Play Doh-tee-tee (OTT you dumbasses)

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[quote name='Rocko']At the very least, you can't deny it has a good beat.[/quote]Not bad. It's really muddy so that may be why I'm not totally into it. I still want that gold digger song, though.

[quote name='TFN']It looks a lot better than Chick Fil A.[/quote]It is. Total yummers. Come up and visit sometime. I'll treat.

Happy Valentines, guys. Be mine.
[quote name='TFN'] , Shrike.[/quote]Thanks, TFN.

[quote name='JolietJake']Chik Fil A like place that only sells chicken.[/quote]Looks like. :drool:

[quote name='TFN']It looks a lot better than Chick Fil A.[/quote]Indeed it does.

[quote name='AngellicLulu']Zaxby's is better than chickfila in the fact it has Texas Toast and.... Zaxs Sauce. Man, I'm addicted to that stuff.[/quote]Nearest one from here is in AR. :cry:
[quote name='shrike4242']Nearest one from here is in AR. :cry:[/quote]Next time you're in atl, I'll treat.

Lulu, what's this "convince?" What guy is refusing a lady her simple request?
Zaxby's isn't bad, i don't like the sauce though, i get honey mustard. Their fried mushrooms are good though. :)

Also, they charge for extra sauce, those bastards.
[quote name='TFN']You have a wife and kids, Shrike![/quote]First I didn't know about the Mrs, but he's got kids too? What else has he been keeping from me?

Gwen will just trap you and ruin your life.
That's true enough.

(She's my valentine, back off.)
awww... yay! I has a valentine now.
The Romney endorsement of McCain is funny. See if you cna catch a clip on the news.

John McCain looks like he's standing next to a hated new son-in-law while Romney looks like the oblivious guy giving the speech thanking everyone at the reception.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I have no fucking clue other than the PS3 must have extremely lax security. They should get some Norton or have Sony by a security company like Google did for their gmail. I can't redownload, but it doesn't really matter. I have Live point cards for that. The only thing I really miss is Castlevania, but I should have bought that on 360 anyway. Tekken was the sole reason I got this damn machine anyway, fucking bastards. I had MK 2 and a couple other things, but i didn't really play them much and UMK3/MK2 are on Live anyway. At least they didn't cost too much.....everything could be worse I guess...

Anyway, are there PSn cards out yet? I just want Tekken and I'm done with buying from the PSN/PS3.[/quote]That's odd man.

I have tons of stuff off PSN. I've never heard of anyone's account getting 'hacked'.
You weren't gamesharing with shady people were you?

Just grab Tekken, but get Everyday Shooter too. It needs love.
[quote name='shrike4242']Wife, yes, kids no. So, you're only half right.[/quote]I don't know what to believe any more. Things can never be the same! ;)

Lower the gravity by about 95% and I'm sure I could pull it off.
I think the chicken will be cold by the time we make it out of the earths' gravity.

I'm actually TFN. ;)
Then you owe me a TM since like a week ago.
I got paid cash money from the state goverment today. Only six days since I filed my taxes.

Time to blow it all on $1.99 phone sex lines for Valentines.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Dude at GS tried to argue with me about the GH guitars not working on that Rock Band. Stupid register monkey.[/QUOTE]

They don't on PS3.

Oh, and Everyday Shooter is the best game on That Triple.
Going home.

Traffic on Valentines' Day sucks from experience.

Oh well, I'll put the top down and take the scenic route.
[quote name='zewone']They don't on PS3.[/QUOTE]

Well, yeah. Kinda hard to make that point when I handed him a 360 copy.

'I've had some people tell me it works, and some that says it doesn't.'

'Some people are stupid.'
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']I can provide the Ensure.

First Pampers/Depends, and now Ensure?

I'm taking my walker and going home to yell at the kids on my lawn. :oldman:
[quote name='shrike4242']:roll:

First Pampers/Depends, and now Ensure?

I'm taking my walker and going home to yell at the kids on my lawn. :oldman:[/QUOTE]

Off topic, but STL has the shittiest airport I've ever been in.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Off topic, but STL has the shittiest airport I've ever been in.[/quote]Depends on which terminal you're in. The East Terminal, which is for Southwest, is pretty good. Rest of the airport, yeah, it sucks. No question there.
[quote name='shrike4242']Depends on which terminal you're in. The East Terminal, which is for Southwest, is pretty good. Rest of the airport, yeah, it sucks. No question there.[/QUOTE]

Dunno which terminal I was in, it was about five years ago (to the day, nearly). Ate in this cafeteria thing that was straight out of the 70s.

And you know when you land, you usually get a bounce and roll? We got a impact, slide, bounce, slide, bounce and roll. Nearly ran off the tarmac.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']My 360 is beeping like...a beeping bastard.[/QUOTE]

like... Strell's mom doing the moon walk. SNAP!
I'm back.

[quote name='shrike4242']I owe you a TM? Dare I ask what a TM is, in respects to my alter-ego TFN?[/quote]Text message. We have these things called phones. It's an upgrade over the two cans and a string.

[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']I can has valentine?[/quote]
Of course.

[quote name='shrike4242']I'm taking my walker and going home to yell at the kids on my lawn. :oldman:[/quote]We're all gonna pitch in and buy you that walker with the little honker horn, streamers, an orange flag and a review mirror.

[quote name='DT778']How much was the gamecube when it was first released?[/quote]199.99.
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