Playstation 15 year anniversary

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Sony invites fans to help celebrate the fifteen year anniversary with several special discounts and free items available through the PlayStation Network.

  • Free downloadable PS3 & PSP static themes available for download on the PlayStation Store starting today
  • Weekly discounts on select PS One titles within the PlayStation 15th anniversary collection page, available in all SCEA territories on PS3, PSP & Media Go Storefronts. In addition to a 50 percent sale on Super Rub A Dub (Super Rub A Dub offer good from Thursday, September 9, 2010 - through Monday, September 20, 2010).
  • A PlayStation Home commemorative Original PlayStation® (PS One) ornament for personal spaces available starting today.
*hoping OP would keep the first post updated with the sale games so we don't have to read through dozens of console war posts to find out every week*
[quote name='pochaccoheaven']no! rofl! okami hold up as legends?! rofl! why didn't anyone bought the game during the first, second and third release for the ps2? the ps2 is just as bad and as good as any other console.[/QUOTE]

Ermmmm first off its pretty darn pointless to link to a video that states that the PS2 is lucky not overrated. If you think that video points out that the PS2 was a junk or overrated console you are wrong, it points out that at the time Sony entered into the market with both the PS1 and PS2 that everything was set up for the systems to be a success. The video discusses how things had lined up like developers being angry with Nintendo, Sega's fuck ups and consumers being ready to move on from VHS....not a lack of games. So next time you want to post a video to back up your point....make sure it actually does so vs making a completely different point.

Second off nothing is showing but your ignorance when you scoff at Okami and make it seem like sales matter at all. If quality mattered we would see games like it and Sly Cooper moving millions upon millions but instead we see stuff like Wii Fit and Mario Party being smash successes. You may not like it, but its just a basic fact that the PS2 library was massive and full of both the smash hits your talking about as well as overlooked stuff like Klonoa and Okami.
[quote name='6er']*hoping OP would keep the first post updated with the sale games so we don't have to read through dozens of console war posts to find out every week*[/QUOTE]

Seriously. This is getting out of hand.
[quote name='grap3fruitman']Can we get away from the console wars discussion and get back on topic gentlemen?[/QUOTE]Flushed out some non-necessary post from the thread. I hope that will fix things and put us back on-topic.
can't believe it's 15 years... I had a paper route and saved up $320 ($20 was tax) to pick up the Playstation shortly after it came out. 13 at the time. Ah, memories indeed.
[quote name='velvet396']can't believe it's 15 years... I had a paper route and saved up $320 ($20 was tax) to pick up the Playstation shortly after it came out. 13 at the time. Ah, memories indeed.[/QUOTE]
Dude, for me it was mowing lawns. I scraped up all my pennies, and went in there with my mom to buy it. I felt like a total idiot when she told the cashier "He saved up all his money to buy this!" I was like, shut up mom, he doesnt care! Ah, memories!
[quote name='CaptainJoel']My first Playstation memories are Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 and Spider-Man. I freaking loved Tony Hawk back in the day.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, I loved Tony Hawk Pro Skater as well. It was the first really fun skateboarding game in a long time. Another thing was I absolutely loved the soundtrack, because I was huge really into punk and ska at the time. The Dead Kennedys "Police Truck", Goldfinger "Superman", Primus "Jerry Was A Race Car Driver" The Vandals "Euro-Barge", Suicidal Tendencies "Cyco Vision", The Suicide Machines "New Girl", and Unsane "Committed"
I remember playing the THPS demo and loving it, then renting it at the local Movie Gallery. It was always in, then when word of mouth got around, I never saw it in anymore. People ate it up, then Neversoft played it to death, just like they have done with Guitar Hero :(
[quote name='mr_bungle']People ate it up, then Neversoft played it to death, just like they have done with Guitar Hero :([/QUOTE]It was more Activision demand to flood the market than Neversoft's fault for those two series declines.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']One of my best psone memories was playing Resident Evil for the first time and jumping because of those fucking dogs.[/QUOTE]

Those damn dogs scared the shit out of me when I was playing it... and my wife who was watching.
Since we're all throwing in memories, I'd love to share mine as well.

