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Share what you fear!

Personally, I cringe anytime I see a spider. Arachnaphobia is what I suffer from. Anytime I see one of these eight-legged punks, I freak out.

Today, while doing some massive cleaning of my room (by my standards, at least; [IE: vaccuming]), I came across this spider in my closet. He had constructed a web in a corner that I'm oblivious to my eye on most occassions; today, unfortunately, I made eye contact with this fellow. He didn't flinch. Despite me being hundreds of times his size, he stood his ground. I decided he had the upper-hand, so I left, for the time being, planning on returning when I was better-prepared.

I took the necessary precautions: gloved my tissue-holding hand, grabbed some RAID insect repellent, and added a flashlight, to help light the dark 'n' scary corner. I contemplated whether or not I should kill this Hell-sent demon. It was my life at risk, of course. I opted to go through with it anyway. I layed the flashlight on the ground. (Fortunately, the web was low to the ground, and it was actually lit quite well.) Next, I practiced my motions a few times. Being right-handed, I had to practice my spraying of the RAID with my left hand -- not an easy task. (My right hand was being saved for the actual squashing of the beast, of course, and I had to have it ready so that the transition from spray-to-squash was nearly instantaneous.)

I started the battle by releasing what seemed like a gallon of the posionus insect repellent. The bastard quickly fell to the ground, then proceeded to take solace in a piece of carpet that obstructed my view. I sprayed again. He wobbled out, noticably shaken. He curled his legs towards his body, shrinking him down to the size of a pea. (I assure you, he was at least twenty-two times that to begin with! Erm...OK, at least two! Uhm...alright, two times that, including leg span...but still!) I figured that was his last hurray, but for a moment, it appeared I was mistaken: despite being in shambles on his back, he wasn't going to give up. One of his legs shot up into the air, in a very resiliant-hero-pumps-hand-into-air-after-being-pummled-by-huge-load-of-rubble-esque way. Expecting the other seven legs to do the same, I gripped the can tightly...thankfully, just as quickly as it had shot up, the leg fell back down. A path to his heart was opened up, and I possessed the dagger. I swopped in with my cloth, picked him up and squeezed with all my might.

Guilt-stricken as I was, I flushed him down the toilet, hoping he'd make it to Spidey Heaven.

Who knew that killing a little measely spider could lead to such an unforgettable adventure!?
[quote name='red flare graf']Public speaking. Definitely public speaking.[/QUOTE]

That too. I may never graduate if only because of the speech class requirement. :lol:
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']That too. I may never graduate if only because of the speech class requirement. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yep.. I'm trying to save that one for last. My stomach knots up just thinking about it.
I also have a fear of spiders. Small ones don't bother me much though. But the one thing that makes me running around like a little girl are balloons. Yes, that's right - balloons. Its something about sudden, loud noises that get me. Or at least sudden, loud noises that I know will eventually happen. I even used to be afraid of fireworks, but those were just too pretty to hate.
Public speaking and being comfortable (in life) .. I don't know why, but I hate when life gets comfortable.. something awful is usually around the corner.
I, too, fear and despise spiders. They freak me out to an irrationally insane level. I also have a problem with heights; I can get nauseous when I walk near the railing on the third floor of the Mall of America. I can barely move when I'm on the fourth.
I used to have a fea of height. But then I was forced to carry 30 pound lights up a 40 foot ladder, hang on to the ladder using only my legs, and attach the lights to a pole. That sort of forced me to get over it.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']That too. I may never graduate if only because of the speech class requirement. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I got over that from being in band. Since I was in everything musically, and the best on my instrument, I had no choice but to solo in front of hundreds of people. Once you can play in front of a packed auditorium, a class full of people dumber than you is easy :)

My one main fear now is spiders. Ever since I had a couple drop on my while I was in bed as a kid (I flipped the whole mattress over when I saw them falling off the ceiling, and bear in mind, this was like first grade :lol: ), I just can't deal with them. I don't care what size or how non-dangerous they are, I hates me some spiders.
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']Ever since I had a couple drop on my while I was in bed as a kid (I flipped the whole mattress over when I saw them falling off the ceiling, and bear in mind, this was like first grade :lol: )[/QUOTE]

That sounds freaky as hell, I have to admit. I don't have a big fear of spiders but I definitely have a fear of 50 baby spiders ballooning through my fucking house.
I'm going with heights. Spiders, snakes, even public speaking doesn't bother me, but put me on a ladder 20 feet off the ground, thats it.
Seems like a lot of CAGers have arachnaphobia. Well, my only fear is being too successful. It might sound ridiculous but like Scorch said, it's when you're most comfortable that shit happens. Also, being successful opens you up to a lot of jealousy and behind-the-back talk which sets you up for the potential for hate and violent acts towards you.
Failing those who depend on me, and the loss of loved ones.
Everything else only functions on it's shock value.

