PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Well Uncharted 2 would be my next choice and that doesn't play too well IMO as a 3rd person shooter.

If we're going for gameplay, Heavenly Sword remains one of my favorites.
Yeah see I have a similar thing with Uncharted 2 as well. I think that might be my favorite PS3 exclusive but I agree that the gunplay could be better. I just wouldn't put it in the greatest of all-time category.
Best PS3 game for me is easily Demon Souls. That game was just great and it spawned and incredible franchise.

I'd definitely like to see a Remastered Version of it since I haven't played it in years.

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i honestly wouldn't trust any reviews nowadays, alot of them are being paid under the table. it is best to watch youtube walkthroughs, and decide for yourself. since a lot of youtubers streaming the latest games at times before the official release date, or embargo date .
Well giant bomb reviews have a good reputation. They use a 5 star rating rather than a number. Their rationale is to focus on the content of a review more than a score. Some people will look up a review and just see a number and make a decision based solely off that. GB reviews have good content in their analysis. I can't guarantee that they don't get any sort of publisher kickbacks but I like using them merely as a reference point. In the end, everybody is going to have different tastes. I play God of War: Ascension multiplayer still to this very day. I've long forgotten about Titanfall. Different strokes for different folks.

For a reference point, Giant Bomb gave Watch Dogs a 3 out of 5 star review. IGN gave it a 8.4 review.
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Sony's doing a 1 Night Live event for the Last of Us. It's going to feature the actors from the game live reading scenes from the game, and is being directed by Neil Druckmann.

Tickets were free and *Shockingly* sold out fast. But it'll be livestreamed on Twitch.

(Edit) Here's a link to the show. I didn't bother watching it since there may be spoilers but I heard it was pretty good.

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Anyone that bought Rogue Legacy on PS4 have issues with the game not filling the screen correctly ? There is a black border all the way around the game with no setting in the options menu to calibrate the screen. Havent had this issue with any other game on the PS4. 

Anyone that bought Rogue Legacy on PS4 have issues with the game not filling the screen correctly ? There is a black border all the way around the game with no setting in the options menu to calibrate the screen. Havent had this issue with any other game on the PS4.
I'm playing on the PS4 connected via HDMI and having no issues.

I don't see why it's a mandatory update. I never have and never will use that feature. On a side note if you switch the difficutlty after beating second son do you disable possiblity of unlocking trophies? I beat the game 3 times the third being on hard and want to get the platinum but don't want to start again. I stupidly put it on easy immediately upon beating the game.

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I don't see why it's a mandatory update. I never have and never will use that feature. On a side note if you switch the difficutlty after beating second son do you disable possiblity of unlocking trophies? I beat the game 3 times the third being on hard and want to get the platinum but don't want to start again. I stupidly put it on easy immediately upon beating the game.
They most likely also put some bug / stability fixes in that aren't listed in the patch notes.

why would they waste man hours for a hd remake. lets have them do midnight release for kingdom hearts 2.5 in dec also.
I'm with Timbo. Midnight releases cost money for a company to host. I don't see the point in doing a midnight release for a port of last year's game on a system that has a small install base.

I'm excited to play this game but I don't see it warranting a midnight release.

Found this on a bad forum.


Got mine pre-ordered. 

Politifact would rate this one half-true.

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Last of Us is really good so far. I don't know how far into I am but I've been playing for a few hours now. I decided to do Grounded mode because I figured playing the hardest mode one deepens the immersion and makes the game last longer.

Unfortunately multiplayer servers are shot to hell but there's always tomorrow.

Also on a side note a lot of the people on Neogaf have been talking about it but apparently Sony's locked some weapons and perks behind a "Paywall". According to the people posting on there, there's no other way to get them other than paying for all of it and the total cost is around $12 ish. Seems pretty ridiculous in itself you could even call it "Pay to win" since you're essentially paying for perks and weapons nobody else will have unless they pay themselves.

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Last of Us is really good so far. I don't know how far into I am but I've been playing for a few hours now. I decided to do Grounded mode because I figured playing the hardest mode one deepens the immersion and makes the game last longer.

Unfortunately multiplayer servers are shot to hell but there's always tomorrow.

Also on a side note a lot of the people on Neogaf have been talking about it but apparently Sony's locked some weapons and perks behind a "Paywall". According to the people posting on there, there's no other way to get them other than paying for all of it and the total cost is around $12 ish. Seems pretty ridiculous in itself you could even call it "Pay to win" since you're essentially paying for perks and weapons nobody else will have unless they pay themselves.
i guess they have to make back the ten dollers they lost by droping the price to 49.99

Also on a side note a lot of the people on Neogaf have been talking about it but apparently Sony's locked some weapons and perks behind a "Paywall". According to the people posting on there, there's no other way to get them other than paying for all of it and the total cost is around $12 ish. Seems pretty ridiculous in itself you could even call it "Pay to win" since you're essentially paying for perks and weapons nobody else will have unless they pay themselves.
Those came "free" for me because of the season pass. I'm glad it was at least cross-buy though.