I remember in November of 1995 going down to Sears with my parents to pick up a Playstation and Mortal Kombat 3 for his birthday. It came with a demo of Jumping Flash, which I haven't played since then, but remember fondly loving it and still, to this day, wanting to play it. I remember being a little younger (around seven) and watching him play all the time. Twisted Metal, Clock Tower, D (what a weird but awesome game), Resident Evil (terrifying. We look back now and think of how crappy it looks, but I remember that being top notch)... Then, when I got a little older, I started playing as well. Final Fantasy VII, renting Blasto from the local video store (Moovies), renting Mega Man Legends and Jade Cocoon from Pick n' Save... Playing Monster Rancher for hours, trying to find the best discs around the house to use... Buying Final Fantasy VIII in mid-2000 when my stepdad came back from Germany, and before our Best Buy changed and turned into crap...

I personally think the PS2 was the best system in my lifetime (I just can't get into the SNES or Genesis like others, but I did watch/play both for years in my early childhood) but the PS1 makes me think of the best time in my life. It was a wonderful era where we started moving from the impossible to the possible, like having internet that is always connected and super-fast speeds, CG really becoming a staple in movies, making impossible shots and films possible... I do really love going back and reading video game magazines from around 1996 - 2002, as that is where I think I spent the most time drooling over what new games were coming out and how badass Metal Gear Solid 2 would be :D
Damn right!

[quote name='Thrinn']It was more Activision demand to flood the market than Neversoft's fault for those two series declines.[/QUOTE]
My best PS1 memory was the year that Final Fantasy VII came out and I spent my entire X-Mas vacation hogging the living room TV at my uncle's house. The whole family sat there and watched me play hours upon hours of poorly localized JRPG whether they wanted to or not.

What made it extra awesome was taking my X-Mas money with me to the mall on the 26th of December where I purchased Castlevania Symphony of the Night.

So FFVII + SotN = pretty rad X-Mas vacation.
Final Fantasy 7 and Symphony of the Night at the same time was CRAZY :whistle2:D 1997 was an awesome year for games. Was it '98 with Metal Gear Solid? And then Resident Evil 2 coming out...maybe early '98? Awesome stuff.
I'll never forget getting FFVII for $25 the week it came out using a Target rain-check for a different game. All I asked was could I get FF instead for that price since they were out of what I was looking for. To this day, I still can't believe they approved it. It was the first FF I owned, as well.

I was such a smart kid.
[quote name='Jodou']I'll never forget getting FFVII for $25 the week it came out using a Target rain-check for a different game. All I asked was could I get FF instead for that price since they were out of what I was looking for. To this day, I still can't believe they approved it. It was the first FF I owned, as well.

I was such a smart kid.[/QUOTE]

Just shows there's a little-cheapass in all of us.
Here are some of my most memorable PS One experiences.

- Playing Homerun Derby in Triple Play 97 with my crappy AIWA subwoofer right behind me. I'd get punched in the back every time I hit a huge homer. It was awesome.

- Final Fantasy VIII coming out on the same day as the Dreamcast launched. I played it for about an hour... then never touched it again. (A mistake, but it is a PS memory.)

- Scraping together enough money to buy Final Fantasy Tactics a few weeks after I was fired from my job, knowing that I wouldn't be able to buy another game for a while. I played a crap ton of that game as a result of my unemployment.
[quote name='psunami']Here are some of my most memorable PS One experiences.

- Playing Homerun Derby in Triple Play 97 with my crappy AIWA subwoofer right behind me. I'd get punched in the back every time I hit a huge homer. It was awesome.

- Final Fantasy VIII coming out on the same day as the Dreamcast launched. I played it for about an hour... then never touched it again. (A mistake, but it is a PS memory.)

- Scraping together enough money to buy Final Fantasy Tactics a few weeks after I was fired from my job, knowing that I wouldn't be able to buy another game for a while. I played a crap ton of that game as a result of my unemployment.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you know, Final Fantasy 8 had such bad timing, and the fact that it can be hard to get into at first didn't help. I think I started and quit that game twice.

Gave it one final shot when my brother insisted it was awesome, and I finally "got" how I was supposed to play it, and indeed it is awesome. Still not my favorite in the series, but it's easily one of the better games ever made.

