PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

[quote name="RBK" post="12748985" timestamp="1434473333"]You're not everyone.[/quote]
I'd say he's the vocal minority. Haters gonna hate.
You're not everyone.
And you don't understand the definition of "complaining"

I'd say he's the vocal minority. Haters gonna hate.
Right. Because the majority are people who buy season passes for games they intend to play later? Who have gaming blogs? Who want to play their old games on their new consoles? Who know the emulation is flawless because... they are the average gamer and know these things again... because?

This is good though. I'm glad everyone is overstating the importance this will have on the Xbox One. Will make you look like an idiot a year from now.

I'd say he's the vocal minority. Haters gonna hate.
I guess we'll have to see... I just have a hard time believing that the majority of people care about playing games that are up to 10 years old on their new console.

I mean, I love playing 30+ year old games on my old consoles, but I was under the impression that people bought new consoles for the new hotness. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
And you don't understand the definition of "complaining"

Right. Because the majority are people who buy season passes for games they intend to play later? Who have gaming blogs? Who want to play their old games on their new consoles? Who know the emulation is flawless because... they are the average gamer and know these things again... because?

This is good though. I'm glad everyone is overstating the importance this will have on the Xbox One. Will make you look like an idiot a year from now.
I bought a season pass for a game I planned to continue playing. I didn't, but still plan on playing the content because . . . well, I bought it.

Anyone see a gaming blog? I don't have one.

I'd love to play my old games on my new console. Which most people tend to agree with. This is why people were excited for Playstation Now, until they saw they had to rebuy (or should I say rent at ridiculous prices) old games and deal with lag and a lack of features because the games weren't natively emulated.

I know the emulation is flawless because I'm in the preview program and played with it all day yesterday. I'm a bit "above average", but I still know a good thing when I see one. Having an all in one media box is exactly what Xbox was attempting to achieve, and this was a big fucking deal for that reason. No one likes jumping through hoops to play games. This removed a ton of them. No more switching inputs, dealing with different controllers, etc.

But hey, keep trying to understate what was achieved. Because, for some reason, anything positive the competition does impacts you negatively. You know, despite it being good for the overall market.

Way to be salty, GBAStar! Keep hating.

I'd say he's the vocal minority. Haters gonna hate.
I usually hate on a lot of what Microsoft does but I have done nothing but praise the feature. It was a brilliant move and adds value to the console, there are no negatives to it.

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I guess we'll have to see... I just have a hard time believing that the majority of people care about playing games that are up to 10 years old on their new console.

I mean, I love playing 30+ year old games on my old consoles, but I was under the impression that people bought new consoles for the new hotness. Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
Right. That's why Nintendo still has Super Mario Bros, Earthbound, Donkey Kong Country, Metroid, etc on the current gen store. That's why you can download Final Fantasy VII and the original Tomb Raider on the Playstation Vita. That's why the original Perfect Dark and Banjo Kazooie were made available on the XBLA last gen. That's why people eat up retro style indie games. That's why developers keep releasing nothing but last-gen ports for current gen systems...

If you don't want want to use backwards compatibility, don't. Some people don't want to have to use 3 HDMI splitters and have 14 consoles hooked up to their TV in their homes at all times. Although, I just think the haters are just butthurt because Sony didn't announce BC for the PS4 first.

And you don't understand the definition of "complaining"
Not going to get in a argument over it, just don't see how you can say anything negative about it. At the most, the initial

catalog is pure shit and they're getting most of the games people want to play remastered as is.

If the option is to play it on your PS4 or Xbox One and you don't own the predecessors anymore, why wouldn't you welcome it? I personally still have a significant backlog from a ton of games I've bought last year(Ultimate Game Sale), whenever added, they'll definitely be of importance again.

If E3 was a competition between MS and PS, then MS conquered.
I disagree..

Halo is now a squad based shooter.. who asked for this..? Lost all interest in the game.

Recore: CGI trailer of what might be interesting but too early to say

Rise of the Tomb Raider: Did not demo well and looks to be a very short timed exclusive "holiday 2015 lingo still used"

Backward Compatibility: Only bomb dropped

Gears of War 4: Didn't demo well

Everything else is a blur

Hololens was just filler. it was demoed weeks ago, has been getting negative reviews from people who have used it and has been said to have little to do with Xbox and gaming

You take out the BC bomb and this presser was very sub par.

Whomever had the better press conference is all subjective, it's no different from stating who has the better exclusive lineup.

