them!). We already have the original version of the game. And now they are releasing it on PSN. It sucks, but I really can't fault them and Sega (for VC3, though that's more BS since that IS the original version). Xseed can go fuck themselves though for Legend of Heroes. Don't make promises you can't keep.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']NichM asked to be banned from GAF? :rofl:

Honestly I cannot truly fault them for this. PSP is long dead and I am not quite sure why other companies are still localizing games for it (though I'll gladly buy them!). We already have the original version of the game. And now they are releasing it on PSN.

It sucks, but I really can't fault them and Sega (for VC3, though that's more BS since that IS the original version).

Xseed can go fuck themselves though for Legend of Heroes. Don't make promises you can't keep.[/QUOTE]

I do only because it seems like politics or internal BS that stopped the release, they could have done digital only to placate me and others and it would have sold very well (one of their longest and most popular threads on their site) So no reason to not release it, specially since now we don't get the localized Tetsuya missions that are exclusive to PSP from what I've read...

VC3, (and VC2 for that matter) should have always been on PS3, its nice a fan group is translating it, but still 1 ) good way to alienate all of the fanbase by releasing for a platform most of them dont have 2 ) then not releasing the last game in the series, yet they can keep pumping out crap games (Aliens) or things no one wants, way to go Sega.

Yeah, Xseed needs to take some of that Last Story money and get Trails 2 done by hiring a few more people, I say scrap the PSP version take the translation and release the PS3 HD versions on PSN and watch the money come on in. Personally I want the Zero no Kiseki games more, but they said they'd do them in order...which is dumb. Also with Zero on Vita now, there is no reason to hold off, sad thing is it's probably another series I'll have to import and try to slog through in Japanese, which is real fun since I don't read a bit of it.

This gen is starting to feel like the SNES days of missing so many good games, because of lack of initiative by the publishers and the inability to get things out to the public. People are willing to buy them, I'm sure their are translation houses out there looking for work, and coders that could help too, so again what's the hold up?
Is the LE difficult to find now? The game is still available on Amazon - is that a second printing sans the outer box and soundtrack?
I wouldn't mind rebuying Eternal punishment, but I don't buy psone games to just play them on my ps3/maybe vita (maybe, not sure, since I don't have a vita)
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[quote name='62t']Because there aren't enough people buying them, thats the sad truth.[/QUOTE]

Was already confirmed by Atlus (thru Nich) this was not the issue. The Atlus PSP games were selling well enough to turn a profit, this was something else...

I personally think they got cock-blocked by Index Corp over the game, there is no other reason this would have happened otherwise.

And that intro and music are so cool too, (I was sad, when I saw it looking for saved data and kinda hoped that it would be compatible with the US Innocent Sin, but I knew better...)

Then there's this...

See these here, I supported them (Atlus and other PSP game makers) and I still HAD to buy all but two of them as imports to be able to get them.

So if the case that PSP isn't selling we're still getting games digitally (which I would have been fine with) from Ignition, Xseed, and other companies, it's just Atlus decided to leave us high and dry (note how many Atlus titles are in the picture we never got
note that Princess Crown and Devil Summoner were games they supposedly lost the source codes too, but still...
and that we should have.

Note: Black Rock Shooter is still incoming from NISA, Class of Heroes 2 (and others, Vic Ireland is interested in, if he can get rights to release them) and a few other digital and limited physical editions are incoming, its not that they don't sell, just that there's not huge gains for profit in it for publishers, and that's the sad truth in the matter. :cry:

I'm just glad there are some fan translations coming for a few of those above Princess Crown for Saturn, and Valkyria Chronicles 3 have ongoing translations. EP has the PS1 version, but it isn't the same..., and I just put my Talkman on there since it never released in the states either, considering it was a pretty big seller overseas, so that doesn't make much sense.

Anyway that is the entirety of my PSP import UMD collection, I have some imports digitally (Patchwork Heroes, yes I know its on the US store), and Darius Burst (the UMD is crazy expensive) I might eventually grab Legend of Heroes Zero and Ai no Kiseki since I really liked the demo, but I need to make sure there is a walkthrough since I got stuck on the demo, since I read no JPN.

But there are literally tons of awesome JPN-only PSP titles (depending on taste) (mostly RPG's) that never made the trip over the pacific. Why is anyone's guess, I just hope Xseed, Ignition and Gaijinworks have success in supporting this with niche titles that we never got. And as long as they're not super lame (or things I don't care for), I will support their efforts.
[quote name='cloudmd23']Wait, what's going on with Legend of Heroes? (I happen to like XSEED, so I'm interested).[/QUOTE]

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']It's not just PSP, it's every console JRPG fans are getting screwed with translations.[/QUOTE]

I'm not going to argue that, but most major releases have come out for consoles. I'm in continued disbelief that Namco is supporting the Tales series like they have, and have expanded to Ni no Kuni and Dark Souls, that is shocking to me.

