PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Really? most places ive read don't really seem to care.
what do you read sony love sites?

ea sports season ticket was HUGE for ea they made tons off money off of it for little it added. for 25 bucks a month all you got was discounts on in game stuff and games 3 days early. for five dollers more with access you get free games 10 percent discounts and games five days early. NO reason why sony should not allow this on the ps4 and i bet any money it comes on ps4 before madden 15 launch in 3 weeks

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what do you read sony love sites?

ea sports season ticket was HUGE for ea they made tons off money off of it for little it added. for 25 bucks a month all you got was discounts on in game stuff and games 3 days early. for five dollers more with access you get free games 10 percent discounts and games five days early. NO reason why sony should not allow this on the ps4 and i bet any money it comes on ps4 before madden 15 launch in 3 weeks
Well that's great and all... I'm glad people loved the service and the sites you visit (that apparently no one else does) are upset that Sony isn't offering this "awesome" service.

I guess Xbox One should definitely win the sales war (domestically) next month.

But you better get your excuses ready yet again. MS just can't figure this thing out.

Well that's great and all... I'm glad people loved the service and the sites you visit (that apparently no one else does) are upset that Sony isn't offering this "awesome" service.

I guess Xbox One should definitely win the sales war (domestically) next month.

But you better get your excuses ready yet again. MS just can't figure this thing out.
yep because anything i said had anything to do with sales. at this point i could careless all i ask is ms comes close to sony which only helps us consumers i got all 3 next gen systems im over the which one is better junk.

sony should never do this to consumers they should let consumer make the choice. ms did same thing with launch of x1 NOT giving people choice of kinenct or no kinect and the ms haters bashed ms for it but yet don't bash sony for this  :wall:

First thing that came to mind when I heard the news yesterday was being upset that it wasn't coming to PS4. But...there's a lot of "ifs" when it comes to what this service entails (such as what games are available, when do new games get added, etc). So I kind of want to hold off on claiming this as a great service until it gets underway.

Am I still upset that it's not coming? In a way, yeah. The option to have it would be nice, and I'm not about to claim I understand why Sony is against it. Their answer was far from satisfactory in detailing the reason.

But I really want to put my faith in EA (and potentially other publishers) to not use this service to their advantage such as subscription-exclusive content or whatever? Ehhhhhh....

Why do the only Playstation LE consoles have to be for some stupid charity or gay as shit like this. Why doesn't Sony do what M$ does and make special edition systems for the big AAA releases like the Gears 3, Halo Reach/4, and Call of Duty. Even those promotional 360 like the 10 Years of Live and Simpsons Movie were a nice touch.
Umm this is not from Sony bro...

also and shit, gotta trade in dragon crown, forgot it was coming to plus.

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I wouldn't be as upset about this if Sony didn't have the launch of PS Now right around the corner.  They tell consumers that the EA Access program isn't a good deal but then turn around and launch a service like PS Now....... with THOSE PRICES!  I'm pretty sure Sony is just trolling everyone at this point. 

I dont see the value in the program for me. Year old sports games that become obsolete once the new version releases doesn't excite me at all. I don't play many EA games outside of BF4 anyway. The 10% off doesn't do anything for either, GCU beats it. 2 hour trials for new releases also seems meh to me. *Shrug*

Maybe Sony knows something we don't? I'm highly skeptical the service is what people believe it is, this is EA and Microsoft after all. I have a beta invite but I'm not jumping in until more details are fleshed out. That and I prefer my multiplats on the PS4, which is pretty much all EA offers anyway.
Based on both corporations past, If I was interested I would wait it out as well before I signed up. It wouldn't surprise me if this is some huge trojan horse lol

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Well that's great and all... I'm glad people loved the service and the sites you visit (that apparently no one else does) are upset that Sony isn't offering this "awesome" service.

I guess Xbox One should definitely win the sales war (domestically) next month.

But you better get your excuses ready yet again. MS just can't figure this thing out.
Kind of ironic since I noticed a few people mention this in the official CAG thread about this service so there's definitely some fans who would want it.

I like how you need to throw the sales argument out there when it's completely irrelevant just because you can't come up with a better argument.

I don't agree with this move overall. I feel Sony is making the choice for consumers which isn't right and part of me thinks they passed on this because they don't want any competition with PS+ or Playstation Now.

I dont see the value in the program for me. Year old sports games that become obsolete once the new version releases doesn't excite me at all. I don't play many EA games outside of BF4 anyway. The 10% off doesn't do anything for either, GCU beats it. 2 hour trials for new releases also seems meh to me. *Shrug*

Based on both corporations past, If I was interested I would wait it out as well before I signed up lol It wouldn't surprise me if this is some huge trojan horse lol
that two hours thing has proven to be false you get unlimited play five days early just like ea sports ticket which was only 3 days. with madden 25 having option to change and download rosters i could very well see many people not upgrade this year so they could get all these games for 30 bucks and be happy.

