PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Not really what I mean, no. It'll start a download, go for maybe 10 minutes, then fail. I've had a 300mb update waiting for 3 or 4 days because it won't *can't?* download. If I try to test the connection, it won't complete, and on the rare occasion it does, the download connection is in the kb's

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Not really what I mean, no. It'll start a download, go for maybe 10 minutes, then fail. I've had a 300mb update waiting for 3 or 4 days because it won't *can't?* download. If I try to test the connection, it won't complete, and on the rare occasion it does, the download connection is in the kb's

I know there have been all kinds of issues with the wifi but I've never experienced quite what you are. Even if mine takes ages to d/l or won't at first, it always finishes up overnight while in standby.
Bought a system today. Originally I was getting one delivered from Cowboom but after deciding that getting used warranty less for $120 less I just didn't find the risk worth it.

Got Infamous SS with it. Going to spend the next few hours debating how it's going to fit next to my Xbox One. ><

[quote name="Kazeno Katana" post="11941158" timestamp="1405895726"]Bought a system today. Originally I was getting one delivered from Cowboom but after deciding that getting used warranty less for $120 less I just didn't find the risk worth it.

Got Infamous SS with it. Going to spend the next few hours debating how it's going to fit next to my Xbox One. >
Is it true that you can hook your ps4 us to your Xbone and run it through there?
Yeah you can but there's a lot of input lag so I just reconnected in to my TV.

In other news I noticed Sony still has the $10 PSN vouchers in the box. That's damn nice of them to still offer them.

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Can't wait for The Last of Us to come out. Send me a friends request Outlaw420247 So should I trade my ps3 in to pay off Destiny limited edition and NHL 15 ultimate team edition? :)
First impressions are great so far.

-System is quieter than my Xbox One by a noticeable amount.

-Games download a LOT faster for some reason, and they install faster too.

-UI Is definitely faster than the Xbox One's UI and it's very easy to browse. Also I like how the new PSN Store is organized.

-Not related to the system but the PS Gold Headset is awesome and being fully wireless is great. Fits better than my XO Four headset, and sounds better.

-Game wise so far Infamous SS is great. Going to get the Last of Us preordered soon and I'll grab KZ when it hits $20.

Be open-minded and give Knack a shot. I did in spite of all the negativity and loved it!

First impressions are great so far.

-System is quieter than my Xbox One by a noticeable amount.

-Games download a LOT faster for some reason, and they install faster too.

-UI Is definitely faster than the Xbox One's UI and it's very easy to browse. Also I like how the new PSN Store is organized.

-Not related to the system but the PS Gold Headset is awesome and being fully wireless is great. Fits better than my XO Four headset, and sounds better.

-Game wise so far Infamous SS is great. Going to get the Last of Us preordered soon and I'll grab KZ when it hits $20.
Yeah you can but there's a lot of input lag so I just reconnected in to my TV. In other news I noticed Sony still has the $10 PSN vouchers in the box. That's damn nice of them to still offer them.
This was such a nice surprise when I got my console at launch, just another reason the PS4 was and still is a better value over the competition.

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I work the overnight shift . . . and well, I'm bored.  A lot.

For this reason, I'm tempted to get a PS Vita.  What are the general impressions on the PS Vita remote play for when you're away from home?  How many of you have tried it, and how have you liked it?

Just saying, I might have to buy 2 copies of Destiny (Xbox One and PS4), just because I have a lot more friends on Xbox One, but so I can play from work and get all the fun early exclusive stuff.  If only I could transfer saves . . . 

EDIT:  I'm sure this probably has been discussed already, but with there being over 7,000 posts in this thread . . . well, ain't nobody got time to search that! ;)

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I've never actually used the remote option outside the house but in my opinion the vita has a very good library of games on it's own merits. I bought mine because I have a long commute to work and wanted something to pass the time and I've never regretted it for a second!

You can remote play from outside your house with a Vita?

How much internet bandwidth do you need for that? I am intrigued.
From what I've read on the Playstation site, you can. It requires some setup (port forwarding n' the like for your PS4's home network), but supposedly you can do it. I am curious though what kind of connection is needed, and how much transfer is used. I mean, if i can play from work it's great . . . but if I have to upgrade my Comcast to a higher tier due to all the bandwidth usage, it probably wouldn't be worthwhile to get it.