Is there some other console series, that got ignored I'm forgetting? (that your thinking of based on your comment?)

The handhelds on the other hand have gotten smashed with content, that no one is bringing over here at all. The ones on PSP I already mentioned, many DS and 3DS RPG's, it's insane.

[quote name='cloudmd23']Wait, what's going on with Legend of Heroes? (I happen to like XSEED, so I'm interested).[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Nothing. Absolutely nothing.[/QUOTE]

I'd concur, but add that they bit off more than they could chew. After all of this time you'd think they'd hire outside help to finish this game off, and to my knowledge they haven't even started on TitS: the 3rd yet. (lets not even mention the Zero series...grumble..grumble)

For SC first it was the problem of the dual UMD, then how to work that out digitally (even though Square solved the issue with FF: Type 0 ) then it was finishing the translation and then getting it reprogrammed (they're somewhere in between those two places right now last I read) They seriously need some in house or contractor programmers to assist.

Here's something that I can't seem to understand.

Why is it after the RPG boom of the mid-90's in almost two decades that none of these Japanese companies don't do dual translations by having staff on hand to do that, I know there is enough ex-pats in JPN who do that for a living now. Makes sense, no? (I know Capcom has a small staff of native English speakers, who do exactly that)

Also on the flip side, why is it that companies like Atlus, Xseed, etc. do not have in house / contractor programmers to deal with taking the translations and putting them in the game. It seems like Working Designs / Gaijinworks was the ONLY US company I know of that did/does something like that it only makes sense, and would be a smart move unless I'm missing something. I know Xseed has contracted out some work for Y's to a programmer here in the US, so why is this not common practice for these smaller translation houses?

That's what I want to really know, have they not learned anything in almost two decades?
I kinda wondered this myself, as the reason we never got Grand Knights History is because VanillaWare couldn't dedicate any time into implementing their translation since they were busy with Dragon's Crown.
[quote name='uncle5555']I'm not going to argue that, but most major releases have come out for consoles. I'm in continued disbelief that Namco is supporting the Tales series like they have, and have expanded to Ni no Kuni and Dark Souls, that is shocking to me.

Is there some other console series, that got ignored I'm forgetting? (that your thinking of based on your comment?)

The handhelds on the other hand have gotten smashed with content, that no one is bringing over here at all. The ones on PSP I already mentioned, many DS and 3DS RPG's, it's insane.


Yes, I was mostly talking the handhelds, but the ridiculous ordeal we had to go through to get Xenoblade here was asinine. And the 1.5-2 year waits on some games such as the Tales series is just atrocious. On consoles, they generally get over here, but it really seems like it's pulling teeth with Japanese publishers.
I was referring to every other RPG. Not enough people brought Legend of Heroes or VC2. Other games like Half Minute Hero and retro game challenge did horrible.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Yes, I was mostly talking the handhelds, but the ridiculous ordeal we had to go through to get Xenoblade here was asinine. And the 1.5-2 year waits on some games such as the Tales series is just atrocious. On consoles, they generally get over here, but it really seems like it's pulling teeth with Japanese publishers.[/QUOTE]

Thank NOA and Reggie for that. So little faith and foresight to release it over here but then something like Rhythm Heaven and Fortune Street come out with no problems and bomb horribly, makes you wonder is up at NOA HQ...

Also you see how badly they underestimated Fire Emblem, selling out due to doing a very conservative production run, and having to go produce more to meet demand, that should tell you all you need to know about NOA's ignorance when it comes to being in touch with their consumers, they need to take a page from NOE, who actually release what their fans want.

[quote name='62t']I was referring to every other RPG. Not enough people brought Legend of Heroes or VC2. Other games like Half Minute Hero and retro game challenge did horrible.[/QUOTE]

LoH was an unproven franchise (look how long it took for Ys to catch on here in the US, let along Falcom in general, it's going to take time and word of mouth) which is why I recommend for them to release the HD releases of LoH on PSN.

Valkyria 2 was Sega basically alienating the entire fan base who spread through word of mouth and loved the PS3 version then flipped them the bird and said here's how we reward your loyalty, and well we see how well that worked out for Sega.

HMH and the Game Center CX game were too niche, unless you were into the show, you weren't going to play the game, and HMH, it is intense, but that's not enough to keep people engaged to buy it and make big sales.

They seriously needed to pick better titles with a bit more appeal to them.

Be looking forward to the stragglers this year to see what we get as the PSP sails off into the sunset.
bread's done