But the timing...I was all excited about the Dreamcast, and...can't remember what happened exactly, but I know I spent a lot of time on the Dreamcast, and it wasn't until after 2005 that I went back and finally played Final Fantasy 8. It makes sense after you realize you just have to draw EVERY spell in the game out, make sure every character gets 100 of it (which doesn't take that long), and "junction" it where it gives you the most stats. It's weird, but not actually that complex and after doing that, the game plays fine. Helped knowing too that you hardly ever have to do summons.
[quote name='psunami']Here are some of my most memorable PS One experiences.

- Playing Homerun Derby in Triple Play 97 with my crappy AIWA subwoofer right behind me. I'd get punched in the back every time I hit a huge homer. It was awesome.

- Final Fantasy VIII coming out on the same day as the Dreamcast launched. I played it for about an hour... then never touched it again. (A mistake, but it is a PS memory.)

- Scraping together enough money to buy Final Fantasy Tactics a few weeks after I was fired from my job, knowing that I wouldn't be able to buy another game for a while. I played a crap ton of that game as a result of my unemployment.[/QUOTE]

triple play FTW! I loved that series! Wish the current baseball devs would realize complexity does not always equal fun
Yeah, sports games in general. I didn't really play the Saturn-era sports games much (although actually the demo for Sega's baseball game was great!), but baring those, the last time I could enjoy sports games was on the 16-bit systems. Pat Riley, NBA Jam, etc. Lots of good 8-bit ones too. The modern ones, it's like I try a demo and they display the controller, and it uses every single button on it, and it's labeled with things that I don't even know what the word means.

Just give me a fun, nice and easy sports, something like that NES game where it was structured like an RPG, but hokey games broke out, that sounds awesome. Do that with strong single player and simple/easy gameplay.
Finally - a thread that I don't mind being off-topic :)

Most memorable PS1 stuff for me was Gran Turismo... I couldn't believe how real the cars looked. I can't even tell you how many hours I pumped into that game. I ended up selling my original PS1 a few years back (I kept my original NES, though - still in the original box). I wish I hadn't sold it. I'd love to be able to go back and play a few of those games on my original console.

This thread brings back great memories.
I have to say besides my dad getting me the ps1....was buying FF VII. At the time, My dad was telling me that one of his young co workers was raving about it and he thought it would be a nice addition to library. I didnt even know what i was in store for that day. he took me to the mall and brought me to Babages(im sure you old school guys remember this store). I walked to the PS 1 section to look at some games and he pulls FF VII off the shelf and said he wants to buy it for me. Mind this , this was no special occasion. So he ends up buying the game, the guide, and the store manager was so nice that he gave my dad a FF VII pre order shirt. Ill never forget that because when i was young, I had to do a ton of coersion to get games but this day i had to do nothing. This is one of my favorite days when i had the ps1
[quote name='ravens52bears54']So I guess these PS1 games deals are good for a week at a time since that Suikoden game has been on there all week?[/QUOTE]

The original post mentions that the sales are weekly.
[quote name='chopper731']Heres to hoping the Twisted Metal, Spyro, Tomb Raider and Crash Bandicoot games get some love in these series of sales.[/QUOTE]

Not to be (too much of ) a troll, but this is Sony, remember? Don't count on it.

Oh, I do remember the joy and thrill of my first weeks with my PSX (which I still have); it was heaven...

Fire one up today, and marvel at the blocky res and chunky textures that we all ooh'd and ahh'd over back then..
Yay for PS anniversary!

The first titles I remember are Twisted Metal, THPS1, and Spider-Man. I remember having the demo for Spider-Man a month before the full version came out and playing it to death. It only had one level in it, but I would keep playing in it because it was the first time any game captured the feeling of being Spider-Man.

I hope they put SOTN on sale, even though I already have it for 360, still have the ps1 disc, and used the ps1 disc to put it on my pc and cfw psp. I would triple dip just to play it using a ps controller without needing the disc.
[quote name='crazedracerguy']Finally - a thread that I don't mind being off-topic :)

Most memorable PS1 stuff for me was Gran Turismo... I couldn't believe how real the cars looked. I can't even tell you how many hours I pumped into that game. I ended up selling my original PS1 a few years back (I kept my original NES, though - still in the original box). I wish I hadn't sold it. I'd love to be able to go back and play a few of those games on my original console.