It works. Ive done remote play at work on our wifi here. Havent tried since we got bumped to a higher tier on comcast at home, but at the time I think my upload bandwidth was 100 something kb/s.

It worked but I wouldnt use it for any sort of twitch game. I mainly messed with it on FIFA 14, and mainly during offseason stuff where I was only doing transfers and simming the preseason games. Worked quite well for that really.

As far as ports, as long as your ps4 states type 2 NAT it should work just fine, make the ps4 upnp and it will auto make the ports open that are needed.

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Has anyone bought one of the extended warranties from the PSN store? I'm guessing since it shows up on the console it can be bought with money in your PSN wallet. Do you need to upload or mail a PS4 receipt?
Yes I did. My first PS4 died in exactly 30 days and when I called Sony to set up a shipping box for it, they told me it was the last day I was eligible for a warranty. I bit and my 2nd PS4 is covered for 4 years against all damages.

Yes I did. My first PS4 died in exactly 30 days and when I called Sony to set up a shipping box for it, they told me it was the last day I was eligible for a warranty. I bit and my 2nd PS4 is covered for 4 years against all damages.
That's weird, you have one year from purchase to extend the warranty due to the 1 year warranty that comes with it.

That's weird, you have one year from purchase to extend the warranty due to the 1 year warranty that comes with it.
Maybe he bought the warranty that covers accidental damage. That one you only have one month to buy.

I bought the warranty that doesn't cover accidental damage. I doubt I'll do anything to damage the console, and the one month limit passed me by anyway.

Thanks for the recommendation Carlos but I tried Knack when my brother received his free PS4 from Taco Bell (Lucky Bastard) and wasn't too fond of it. I'll pick it up if it drops below $15 otherwise I'll wait for it to be a PS+ game.

Only con I see with the system so far is I can't change my PSN ID and using the ID I made when I was 13 isn't that great especially since I've moved through a lot of online aliases since then.

That being said as per my Signature I'm Blackdragon7070 if anybody wants to friend me. I'll be playing Last of Us when it comes out and since it's my first time playing any interested parties can carry my sucky ass.  :p

Imagine if Borderlands had a MP variant. That's Destiny.
See, for me it goes like this:

Looks like Halo but plays and feels like Borderlands... Add in plenty of MMO features &amp; MP, along with the "overworld/hub" of Mass Effect and then you have Destiny.
This was such a nice surprise when I got my console at launch, just another reason the PS4 was and still is a better value over the competition.
PSN $10 credit / 30 day PS+ trial/ 30 day music unlimited trial

PS+ subscriptions for $29.99, 1 week after launch

Free Resogun

Playstation Store did a spend $50(or was it $60) Get $10 credit promotion near the end of the month

Buy 2 Get 1 Free at Target during launch week

The PS4 launch was pretty awesome as an early adopter. I got a ton of value out of all the promotions and credits.

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I was bad and bought a PS Vita on Amazon today.  Should ship in about a week.  Apparently everyone is out of stock.  After talking to Gamestop, they said it'd because Sony has lowered production so that they can produce more PS4s.  Hopefully I don't regret the purchase!

Can anyone shoot me an internal hard drive recommendation? I was looking at this guy as the reviews look good and I noticed the product page even mentions PS4 support.;qid=1406004037&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=2.5+hard+drive
Not a bad deal for 65 dollars. Here's the drive that I'm using.;cm_re=SEAGATE_HYBRID-_-22-178-340-_-Product

I also put a Seagate Hybrid drive in mine, it's a 750gb 7200rpm one which none of their current hybrid drives are 7200 any more. It's the same drive I have my PS3 and they make everything run smooth. That said they now have 2tb 5400rpm hybrid drives and I almost think I would trade the rpms for size because my drive is already half full.

I was bad and bought a PS Vita on Amazon today. Should ship in about a week. Apparently everyone is out of stock. After talking to Gamestop, they said it'd because Sony has lowered production so that they can produce more PS4s. Hopefully I don't regret the purchase!
Hopefully you didn't pay over retail price for it. Gamestop actually has the Borderland Vita Bundle in stock on its Web site for normal price. Plus most of their store have it back in stock as well now. Not a discount but all I saw on Amazon were people charging more than the actual price for it.