Right. That's why Nintendo still has Super Mario Bros, Earthbound, Donkey Kong Country, Metroid, etc on the current gen store. That's why you can download Final Fantasy VII and the original Tomb Raider on the Playstation Vita. That's why the original Perfect Dark and Banjo Kazooie were made available on the XBLA last gen. That's why people eat up retro style indie games. That's why developers keep releasing nothing but last-gen ports for current gen systems...

If you don't want want to use backwards compatibility, don't. Some people don't want to have to use 3 HDMI splitters and have 14 consoles hooked up to their TV in their homes at all times. Although, I just think the haters are just butthurt because Sony didn't announce BC for the PS4 first.
I honestly don't care one way or another. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Although you hit on my biggest issue with the 8th Generation and that it's too much of the same old crap. I picked up the PS4 for new games, not old. If I want to play on my NES, PS2, Atari 2600, Dreamcast, N64, Jaguar, etc I'll just do that.
I honestly don't care one way or another. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Although you hit on my biggest issue with the 8th Generation and that it's too much of the same old crap. I picked up the PS4 for new games, not old. If I want to play on my NES, PS2, Atari 2600, Dreamcast, N64, Jaguar, etc I'll just do that.
I get you on that. The selling point for BC is that you can still support a brand and get to take advantage of all their new games while not necessarily needing to take up space in your entertainment center with a second machine if 1 can run both. I would have never thought of picking up a One even though there are some games I really want to play exclusive to it, and with BC coming, I don't need to get hold on to my 360 in order to play the games I already have and still get to play One games. For me, it's the factor of space in my entertainment center as well as being able to trade in my 360 for a discounted One. I feel that XB1 sales will skyrocket once BC hits. I'm sure there are alot of consumers in the same boat as me

But you know they'd be all over Sony's dick if they beat Microsoft to the punch on this one.
You're viewing this as a fanboy argument when most of us are just being honest.

If you really wanted you could find posts of myself posting on here saying the same thing when the whole BC thing was hazy for these new consoles back in 2013.

It's like you guys are getting mad that most of us don't care. We aren't trying to hide our true feelings because it's MS instead of Sony... It's really just not as big a deal as you think.
If E3 was a competition between MS and PS, then MS conquered.

Anyone else notice that MS didn't announce anything for the Kinect? While PS didn't announce anything for the Vita? I know that maybe it wasn't a surprise that there were no announcements for the Kinect, but I am surprised there wasn't a single game announced for the Vita. Hell, even the new Tearaway game isn't on the Vita, the system that gave birth to it.
that tearaway game is the same game on the vita just upgraded.

and ms conquering e3? why? because of BC? sony announced a fantastic looking new ip in horizon, reannounced the last guardian, announced a beloved video game sequel in shenmue 3 which is ps4/pc only and announced a ff7 remake that people have been clamoring for for years that may or may not even be coming to x1.

x1 announced recore, which is made by 2 unproved dev house's and showed no gameplay and rares sea of thieves game looks generic honestly. mostly anyone that made rare amazing in the past are long gone.

Am I the only one who didn't love this conference? Last Guardian and Horizon looked good but Media Molecules sucked, Arkham Knight made no sense since its out next week and ending on UC4 instead of something new?
Nope it was pretty weak, lots of timed exclusives, but weak overall. I'll be getting a couple of the games but Microsoft killed them this year.
that tearaway game is the same game on the vita just upgraded.

and ms conquering e3? why? because of BC? sony announced a fantastic looking new ip in horizon, reannounced the last guardian, announced a beloved video game sequel in shenmue 3 which is ps4/pc only and announced a ff7 remake that people have been clamoring for for years that may or may not even be coming to x1.

x1 announced recore, which is made by 2 unproved dev house's and showed no gameplay and rares sea of thieves game looks generic honestly. mostly anyone that made rare amazing in the past are long gone.
It's just a shame I don't want to have to buy a Dreamcast and Xbox (original) to play the first 2 games in the Shenmue series. and given Square's reputation as of late, if FF7 isn't made as a relatively 1:1 re-imagining of the original, it could fail pretty hard due to stupid gameplay mechanics *cough*FF13 saga*cough*

I disagree..

Halo is now a squad based shooter.. who asked for this..? Lost all interest in the game.

