PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

They already said it could very well come to PS4. For me personally Destiny is much more interesting and seems like PS4 is getting some exclusive stuff for it.
destiny and titanfall both look great

i think we will be seeing alot more bigger name companys doing online only play in the upcoming gen systems seeing the system can handle giant amount of players in online games.

I find it really amusing that Matsui complains about the "bitching" in the X1 threads (if you want to call people standing up for their consumer rights as bitching) yet all you seem to be doing lately is coming in a PS4 thread and bitching about it and why everybody else should love Kinect as much as you do.

Put me in the I hope Titanfall comes to the PS4 category haha. Its the only game that I've seen from the Xbox One that I'm interested in. As far as exclusives go, I've always preferred Sony, you get lots of variety with them and I've always enjoyed them more then the 360's. The Xbox does has some monster ones though like Halo and Gears, but they're getting kinda stale IMO.

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yeah in my mind ps3 had better ps3 only games. Yes last gears was god awful i had no stroy to it even big gear fans hated it. halo 4 was halo nothing special it played alot like halo 3 in mp.

PS3 exclusives I loved- Heavy Rain, MGS 4, Ratchet, Uncharted, Yakuza, Little Big Planet, Folklore. There were other games too that I loved. As a poster above said, the PS family has a far greater variety of 1st party exclusives and gets alot of exclusive JRPG's from other companies, which is big for me.

Bottom line is that I have never seen a 360 game that I couldn't play on another system.

Halo is the only decent 360 exclusive left, and i havent even played Halo 4 since early February.  The last Forza was $15 a month after release and Gears has been forgettable since 3.  

Titanfall is on PC also but its just CoD with mechs.
I agree with statement, however, it also true that I would like to play it. Just not on the X1. It's a good thing it is technically only a timed exclusive. (If they decide to expand their market).
Halo is the only decent 360 exclusive left, and i havent even played Halo 4 since early February. The last Forza was $15 a month after release and Gears has been forgettable since 3.
There has only been one other Gears title since 3.

I made money on Forza Horizon, so don't knock it, lol. I bought it for $15 on BF then traded it for a little bit more than what I paid.
Every time someone says this it amazes me... I hate dealing with batteries and get annoyed whenever I have to deal with them. Just make sure you plug your controller in whenever your done playing for the day.
Just a too each, their own thing I guess. I'm OCD about having a neat place and a long USB cable is more of a hassle to wind up and hide than keeping a few recharageable AA batteries out of sight. I have a nice little ceramic vase on a table in my living room that I keep them in.

Plus the benefit of just being able to swap in a new set and keep playing wirelessly if it happens to die in a long session. Vs. having to dig out an extra long USB cable to reach from the TV stand to the couch.

I think the real issue here is that you are mad that no one here is as excited for Kinect 2 as you are. Sorry dude that demo video you posted about the Kinect 2 tech demo video was very lame and boring.
What he doesn't seem to get is that for most that loathe motion controls it isn't just that we don't like current motion controls. I don't care how well motion controls work, I have no interest in them. Like I said, games are my be lazy and veg on the couch hobby. I don't want to be up and moving around or making arm/hand gestures etc. If I want to move around I go for a run or hit the gym, which I already do far more than I game.

The last Gears didn't do too well and ive heard halo 4 was forgettable.
Halo is the only decent 360 exclusive left, and i havent even played Halo 4 since early February. The last Forza was $15 a month after release and Gears has been forgettable since 3.

Those series will be hard for me to do without. I'd disagree with the first post above about Halo. Halo 4 was probably my favorite campaign of the series. Maybe the MP wasn't as good, but I don't play MP other than coop stuff like Borderlands these days anyway so moot for me and I never played it.

As for Gears, saying it's forgettable since 3 is kind of silly since Judgment is the only game since 3. I haven't played that one yet, so I can't comment, but I loved the first 3 and will definitely miss the series with likely going PS4 only next gen.

In terms of exclusives overally, Sony definitely seems to have more variety--Uncharted, Last of US, Ratchet and Clank, Gran Turismo, Sly Cooper, Killzone, Resistance, Infamous, God of War, Heavy Rain etc. But at the end of the day, it's a pointless debate as all that matters is what exclusives you like most.