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I was bad and bought a PS Vita on Amazon today. Should ship in about a week. Apparently everyone is out of stock. After talking to Gamestop, they said it'd because Sony has lowered production so that they can produce more PS4s. Hopefully I don't regret the purchase!
No the real reason that most places are out of stock was because Sony did not estimate the actual success the slim would bring. with the numbers the OLED Vita did they just assumed there would not be much interest with it, but it has done quite well from what they had originally thought.

Hopefully you didn't pay over retail price for it. Gamestop actually has the Borderland Vita Bundle in stock on its Web site for normal price. Plus most of their store have it back in stock as well now. Not a discount but all I saw on Amazon were people charging more than the actual price for it.
Ha, so, I'm having a brain aneurysm. I made sure not to pay over retail for it (only via direct Amazon). Then Best Buy just got it in stock again, so used the movers coupon but was told I could only get it in store . . . get in store, they add it to cart and go to process it and bam, sold out. Turns out I could've ordered it online the entire time . . . but while they were processing it, I cancel my Amazon order since it was supposed to take a few days to process. fuck.

So, I get home, and get the Amazon order to go through again. And then Best Buy suddenly lets me order it again. So, now I have 2 orders going through . . . at this point, I'm going to just let them fight it out, and whoever gets me a shipping notification first wins.

Oh, and of course Best Buy charged me shipping despite being Elite . . . so they're trying to fix that. While Amazon I get free shipping due to Prime . . . but it'll take 1 - 2 days to "process the order" now.

So, it's a game of Russian Roulette of "who will actually ship it" and when.

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Should I get a hard drive when I get my PS4 or should I wait until I need it?
If you plan to "need" one later, upgrade it now so you dont have to mess with it later.

500gb still plenty for me, you can delete the game data and with plus your saves are auto in the cloud anyways, not like the disc installs take a long time.

If you are trying to go all digital, get a bigger HD but if not 500gb should be good for a while.

If you plan to "need" one later, upgrade it now so you dont have to mess with it later.

500gb still plenty for me, you can delete the game data and with plus your saves are auto in the cloud anyways, not like the disc installs take a long time.

If you are trying to go all digital, get a bigger HD but if not 500gb should be good for a while.
Does it really matter if it's digital or disc-based? Both files are the same size this gen, aren't they? *That was my biggest disappointment when I first got my system...*

I plan on updating my hard drive when I need to. That will probably be in two or three years, and it that time the value in hard drives will probably go up. Right now I'm looking at hybrid 1 TB hard drives that are around $100. Maybe by the time I need more space I'll be able to get a 1.5 TB or 2 TB hard drive for the same price.

Does it really matter if it's digital or disc-based? Both files are the same size this gen, aren't they? *That was my biggest disappointment when I first got my system...*
Well if somebody goes digital one of the benefits they would want from it is having their games accessible all the time. It'd be counter-intuitive if they went digital but constantly had to uninstall and install different games.

My original 500 gb hdd only has 40 gb free. I was going to purchase a new drive about two months ago but I didn't have a spare external to do the transfer. Afterwards I realized the PS4 doesn't even support external drives yet, so I will have to just install everything again. I'd prefer to get a 2TB drive but I'll probably get a 1TB Hybrid one. Can you really tell a difference in the Hybrid drives?
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Well if somebody goes digital one of the benefits they would want from it is having their games accessible all the time. It'd be counter-intuitive if they went digital but constantly had to uninstall and install different games.
What I'm saying is, isn't the install from the disc the same size as the download? Like for instance, Wolfenstein *plus update file* is 52 gigs installed from disc. Isn't it the same size with the download?

I'm not really sure how I feel about Destiny... On principal anyway because I was playing through a single player mission and I got booted because I lost connection to server. I'm sorry, but I really don't like that and I'm not entirely sure if that's just something that's happening because it's beta or if they're going for a persistent online shooter with no offline mode even if you don't want to play with others for whatever reason. A huge concern for me is that I still play older games, so if it requires servers in order to function then one day it will inevitably no longer function.