They most likely also put some bug / stability fixes in that aren't listed in the patch notes.
Sure but unless the system was relatively unstable/buggy before I don't see why it would have to be mandatory. Not that I'm complaing I turned on my system to it already downloaded and just had to click install and go to the bathroom and it was done.

Wow! I can't believe how fast people forget things. Remember the WiiU? Specifically before WiiU released and soon after it released? Remember how EA was a huge partner and going to support the WiiU, they canceled that. The reason? They basically wanted to put their Origin store on WiiU, and Nintendo said fuck no. So EA pulled all their future games from WiiU.

Now they doing the same thing with XB1 and slipping it past MS with some subscription kickback promises? Wow. Can't wait to see how this plays out.

Quick Google found a few mentions of what happened:

Wow! I can't believe how fast people forget things. Remember the WiiU? Specifically before WiiU released and soon after it released? Remember how EA was a huge partner and going to support the WiiU, they canceled that. The reason? They basically wanted to put their Origin store on WiiU, and Nintendo said fuck no. So EA pulled all their future games from WiiU.

Now they doing the same thing with XB1 and slipping it past MS with some subscription kickback promises? Wow. Can't wait to see how this plays out.

Quick Google found a few mentions of what happened:
but ea has been doing this same program for years with ea sports season ticket but that did not include full games to keep only trials. that by the way was on 360 and ps3. This only points at sony not wanting this to compete with ps now.

that two hours thing has proven to be false you get unlimited play five days early just like ea sports ticket which was only 3 days. with madden 25 having option to change and download rosters i could very well see many people not upgrade this year so they could get all these games for 30 bucks and be happy.
So you would be able to play the entire game for 5 days? Im not familiar with EA sports ticket but I was going by what I read.

"Starting 5 days before release, you’ll be able to try the game for at least two hours and then save your progress. Once you purchase the digital or physical copy, you can use your save game and continue the experience."

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that two hours thing has proven to be false you get unlimited play five days early just like ea sports ticket which was only 3 days. with madden 25 having option to change and download rosters i could very well see many people not upgrade this year so they could get all these games for 30 bucks and be happy.
How the fuck can it be proven to be false when the program isn't even up and running?

that two hours thing has proven to be false you get unlimited play five days early just like ea sports ticket which was only 3 days. with madden 25 having option to change and download rosters i could very well see many people not upgrade this year so they could get all these games for 30 bucks and be happy.
You can't just say it was false and not link to any sources confirming that.

So you would be able to play the entire game for 5 days? Im not familiar with EA sports ticket but I was going by what I read.

"Starting 5 days before release, you’ll be able to try the game for at least two hours and then save your progress. Once you purchase the digital or physical copy, you can use your save game and continue the experience."

How the fuck can it be proven to be false when the program isn't even up and running?
Yeah I'm assuming Timbo is confused since Major Nelson's blog even states 2 hours.

I'm guessing what it actually may be is 5 days before the game comes out you can play a 2 hour "Trial" and keep your saved games then if you like the game you can buy it. It doesn't mention you buying it ahead of time so I assume you don't. That being said they'd be giving you 5 days early access to new games for free without buying them and that doesn't make sense since most games can be beaten in 5 days.

Play First: EA Access members will get to experience trials of new EA games early on Xbox One. Starting 5 days before release, you’ll be able to try the game for at least two hours and then save your progress. Once you purchase the digital or physical copy, you can use your save game and continue the experience.

^ I'm guessing, like you said, you can start your trial 5 days before launch for at least two hours (story driven games would probably have a shorter preview period then sports titles). Then, in a best case scenario, you could buy the game and have it prior to release---but even that is being extremely optimistic. 

I just don't know how everyone started believing that even if you didn't intend to buy the game that EA/MS was just going to let you rent THE ENTIRE GAME for free, 5 full days before release. That makes no sense.

Oh wow, I didn't read much into. I thought it was a full 5 days you got for free before the game came out but you only get 2 hours to play during that 5 day window?

Yeah, no thanks.

Oh wow, I didn't read much into. I thought it was a full 5 days you got for free before the game came out but you only get 2 hours to play during that 5 day window?

Yeah, no thanks.
Come on, they say at LEAST 2 hours, meaning 2 hours for sure, but maybe more depending on the game.

Sounds like a steal to me.

well i read the agreement when i signed up no where in benfits section of that agreement did it say two hours it said five days before release. Plus Ea spokeperson said you will get at least two hours of gameplay and they have yet to decided the max limit. So if it turns out to be two hours and no where in agreement people agree to when buying the product EA would be in trouble.