Recore: CGI trailer of what might be interesting but too early to say

Rise of the Tomb Raider: Did not demo well and looks to be a very short timed exclusive "holiday 2015 lingo still used"

Backward Compatibility: Only bomb dropped

Gears of War 4: Didn't demo well

Everything else is a blur

Hololens was just filler. it was demoed weeks ago, has been getting negative reviews from people who have used it and has been said to have little to do with Xbox and gaming

You take out the BC bomb and this presser was very sub par.
What do you mean by that statement.

I wasn't really complaining. Personally who buys a new console and wants to play the old games? I was purely excited to check out how it worked. Considering when the console launched they said it wasn't possible to have BC and now all of a sudden easily possibleine

On topic of the Sony Conference: While Uncharted looked amazing, they should have opened with it and closed with The Last Guardian.

I really don't see what is so great about TLG but that's just me.
While it's not a game changer, it's still nice to have. With fallout and R6 already giving out free older games with purchase of a new one, you are going to see that trend continue. I'll gladly take free copies of older games I never had a chance to play AND be able to have it all on one console.
It's just a shame I don't want to have to buy a Dreamcast and Xbox (original) to play the first 2 games in the Shenmue series. and given Square's reputation as of late, if FF7 isn't made as a relatively 1:1 re-imagining of the original, it could fail pretty hard due to stupid gameplay mechanics *cough*FF13 saga*cough*
Shenmue 2 works on Xbox 360 and comes with a movie of the cutscenes from Shenmue 1. Although you should have a Dreamcast and Xbox regardless. They're great consoles.
Also mircosoft spent more time on indie games than sony did lol.
That's true.. But Sony spent a ton of time on already announced multi platform titles. Did they really need to have spots for arkham night, assassins creed, call of duty, etc etc? Those games come yearly to both consoles like clockwork.
Ive always felt backwards compatibility is best during the first year or two while games are still working their way out. I cant imagine wanting to play last gens games now. its a nice feature to have, but nowhere near as big as everyone makes it out to be. Especially when its not guaranteed to work with everything.

Only a vocal minority cared when the Ps3 lost the bc for PS2 games, and most forgot the PS3 can play PS1 games. The same will happen here.
Halfway true. But I don't think you can argue that it WON'T move consoles. Those people sitting on the fence to move to next gen with big 360 libraries can now hop on one of the many Trade in deals and go next gen for low cost without giving much up
Well, I do have a 360 that I can play alot of Xbox games on - AND THERE'S THE BIG SELLING POINT OF THE XB1 BC!!!
I just don't see the point in paying $400 for a console that only plays some of the games for a console I already own... It seems smarter to just keep my 360 if I care about my 360 games. (So I can like play all of them and not have to worry about compatibility issues.)

When I buy one in the next few years it will be because of games like Sunset Overdrive, not Perfect Dark Zero.
It's just a shame I don't want to have to buy a Dreamcast and Xbox (original) to play the first 2 games in the Shenmue series. and given Square's reputation as of late, if FF7 isn't made as a relatively 1:1 re-imagining of the original, it could fail pretty hard due to stupid gameplay mechanics *cough*FF13 saga*cough*
if youve never played shenmue 1 or 2, then 3 isnt for you and not a big deal, but it is for the people who have played it. just like BC isnt a big deal to some posters in this thread, but is for some other people.

ff13 was its own game. they arent going to take a final fantasy that already exists and completely re haul the game play mechanics of it.

Well, I do have a 360 that I can play alot of Xbox games on - AND THERE'S THE BIG SELLING POINT OF THE XB1 BC!!!
So how many XB games can be played on the XB1 today. And how many will work in the future? And what resources are being put into doing that. If it meant you got two less exclusives a year would you be happy knowing that they were adding BC to 30 XB 360 games instead?

It obviously requires some work to get titles compatible or it'd be an all or nothing thing correct and not just a small sample of 360 games as currently is.

Edit: And I'd be more inclined to believe if someone is going to buy an XB1 tomorrow it's more because of the insane promotions MS has been running combined with the "temporary price cut LOL" and huge AAA games on the horizon then the notion that maybe, some of their 360 games, might, maybe be compatible one day in the near or not so near future. Does that make sense?

Or are you thinking that people are going to buy an X1 because in three years they can play their entire 360 library on the X1?

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if youve never played shenmue 1 or 2, then 3 isnt for you and not a big deal, but it is for the people who have played it. just like BC isnt a big deal to some posters in this thread, but is for some other people.

ff13 was its own game. they arent going to take a final fantasy that already exists and completely re haul the game play mechanics of it.
Don't put anything past Square Enix

So how many XB games can be played on the XB1 today. And how many will work in the future? And what resources are being put into doing that. If it meant you got two less exclusives a year would you be happy knowing that they were adding BC to 30 XB 360 games instead?

