PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

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Actually if Microsoft sold 80k Xbox One's in May triple that would be 240k and a 43k difference from 197k isn't exactly "almost triple".

I wouldn't be surprised if those numbers were right though and if they were rounding up 270,000 in a Month where you didn't have any major releases would be amazing. That being said I'll take them with a grain of salt since it's just one website with no source backing it up.

Damn. Now I'm even more hyped to get my console I just found out Last of Us drops the end of the month when here I've been thinking it drops late August.

Wednesday can't come soon enough. D:

Thats six months in a row now, congrats Sony. I dont think MS will be number one again in NPD (until insert whatever here).

First it was the titanfall and the bundle would outsell the Quad

Next it was kinectless sku would put it on top of the Quad

Now its just wait, Halo 5 will put them on top of the Quad

Not saying it wont, hell even a blind squirrel finds a hickory nut now and then, but come on...


First it was the titanfall and the bundle would outsell the Quad

Next it was kinectless sku would put it on top of the Quad

Now its just wait, Halo 5 will put them on top of the Quad

Not saying it wont, hell even a blind squirrel finds a hickory nut now and then, but come on...
Good points, but I wouldn't be shocked if MS manages to pull ahead in one of the upcoming months. They almost tripled their sales from last month with the new SKU. We'll have to wait and see if they can keep the momemtum going. Anything can happen, but it will be tough. Im just happy to see all three consoles doing relatively well.

Good points, but I wouldn't be shocked if MS manages to pull ahead in one of the upcoming months. They almost tripled their sales from last month with the new SKU. We'll have to wait and see if they can keep the momemtum going. Anything can happen, but it will be tough. Im just happy to see all three consoles doing relatively well.
It is more like they were doing really bad in May. Other than Sony, MS and Nintendo are not meeting their expectation.

Good points, but I wouldn't be shocked if MS manages to pull ahead in one of the upcoming months. They almost tripled their sales from last month with the new SKU. We'll have to wait and see if they can keep the momemtum going. Anything can happen, but it will be tough. Im just happy to see all three consoles doing relatively well.
Looking at June's numbers in a vacuum is not an accurate way to look at things. The Kinectless Sku was announced in early May and preorders opened up almost instantly. (preorders don't count on NPD until the product ships) A more accurate view is to combine both May and June numbers then divide that number by 9, multiply that number by 4 and you get May numbers and multiply that number by 5 and you get June numbers. the 4 and 5 multiplyer being the number of weeks in each respective NPD tracking month.

So 197+77/9=30.4

May would be 122k and june would be 152k

For reference April NPD was 115k which is also a 4 week reporting month. In other words the Kinectless sku barely had an impact on the Xbox One sales, they went from selling 28.7k a week to 30.4k.

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First it was the titanfall and the bundle would outsell the Quad

Next it was kinectless sku would put it on top of the Quad

Now its just wait, Halo 5 will put them on top of the Quad

Not saying it wont, hell even a blind squirrel finds a hickory nut now and then, but come on...
Please stop calling it "the Quad"... :roll:
I'm sure the X1 will win a month here and there when it has big games coming out. At least in the US.

Sony had this gen locked up though and will win the sales race by a large margin. Especially worldwide sales.
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I'm sure the X1 will win a month here and there when it has big games coming out. At least in the US.

Sony had this gen locked up though and will win the sales race by a large margin. Especially worldwide sales.
If some numbers floating around are accurate, ytd us sales Quad is only up maybe 400-500k, so MS has really closed the gap, but still losing monthly and the Quad market share keeps growing up at a slower pace.

Total margin still growing, but not enough to make much difference currently.

[quote name="kilik64" post="11934658" timestamp="1405689193"]Total margin still growing, but not enough to make much difference currently.[/quote]

You would be surprised. Any consistent lead a system has will grant them the lead console title when it comes to development, much like the 360 had. That means the X1 will become the system games are "converted" to, which leads to better quality on the quad. That plus the fact that Sony typically has a better influx of original content will keep the X1 on the ropes for quite some time. If VR headsets actually take off then Sony has an edge on that too, although small. I'm really surprised that ocular didn't get bought by MS.

MS has until next E3 to get their act together, come up with a new unified mission, learn to communicate internally and get something unique ready that people care about. This may be cloud computing, or it may be another black eye.
If some numbers floating around are accurate, ytd us sales Quad is only up maybe 400-500k, so MS has really closed the gap, but still losing monthly and the Quad market share keeps growing up at a slower pace.

Total margin still growing, but not enough to make much difference currently.
On GAF they have calculated the US gap to close to 700k, and how does one close a gap when they haven't won a month in 6 months? You would have to win a month for the gap to tighten.. the gap is only growing wider and worldwide Sony has nearly doubled the installed base of the bone.

On GAF they have calculated the US gap to close to 700k, and how does one close a gap when they haven't won a month in 6 months? You would have to win a month for the gap to tighten.. the gap is only growing wider and worldwide Sony has nearly doubled the installed base of the bone.
True, but one big game could close a gap that size pretty quickly if timed right. With all the delays Sony has, it sucks MS couldn't have had Halo 5 ready for this holiday season. That would have gone a long way to close the gap in the US probably since Sony doesn't really have a big systems seller exclusive this holiday season--just stuff like DriveClub and LBP3. But now MS really has nothing much exclusive either as stuff like Sunset Overdrive is similarly not going to move a huge number of consoles. Maybe the Master Chief Collection will be a big system mover despite just being upgraded ports. *shrugs*

Worldwide, the gap will never narrow. Even the 360 really only won in North America and the UK as far as major markets are concerned. The rest of the world isn't so swayed by the shooter/sports/racer exclusives that moved 360s in those markets.
Well I'm one of the newest members of the PS4 family!

