PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Also there is no rush to release there for them because they games that are launch games here likely don't do well there.

Japanese also take longer to get on board with new stuff. Look how long the PS2 sold well there.

Sony has Japan in the bag, so they're doubling down on getting the lead back in the US.

Same as MS not launching over their in their first two waves of launches.  They know they have no chance in Asia, so they're focusing their stock on trying to maintain their lead in North America and stay competitive in Europe.

boy has times changed with sony. more focused on u.s then their biggest supporter japan.
It's because they know they have Japan on lock. Xbox doesn't sell well over there at all so they really don't have to worry.
This exactly. They need to compete with X1 here in the states and EU, so they're focusing all their efforts on getting us squared away first.

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Why would you think it is a joke? Sony has had more bad press lately than MS and that is a fact.
Got anything else? cause I don't consider no analog and a "youtube rumor" to be bad press, sorry. The shit that MS went through before the 180 and apology tour was bad press. Fact.

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Got anything else? cause I don't consider no analog and a "youtube rumor" to be bad press, sorry. The shit that MS went through before the 180 and apology tour was bad press. Fact.
So MS took all this shit for not have and analog output and now Sony gets a pass for having it and then removing it? Also, you can bet it is a big deal if Sony limits its sharing function for YouTube users. That stuff is getting bigger and you think people are going to just stop doing it if Sony says no? Nope they will just play their games on the Xbox One. Just because YOU do not think that is bad press does not make it so. MS messed up huge but they have recovered and you can bet they are looking better. The game line ups alone are swaying many people.

So MS took all this shit for not have and analog output and now Sony gets a pass for having it and then removing it? Also, you can bet it is a big deal if Sony limits its sharing function for YouTube users. That stuff is getting bigger and you think people are going to just stop doing it if Sony says no? Nope they will just play their games on the Xbox One. Just because YOU do not think that is bad press does not make it so. MS messed up huge but they have recovered and you can bet they are looking better. The game line ups alone are swaying many people.
So you got no more Sony "Bad Press" news outside the 2 you mentioned before? Gotcha.

"So how about that Share button? Well, "Share" on the PS4 controller uses the system's hardware encoder, which is always recording the last several minutes of gameplay without using any additional system resources An example of a Share menu shows off the fact that you can upload a video to YouTube or Facebook easily -- background uploads can take place after you add a comment."

So there's that. Try harder.

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Neither are huge issues, but are both definitley still negatives.

Neither affect me as I use nothing but hdmi and have never posted a YouTube video, and definitely never would of game footage. I'll never use any of the sharing crap.

But still, it limits sales to people with old hdtvs or sdtvs and, if true, will piss off people who post things to YouTube regularly, so still bad news.

Though I'd strongly argue that anyone with tvs old enough to lack hdmi ports should save up for a new tv before taking the next gen plunge since having a fret 1080p set is a huge boast for games, movies, sports, TV etc. so I'd definitley go that route, especially with the launch lineups being thing on next gen exclusives anyway (and for the cross-gen games, anyone with that old a tv obviously isn't a graphics whore who's super concerned about the games looking as good as possible).
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I don't see how not supporting analog equals draconian DRM, no used games, and always requiring the console to be connected to the internet in terms of "bad press".

Every media outlet was talking about the XBone and their horrible policies and how if they kept them it'd kill the XBone. I don't see anywhere calling for doom and gloom over the removal of analog output. Like, I've not seen it talked about on a single gaming news site (IGN, Kotaku, Polygon, etc...).

Please stop trying to take something that is pretty meaningless and make it into a huge deal.

But still, it limits sales to people with old hdtvs or sdtvs and, if true, will piss off people who post things to YouTube regularly, so still bad news.
This was a real concern at the start of the last hardware cycle. And its part of the reason why the Wii was able to clean up on sales, while the PS3 and 360 took a lot of time to pick up momentum.

But the market has moved past that stage. It's now possible to pick up high definition-capable TVs for less than the PS4 or XBox One are going to cost. I bought my first HD screen a few years ago for just $350. (full 1080p, no less) At this point, HD screens are common enough that not providing analog output in the new systems isn't going to be a problem.

As to YouTube, I really don't think that's going to be an issue. There are YouTube apps on the PS3 and Vita. It's only a matter of time before the PS4's share function gets integrated into YouTube support.

Yeah, HDTV/HDMI is much less of an issue than last gen.

Still an issue for some though--i.e. parents wanting to buy one for their kid to go in the kid's room where they may have an older TV.  Now they're looking at not just $400-500 for a console, but another $300+ for a new tv.

But still, not a huge issue.  And again anyone without a decent TV should focus on upgrading that first before getting a new console anyway IMO, as a decent TV is key to really enjoying games, movies, sports, tv etc.

Hell if you aren't that picky about quality, you can get a perfectly acceptable HDTV for under $200, we just bought 32 inch store brand TV a couple months ago to move the Xbox 360 into the bedroom and with tax it was still under $200 and it looks fine. There's not much excuse to not have an HDTV anymore. Also I don't think Sony or MS is too concerned about people who want to upload youtube videos, that's a pretty small segment of people and technically I'm pretty sure they'd be well within their right to completely shut that shit down anyways. Didn't Nintendo get a lot of flack for that recently? 

Definitely true.  I'm not super picky about quality, but I am about size.  I currently have my PS3 in the bedroom at my girlfriends place hooked up to my old 50" TV.

I have a 55" TV at my place that I bought this winter--miss gaming on it, but I spend most nights at her place these days so I just leave the PS3 over there and play my 3DS the few nights I stay at my place.  Can't wait to move in together to a new house in December as it sucks paying for two places and having my stuff spread across two places.