For me, it's mostly a wash. MS has Gears and Halo that I really love, and Fable I think is ok. Sony I loved the Uncharted games and Last of Us--haven't played much else yet on PS3 as I'm working on catching up. I liked R&C and Sly Cooper on PS2 though, and I'm pretty sure I'll dig the Infamous games. GT is always good when I had a racing itch too--haven't really played one since GT2 though--but I have GT5 XL on the shelf. So I think I'll have more than I can keep up with on the PS4 with their solid set of exclusives and the fact that 80% or more of games I play are multiplatform stuff like Borderlands, Bethesda WRPGs etc.

Halo is the only decent 360 exclusive left, and i havent even played Halo 4 since early February. The last Forza was $15 a month after release and Gears has been forgettable since 3.
You forgot about their 4th pillar Fable, which 3 was terribly rated, though I liked it, and 4 was turned into a Kinect game. They have also had a couple hits in the arcade like the recent State of Decay but that's only console exclusive. Other than that it's been a heavy reliability on 3rd party multiplats.

Can someone please name me these exclusives that are so amazing on PS3?

I have one. Uncharted was great and so is the Last of Us. But Xbox has had a lot of great ones as well. Halo, Gears of War etc. they each have great exclusives.
I'll just list the exclusives from this year and last year which doesn't even include Uncharted. And while not all are "amazing" the ones that aren't are pretty damn solid and you'll see there isn't even a comparison to the 360s exclusive weak sauce.

PS3 just in 2012/1013:

--releasing later this year--

Beyond: Two Souls

Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness

Dragon’s Crown

Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD

Gran Turismo 6

Guided Fate Paradox

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix



Tales of Xillia

Time and Eternity

Until Dawn

Witch and the Hundred Knights


Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland

Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk


God of War: Ascension


Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2

Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory


Last of Us


LittleBigPlanet Karting

MLB 13: The Show

Mugen Souls

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

One Piece: Pirate Warriors

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time


Tokyo Jungle

Twisted Meta

Yakuza: Dead Soulsl

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Wow!... Just Wow!!!! I didn't think you were as idiotic as you made yourself appeared. But wow.... Deader2818 is absolutely spot on, your opinion is worthless.
let's be honest ms can't over run sony in japan which im sure they know that and england is a area they do well in and u.s is the main area they do well in so plz explain to me how that is a dumb comment and plz explain why anyones opinion is ever worthless lol idiot. just look at the areas xbox live is supported and how long it to get to most places outside europe and north america.

plus it's obvious the areas ms thinks they want people to have their system after what they were going to do with the x1 at first which would not allow most people around the world to have xbox one i think my point is now proven

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let's be honest ms can't over run sony in japan which im sure they know that and england is a area they do well in and u.s is the main area they do well in so plz explain to me how that is a dumb comment and plz explain why anyones opinion is ever worthless lol idiot. just look at the areas xbox live is supported and how long it to get to most places outside europe and north america.

plus it's obvious the areas ms thinks they want people to have their system after what they were going to do with the x1 at first which would not allow most people around the world to have xbox one i think my point is now proven
So are you saying Microsoft is prejudice or is it elitist? :ziplip:

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It's funny how fickle people are. Sony sucked a few months ago now they are absolute Gods and everything MS ever put out was absolute shit.
Your whole argument was based on this fallacy. Who thought Sony "sucked" a few months ago? I didn't see that general sentiment. They were continuing to kick ass with PS+ and in general people were just waiting on the new systems.

PS3 exclusives I loved- Heavy Rain, MGS 4, Ratchet, Uncharted, Yakuza, Little Big Planet, Folklore. There were other games too that I loved. As a poster above said, the PS family has a far greater variety of 1st party exclusives and gets alot of exclusive JRPG's from other companies, which is big for me.

Bottom line is that I have never seen a 360 game that I couldn't play on another system.
Bingo - the variety is the key thing for me. And the JRPGs. The funny thing is that early on in this generation, the 360 was the place to go for those but that has definitely changed. The western RPGs come out on both, though I did pick most of those up for the 360 since the PS3 versions often had bug issues (Fallout, Skyrim, etc). But that shouldn't be an issue with the similar architectures of the new systems. One overlooked aspect of that nearly similar architecture is how much it will benefit Sony but not really Microsoft for just that reason. Multiplatform stuff should not have the issues that often plagued PS3 versions in the past.