It obviously requires some work to get titles compatible or it'd be an all or nothing thing correct and not just a small sample of 360 games as currently is.
It just requires the publisher to sign off on it. I doubt they wanted to go around flaunting it before announcing it
and ms conquering e3? why? because of BC? sony announced a fantastic looking new ip in horizon, reannounced the last guardian, announced a beloved video game sequel in shenmue 3 which is ps4/pc only and announced a ff7 remake that people have been clamoring for for years that may or may not even be coming to x1.

x1 announced recore, which is made by 2 unproved dev house's and showed no gameplay and rares sea of thieves game looks generic honestly. mostly anyone that made rare amazing in the past are long gone.
While some people may be excited by a game that was re-announced, I see it as it is, a re-announcement. It is like getting excited about your friend giving a $20 bucks than he owed you 4 years ago. Yeah awesome.....but late. In regards to Shenmue, last I checked this wasn't a console exclusive. Same goes with FF 7 remake. Just because it was announced by Sony, doesn't mean it is only for the PS4.

As an overall stand point, I think PS4 is doing better and has better exclusives than the Xbox One, however if you frame it by the borders of this E3, even if you don't agree my MS "conquering" PS statement, you surely can see why people would think that. Just like I don't agree with people that think Sony did better than MS, but I can see why some people would think that. Like someone else posted before this post, it is a matter of personal opinion.

In regards to Shenmue, last I checked this wasn't a console exclusive. Same goes with FF 7 remake. Just because it was announced by Sony, doesn't mean it is only for the PS4.
Probably not an argument that should be tossed around by anyone who is ever trying to defend the X1 since almost all their exclusives launch on the PC or end up playable on a playstation. Like seriously, the majority as in more then half.

Probably not an argument that should be tossed around by anyone who is ever trying to defend the X1 since almost all their exclusives launch on the PC or end up playable on a playstation. Like seriously, the majority as in more then half.
Take it in context. He is responding to my "MS conquered Sony" comment. PC games/ports/ has nothing to do with my comments.

While some people may be excited by a game that was re-announced, I see it as it is, a re-announcement. It is like getting excited about your friend giving a $20 bucks than he owed you 4 years ago. Yeah awesome.....but late. In regards to Shenmue, last I checked this wasn't a console exclusive. Same goes with FF 7 remake. Just because it was announced by Sony, doesn't mean it is only for the PS4.

As an overall stand point, I think PS4 is doing better and has better exclusives than the Xbox One, however if you frame it by the borders of this E3, even if you don't agree my MS "conquering" PS statement, you surely can see why people would think that. Just like I don't agree with people that think Sony did better than MS, but I can see why some people would think that. Like someone else posted before this post, it is a matter of personal opinion.
As of now, there are no release dates or solid plans for either game coming to Xbox. Shenmue is only listed on kickstarter as PS4 and PC. FF7 will launch first on PS4, but who knows how long the wait will be for Xbox. Same thing goes for Tomb Raider, so in your words then Tomb raider can't be counted...

Every where I go say that BESIDES BC on xbox, the conference was meh, as the demos that were shown off were lacking, and there were no surprises.

That's true.. But Sony spent a ton of time on already announced multi platform titles. Did they really need to have spots for arkham night, assassins creed, call of duty, etc etc? Those games come yearly to both consoles like clockwork.
The batman part was short. Assassins creed showed new stuff and cod was a first look at single and multiplayer?

Also what do these all have in common? They all have Sony exclusive content or with cod they now own the partnership.

Don't think for a second if it wasn't the other way around Microsoft wouldn't have spent time with those.

Sony is getting a large portion of marketing deals now. Batman, destiny, cod, star wars, assassins creed.

Personally its whatever to me but that's why they showec them in their conference.
The batman part was short. Assassins creed showed new stuff and cod was a first look at single and multiplayer?

Also what do these all have in common? They all have Sony exclusive content or with cod they now own the partnership.

Don't think for a second if it wasn't the other way around Microsoft wouldn't have spent time with those.

Sony is getting a large portion of marketing deals now. Batman, destiny, cod, star wars, assassins creed.

Personally its whatever to me but that's why they showec them in their conference.
Last year Xbox had those and everyone thought it was great... so things have turned. I am shocked with the COD flip, but seems like MS did something to piss them off.