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Soooo Sony is saying ea new access program is not on ps4 because it's not good value... Plz Sony tell me how 4.99 or bulk year gr 29.99 and free games plus discounts and play games five days before release is not good value. Seems like they don't want it to compete with plus.
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I have no idea what Sony's doing on this one, why would you turn down something like this? Would anyone get the EA pass and then cancel their Plus subscription? They aren't even remotely the same thing.
Soooo Sony is saying ea new access program is not on ps4 because it's not good value... Plz Sony tell me how 4.99 or bulk year gr 29.99 and free games plus discounts and play games five days before release is not good value. Seems like they don't want it to compete with plus.
Maybe Sony knows something we don't? I'm highly skeptical the service is what people believe it is, this is EA and Microsoft after all. I have a beta invite but I'm not jumping in until more details are fleshed out. That and I prefer my multiplats on the PS4, which is pretty much all EA offers anyway.
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Maybe Sony knows something we don't? I'm highly skeptical the service is what people believe it is, this is EA and Microsoft after all. I have a beta invite but I'm not jumping in until more details are fleshed out. That and I prefer my multiplats on the PS4, which is pretty much all EA offers anyway.
Soooo Sony is saying ea new access program is not on ps4 because it's not good value... Plz Sony tell me how 4.99 or bulk year gr 29.99 and free games plus discounts and play games five days before release is not good value. Seems like they don't want it to compete with plus.

Yeah.. maybe it's because Sony isn't stupid and knows that MS never delivers what people think they are promising. Remember what people thought the game share program would be? HUGE LOL Letdown.

I mean for me paying money to play year old sports titles would be the same experience as playing 5 year old sports titles. And I don't need to play games early and would never use the 10% discount since that's not a big enough incentive to buy digital copies of games since you'd never recoup that value.

Maybe Sony has crunched the numbers and realizes it's not a program that will survive as advertised and maybe they've spoken with EA and know what everyone is suspecting, that EA has no intentions of adding additional new titles until they're no longer new (i.e. have been on the market for a year or more).

I mean I guess paying $30 a year to get access to a bunch of $19.99 titles and the ability to play a few new releases for an hour or two is a good deal to some but I'd rather buy the games at a discount and resell/trade them so my oop expense at the end of the year would still be less then $30. The only thing I'd miss out on is a discount on DLC (BFD) and early access to what is essentially a timed demo.

It's probably because Sony doesn't want EA to use up all their bandwidth when customers download the games so they're cock-blocking them.  

I'm still not a big fan of online play requirement of PS+.  Will never pay for online play, will never EVER.  

It's probably because Sony doesn't want EA to use up all their bandwidth when customers download the games so they're cock-blocking them.

I'm still not a big fan of online play requirement of PS+. Will never pay for online play, will never EVER.
So you dont play online at all except on ps3?

Think of plus as getting free games and discounts, and then the online play is free?

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I think the program "Looks" like a good value but it's hard to say what their angle is as it looks too good of a value especially depending on what games they add over time.

Personally if Sony doesn't believe it's a good value they shouldn't have made that call themselves, they could have passed the choice on to consumers and see if people pay for it themselves.

I know somebody on another forum also mentioned that perhaps Sony feared that by allowing this program other publishers would start their own like a domino effect and they wouldn't want their games on PS+. 

As I read more, if the early access is only a few hours unlike the 3 days unlimited the season ticket had, then this isn't worth it.  Give me 5 days of unlimited early access to try games and it is worth it.  Maybe Sony knows it is only a few hours and really all your getting is some old games and a 10% discount.  I have BB's GCU so 10% does nothing for me.

As I read more, if the early access is only a few hours unlike the 3 days unlimited the season ticket had, then this isn't worth it. Give me 5 days of unlimited early access to try games and it is worth it. Maybe Sony knows it is only a few hours and really all your getting is some old games and a 10% discount. I have BB's GCU so 10% does nothing for me.
Not to mention its for digital.

FIFA for me only costs about 25 bucks a year now. Buy it, play it for a few months, trade back in for around 30. Rinse, repeat. Digital would be 50 a year and stuck with it forever. Most MP games are the same way.

So you dont play online at all except on ps3?

Think of plus as getting free games and discounts, and then the online play is free?
When I play online I'm on my PC. I don't really need the 'free games' as I pretty much have access to unlimited rental of all console games. I totally see why Sony did it though, I just don't agree with it.

Not to mention its for digital.

FIFA for me only costs about 25 bucks a year now. Buy it, play it for a few months, trade back in for around 30. Rinse, repeat. Digital would be 50 a year and stuck with it forever. Most MP games are the same way.
Yea I don't think i want to go digital because of that. I don't want to keep my games when i am done with them... would rather end up with a cheaper game overall because I bought at $48 and sold at $30...

I'm not going to get mad about it.

I believe the early access is the same they offered with the season ticket. The full game unlocks 5 days before release and then you have to download it. Afterwards it's available until 3am the day it's released. Might wait and get it to try out the new madden and stuff like that. But if I decide to purchase the game, I will be buying for the PS4. It seems like people are being mislead and think that "the vault" will contain newer games. I doubt anything that is under 6 months old will make it on there.