I was all set to keep my Xbox One preorder when MS reversed course on the DRM. But the more I think about the games, the more move towards cancelling it. I don't mind Kinect (in fact, I look forward to seeing what they do with it). But it is simply that I don't see a game on Xbox One that I am dying to play. I've seen a lot of people getting all excited over the games MS showed at E3, but none of that did a damn thing for me. I'm not the least bit interested in multi-player only titles. My son really wants Destiny, and he wants it on the One, but if that is all I'm getting it for, I can wait till next Spring/Fall 2014 (?) or whenever that comes out. And maybe in the mean time I can convince him to go over to the PS4, though that seems unlikely - he is the prototypical 13 year-old (literally) Xbox fanboy ;).

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Yeah I don't get where Sony sucking even comes from? For the first several years of the PS3, sure. I was even one of their biggest detractors for a long time. It took a lot of work on their end but the PS3 is a damn good system with a ton of good to amazing exclusives. Pretty much the only category I think MS has Sony beat on is their online set-up which is smoother, but with every single thing behind a paywall it's practically a scam. And will it be so much better as to make a huge difference? I doubt it. Online will probably be comparable between the two and unless Microsoft drastically changes you get a far superior deal with PS+.

There has only been one other Gears title since 3.

I made money on Forza Horizon, so don't knock it, lol. I bought it for $15 on BF then traded it for a little bit more than what I paid.
Yes, and Judgment was complete garbage. I dont know a single person who enjoyed it actually and everyone I talk to about it has a pretty low opinion on it.

I made money on Forza too lol it was good, I'm just saying its hard to think of a franchise as AAA when your latest release is 75% off less than a month after coming out.

Oh, yeah, I was really down on the PS3 at launch.  The price was one thing, but the biggest thing that drove me to getting a 360 first was the lack of support for 1080i televisions, which was all I had at the time.  I didn't appreciate Sony's attitude about that, which kind of flowed from their attitude in general at launch (the whole getting two jobs to pay for the PS3 meme).  Their answer for how to deal with lack of 1080i support was to suggest that you should buy a new TV and I recall many Sony fans here on CAG putting down people like me with 1080i sets (and remember this was 2006-2007 when 1080p wasn't all that common).  I was pretty pissed at Sony for a while just over that issue and I was impressed the 360 managed to detect and output at multiple resolutions.

But, once I got a 1080p set, I eventually picked up a PS3 for the games (LBP and Uncharted at first).  I slowly moved more and more to the PS3 over the next few years and PS+ was just the icing on the cake.  I am willing and able to get both of the new systems and I may yet do so, but I really need to ask myself why?  I have tons of 360/PS3 games to play still and will have very little to play on the new systems for a while.  One of them (the one that will give me free games via the subscription service for which I am already paid up for another year) is probably plenty.  My son is the x-factor, though, since he really wants an Xbox One.  I also have about 12,000 MS points on my account and since they will transfer those points (but then make them expire in a year) that is another incentive to get the One since I'll have to use those points.  But I could certainly wait until next summer (or whenever Destiny releases) at least.

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I'm sorry I didn't go to Google and pull a list Rippin. I was just speaking generally.

Gears of War
Project Gotham
Left 4 Dead
State of Decay
Shadow Complex
Kinect Sports
Dance Central

To name a few. Yeah Xbox exclusives suck...
Yes, and Judgment was complete garbage. I dont know a single person who enjoyed it actually and everyone I talk to about it has a pretty low opinion on it.

I made money on Forza too lol it was good, I'm just saying its hard to think of a franchise as AAA when your latest release is 75% off less than a month after coming out.

Yeah because God of War's last installment was amazing...
Your whole argument was based on this fallacy. Who thought Sony "sucked" a few months ago? I didn't see that general sentiment. They were continuing to kick ass with PS+ and in general people were just waiting on the new systems.

I have PS+ and its great and all but the games haven't always been the best and I know folks will list off all of the infamous games and Uncharted but I had already played them so I never downloaded most of them. The other titles were very week. How many weeks did we get Street Fighter or a week arcade game? The UK + was and is superior. But they are free games so it should be awesome right.

I just totally prefer the online experience from MS. And guess what I don't care that I have to pay for it. I value it. $35 a year is not bad for all that you get with XBL. Also just the entire download system is superior. Last night I had to download a system update on my PS3 when I went to play the Last of Us and it took almost a half hour. That never happens on my X360.

I downloaded Fable 3 for free the other day in my X360 and while it was downloading and installing I was able to play another game.