Just give them the big stomp. Problem solved.
I'm afraid of dead things, especially dead things that weren't pets. I'd rather have 50 spiders crawling on me than one dead one on me. I also stopped using a couch for a month (we have to living room like rooms, with a couch in each, so it wasn't essential) because I found a dead mouse under it.
Social phobia here. I pretty much freak out in any social situation, to varying degrees. I'm not nearly bad as I used to be, though. After a few years of working in retail and having irate customers bitching at me day in and day out, I'm not as easily phased anymore.
I have a ridiculous fear of most bugs, especially the creepy crawly ones. In my dorm last year I encountered a cockroach in the bathroom (albeit a small one). I freaked out and held up a magazine to drop on it, but it ducked under the sink or someplace. Every time I saw it in the bathroom I would bolt out, but my roommates would never see it.

Eventually I got the jump on him and dropped one of my roommate's old Scientific Americans on it, and left it there for someone else to clean up. More often than not I'll run away from the bug and make someone else kill it, though.

I also get severe performance anxiety. I'm very scared of people thinking I'm dumb or lethargic towards work, and as a result I shy away from a lot of things, including playing a lot of games with friends sometimes - though playing music for years has made me better about it, once I'm comfortable with the people I'm around I'm not so bad.
i have several fears that are like phobias i think... kinda

i have this fear of like.. sliding down a long tube.. but the tube ends up getting more and more narrow as it goes down, and i get stuck in the bottom [another part of this fear involves other people sliding down behind me, so not only am i stuck at the bottom, i have others stuck right above me with all of their weight on me]

also this isnt really a phobia but it kinda freaks me out everytime i see it... like.. anything the size of a family boat or bigger sinking in water, whether it be in a lake or in an ocean.

if i were like in the water of a lake and something large like a large boat or plane was sunk in the lake, but part of it was sticking out of the surface, and i was in the water right next to it... i would be very very very uneasy/anxious i guess you would say. Not sure why but that would freak me out.
[quote name='Cracka']if i were like in the water of a lake and something large like a large boat or plane was sunk in the lake, but part of it was sticking out of the surface, and i was in the water right next to it... i would be very very very uneasy/anxious i guess you would say. Not sure why but that would freak me out.[/QUOTE]

Seaweed and whatnot freaks me the hell out. I don't know if that's related or not.
You guys mentioned most of my phobias: spiders (bugs in general), height, public speaking, etc... I also don't like lizards, snakes, and frogs.
I've always had a slight fear of heights and some social situations. I've mostly gotten over my social fears in college but heights can still bother me.
[quote name='jaykrue']Seems like a lot of CAGers have arachnaphobia. Well, my only fear is being too successful. It might sound ridiculous but like Scorch said, it's when you're most comfortable that shit happens. Also, being successful opens you up to a lot of jealousy and behind-the-back talk which sets you up for the potential for hate and violent acts towards you.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you're just paranoid. :lol:

[quote name='evilmregg']Social phobia here. I pretty much freak out in any social situation, to varying degrees. I'm not nearly bad as I used to be, though. After a few years of working in retail and having irate customers bitching at me day in and day out, I'm not as easily phased anymore.[/QUOTE]

And the alcohol and zoloft probably don't hurt. ;)
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Sounds like you're just paranoid. :lol: [/QUOTE]

Which it was paranoia but it's true enough in my life. :bomb:
I was a little wuss in elementary and junior high in overall "socialness". But then I found out that my mouth works better without my brain.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']And the alcohol and zoloft probably don't hurt. ;)[/QUOTE]

Bingo. It's unfortunate that the two work against each other, because together they're an unstoppable duo. Frankly, though, being drunk has gotten me more action lately than being on happy pills. Make of that what you will.
I don't have any unreasonable fears. Yes, screaming like a 3 year old when you see a spider is unreasonable. I find it stupid to say the least. There are things I don't like doing. I don't like holding bugs, but thats only because I don't know if they bite. If I know a little bit about them I'll grab them and get rid of them. I just dont like grabbing something that might be a stink bug and it sprays shit all over me or bites me and I get a giant infected sore. I actually like bugs and could watch them all day. i was going to get an ant farm, but someone told me they don't actually grow anything... lazy fuckers. :sad:

I like heights and climb trees all the time. I've jumped off bridges and I'd like to go sky diving.

