Phone recommendations?


110 (100%)
I'm thinking about changing phones. Right now I have a Blackberry Curve 8300 series. It's alright, but outdated.

I'm looking for something with a bit more robust internet browsing experience(especially with Youtube), Netflix capabilities, more options for organizing mp3 or something close to that.

I think I read that only the iPhone does Netflix but I wanted to be sure.
iPhone, nothing else is even worth messing with. I'm fairly certain that you can get Netflix on Windows 7 phones and I wouldn't doubt that there's some sort of Android program, even if it isn't fully legit that will stream from Netflix or a Netflix like entity.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Does IPhone do well with Youtube and Hulu? Does it use memory cards to expand capacity?[/QUOTE]

no memory cards, storage is set.

it does great with youtube, netflix, hulu, etc. Even on 3G (YMMV), zero problems while on wifi.
Not sure about Hulu because I haven't tried but Youtube is great on Iphone4. Netflix is awesome also. There are no memory cards to expand capacity. You do realize the iPhone 4's smallest capacity is 16GB, right? That's a fair amount of space as is.
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[quote name='GuilewasNK']Does IPhone do well with Youtube and Hulu? Does it use memory cards to expand capacity?[/QUOTE]

Hulu, IDK. Netflix & Youtube is great on iphone to me. Memory Cards, no. You buy an 8gb, you only have an 8gb.
I have had a 32GB iPhone for almost a year now and I maybe have 3GB filled on it. There's just no need with all of the streaming options available. I do carry a separate 120GB iPod classic for music but Pandora streams nicely and there are ways to stream from your iTunes library remotely.
[quote name='Javery']I have had a 32GB iPhone for almost a year now and I maybe have 3GB filled on it. There's just no need with all of the streaming options available. I do carry a separate 120GB iPod classic for music but Pandora streams nicely and there are ways to stream from your iTunes library remotely.[/QUOTE]

yeah i was thinking about buying an ipod classic because of my music. i have a 32GB iphone and only have 1GB free. but thats because i have over 20GB of music on there and cant bring myself to delete it.
[quote name='Javery']there are ways to stream from your iTunes library remotely.[/QUOTE]

Do tell as I have 28GB of tunes on my phone and that seems weird.
I went from a 8330 Curve to iPhone back in February. I was one of those long time VZW subscribers patiently waiting for the iPhone though. Still, after owning one for a few months, I couldn't imagine switching to anything else.

Sure, there are a few things you might miss as a previous BB owner like:
1) LED indicator
2) BBM
3) Profiles and custom ringtones for SMS/MMS
4) Micro SD cards
5) Physical keyboard

But I've learned to adjust. The advantages FAR outweigh the drawbacks. It's really nice having a device that's reliable for web browsing and doesn't freeze up at least once a week. My old BB was terrible.

Apps and games are another advantage. Android has a decent market, but iOS will ALWAYS be priority for developers. Also, I find iTunes to be pretty simple for managing music, podcasts, apps, etc.

I don't know if you could wait until September (or possibly 2012) for the next iPhone. Chances are it will just be a minor bump in specs (faster processor, higher MP camera, more storage). The OS is more likely to receive more attention this year and the iPhone 4 will get the upgrade too. I'd just go ahead and get one now (unless you want to wait for the white version coming soon).
[quote name='seanr1221']I'd hold off till June-September for the next iPhone.[/QUOTE]

Yep, it's not a great time to buy a phone right now. The new iPhone will probably be announced in June and come out in September per current rumors, and that will spur the next wave of Android phones.

I'll keep rocking my LG Voyager for now and not having a contract. I'm going to be out of the country for a month over the summer anyway, so I don't want to get a new phone wiht a data plan I can't use for a month (since Verizon isn't global currently) anyway.
Droid 2's great. QWERTY keyboard FTW (also has touch keyboard). I don't use Netflix, but can't you stream movies at

I just hate how the YouTube "queue/playlist bar" over laps comments and recommended videos when using the "Desktop Site" (anyway to fix this?)

This thing is deluxe with a wood grain finish and custom brass fittings! Its the whole 9 yards, and comes with many built-in functions such as the ability to hang it on your wall for easier use, and the ability to use it to write phone numbers on. It is voice operated as well! Just pick up the receiver and tell the switchboard operator who you want to talk to!

Look at that wood grain!

...and the bells on the upper front portion of it kinda look like bewbies. ;)
The high end Android phones are really comparable to the iPhone. Id say it just comes down to whether you would think you want a keyboard or not. iPhone if no, Android if yes. There's not a whole lot you'd find yourself doing on one and not the other.

If you can hold off for a bit, a new crop of phones is coming out over summer that will be more future proof.
[quote name='QiG']The high end Android phones are really comparable to the iPhone. Id say it just comes down to whether you would think you want a keyboard or not. iPhone if no, Android if yes. There's not a whole lot you'd find yourself doing on one and not the other.[/QUOTE]

Most high end Android phones don't have a qwerty...?
It all depends on your carrier. If you're stuck with AT&T, then nothing but the iPhone. AT&T has pretty much castrated their Android lineup with a bunch of bloatware and WP7 isn't well developed enough to have any kind of decent developer following. It's getting there, but just not quite.