When I downloaded my digital copy of the Last of Us it took all day for the 27 gb file to download and install and during that time my console was completely locked.

I would pay to avoid that craziness! I really wish it was much better on the PS3.
But that shouldn't be an issue with the similar architectures of the new systems. One overlooked aspect of that nearly similar architecture is how much it will benefit Sony but not really Microsoft for just that reason. Multiplatform stuff should not have the issues that often plagued PS3 versions in the past.
Its funny that you mention that specifically. Was talking to LordVila from here just yesterday and mentioned basically the same thing. With the the fact that pretty much all multiplat played better on the 360, I pretty much never played my ps3. Throw in the fact that Live was just better (not putting this up for debate, personal opinion), and I had no reasons to really play the ps3 outside the occasional exclusive (played last of us right now, first game Ive played on ps3 in well over a year).

The new systems though? VERY similar architecture so there should be no issues for ps3 multiplats and and in fact, most titles over time should look better on ps3 as it is slightly more powerful. With the requirement for ps+ to play multiplayer, they should see increased income from that and the online experience should be a better and closer to Live.

Sony is just doing everything right this time around. I have a preorder for both, and like io I'm leaning to going with the ps4 even after the 180 on the DRM (mostly because if it wast that easy to turn off, its that easy for them to turn on in the future)

How are they "doing everything right" when the systems aren't even close to being on shelves yet? We still have 5 months!
I'm sorry I didn't go to Google and pull a list Rippin. I was just speaking generally.

Gears of War
Project Gotham
Left 4 Dead
State of Decay
Shadow Complex
Kinect Sports
Dance Central

To name a few. Yeah Xbox exclusives suck...
You missed one point from RIppn's comment. He listed just 2012/2013 games. So removing/changing those from your list, let me just post the everything according to the Exclusive Wiki and what I recall. The wiki is not completely accurate as Trials and State of Decay was not on there. Feel free to add any I'm missing.

Released Later This Year:

Charlie Murder (I think exclusive)

Deadfall Adventures

Fable Anniversary


Max: The Curse of Brotherhood

World of Tanks

2012/2013 (Bolding the Kinect Games to distinguish those also)

Akai Katana

Alan Wake's American Nightmare

Battleblock Theater


Country Dance All-Stars

Dance Central 3

Double Dragon II: Wander of the Dragons

Dragon Ball Z for Kinect

Fable: The Journey


Forza Horizon

Gears of War: Judgement

Halo 4

Harry Potter for Kinect


Kinect Nat Geo TV

Kinect Rush: A Disney-Pixar Adventure

Kinect Sesame Street TV

Kinect Star Wars

Mark of the Ninja

Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition

Monaco: What's Yours is Mine

NBA Baller Beats

Nike+ Kinect Training

Skulls of the Shogun


State of Decay

Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor

Trials Evolution

The WItcher 2: Assassins of Kings


Eh, while it's on my mind, here's the PS3 for 2012/2013

Released Later This Year

Beyond: Two Souls

Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness

Dragon’s Crown

Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD

Gran Turismo 6

Guided Fate Paradox

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2



Tales of Xillia

Time and Eternity

Until Dawn

Witch and the Hundred Knights

2012/2013 (Bolding the Move games to distinguish those also)

Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland

Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk



Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock

Dust 514

God of War: Ascension


Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2

Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory



LittleBigPlanet Karting

MLB '13: The Show

Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn

Mugen Souls

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

One Piece: Pirate Warriors

Papo & Yo

Pixeljunk 4am

Playstation All Stars: Battle Royale

Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault

Ratchet & Clank Collection

Resident Evil: Chronicles HD Collection

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time


Sports Champions 2


Tales of Xillia 2

The Last of Us

Tokyo Jungle

Twisted Metal

Wonderbook: Book of Spells

Yakuza: Dead Souls

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Word on the street is Gamescon will premiere the launch date.  That's two months away, leaving roughly two months before launch.  I really don't understand why they're holding this card until almost the last minute.  My only guess would be psychological, to get people to pre-order now since they don't know how much time they have before launch (and even that's stupid since it's obviously November-ish).  I suppose they're trying to compete with X1 to launch first?

Regardless, both camps need to respect their consumers and give us a date sooner than later so we can plan ahead.