I love swimming.

I like giving speaches because I like entertaining people. I do get a little knot in my stomach, but it doesn't terrify me.

I love playing with fire even though I've set myself on fire.

I just want to smack people when they scream over a little bug...
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I don't have a fear of heights, just a fear of falling from high places. Totally different. ;)[/QUOTE]

i have a fear of what comes next: what if I trip and fall in the canyon? how fast will the roller coaster go? etc.

also I'm incredibly proud to say that I love public speaking and fire
I have agrophobia (fear of open spaces). Its pretty nasty. Can only drive on roads with 2 lanes, when outside i try to run from one place to another just to keep in an area with something over my head. Arenas are out of the question. Also have fear of heights. So I don't get ot very much.
I hate bugs....especially when they are in my bedroom ....which they are all time time now.....I can deal with the really tiny ones though.....
I can't stand these ones:

And lately I can't stand these ones for some reason:

At least I have my boyfriend living with me, hehe.
OH NOES!!! its a moth!!!! It might... er... It'll possibly... uh... FLY INTO YOUR LIGHTBULB!!!! :shock:
[quote name='Kayden']OH NOES!!! its a moth!!!! It might... er... It'll possibly... uh... FLY INTO YOUR LIGHTBULB!!!! :shock:[/QUOTE]

I know! Then it will eat me!! :roll:

I know that it's stupid, but I can't help it, LOL
Bees. Bees freak the hell out of me. Even ones I know can't sting you, they still scare me. I think it's from being stung one too many times as a child.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']I don't have a fear of heights, just a fear of falling from high places. Totally different. ;)[/QUOTE]

Same with me. I love high places such as airplanes, buildings, and bridges, but I look over the edge, I get all freaked out and have to get to the nearest wall.
I dont have a whole lot of fears, mostly fear of gross stuff, since I have a weak gag reflex. I can deal with nasty pictures on the internet, but if anyone throws up near me I'll be next if I dont leave the room.

I also have a paranoid fear of large mythical ocean creatures coming up from the depths to swallow me if I'm ever swimming alone, kinda like the thing in water-world.

Then there's that fear of everyone seeing me naked.
[quote name='weimerwanger']I also have a paranoid fear of large mythical ocean creatures coming up from the depths to swallow me if I'm ever swimming alone, kinda like the thing in water-world.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I know what you mean. Sometimes when I go to my lake and swim when it's getting late, I feel the same way. There's this large water trampoline off shore, and whenever I jump off of it when it's getting late, I admittedly get a teeny bit quesy. Even like a big-ass fish or something. @_@ Like those 150 LB catfish! (Granted, there aren't catfish in our lake...but still.)

[quote name='Kayden']I I just want to smack people when they scream over a little bug...[/QUOTE]


[quote name='The Dictionary']pho·bi·a

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.[/quote]

I understand where you're coming from, but...that's kinda what a phobia is: a fear that isn't necessarily "justified."

I don't like why I'm so freaked out from spiders. Maybe it's the way their legs move? It's not the quanity of legs...ants don't scare me, neither do millipedes or anything. I think it's the way a lot of 'em have their legs all...creepy and crap when they move!

Now, I don't know if this counts as being scared of heights, but: I have a really hard time leaning on railings when I'm high up. I always think they're going to give way. Even if it's just like 10 feet up, I always envision a bolt coming loose and me plunging to my death. Is that fear or heights or something else?
[quote name='weimerwanger']I dont have a whole lot of fears, mostly fear of gross stuff, since I have a weak gag reflex. I can deal with nasty pictures on the internet, but if anyone throws up near me I'll be next if I dont leave the room.

I also have a paranoid fear of large mythical ocean creatures coming up from the depths to swallow me if I'm ever swimming alone, kinda like the thing in water-world.

Then there's that fear of everyone seeing me naked.[/QUOTE]

Just totally off topic here, I dig pbf.
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