PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Ugh. There is no download list for psn. If you have one crash in a year, have fun remembering all your stuff.
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Ok fuck Sony Customer Support Managers. The manager fuck s up and I am stuck waiting 3 fuck ing weeks to get my fuck ing ps4 fixed.
Send it back for a full refund and wait for a hardware revision.

I must say, I was excited about this but cancelled my preorder a few months ago. Then Watch Dogs was delayed and that's all I wanted anyway. Now there's all these fucking problems. I might just wait it out for the slim in 2 years. I don't know if these are paid social media trolls, fanboys, or real but if real then Sony has a disaster on their hands.

My humans die, while they're still in the box and I don't know why.
you didn't kill the guys with green it will say keepers have arrived or something you have to kill them all and the last one will shoot a beam to the box and open it to free them. You then must race to them before a ship picks them up.

Download list is under Notifications.
Pro-tip: unlike PS3, addons don't install until you have the base game ready to go. Luckily the download list will tell you if something failed to install and all you need to do is select it to retry. It's rather intuitive.

Posted this note elsewhere, but didn't see anything here. Might be best to take it back where you got it.

Carefule about sending them in to Sony. From Kotaku:

Later in the day, I got a call from Sony. They'd examined our unit and they figured out the problem. A piece of metal in the system's HDMI port was supposed to have been flush with the bottom of the port but instead had been bent upward, obstructing some of the pins in the port. It had been hard to see, though I imagine we would have noticed if we'd examined the unit more closely and not given it back. Nevertheless, we were told that that PS4 had been fixed. The Sony employee testing our unit used a pin to push the small piece of metal back down. They then plugged an HDMI wire into the unit and it worked. They even brought the unit to our office so we could see for ourselves.
Wonder if that's a fix they do and send units back out. Id be pissed if I realized that happened.

As far as resogun, having a lot of fun with it and I'm not normally a shooter fan. I've been keeping an eye on the 10 stick figures in the corner for visual cues because I don't always hear the audio cues. Sometimes the green enemies will descend from the top and fly in a predefined pattern, sometimes they will be eenemies already on the screen. It does seem as though they are preset by level (lots of trial and error so far).

Once you kill them a missile will release the human. You don't have to go immediately to them but obviously the quicker the better. Sometimes the green enemies come rapidly enough where you have to kill more than one set before pickups.

You can pick up one human at a time and get it to the pods near the top of the screen asap, repeat.

I haven't figured out the throw yet but the boost provides temporary immunity as well.
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As far as resogun, having a lot of fun with it and I'm not normally a shooter fan. I've been keeping an eye on the 10 stick figures in the corner for visual cues because I don't always hear the audio cues. Sometimes the green enemies will descend from the top and fly in a predefined pattern, sometimes they will be eenemies already on the screen. It does seem as though they are preset by level (lots of trial and error so far).

Once you kill them a missile will release the human. You don't have to go immediately to them but obviously the quicker the better. Sometimes the green enemies come rapidly enough where you have to kill more than one set before pickups.

You can pick up one human at a time and get it to the pods near the top of the screen asap, repeat.

I haven't figured out the throw yet but the boost provides temporary immunity as well.
L2 throws them its in the controls before you start. As long as you get them within range of the *green* beam they usually are auto collected.

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I love all this Resogun talk, game is a 10 for me.  Really getting that Geometry Wars / 360 vibe from Resogun and the PS4.  I'm enjoying Resogun so much that I haven't even cracked the plastic on my retail games yet.  I did manage to play Contrast and me and my wife played Playroom, but most of my first 24 hours with the machine has been Resogun.

Have any of you installed a new hard drive in the system? I was wondering what the largest size hard drive would be compatible for the PS4. I've read about people buying 1.5TB or 2TB drives. But I haven't seen any confirmation for a drive larger than 1TB actually being installed.
Have any of you installed a new hard drive in the system? I was wondering what the largest size hard drive would be compatible for the PS4. I've read about people buying 1.5TB or 2TB drives. But I haven't seen any confirmation for a drive larger than 1TB actually being installed.
I've installed a 750gb SSHD in mine, but since that's under a TB it doesn't really help you much. haha

Posted this note elsewhere, but didn't see anything here. Might be best to take it back where you got it.