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See the interesting thing for me is I have a really nice gaming pc (always have, always will...pc gaming is my main jam) so I need to be convinced of why I need an X1 right now.  So many of the X1 exclusives are only console exclusives and are also on pc (Titanfall being the biggest one).  The PS3 was the console this gen that had more exclusives that weren't on pc versus the 360.  Microsoft needs to show more than just console exclusives to get me and a lot of other people to jump on board.  There are a lot of people with gaming pc's out there nowadays that need to see a reason to buy an X1.  It has always been a little easier to buy a Sony console as a pc gamer, their exclusives are usually not on pc at all.

You missed one point from RIppn's comment. He listed just 2012/2013 games.
Thanks for doing that, I like how WV Matsui blasted me for researching my post, then ignored important parts of it. I think if we go back in a lot of discussion with him this is probably a trend. However that's not research I'm willing to do. Also in my list I actually left out Move titles like Sorcery and Sports Champions 2, cause I didn't want to include shovelware as he wanted "amazing" exclusives.

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Yeah, I don't get the comment that people had all this ill will toward Sony until E3.

Yeah, I and many others were put off by the PS3 at launch with the high prices and statements about people working two jobs to buy one etc.  And they definitely botched some other things--no rumble due to the lawsuit, PSN being down a month during the hacking etc.

But they bounced back and put out a lot of great exclusives, and PS+ has been a great service for me since I didn't get a PS3 until 2012 (during a time when I was locked out of my Xbox Live account for over 3 months due to it being hacked and migrated to Russia--see my blog here) so I hadn't played any of the free games.  Uncharted 3 is the only thing so far that's gone up that I already played/owned.  I am curious to see what they do with PS+ the first couple years of PS4 when they don't have a bunch of great old games that aren't selling much anymore to throw up on there.

Anyway, I'd already been playing my PS3 more than my 360 the past year and a half so I was going into next gen totally up in the air as to whether I'd get the the next Playstation or Xbox and was fully in wait and see how they pan out mode in terms of features etc.  I'd only decided to only get one console as I don't game enough to justify multiple consoles anymore.  If anything I was still leaning toward Xbox as I did play that more overall this generation and have some close friends who game on there.

But with Kinect packed in, the drm announcement and $100 higher price the decision became easy.  Add in that all my close friends I game are shifting to PS4 as well (or at least getting it first) and I just have no reason to go with the Xbox 1.  I hate motion controls, think $500 is way to much for a console when I only game 5-10 hours a week on consoles currently ($400 is really pushing it as well) and can play games like Destiny, any Borderlands sequels etc. with the same friends I game with now.  It's a no brainer for me.

I'll miss Halo and Gears some, but shooters are a dime a dozen anyway and there will be plenty on PS4 just like there are on PS3.  And Sony has had more variety in their exclusives overall due to being a Japanese company and being successful in that market, where as MS mainly just gets stuff from western developers (exclusives not overall).

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Have they stated if they will support NTFS drives as external storage? Just curious
I don't think they have clarified anything about what drives are compatible.

Thanks for doing that, I like how WV Matsui blasted me for researching my post, then ignored important parts of it. I think if we go back in a lot of discussion with him this is probably a trend. However that's not research I'm willing to do. Also in my list I actually left out Move titles like Sorcery and Sports Champions 2, cause I didn't want to include shovelware as he wanted "amazing" exclusives.
I went ahead and updated my post with PS3 exclusives in the same time frame.

I too was a very staunch 360 supporter at the beginning of the generation.  As for Sony, a couple of huge negatives for me was the whole  lack of rumble in the controller mess and the BS about it being "last gen," and the premature network experience with lack of an achievement system and the "empty" feeling you got on the system.  It didn't feel as connected as the 360 did, also the lack of XMB in games and no included headset meant no one talked in multiplayer games adding to the disconnected feeling.  The high price put me off getting it at launch as well as the lack of exclusive games, but in May following launch Best Buy gave a 100$ gift card with the purchase of the $599 model and that's when I finally bit.  But because of the above issues I purchased all multiplats on the 360 and my PS3 rarely got powered on.

As others have said, Sony put a great deal of effort matching or exceeding the 360 offerings couple that with Microsoft trying to go after the Wii audience and all but abandoning core gamers and now it's completely opposite.