Hell, I just purchased Wolfenstein 3D today for the Atari Jaguar and it still works. To me it just seems weird that we may be getting to a time where non-MMOs cease to function because of weird persistent online stuff and Atari Jaguar games still work while some PS3 or PS4 game might not. It's one of the main reasons why I was really pissed off at the Xbox One reveal and pretty much swore off Xbox products. 

Edit: opps, meant to post this in the Destiny thread...

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What I'm saying is, isn't the install from the disc the same size as the download? Like for instance, Wolfenstein *plus update file* is 52 gigs installed from disc. Isn't it the same size with the download?
Yes the install size is the same, but it's faster to install from a disc then download 50 gb then install it. So if you delete both and you have the disc you could play it again faster.
For those curious, my Vita is supposed to arrive tomorrow.  Best Buy won the shipping war, so the Amazon order was cancelled.

Interestingly, I kept watching the Best Buy and Amazon sites and saw stock keep coming back in and out.  So, either they just started clocking in stock, more came in that they weren't expecting, there were some order troubles, or Sony just pushed some high gear production in.  Either way, good news for those looking for a Vita.

I'll report how I like the Remote Play on Destiny in about 24 hours.  I'll even try to do it from outside my home network for the Remote Play to give an idea of how well it works that way.

For those curious, my Vita is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Best Buy won the shipping war, so the Amazon order was cancelled.

Interestingly, I kept watching the Best Buy and Amazon sites and saw stock keep coming back in and out. So, either they just started clocking in stock, more came in that they weren't expecting, there were some order troubles, or Sony just pushed some high gear production in. Either way, good news for those looking for a Vita.

I'll report how I like the Remote Play on Destiny in about 24 hours. I'll even try to do it from outside my home network for the Remote Play to give an idea of how well it works that way.
Just an FYI, not sure how much you will like remote play on a first person shooter... just never liked the Vita for that. I usually use remote play for grinding collectibles and also as a second controller on Lego Marvel, was tough aiming in games like watch dogs, Infamous, and killzone.

Just an FYI, not sure how much you will like remote play on a first person shooter... just never liked the Vita for that. I usually use remote play for grinding collectibles and also as a second controller on Lego Marvel, was tough aiming in games like watch dogs, Infamous, and killzone.
Remote play is decent on certain games, it was pretty good on Infamous, but agree, any fps is a pain.

Remote play is decent on certain games, it was pretty good on Infamous, but agree, any fps is a pain.
I liked some of the changes infamous made to controls, but aiming was bad, the analog are just not the same. Like I said it has been perfect to find collectibles with at night when i am in bed, did the hot spot check ins and peep holes as well as song sneak using remote play, was perfect!

NBA 2k was unplayable on remote play, with the shooting I missed every shot due to timing. Got almost all of the collectables in Black Flag and Infamous with remote play, and played most of Rayman with it. Remote play is one of Vita's best features, can't wait to get the Playststion TV for it in the bedroom.
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Looks like 3D supportbis coming next week (hopefully thats not the only thing).
And remember the infamous outage of 2011? Depending how the ruling goes down nextbyear, users may be receiving some goodies on a first come first serve basis.
Insane Sony has to give more, they already gave a couple retail games and PS+ and other stuff back when it happened, its how I got my copy of infamous. Oh well hopefully this will finally put it to rest!
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Insane Sony has to give more, they already gave a couple retail games and PS+ and other stuff back when it happened, its how I got my copy of infamous. Oh well hopefully this will finally put it to rest!
sadly we live in a greedy world. Sony already gave stuff for it and gave everyone free year of credit watch.

Question does it matter which power cable you use as long as it fits?  I just reorganized my entertainment center and I can't tell the difference between my dvr cable and my ps4 cable.  Also I am getting pissed off about how messy my entertainment center is.  How good is the wifi for gaming?   I'm literally 10 feet from the router line of sight. 

Question does it matter which power cable you use as long as it fits? I just reorganized my entertainment center and I can't tell the difference between my dvr cable and my ps4 cable. Also I am getting pissed off about how messy my entertainment center is. How good is the wifi for gaming? I'm literally 10 feet from the router line of sight.
Power cable doesn't matter and if you are only 10ft away, why aren't you hard wiring, it's always better than wifi.

bread's done