Carefule about sending them in to Sony. From Kotaku:

Wonder if that's a fix they do and send units back out. Id be pissed if I realized that happened.
Yeah who want's to send their console in for repairs when all you need is a screwdriver and 30 seconds? I'd be pissed if there was a simple fix but sony insisted on having me send it in rather than fixing it myself.

Download list is under Notifications.
No, I believe that is just stuff you have downloaded on THAT ps4.

You get a new PS4 and it won't be there. Thus my complaint of a PS4 dying, you don't have a list to run down. You would have to search for all your games in PSN.
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No, I believe that is just stuff you have downloaded on THAT ps4.

You get a new PS4 and it won't be there. Thus my complaint of a PS4 dying, you don't have a list to run down. You would have to search for all your games in PSN.
To be fair it's day one. I'm sure this will get sorted out long before it becomes an issue.


on Chapter 3
I started reactor, set course, and made it to the first checkpoint after you are supposed to go after the lady. I then turned off my PS4. This morning, the 15 checkpoints or so were just gone along with my process. I started on bridge with no objective accomplished

It makes no sense. Why would I start at a checkpoint that via triggered after you pass an objective, only have to do it again on a reload?

I suggest people completely play through Chapter 3 in one time to avoid this.
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Is there a thread for hard drives already? I've never upgraded my hard drive and could use some tips on deals and brands, etc.
The thread that I see appears to be for PS3 and not recently updated.
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Also anyone looking for a PS4 bud send me a friend request-Eradicator31. For MP I have Injustice & Killzone, Warframe & Blacklight Retribution (they are free so why not), hoping to finally get some serious time in tonight after work and tomorrow on my day off, only have gotten to play a little bit of Injustice so far.

Sent a request. Seems like few of my CAG on friends list have a PS4 yet.

One of the Best thing about this new gen is the PS app on my phone. Works great, a lot of functionality.

Where was this a few years ago?
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Anyone else having issues with the store? Sometimes it just boots me out with no explanation.
I sometimes get "kicked out" of apps and then there will be a quick message at the bottom of the screen stating that PSN is currently undergoing maint.

Does that probably 3-4 times before it leaves me alone, lol.
I sometimes get "kicked out" of apps and then there will be a quick message at the bottom of the screen stating that PSN is currently undergoing maint.

Does that probably 3-4 times before it leaves me alone, lol.
That sorta happened to me when I went to play Knack the first time. It said it was ready, I hit start, it came up to the loading screen then booted me back out. It did that a couple of times before it loaded up. It's been fine since so I just assumed it was something weird with the initial caching. On that note, I've been having a lot of fun with Knack. I don't get the low scores. It seems like a pretty solid 7 to me. If anyone wants to add me feel free: Blast_Hardcheese. I've got Knack, Killzone, and AC4, but I've only played Resogun and Knack thus far. I'm pretty bad at Resogun and I imagine I'll be pretty bad at Killzone too.

Has anyone read anything certain about switching hard drives back and forth? I heard people says you can keep games on different hard drives and open the system to swap them out, but PS3 made you reformat every time. 

Great episode of IW today.  Worth checking out for impressions and very honest opinions of which exactly mirror my own thoughts.  They go over topics like generational leap on graphics and how it's a very small gap right now, which I totally agree because these games are more like tech demos as they learn the system.  They mention little things like how in Killzone you don't see any character model reflections in a mirror, which I noticed right away as well lol.  I hope they're right about the touchpad 'fad' dying down in the future because I personally don't like it nor want it as core functionality.  I don't mind if they add things to games that are optional or secondary use for those that do, but please don't force me to use it as a primary means.  It's incredibly awkward to reposition my thumbs each time I tried using it in Killzone, but then again I think I'm already done with that game because it's not that great.

I got to play with Assassin's Creed last night as well and my fears of straight port were confirmed.  Until we start seeing games specifically developed for PS4 and leaving out last gen, all we're going to get is things that PC gamers were familiar with 7 years ago when last gen started lol.  It's really awkward seeing AC4 on PS4 because the draw distance is increased, but things in the distance look awful since it's a last gen game.  Vegetation is increased, but the textures don't do the game justice which is odd because some surface textures look good and some don't.  It's almost like they didn't have enough time to update everything so you get a mix of truly HD textures mixed with some crappy ones.  Character models look pretty good, but again nothing mind blowing and certainly not on par with what I already get out of PC games.  Hair especially looks bad for some reason and could be a limitation of an outdated game engine from last gen.