Microsoft could be the ones playing catch up this gen, the good news for them is if history repeats itself it could end up being where we are gaming on the Bone more than the PS4 near the end of the this new gen because they are going to have to put effort to get customers back.  I just don't see it though, while there are a lot of parallels with the new gen and the last gen, one big difference is the PS3 was a beast of a machine and actually had the tech in it to warrant the high price. The Bone however is a weaker machine with an emphasis on motion gaming and this is causing the higher price.  Will be interesting to watch this all play out.

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I'm another 360 supporter that wants a PS4 now.  I feel like it's too late to get a PS3 so I hope they get backwards compatibility or Gaikai working sooner rather than later and have a decent library of games that I've missed out on.  Sony seems to have fixed most of their mistakes now while Microsoft is heading in a bad direction with TV/Kinect. 

I just don't see it though, while there are a lot of parallels with the new gen and the last gen, one big difference is the PS3 was a beast of a machine and actually had the tech in it to warrant the high price. The Bone however is a weaker machine with an emphasis on motion gaming and this is causing the higher price. Will be interesting to watch this all play out.
Yep. With the DRM gone, that's the reason why I'm still passing on the X1. It's less powerful (though time will tell whether that makes much difference in graphics or gameplay), and costs more from including Kinect for motion/voice control stuff that I loathe.

They really just seem focused on getting the Wii gamers who have skipped on the Wii U to buy an X1 for Kinect Sports, Dancing and Fitness games etc. and then on the casual/mainstream/dude bro gamers with shooters, sports and racing games.

Just seems like a big pile of meh to me given my loathing of motion controls and wanting some more variety in games after playing so many shooters this generation.

I'm another 360 supporter that wants a PS4 now. I feel like it's too late to get a PS3 so I hope they get backwards compatibility or Gaikai working sooner rather than later and have a decent library of games that I've missed out on. Sony seems to have fixed most of their mistakes now while Microsoft is heading in a bad direction with TV/Kinect.
Never too late to get one if that doesn't pan out. I'll be working through my PS3 backlog for probably another year or so--will help get through the first year of the next gen when AAA releases will be pretty spread out most likely.

Never too late to get one if that doesn't pan out. I'll be working through my PS3 backlog for probably another year or so--will help get through the first year of the next gen when AAA releases will be pretty spread out most likely.
True, but after putting down $400 on a new console (not even counting games, etc..), to put down another $250 or so on an older console just doesn't seem good right now. Maybe if it gets cheaper or better bundles then I'll be more interested.

Bingo - the variety is the key thing for me. And the JRPGs. The funny thing is that early on in this generation, the 360 was the place to go for those but that has definitely changed. The western RPGs come out on both, though I did pick most of those up for the 360 since the PS3 versions often had bug issues (Fallout, Skyrim, etc). But that shouldn't be an issue with the similar architectures of the new systems. One overlooked aspect of that nearly similar architecture is how much it will benefit Sony but not really Microsoft for just that reason. Multiplatform stuff should not have the issues that often plagued PS3 versions in the past.
I totally disagree with example of games you mentioned, games made be bethasda, such as fallout, and skyrim has bug/ glitches issues on both consoles, even on pc. Bethasda just sucks at making playable games without bugs, with their horrible track record. These issues are well known, and address all over the internet forums/ sites. If you don't believe just type the word bug/ glitches along with bethasda in google searches.

True, but after putting down $400 on a new console (not even counting games, etc..), to put down another $250 or so on an older console just doesn't seem good right now. Maybe if it gets cheaper or better bundles then I'll be more interested.
if you are getting ps4 already, no point in getting a ps3. It is just a waste of money, i doubt you have much time to game on both concoles at the same times. you will most likely neglect on, in favor of the other.

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if you are getting ps4 already, no point in getting a ps3. It is just a waste of money, i doubt you have much time to game on both concoles at the same times. you will most likely neglect on, in favor of the other.
Just depends on what one thinks of the PS4 launch line up etc.

Honestly, I expect my PS4 to gather a good bit of dust the first year--just as most past launch consoles have for me. AAA games (which is really all I play) tend to be pretty sparse in the months after launch. I feel a bit silly getting a PS4 at launch as I'm not that stoked for the launch line up. But I preordered to support them not having DRM etc., and have decided to stick with that as I'm still glad they didn't push that (even if they intended to before MS got so much backlash), not forcing a camera (and thus motion control crap in most games) in the console bundle etc.

That said, I don't know that I'd buy a PS3 or 360 at this point so I do mostly agree with you. But I'm glad I have them and a backlog to work through to keep me busy for the next year or so while next gen gets it's footing.