Both the COD and BC have no impact on me since I don't play old games on new consoles and I don't replay any games (outside of maybe one or two) released in the last decade. Also the only reason I buy COD games is so that my girlfriend has something to play with her cousins that live outside the U.S.

I certainly think that a COD + Sony partnership is a bigger deal then a slow BC rollout two years into a consoles lifespan but that's just me. I would be more concerned that MS could quickly take back North America had they been able to hang their hat on COD like they did last generation. Not sure what the Sony partnership entails (I'm guessing just timed content) but I think COD will always drive more sales then last generation games. I mean it probably annually sells more copies worldwide then all last gen remasters released in the same calendar year.

Edit: And allows physical disc BC benefits the consumer only right (after an alleged hardware purchase "supposedly" for those reasons)? It's not a money maker for MS like timed content is and will be for Sony. If people are pouring time into replaying games they already own or can buy for cheap because... well they are old... then they aren't putting that time into buying new games.

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Not sure what the Sony partnership entails (I'm guessing just timed content)
From what I'm reading on GAF it also means that COD tournaments are moving to PS4s as well which appears to be a pretty big deal.

Couple that with Street Fighter V and the PS4 being the console for fighting tournaments and it's just insane how things have flipped for Sony and Microsoft.

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Highlight was definitely Last Gaurdian; Horizon looked like not so great but worth a rent probably. FF7... not holding my breath I remember when they released the Tech Demo for PS3. I honestly think they showed it to get people excited in their company problem is I thought the same people were working on Kingdom Hearts 3 or at least Nomura. I don't think anyone won E3 this year seeing as the holy shit moments were all games either remastered  or supposed to be released years ago.

I did find it hilarious though that BO 3 was essentially Destiny of Duty  at first I was like oh shit new destiny then I realized it was COD.

From what I'm reading on GAF it also means that COD tournaments are moving to PS4s as well which appears to be a pretty big deal.

Couple that with Street Fighter V and the PS4 being the console for fighting tournaments and it's just insane how things have flipped for Sony and Microsoft.
add that to PS4's being a part of Street Fighter tournaments as well.

Highlight was definitely Last Gaurdian; Horizon looked like not so great but worth a rent probably. FF7... not holding my breath I remember when they released the Tech Demo for PS3. I honestly think they showed it to get people excited in their company problem is I thought the same people were working on Kingdom Hearts 3 or at least Nomura. I don't think anyone won E3 this year seeing as the holy shit moments were all games either remastered  or supposed to be released years ago.

I did find it hilarious though that BO 3 was essentially Destiny of Duty  at first I was like oh shit new destiny then I realized it was COD.

In regards to Shenmue, last I checked this wasn't a console exclusive. Same goes with FF 7 remake. Just because it was announced by Sony, doesn't mean it is only for the PS4.
shenmue 3's kickstarter has stretch goals up to 4 million and there isnt a single other console in sight besides the ps4. right in the FAQ it says "Currently we are planning development only for PC (Windows) and PS4." so basically they didnt even start developing for anything else besides pc and ps4. so even if x1 or wiiu (or whatever nintendo console they talk about next year) get shenmue it will be very long off since the ps4/pc version is slated for dec 2017 and thats probably just a basic place holder date. there is no other wording about timed exclusivity or any of that other shit.

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shenmue 3's kickstarter has stretch goals up to 4 million and there isnt a single other console in sight besides the ps4. right in the FAQ it says "Currently we are planning development only for PC (Windows) and PS4." so basically they didnt even start developing for anything else besides pc and ps4. so even if x1 or wiiu (or whatever nintendo console they talk about next year) get shenmue it will be very long off since the ps4/pc version is slated for dec 2017 and thats probably just a basic place holder date. there is no other wording about timed exclusivity or any of that other shit.
Answer me this, what is the last new release game that came out on PS4 and PC only, but not on Xbox One? I am truly curious, because I don't think I know of one and if there isn't, I highly doubt it won't release on Xbox One soon after, if not at the same time.

[quote name="lastemp3ror" post="12749901" timestamp="1434490496"]Answer me this, what is the last new release game that came out on PS4 and PC only, but not on Xbox One? I am truly curious, because I don't think I know of one and if there isn't, I highly doubt it won't release on Xbox One soon after, if not at the same time. [/quote]

Bloodborne!! Well technically its ps4 only right now!
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bread's done