Why would you think it is a joke? Sony has had more bad press lately than MS and that is a fact.
I would disagree. The DRM clusterfuck made Yahoo front page because Sony didn't require it. No analog support is a negative but XB1 doesn't have it either. I don't see it as huge news. This isn't going to make as many people up in arms over this.

Another year of BF HDTV deals and the timing of the next gen release should mitigate the analog issue even more.
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if you cant afford a hdtv, you shouldnt be buying a ps4/x1
I sometimes bring my PS3 me when I travel on business, so the lack of analogue is a little disappointing to me. Not all hotels have TVs with HDMI inputs. Still, I think it's much ado about nothing. HDMI is the standard and it has been for a while. The only 8th gen console to support analogue is the Wii U and it comes with an HDMI cable.

You can upload to Youtube, that rumor has been debunked on gaf already I believe. Also, bad news if you planned on scalping a PS4 at launch. :lol:
Yeah, that youtube rumor made no sense to me. Of course you'll be able to upload stuff on youtube!

Sony's being smart about it. I also strongly believe that the hardware for the PS4 was finalized earlier than the XBox One's hardware. I'm fairly certain that the PS4 is going to have had longer for manufacturing, and won't be supply constrained through the 2013 holiday season. This is good news for me, as I didn't bother to pre-order, and am still on the fence about whether or not to get one this year. If I end up breaking down and trying to acquire one, it should be easier.

I still have one preordered at Amazon in addition to my paid-off preorder at Gamestop.  The only reason I've held on to the Amazon preorder was in case Gamestop hosed me and gave out all their launch allocation to later preorders (I was one of the first on day 1 of preorders during E3).  But the problem with that thinking is that if I don't cancel the Amazon order before launch I'll end up with 2 of them ;).  So I'm thinking at this point GS won't be shorted so I'm probably safe cancelling the Amazon order.  I'm still getting my X1 from Amazon though.

I was not aware either system lacked component output.  I guess that is no surprise and not such a huge deal.  I was pretty pissed at Sony during the PS3 launch that they did not support 1080i.  I went with the 360 as my first HD console back then solely because of that issue.  Most PS3 games would have been SD on my old 1080i TV.  MS, on the other hand, was able to support that just fine.  But once I got a 1080p set for the bonus room I picked up a PS3.  And since then the behemoth TV downstairs has died (one of the color guns shifted away from the other 2 making nice rainbow ghost images ;)) we picked up an LED LCD 1080p set for there too.  So except for the 27" Sony SD tube TV from 1994 that we still have going strong in our bedroom we have all 1080p stuff now.

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I think the days of flipping consoles are over.
Agreed. It will be hard to have another phenomenon like the PS2 and especially the Wii. There isn't a crazy demand for consoles at launch like there was when the PS2 came out. A lot of people are content with using their same console for the time being, especially when there is still economic problems in our country.

Agreed. It will be hard to have another phenomenon like the PS2 and especially the Wii. There isn't a crazy demand for consoles at launch like there was when the PS2 came out. A lot of people are content with using their same console for the time being, especially when there is still economic problems in our country.
I think there is a lot more to it than that. They seem to be producing many, many more units at launch than they did before too. I think that is the main factor, really.

Remember for Wii and PS3 preorders, Gamestop stores were limited to like 12 of each. People camped out just to get the preorders in the summer before launch. They never opened up for more preorders and there weren't a ton more systems available at launch either (when people lined up for multiple days).

GS had way, way more X1 and PS4 preorders the first day during E3 and I think have had have several more batches of Day 1 preorders since then. Amazon seems to have had even more. If they were as limited as PS3/Wii systems were at launch (though PS3 became common pretty quickly) they would have been just as flippable this time if not more so. To their credit, Sony and MS (and Nintendo before them) have gotten much better about producing more units for launch.

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I think there is a lot more to it than that. They seem to be producing many, many more units at launch than they did before too. I think that is the main factor, really.

Remember for Wii and PS3 preorders, Gamestop stores were limited to like 12 of each. People camped out just to get the preorders in the summer before launch. They never opened up for more preorders and there weren't a ton more systems available at launch either (when people lined up for multiple days).

GS had way, way more X1 and PS4 preorders the first day during E3 and I think have had have several more batches of Day 1 preorders since then. Amazon seems to have had even more. If they were as limited as PS3/Wii systems were at launch (though PS3 became common pretty quickly) they would have been just as flippable this time if not more so. To their credit, Sony and MS (and Nintendo before them) have gotten much better about producing more units for launch.
^ what io said is spot on.

So I just bought a PS+ 1 year card online from Best Buy and then found out they can expire. At this point I assume there is no way they'd send me a card that could expire before PS4 comes out but if so is there any way I can activate a PS+ account online not on a playstation before it expired? 

P.S. OCD sucks.

So I just bought a PS+ 1 year card online from Best Buy and then found out they can expire. At this point I assume there is no way they'd send me a card that could expire before PS4 comes out but if so is there any way I can activate a PS+ account online not on a playstation before it expired?

P.S. OCD sucks.
I imagine you could redeem it if you log into your PSN account through your web browser, I could be wrong but it seems like that would work.

Where do you see if the card can expire? I bought 2x PS+ Cards from Best Buy and was holding onto them until I got the PS4, but I'm not seeing any type of expiration on either of them.

I know when I bought the Instant Game Collection Vita bundle, that it came with a 1 year PS+ code with an expiration date.

I read that the expiration date is usually on back of the card but sometimes it is not listed. That information was about a year old so I'm not sure if they have been changed not to expire since then or not.

PS+ cards bought from Best Buy don't expire. The only ones that expire are ones you get inside a bundled system.

Well, I went ahead and canceled my pre-order from Amazon. Just not enough at launch to hold my interest. I'll probably wind up grabbing one around summer time.

bread's done