This thread brings back great memories.[/QUOTE]

I remember how happy I was with myself when I got 100% in Gran Turismo. One of my favorite gaming achievements.
I was a huge RPG dork so my first PSX games came both very early in the systems history and a lot less grand then most of you. I got a N64 right off the bat being a big Zelda fanboy....just to be horribly dissapointed by OoT(yep I am in that huge minority). Meanwhile my friend had a PSX and I watched him play Vandal Hearts and the demo for Suikoden....those alone would have been enough to sell a big RPG fanb like me on the PSX, but then with FFVII being announced for it I bit immediately.

The PSX just had a feeling to it, I mean even besides RPGs it was receiving titles like Resident Evil which looked so over the top at the time. I felt like I was part of the industry changing and jumping into a whole new generation, and that it happened around the time I was in Junior high when I myself was changing, it was just so perfect!

On the subject of the sale, I totally agree that we should see hit titles for the PSX on sale...but doubt it will happen. This could have been the perfect time for Sony to remind people that they were for about 10 years the dominate power in the gaming industry and with great games to back it up. If they were smart they would have handled this like this. Initial part of the sale 50-75% off key PSX titles, start with stuff like Suikoden and Jumping Flash that were key to the launch and then move through the systems key titles by launch date. After those initial PSX sales finally announce the PS2 games we all know are in the works and offer a fair but not amazing sale of something like 25% off titles like Gran Turismo or God of War that were PS2's biggest hits. End the sale big with 50% off titles like Infamous, the PixelJunk games and Flower that show that while the PS brand may be dinged right now it does not mean there are not amazing exclusives on PS3.

Would have been perfect....but Sony is too stupid to do something that gets both gamers and game media buzzing like that(not to mention do something that costs them short term money even if it makes them more long term).
But FF7 came out a year before Zelda, didn't it?

I like that N64 Zelda (at least for it's time...still pretty much though), but I've hated everything except Wind Waker since then.

I remember being on this Lunar message list, and both I, and a guy who actually worked on the game, got kicked off because we dared talk about Playstation stuff. It was SO WEIRD and fanboyish. It's like, clearly this was a general RPG list, and it was fine to talk about anything on the Saturn (which I love by the way), but I dared talk about Suikoden (which I'd just bought), and got kicked off for talking about the Playstation LOL.

I hate fanboys.
[quote name='MSI Magus']I was a huge RPG dork so my first PSX games came both very early in the systems history and a lot less grand then most of you. I got a N64 right off the bat being a big Zelda fanboy....just to be horribly dissapointed by OoT(yep I am in that huge minority). Meanwhile my friend had a PSX and I watched him play Vandal Hearts and the demo for Suikoden....those alone would have been enough to sell a big RPG fanb like me on the PSX, but then with FFVII being announced for it I bit immediately.

The PSX just had a feeling to it, I mean even besides RPGs it was receiving titles like Resident Evil which looked so over the top at the time. I felt like I was part of the industry changing and jumping into a whole new generation, and that it happened around the time I was in Junior high when I myself was changing, it was just so perfect!

On the subject of the sale, I totally agree that we should see hit titles for the PSX on sale...but doubt it will happen. This could have been the perfect time for Sony to remind people that they were for about 10 years the dominate power in the gaming industry and with great games to back it up. If they were smart they would have handled this like this. Initial part of the sale 50-75% off key PSX titles, start with stuff like Suikoden and Jumping Flash that were key to the launch and then move through the systems key titles by launch date. After those initial PSX sales finally announce the PS2 games we all know are in the works and offer a fair but not amazing sale of something like 25% off titles like Gran Turismo or God of War that were PS2's biggest hits. End the sale big with 50% off titles like Infamous, the PixelJunk games and Flower that show that while the PS brand may be dinged right now it does not mean there are not amazing exclusives on PS3.

Would have been perfect....but Sony is too stupid to do something that gets both gamers and game media buzzing like that(not to mention do something that costs them short term money even if it makes them more long term).[/QUOTE]

I actually didn't know you had to have a memory card to save and ended up beating Vandal Hearts without ever saving.

Epic playthrough.