Waiting on my package to arrive in the next week or so from Cowboom.  Looking forward to Destiny Beta if I get it on time!

Yeah, great month for the Wii U. Nice to see it do well.

As for X1 I really think the Master Chief Collection will bring a lot of sales, that is a very big market waiting for the push to go next-gen.
Yeah Mario Kart was a massive seller on the Wii so it only makes sense it would really help drive Wii U sales. Still disappointing on the Xbox One's end because Watch Dogs has shown to be a massive seller and it didn't drive sales for the system.

Master Chief Collection "may" be a big system seller but that won't arrive until November so sales may take an even worst slump until then, and even then Titanfall was supposed to bring in sales but that didn't work out.

As for X1 I really think the Master Chief Collection will bring a lot of sales, that is a very big market waiting for the push to go next-gen.
MS needs to release a $399 MCC bundle. That would be a huge seller for them and will no doubt put them back on top.

Well I'm one of the newest members of the PS4 family!

Waiting on my package to arrive in the next week or so from Cowboom. Looking forward to Destiny Beta if I get it on time!
I cant wait to get my white one in September!

I think you guys are placing too much stock in how great sales will be due to a collection of ports... I mean, I'm sure it'll sell just fine but it isn't gonna move a million consoles or anything.

Besides, the hardest-core of the hardcore Halo fans probably already have X1's.
[quote name="KillerRamen" post="11935748" timestamp="1405718056"]Well, June was Mario Kart 8 month. That thing sold 2 million units, so it's not all that surprising to me that the Wii U had a strong June.[/quote]
I can safely say that due to a Target deal my house is now a WiiU house. Funny because I was an X 360 and Wii house until the PS3 price came down, and we will be a ps4 and WiiU house until the x1 either drops again, a great deal or the next Halo (maybe).
I don't think there's any major issue with the PS4 during lanuch. Maybe just the HDMI issue and that was only minor and affected only a small number.
Well I'm one of the newest members of the PS4 family!

Waiting on my package to arrive in the next week or so from Cowboom. Looking forward to Destiny Beta if I get it on time!

That's good to know. I can't wait to be part of the PlayStation family again. Haven't owned a PlayStation since the PS2.
On behalf of the thread, Welcome to Team Quad!


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He called out the mod team and said some things about the site in general over in the Club Nintendo Deals thread.
He used to be a great poster but lately the only things he's has to say are A) Nintendo sucks and are going out of business tomorrow B) he really regrets buying any Nintendo products and plans on selling them soon and C) this site sucks compared to GAF and the mods suck. Basically everything he posted over the last few months can fit in one of those 3 categories.
Did it happen to be soft truths... like the site sucking (or not being the same in general) since 3.0?

That was basically the gist of it, yeah.

He used to be a great poster but lately the only things he's has to say are A) Nintendo sucks and are going out of business tomorrow B) he really regrets buying any Nintendo products and plans on selling them soon and C) this site sucks compared to GAF and the mods suck. Basically everything he posted over the last few months can fit in one of those 3 categories.
This is also true.

I've only ever known him to be a reasonably sensible guy, but recently he had been going off on more random rants. It's a shame though, he's been around for quite a while.
Did it happen to be soft truths... like the site sucking (or not being the same in general) since 3.0?
I can't speak for the mod team since I don't have a beef with them. However, CAG isn't like how it was when I started coming here 6-7 years ago. I remember when flipping was looked down upon now it is part of some deals in the op. A lot of the old posters like IATCG and genyfuyung are gone, never to be seen again. I look at the game forums and see far fewer "gamenight" threads than before. Other threads like 3DS/DS and Retro can go days without a post. Posting activity is definitely down.

Things were already a bit on the down slop before 3.0 but since that came things have gone farther away from the good ole CAG. I don't mind the sight design but a lot of good people left CAG after 3.0 I'm not leaving this sight as I still enjoy coming here but I really miss the old CAG.

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Thought I'd mention that apparently dmaul reported his own post and asked to be banned... He had mentioned leaving the boards for good, I guess that was his way of making sure that happened.
Thought I'd mention that apparently dmaul reported his own post and asked to be banned... He had mentioned leaving the boards for good, I guess that was his way of making sure that happened.
so after talking about how much better GAF is over CAG, he used the GAF method of making a scene and then requesting a ban?

What's up with the 3D support and the cd support for the ps4
Both are still slated to be added, but there hasn't been any update as far as I know. The Xbox One is getting 3D BD support in August, so I suspect the PS4 should be around the same time. Honestly I have no idea what's taking them so long especially since the PS3 has had it for a long time.

Huh damn I haven't really been on for a couple months, surprised about dmaul, he did seem cool and reasonable, though I guess not if he got himself banned on purpose rather than just backing away from the site.

dmaul wouldn't last more than a month over a gaf, unless he remains in silent mode. they did take any opinion based comments over there at neogaf as trolling, or violating their tos

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Has anyone else had difficulty with the psn thru wifi? All this time I've been blaming my internet provider and now I''m starting to find that it may be a problem with the system itself...

Has anyone else had difficulty with the psn thru wifi? All this time I've been blaming my internet provider and now I''m starting to find that it may be a problem with the system itself...
Depends on what you mean. If you're talking about download speeds then it's everyone. Sometimes mine will download a 5 GB file in under 30 minutes, sometimes it takes a 300MB file all of an entire hour.

Other than that, I've never had issues out of mine. Connectivity is always just fine and store boots up same as usual.

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bread's done