^ I'm guessing, like you said, you can start your trial 5 days before launch for at least two hours (story driven games would probably have a shorter preview period then sports titles). Then, in a best case scenario, you could buy the game and have it prior to release---but even that is being extremely optimistic.

I just don't know how everyone started believing that even if you didn't intend to buy the game that EA/MS was just going to let you rent THE ENTIRE GAME for free, 5 full days before release. That makes no sense.
becasue they did it with ea sports season ticket but was only 3 days before release included full game download

Its a Beta. I think it doesn't matter till its actually live.
it's not beta :wall: ea calls it one but just like ps now it's just a way for them to say when things don't work well it's beta. you don't allow people to pay for a full year with out it being legit product. You are saying seeing i paid 30 bucks and thing change when it launches i should get a refund seeing it was beta?

well i read the agreement when i signed up no where in benfits section of that agreement did it say two hours it said five days before release. Plus Ea spokeperson said you will get at least two hours of gameplay and they have yet to decided the max limit. So if it turns out to be two hours and no where in agreement people agree to when buying the product EA would be in trouble.
LOL. You crack me up.

Yeah... you can have the full five day window... if you PAY FOR THE GOD DAMN GAME.

But go ahead and make up your own make believe T&C and when you're disappointed get the ball rolling on that Class Action Lawsuit

LOL. You crack me up.

Yeah... you can have the full five day window... if you PAY FOR THE GOD DAMN GAME.

But go ahead and make up your own make believe T&C and when you're disappointed get the ball rolling on that Class Action Lawsuit
did you never hear of ea sports season ticket FULL GAME FOR 3 DAYS WHY IS IT SO HARD TO THINK THEY WOULD DO FIVE DAYS BEFORE LAUNCH. i would guess you are not into sports games so you would have never knowing that was a thing since early last gen for 25 bucks a year.

did you never hear of ea sports season ticket FULL GAME FOR 3 DAYS WHY IS IT SO HARD TO THINK THEY WOULD DO FIVE DAYS BEFORE LAUNCH. i would guess you are not into sports games so you would have never knowing that was a thing since early last gen for 25 bucks a year.
So you could download and play the full game for 3 days without buying it?

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So you could download and play the full game for 3 days without buying it?
with season ticket yes it was 25 bucks a year you got discounts on in game stuff and every ea sports game you got 3 days ahead before retail launch and couljd play full game other then Eas u.t stuff. The trial would end around midnight monday night. buying the game was not needed but it saved all your stuff so if you did buy game it would all transfer.

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with season ticket yes it was 25 bucks a year you got discounts on in game stuff and every ea sports game you got 3 days ahead before retail launch and couljd play full game other then Eas u.t stuff. The trial would end around midnight monday night. buying the game was not needed but it saved all your stuff so if you did buy game it would all transfer.
You do understand that "play full game other then Eas u.t stuff." isn't the full fucking game right? You do realize that right? right?

You also understand that the only people that bought into that program were people that were at the very least going to buy at least one full retail copy of an EA sports game every year right?

If you are assuming EA is just opening up the flood gates and is going to approach this new program the same way you are sorely mistaken.

You do understand that "play full game other then Eas u.t stuff." isn't the full fucking game right? You do realize that right? right?

You also understand that the only people that bought into that program were people that were at the very least going to buy at least one full retail copy of an EA sports game every year right?

If you are assuming EA is just opening up the flood gates and is going to approach this new program the same way you are sorely mistaken.
it's not worth fighting you over this seeing you can't understand it's pretty much the same freaking program. it was not like you kept the game it started on late friday and ended late monday after that you could not play the game :wall:

The problem with the pass is that other companies will follow then take it too far. Even at just $5/month you can EA, Rockstar, Ubisoft... so if you add 3-5 of them it`s now $15-$25 per month or $30x 5 per yr. Sony/MS may then also add it to PS+/ive so that goes up or paid add on.

From there good paid DLC maybe "pass members only" limited time or not.

Ok idea that will get abused by companies.
What will the pre-release trials include? Will my progress carry over?

Each game is different, so each game’s trial will be, too. In some titles you’ll be able to play one of the game's modes for a limited time, while other times you can jump right into the full game. And since you’ll always be playing the real game, any progress you make will carry over so you can pick up where you left off on launch day.

As part of the EA Access Services, members with an active subscription are offered (1) the ability to play a limited trial of certain EA Content 5 days prior to the date that EA Content is otherwise available on the Xbox Marketplace (“Play First”), (2) discounts on EA Content offered through the Xbox Marketplace (“Discounts”); and (3) access to a limited library of certain EA Content (“Vault Title(s)”) for unlimited online play (“Vault Access”) for the duration of their availability in the Vault. Limitations and exclusions may apply. For upcoming EA Content eligible for Play First and Discounts, and for current EA Content available in the Vault, and current details on other membership benefits, see Certain EA Content may be excluded from Play First, the Vault, and/or Discounts (Titanfall excluded from all EA Access features); see for details on such exclusions as they become available.