I could go on and on nitpicking but I will say this: once developers move on from last gen and don't have to worry about supporting PS3 or 360, the games will only get better.  Is it worth owning a next gen system right now?  No.  Will games start to kick ass two years from now?  You bet your ass they will.

Do PS+ trials work after you have purchased PS+? My subscription runs out today and I was wondering if I had to purchase a new sub, or if I could use the month in the box. 

So many reviewers were so wrong on Knack. It is a cute game & a total blast on co-op!!

Loving it so far. Killzone is immersive at times but the touchpad controls makes you lose momentum

Do PS+ trials work after you have purchased PS+? My subscription runs out today and I was wondering if I had to purchase a new sub, or if I could use the month in the box.
I couldn't for the life of me get the 30 day or the few 7 day trials to redeem the other day but the $10 credit worked fine. I'm hoping it was just an error with the system. I'm good till next december but i know i'll manage to lose the 30 day trial by then

So many reviewers were so wrong on Knack. It is a cute game & a total blast on co-op!!

Loving it so far. Killzone is immersive at times but the touchpad controls makes you lose momentum
I'm still interested in Knack, but think I'm going to wait on a price drop. I felt the same way about the touchpad at first, but I got used to it. I have no issues with it now and actually think it's kinda cool.

I couldn't for the life of me get the 30 day or the few 7 day trials to redeem the other day but the $10 credit worked fine. I'm hoping it was just an error with the system. I'm good till next december but i know i'll manage to lose the 30 day trial by then
Pretty sure you have to be expired for it to work since it is a trial.
Pretty sure you have to be expired for it to work since it is a trial.
well that is dumb. you can add a code for another year just fine when you aren't expired. that's how it works on xbox live as well. you can't tell me sony couldn't anticipate somebody with ps+ already trying to redeem a code that came with the ps4? that just seems so shortsighted.

Have any of you installed a new hard drive in the system? I was wondering what the largest size hard drive would be compatible for the PS4. I've read about people buying 1.5TB or 2TB drives. But I haven't seen any confirmation for a drive larger than 1TB actually being installed.
1.5 TB might be the current max.

No, I believe that is just stuff you have downloaded on THAT ps4.

You get a new PS4 and it won't be there. Thus my complaint of a PS4 dying, you don't have a list to run down. You would have to search for all your games in PSN.
Playstation Store on my computer download list shows all my PS4 items. Purchase History also shows the list of PS4 items.
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Yeah, hated the touchpad for 30 minutes. Its completely second nature to me now.

I just hope they don't eventually try intricate controls with it.

Ok, so the total is file is 800MB.....where did the other 60GB go in the HDD? My guess is this is just like the PS3.... Shaves off around 10% for mystery reasons
Not really liking Contrast. I'm on the second act doing the puppet show (best part of the game so far). The game is good though and the music / art direction is really well done. The story is really good too though rushed at times.

But my gripes about it is that it is a horrible platformer with clunky controls, there is slowdown in areas for some reason, camera acts weird and controls aren't that good.

For a free game I can't complain too much but I expected a bit more from my first next gen title. Still, its worth playing but if it wasn't free, I would not buy it.

Why can't I just get my NFS: Rivals. Only game I want next to AC4 but all the stores are sold out of it.

Thanks for the response.
That's what I read the other day. However, I can't find it now. 1.5 TB may possibly be the max size for 9.5 hard drives. There was talk on Neogaf that

The official word is that only 9.5mm HDD's are supported, but reports from a German site who apparently tore it down confirm that the 12.5mm HDD's fit.

If I'm not mistaken the largest 12.5mm HDD out on the market is 1.5TB. But will this have reifications for the noise output? Will it cause heating issues?

choice as in, which one to make your 1st next gen game.
still doesn't make much sense if both are free. haven't played contrast yet but resogun is cool. still haven't been able to get past first phase yet though. those stupid humans keep dying. i'm supposed to toss them around the level or something? And talking about harddrives and heating issues maybe something like this could solve the cheaper space and heating issues in one go by putting it outside the ps4

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still doesn't make much sense if both are free. haven't played contrast yet but resogun is cool. still haven't been able to get past first phase yet though. those stupid humans keep dying. i'm supposed to toss them around the level or something?
He meant that he should have started Resogun first instead of contrast.

bread's done