Apparently the PS Now beta is going to be Open starting tomorrow. And will have over 100 games available. I still haven't got to try the program and I'm curious to see how it works with my less than stellar internet. From what I seen they need to lower the prices on some of those games.

Here's August Plus Content

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Found this on a bad forum.


Got mine pre-ordered.

Politifact would rate this one half-true.
Why do the only Playstation LE consoles have to be for some stupid charity or gay as shit like this. Why doesn't Sony do what M$ does and make special edition systems for the big AAA releases like the Gears 3, Halo Reach/4, and Call of Duty. Even those promotional 360 like the 10 Years of Live and Simpsons Movie were a nice touch.

Yeah.. maybe it's because Sony isn't stupid and knows that MS never delivers what people think they are promising. Remember what people thought the game share program would be? HUGE LOL Letdown.

I mean for me paying money to play year old sports titles would be the same experience as playing 5 year old sports titles. And I don't need to play games early and would never use the 10% discount since that's not a big enough incentive to buy digital copies of games since you'd never recoup that value.

Maybe Sony has crunched the numbers and realizes it's not a program that will survive as advertised and maybe they've spoken with EA and know what everyone is suspecting, that EA has no intentions of adding additional new titles until they're no longer new (i.e. have been on the market for a year or more).

I mean I guess paying $30 a year to get access to a bunch of $19.99 titles and the ability to play a few new releases for an hour or two is a good deal to some but I'd rather buy the games at a discount and resell/trade them so my oop expense at the end of the year would still be less then $30. The only thing I'd miss out on is a discount on DLC (BFD) and early access to what is essentially a timed demo.
Sorry, I have to disagree.

Anyone remember Xbox's original presentation, where they stated they had made a relationship with EA to bring exclusive content? Hmmmm . . . could this be part of what they were talking about?

Why would Sony say it's a good value if they couldn't offer it due to an exclusivity contract?

Depending on what actually gets offered in the vault over time, this could be a really stellar deal. But right now, here's a listing:

Madden? $22.99 on Amazon alone right now. BF4? $26.49. Fifa 14? $49.96.

At $30 for a year, that's not a bad deal. Especially if you don't plan on playing those games in a year, but more gets added.

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There is no excuse for Sony not allowing this on PS4. It isn't their place to decide for people what is or is not a good deal, the consumers should get to make that choice on their own. The backlash on this already seems to be pretty high Online with only the most stout of Sony fanboys defending it, I bet Sony changes their mind on this within a few weeks. It is just so fucking stupid of them.
There is no excuse for Sony not allowing this on PS4. It isn't their place to decide for people what is or is not a good deal, the consumers should get to make that choice on their own. The backlash on this already seems to be pretty high Online with only the most stout of Sony fanboys defending it, I bet Sony changes their mind on this within a few weeks. It is just so fucking stupid of them.
Really? most places ive read don't really seem to care.

Completely forgot that Playstation Now's open beta is tomorrow. I've never gotten to try it before but I'll give it a shot just to see how it performs on my internet.

I really like the 60fps in the Last of Us Remastered. It felt more fluid and the graphics are more sharper. There were a lot of details that I never noticed in the original.

I honestly think Sony doesn't want EA access on their platform because it makes Plus look bad.  I don't even understand how EA can give away some of their retail games with a service like this but Sony can't give us Knack or Killzone on Plus.  I'm so disappointed with the free PS4 games with Plus. Outside of a couple games it really feels like Sony is choosing games they know no one would buy like old indie game ports(trine 2, fez, Stick it to the Man) or the PS3 PSN ports(Dead nation, Pixel Jump shooter, and probably Journey too when it releases).  I don't expect new stuff like Watchdogs or Wolfenstein but I don't see why they cant give us Lego Marvel, AC4, or Injustice.

I expect they'll start offering those older retail launch titles next year. They're still pretty new games and since both systems still don't have massive libraries they can't just start giving away some of the higher quality retail releases for free.

That's different then when PS+ launched on the PS3 and since the system had launched for quite some time at that point they could already afford to give away a sleuth of high quality retail releases.

Yeah.. maybe it's because Sony isn't stupid and knows that MS never delivers what people think they are promising. Remember what people thought the game share program would be? HUGE LOL Letdown.

I mean for me paying money to play year old sports titles would be the same experience as playing 5 year old sports titles. And I don't need to play games early and would never use the 10% discount since that's not a big enough incentive to buy digital copies of games since you'd never recoup that value.

Maybe Sony has crunched the numbers and realizes it's not a program that will survive as advertised and maybe they've spoken with EA and know what everyone is suspecting, that EA has no intentions of adding additional new titles until they're no longer new (i.e. have been on the market for a year or more).

I mean I guess paying $30 a year to get access to a bunch of $19.99 titles and the ability to play a few new releases for an hour or two is a good deal to some but I'd rather buy the games at a discount and resell/trade them so my oop expense at the end of the year would still be less then $30. The only thing I'd miss out on is a discount on DLC (BFD) and early access to what is essentially a timed demo.
this is nothing new for EA they have been doing this for years with ea sports ticket pretty much same thing other then they added free games. it's great value if you are into EA games.

bread's done