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Beats the 0 games I got out of Xbox Live Gold last year for $35.

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Beats the 0 games I got out of Xbox Live Gold last year for $35.
i just hope that seeing plus is needed to play mp on ps4 they don't start cutting down on the amount of free games they give out which i think might happen.

Sony is just doing everything right this time around. I have a preorder for both, and like io I'm leaning to going with the ps4 even after the 180 on the DRM (mostly because if it wast that easy to turn off, its that easy for them to turn on in the future)
i think it's way too early to say that their are just so many unanswered questions about ps4 compared to xbox one. pretty much all this backlash has made ms come out with most of the details but sony has not done that yet with ps4. Yes we know the bigger issues answers but alot of other small things not knowing like what they did to change the not so great psn that was on ps3.

Sony is just doing everything right this time around. I have a preorder for both, and like io I'm leaning to going with the ps4 even after the 180 on the DRM (mostly because if it wast that easy to turn off, its that easy for them to turn on in the future)
How are they "doing everything right" when the systems aren't even close to being on shelves yet? We still have 5 months!
Well Sony is not being as arrogant or cocky as they were when the PS3 first launched. Also PS4 has the better spec, more developer friendly, more friendly indie game policy, cost $100 less than their closes competitor, and no DRM announcement out of the gate. Yeah they are doing something right.

Word on the street is Gamescon will premiere the launch date. That's two months away, leaving roughly two months before launch. I really don't understand why they're holding this card until almost the last minute. My only guess would be psychological, to get people to pre-order now since they don't know how much time they have before launch (and even that's stupid since it's obviously November-ish). I suppose they're trying to compete with X1 to launch first?

Regardless, both camps need to respect their consumers and give us a date sooner than later so we can plan ahead.
sony has always announced launch dates pretty late. I was thinking ms was going to announce it at the ms conf this week.

Well Sony is not being as arrogant or cocky as they were when the PS3 first launched. Also PS4 has the better spec, more developer friendly, more friendly indie game policy, cost $100 less than their closes competitor, and no DRM announcement out of the gate. Yeah they are doing something right.
And no motion control crap packed in.

And a headset included (even if its not great design wise).

All these things you mentioned and those above are huge pluses for me.

Only time will tell which console ends up with the stronger library, better overall experience etc. But Sony made my next gen purchase decision very easy, when prior to the announcements I was really struggling with whether to go with Sony or MS next gen (since I want to get down to only one console).

Well Sony is not being as arrogant or cocky as they were when the PS3 first launched. Also PS4 has the better spec, more developer friendly, more friendly indie game policy, cost $100 less than their closes competitor, and no DRM announcement out of the gate. Yeah they are doing something right.
to be fair ps3 had better specs then 360 but most 3rd party games ran better on 360, sounds like xbox one will becoming more dev friendly and friendly indie policy. once system are out the drm stuff will be not even talked about by the public. with the drm being removed or the first year it will be a great thing to watch with these two systems fighting it out. 2014holiday season will be the telling factor on these systems not this year.

And no motion control crap packed in.

And a headset included (even if its not great design wise).
rumors going already is that at first sony was going to pack in ps eye and ps4 would have cost 499.99. People are saying either that was changed after ms press conf in may or the hours before sony e3 pres conf. plus itlookslikems will be making a adapter to use 360 headsets on xbox one which are 20 times better then that garbage thing ps4 has.

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i just hope that seeing plus is needed to play mp on ps4 they don't start cutting down on the amount of free games they give out which i think might happen.

i think it's way too early to say that their are just so many unanswered questions about ps4 compared to xbox one. pretty much all this backlash has made ms come out with most of the details but sony has not done that yet with ps4. Yes we know the bigger issues answers but alot of other small things not knowing like what they did to change the not so great psn that was on ps3.

Sony is just doing everything right this time around. I have a preorder for both, and like io I'm leaning to going with the ps4 even after the 180 on the DRM (mostly because if it wast that easy to turn off, its that easy for them to turn on in the future)
What are the so many unanswered questions about the PS4 that Sony has not addressed? You mentioned there is a lot but I think you are just blowing smokes. Please list as many as you can.

Yes, and Judgment was complete garbage. I dont know a single person who enjoyed it actually and everyone I talk to about it has a pretty low opinion on it.