If you're on Verizon, then Android all the way! The HTC Thunderbolt is a rocking phone. 4G speeds are pretty nuts(I'm currently rocking an EVO 4G) and the larger screen is definitely something that I can't live without. Not to mention the expandable memory, easier to customize homescreens and better apps, in my opinion.

They both have pluses and minuses, but I would take the time to get to know both phones before you make any major decisions. Most people who start with one phone ecosystem generally stick with it, since people generally enjoy familiarity, so make sure that it's something you can live with forever.

Both the iPhone and high end Android phones are incredible and great devices, but it all comes down to personal preference.
My current carrier is US Cellular, but I would be switching to Verizon most likely. A buddy of mine has AT&T and said it is awful here.

Honestly, I think Netflix is probably the main thing on my mind at the moment.

I guess I'll wait until the new iPhones come out before I decide.
If you want to try the iPhone you can go to an Apple store and actually try it. So if you have an Apple Store in your vicinity, check it out. I'm not sure if there's a lot of options for trying before buying with Android other then asking friends/family to let you try theirs. When I see them at stores they're either fakes or in any case unusable, but admittedly I haven't researched it lately since I'm not in the market. I have an iPhone 4 and love it with the one exception that the battery life still isn't as good as it needs to be (it is much better then the 3GS, though). The battery life is pretty good, but I do have to charge it every day and sometimes more then every day, depending on how much I'm using it and what I'm using it for.
Carrier stores typically have all of their phones as functioning models. No point in trying to sell a product that doesn't work!

Asking friends is sometimes helpful, but you'll typically find a lot of bias that way. Most people with iPhones are hardcore iPhone and most people with Android are hardcore Android. I have an Android and while Apple makes a nice phone, I wouldn't switch over to one.

Like I said, the best thing you can do is pop into your local Verizon store and try them out for yourself. Ask a sales rep for help. If they're knowledgeable(most aren't, unfortunately), they'll be able to help you out with your questions. However, when you're ready to buy your new phone, make sure you go to Best Buy. They have the cheapest prices and don't require any mail in rebates to give you savings on the phones, not to mention they're non commission, so they'll(hopefully) be looking for your best interests.
[quote name='thecoryjihad']

Asking friends is sometimes helpful, but you'll typically find a lot of bias that way. Most people with iPhones are hardcore iPhone and most people with Android are hardcore Android. I have an Android and while Apple makes a nice phone, I wouldn't switch over to one.


I would say iPhone is getting a lot of casual user as well
What I meant by that is the people that have them are all about that phone and nothing else, not that they're hardcore users or anything. My mother-in-law has a low end Android phone and she uses it to call, text, check Facebook and play Angry Birds. Definitely not a hardcore user.
[quote name='doubledown']I believe some Android phones will also stream Netflix....they must have the Snapdragon processor or something though.[/QUOTE]

Netflix has said that only certain chipsets from Qualcomm have the necessary copy protection for them to allow it. However, they've not enumerated which these are except to say "New android devices" and have not announced a launch date or phone compatibility. If he wants to go for Verizon, maybe he'll get lucky and the thunderbolt will have netflix in the future, but I wouldn't stake my life on it.

The only option for android users right now is playon, which is a service that will allow you to play netflix and hulu. Unfortunately, it has a monthly fee ($10 I think).

Only other option besides iPhone is to wait for WP7 devices on Verizon.
Last phone was Android new is Sprint's WP7 phone, the HTC Arrive.

I love Android and the amount of customization it has.

But for the everyday user, WP7 is way ahead of Android in ease of use/access. It's still missing some rather big features though (it's still first gen), but overall WP7 is the platform to watch in the next coming year.
I've been curious about the Arrive. Being a Sprint Premier customer, I can upgrade once a year, so I'll be looking to that for my next phone swap. However, I really dig the 4G speeds and the 4.3" screen of my Evo, so hopefully Sprint will have something comparable in a WP7 device.
Yeah I have the once a year too. You won't see any real WP7 upgrades (from the standard 1ghz, Adreno 200 GPU, 3G) until Christmas time at best. Nokia is expected to start rolling devices out early '12, I think that's when things will really start to pick up.
Yea I would wait until Summer. Althought 3g is fast...... you might just wait til more 4g phones are out as most likely they will phase out 3g all together by the end of summer. If you are going to be locked into a 2 year contract, might as well be on 4g as there will be no more 3g phones for sale.

Also word is that Verizon will be switching to a tier data plan by summer. I can't find the details about that so I don't know if it will be good or bad. Maybe they will jack up the unlimited data to 50 bucks..I am looking at other providers data plan to see if verizon will come up with something similar to their tier plan.

As for the's the first 4g it's not the best one, just the first one. Also people are reporting battery issues and dropping off the 4g network at times, which means that the tech is still buggy.
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