EA reserves the right to change and update the EA Access Services, and the EA Content offered through the EA Access Services without any liability to you. In particular, Vault Titles are subject to change and may be removed, and the online services for certain Vault Titles may be discontinued. In the event that EA changes the EA Access Services, including the removal of Vault Titles or discontinuation of online services for certain Vault Titles, we will provide thirty (30) days advance notice to you by posting a notice on

You may cancel your subscription at any time for any reason. In addition, Microsoft may terminate your subscription if you fail to comply with the Microsoft Terms of Use ( Likewise, EA may terminate your Origin Account, thereby blocking you from the EA Access Services, for any violation of the EA Terms of Services ( Please note, unless required by law, all EA Content (such as in-game entitlements, add-on content, and downloadable content) purchased in connection with the EA Access Services (including, without limitation, purchases made during Vault Titles) are non-refundable and non-transferable. If your subscription to EA Access is cancelled or otherwise terminated, you will not have further access EA Content until and unless you purchase the EA Content or Vault Title separately. In addition, Vault Titles contain functionality designed to disable access to those Vault Titles in the event that (i) your subscription is canceled or otherwise terminated or (ii) EA decides, in its sole discretion to remove certain Vault Titles as described above.

  • All content purchased with 10% discount will be lost if subscription is not active. Alternative is to re-buy the content separately according to the ToS.
  • Vault titles do not get saved into a "library", they will be removed when it comes time to rotate in new titles.
I've always been a subscriber of xbox live but now I'm about to take the jump to ps plus as well. With the two free games Sony gives out a month how long do I get to keep them? Can I only play them till the end of the month or can I play them till I stop being a subscriber? The only info I could find on the net was for the instant game collection and i wasn't sure if that's the same as the 2 games a month they release for free.
I've always been a subscriber of xbox live but now I'm about to take the jump to ps plus as well. With the two free games Sony gives out a month how long do I get to keep them? Can I only play them till the end of the month or can I play them till I stop being a subscriber? The only info I could find on the net was for the instant game collection and i wasn't sure if that's the same as the 2 games a month they release for free.
All the games on plus you can keep playing as long as you have a plus sub. If your sub drops you lose access but will get access back once you reup.

For instance, next month Dragons Crown is free on plus for the Triple. If you add that to your psn you will always have access to it as long as your plus sub is active. If you drop you plus sub, no access, but once you start plus up again, access back to it.

Its always best to add all the plus games to your account, even for systems you dont have. When you start, add all the vita games too, who knows you might have one at some point and if you had started collecting plus games, would have a slew of games to start playing when you buy a vita down the line. Same for a lot of people who have plus currently but only a Triple and not a Quad, builds up a good library of plus games for once they buy the system.

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Any game that's free for plus, as long as you goto the store and purchase it for free, you can play as long as your a member. For instance last night, I was just playing Just Cause 2. Which was a free title 2 years ago when the IGC first started.

It's also worth noting, you don't have to download all the games either. As long as you go through the checkout process. Even if you download a game and delete it, it will be available the Download list so you can always redownload it.
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You guys are incredible! Thanks for the bounty of information. I really wanted this current months games but I wasn't going to pull the trigger if I could only play them today since it's the last day of the month.
You guys are incredible! Thanks for the bounty of information. I really wanted this current months games but I wasn't going to pull the trigger if I could only play them today since it's the last day of the month.
Yep it's a really good deal. I bought 3 years or so when they were $30 and even if I don't play the games it's worth it for me. I go to the store on my computer and buy them all that way because it's faster

PS Now is not going to survive if they dont bring down those prices. A netflix like subscription would be a killer app.

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Do the PS3 and PS4 use the same power cord?

I have a PS4 upstairs and a PS3 downstairs and I'm thinking about doing a switcheroo for the weekend and I'd like it to be as painless as possible. I'm pretty OCD about cord/cables and they are all wired really neatly and discreetly and It'd be awesome if I could just unlug and swap the units without having to remove the power cords

I don't know what Sony did but since last update my ps4 gets so loud sounds like it's going to take off like a jet. I have it sitting right next to me on desk so it's really annoying
So with Gamescom quickly approaching, what do you except Sony's Conference to be like? Personally I think Guriella Games will show what they have been working on. I also think the 1.8 PS4 update will be announced with some of the requested features. Everyone keeps saying that Gamescom is going to overtake E3. I think Sony has a great European audience and they also have the developers there. Anyone think we will get a release date for No Mans Sky? Or BloodBorne?
bread's done