Wild Arms 1 was amazing for its time too, the western theme and mix of puzzle/combat gameplay was really rare for its time.

The update is tomorrow so I suppose we'll see if Sony's going to take this opportunity to make a hell of a lot of money by putting some classic PSX games for sales.
I remember Pizza Hut was giving away a demo disc with a pizza order and it had THPS1 on it. I played that demo to pieces, then I bought it a few years later at Gamestop for 2 bucks lol
I'm pretty ecstatic about this celebration. Can't wait to see what's on tomorrows list. I bought a $20 card and used it on Castlevania Chronicles and Suikoden. So lets hope these deals will spend the rest of that 20
[quote name='MSI Magus']I got a N64 right off the bat being a big Zelda fanboy....just to be horribly dissapointed by OoT(yep I am in that huge minority).

If they were smart they would have handled this like this. Initial part of the sale 50-75% off key PSX titles, start with stuff like Suikoden and Jumping Flash that were key to the launch and then move through the systems key titles by launch date.[/QUOTE]

I'm not the biggest Ocarina of Time fan either. It's hard for me to get past the general N64 blurriness. And for whatever reason, I got halfway through the game and quit. I still respect it a lot though.

Suikoden wasn't a Playstation launch title at all. The first PSOne RPG released in America was the less than memorable Beyond the Beyond. Sony wasn't kind to RPGs for a while, though they eventually gave up.
My best memory of the PSX was picking up MGS two days after it was released at a Goodwill for $15. My buddy and I played through it in a couple of days, and then over the next several weeks went through it many more times. Easily the game I have played through the most times, and the best gaming deal I got in my pre-CAG days. I did always wonder how it showed up at Goodwill so soon, best guess was that either some kid had gotten it and their mom didn't like violence, or someone's girlfriend/wife got pissed at their guy and took in. Either way it was my lucky day.
Lots of fond memories of the old system, but that one has always stood out.
I remember being ecstatic when I first bought my PS1. While I had already owned a N64, which had it's own fantastic library of games, it lacked one category that I was starting to really get into : light gun shooters. I remember picking up the oversized Point Blank and Time Crisis boxes with their oversized Guncon 1's. And I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who bought "Crypt Killer".

While I was typing this, I totally remembered something. Does anybody else remember their local Gamestop/Funcoland having a newspaper like thing with a huge list of games and their price's on it? I studied that baby and marked all of the games I was going to save up for and buy.

Dammit. Now I feel like popping in some Blink 182 and playing some Tekken 3 or Parasite Eve.
Mine would probably be picking up the Ps1 (slim version) with Driver and playing it for hours with my bros. Then I got syphon filter but thats another story.
As long as you don't mind me staying off topic, I have some really great ps1 memories. My friend and I both sold off all our Sega stuff so we could go in together and afford it at launch. I don't remember our launch titles, but a few months in The Wiz in NY had a huge clearance on the big box launch titles (remember those huge boxes?) and we ended up getting a ton of them for cheap.

But my favorite memories are:
(1) Like someone else said, I remember my pop buying me 2 games for no reason (TOCA and Madden) even though he hated me playing video games
(2) About 6 of us got together almost every night for awhile after work in college, turned out the lights and played the original Resident Evil (with everyone else watching). Still so scary when those dogs break the windows and when the baby spiders burst out of the big one. On as side note: I almost married one of those girls years later, and it all started in the dark with RE.
(3) Around the same time getting our first multitap so we could play 4 player FIFA almost every night for years. None of us even liked soccer but FIFA was so great with 4 players - but that multitap was a bitch.
We're already well past that...we'd be closer to the 25th?

I'd totally be up for that! :) Not sure if my Duo hardware still works :whistle2:(
Quite possible the thing I most remember was having to BEG my parents to get ANY psone game haha. Unlike now when I have my own money and spend much of it on games thanks to CAG, I remember when i was a kid my parents HATED me playing video games. I was only allowed to play them on the weekend, and I basically only got games on my birthday or christmas.
Haha, I also remember my dad buying me a psone, and not being able to play it for 2 weeks, cause none of my tv's had AV inputs, so I had to wait to by an RF cable...
What about our backlogs though now? I can't even get through my new games, let alone replay my old ones :whistle2:O
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