I made money on Forza too lol it was good, I'm just saying its hard to think of a franchise as AAA when your latest release is 75% off less than a month after coming out.
I agree.

Although the campaign mode is where Judgement shine, the multiplayer aspect SEVERELY lacks. Also, Insane mode also is ridiculously hard for no reason. Boomers are THE worst AI in terms of difficulty. (Can't tell you how many time we, my buddy and I, have been boom sniped from across the entire map. Also they don't get hurt by their own boom shots from close range? Lol stupid)
rumors going already is that at first sony was going to pack in ps eye and ps4 would have cost 499.99.
Mostly likely true.

But all that matters to me is the end result. The PS4 is $100 cheaper and doesn't have camera crap I loathe packed in. Thus they get my money and MS can pound sand this generation.

The next gen I'll sit back and see how they pan out and decide what console to buy then if I'm still gaming. I have no loyalty to any of these big, greedy evil corporations. I begrudgingly give them my money to play games, and each gen just go with which one(s) fits my needs, interests and budget best.

What are the so many unanswered questions about the PS4 that Sony has not addressed? You mentioned there is a lot but I think you are just blowing smokes. Please list as many as you can.
Agreed. The specs are out. What's included in the bundle is out. PS+ being required to play online is out. No DRM on games is out. Indie publishing allowed is out.

There are really no answers I'm waiting for other than release date.

I mean sure, I'm curious to see how the new interface looks and works (not a huge fan of the PS3 XMB), whether PSN is improved in features, download speeds etc. But none of that stuff really matters--I'm fine with the PS3 stuff on those fronts. I prefer the Xbox dashboard and marketplace etc. But 99% of my time on a console is spent in games, not in the store or dashboard etc. anyway so I really don't care much about that stuff.

What are the so many unanswered questions about the PS4 that Sony has not addressed? You mentioned there is a lot but I think you are just blowing smokes. Please list as many as you can.
the updated psn

how group chat will work

what will work on system like headsets and what not

how the streaming of ps3 games will work

how the cloud gaming thing works

what the share feature really is

what kind of external hard drive it supports if any.

Their are tons of psn questions not answered which to me is the biggest issue that was with ps3 psn in my mind was awful servers are slow and to invite someone to game you have to add them to your friends list which was dumb, no party chat which is huge for a major live gamer like me.

ps1,ps2,ps3 was the same way sony don't like to share details of their systems including system it self and release date till like 2-3 months before its out.

True, but after putting down $400 on a new console (not even counting games, etc..), to put down another $250 or so on an older console just doesn't seem good right now. Maybe if it gets cheaper or better bundles then I'll be more interested.
You should check Craigslist, you can get a used system for around $150-$180 and sometimes with a couple games and extra controllers thrown in.

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Their are tons of psn questions not answered which to me is the biggest issue that was with ps3 psn in my mind was awful servers are slow and to invite someone to game you have to add them to your friends list which was dumb, no party chat which is huge for a major live gamer like me.

ps1,ps2,ps3 was the same way sony don't like to share details of their systems including system it self and release date till like 2-3 months before its out.
Does it even matter when the XBox One or PS4 release? If they release it next month, you will take time out to go and buy it either way.

As for PSN, it was Sony's first try in making an online platform for games. You also have to remember that Sony is a hardware company unlike Microsoft. Microsoft also had it's share of problems during the Xbox 360 launch with the rrod. Software can always be patched and improved upon, PSN has changed for the better since launch.

Seeing how they hired Mark Cerny as the lead architect for PS4 and his background being a software architect, the OS and hardware from the ground up should be much better than the PS3 compared to Ken Kutaragi who was a hardware engineer for PS3.

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Beats the 0 games I got out of Xbox Live Gold last year for $35.
I went through the work of counting up the costs of all the free games (with a little help from the Regional PS+ thread), and the total is at $1275.24. This doesn't count the extra sale prices PS+ members get, or the Uncharted 3 Single Player portion which doesn't have the price online.

I went through the work of counting up the costs of all the free games (with a little help from the Regional PS+ thread), and the total is at $1275.24. This doesn't count the extra sale prices PS+ members get, or the Uncharted 3 Single Player portion which doesn't have the price online.
Unreal, and people wonder why no one got mad when Sony said Plus will be required for multiplayer on the PS4. Like it has been said before, you want to pay for Plus, you feel like you're forced to pay for Gold.

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