[quote name='wtsutton']Those little bastard Golden Hands. I'm like 55 hours in and I think I'm around level 60ish and have access to the Almighty skills.
I can't tell you how many times I got into a fight, saw four golden hands and instantly sported one of those gamer "I'm about to cash in on exp and $$$" boners. I would hit them with an Almighty and have all four of them way down on HPs right out of the gate, only to have three of them bolt off while the fourth stays jumping around like an idiot.
Makes me want to throw the Vita.
Have you guys aced a mid-term yet? I didn't pull it off until the third exam. It took a great deal of restraint to not look up the answers on GameFaq.
Every time I see that one female teacher, Van Halen's "Hot For Teacher" starts playing in my head. Both of them.
[/QUOTE]I suggest focusing all your attention on one Golden Hand at a time until it's dead and then moving on to the next one. If I can get a player advantage, I can kill at least one Golden Hand before they even get a chance to attack/retreat.
I actually aced the first mid-term I took but I've used a guide for every mid-term since lol.
Has anyone found a guide for the Midnight Trivia Miracle Quiz? I've looked and can't seem to find one. I haven't unlocked the Finals yet but after playing through and beating the Prelims and Playoffs, I'm dreading them.