PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

MS fanboys are already crying, "Just wait until next month when Titanfall drops!". Honestly though, I don't see that being enough of a push to even bring their numbers close enough to match Sony in March. What with Titanfall being on both PC & 360, and Second Son launching right alongside it I look forward to seeing more of the same.
Sony still has Japan to help them out next week.

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MS fanboys are already crying, "Just wait until next month when Titanfall drops!". Honestly though, I don't see that being enough of a push to even bring their numbers close enough to match Sony in March. What with Titanfall being on both PC & 360, and Second Son launching right alongside it I look forward to seeing more of the same.
Titanfall on the Xbone doesn't even look like a next gen game haha. I really hope MS isn't pinning all their hopes on that one title. Also, EA must be kicking themselves right about now.

Sony still has Japan to help them out next week.
Japan is a given for them. EU has always been Sonyland and now the US and UK seem to be going the PS4 route as well. MS has to be in panic mode. Only 143k in Jan. Ouch.

Okay here's the numbers followed by links.  The only thing that may or may not be accurate are the Xbox One sales for Dec 2013 that I had to grab from a neogaf leak post.  It's probably accurate though.  Keep in mind these are US sales only.

Xbox 360 Nov/Dec 2005 = 600k

Xbox 360 Jan 2006 = 250k

600k + 250k = 850k first three months of sales for Xbox 360 (nov 2005-Jan2006)

850k * 2.29 = 1.95 million sell through in the first 3 month for Xbox One

Nov 2013 Xbox One sales = 909k

Dec 2013 Xbox One sales = 908k (this is the number from the neogaf post)

909k + 908k = 1.817 million sell through in 2013

1.95-1.817 = 133,000 Xbox One consoles sold in the US during January 2014.

133k * 2 = 266k PS4 sales in the US during Jan 2014

PS4 is stomping the Xbox One considering it's still not met demand.

Wii U is probably sub 100k since it's the worst selling next gen console.


Oh and let me add, I was curious as to what the real sales were but it's completely absurd that I had to go to all this trouble to figure out what the real sales were.  "We sold 2.29 times better than the Xbox 360 during that same time".

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As I'm happy for Sony's future prospects, they're still a ways away from declaring any sort of victory. 

Although the January 2:1 ratio is significant it's still early adopter numbers by virtue of the fact that some stores are not properly stocked with PS4's.  I'd expect February/March to be the true catch up months for PS4 inventory with regards to retailer stock.  The number of units is only a difference of 100~200K.  The real evaluation is when stores have units fully stocked to meet true demand.  The fact that Amazon could not keep up with PS4 demand for all of January means the rate of buyers from the casual market hasn't even caught up yet.  The 2014 holiday season will be the ultimate benchmark. 

But Titanfall looks really great and is a much needed variety for multiplayer.  EA shouldn't had taken the Microsoft cash grab when Titanfall had a chance to be a real threat to CoD but you can't blame them with the state of their financials.  They will obviously not make that mistake again for the next iteration of TitanFall which will finally be next gen anyways.  I think Titanfall will be a system seller and MS is doing themselves a favor by just delaying the 360 release to build up the Xbone hype.  There's no multiplayer competition out at that time so I expect this game to move a fair amount of Xbone units.  One thing I'm a little puzzled by is the lack of marketing of the game.  I don't recall seeing any commercials for this game so I'm wondering just how much of the casual market is going to catch onto this game.

As I'm happy for Sony's future prospects, they're still a ways away from declaring any sort of victory.

Although the January 2:1 ratio is significant it's still early adopter numbers by virtue of the fact that some stores are not properly stocked with PS4's. I'd expect February/March to be the true catch up months for PS4 inventory with regards to retailer stock. The number of units is only a difference of 100~200K. The real evaluation is when stores have units fully stocked to meet true demand. The fact that Amazon could not keep up with PS4 demand for all of January means the rate of buyers from the casual market hasn't even caught up yet. The 2014 holiday season will be the ultimate benchmark.

But Titanfall looks really great and is a much needed variety for multiplayer. EA shouldn't had taken the Microsoft cash grab when Titanfall had a chance to be a real threat to CoD but you can't blame them with the state of their financials. They will obviously not make that mistake again for the next iteration of TitanFall which will finally be next gen anyways. I think Titanfall will be a system seller and MS is doing themselves a favor by just delaying the 360 release to build up the Xbone hype. There's no multiplayer competition out at that time so I expect this game to move a fair amount of Xbone units. One thing I'm a little puzzled by is the lack of marketing of the game. I don't recall seeing any commercials for this game so I'm wondering just how much of the casual market is going to catch onto this game.
Keep in mind that these are US numbers only. It's the only market Xbox 360 dominated in and MS is losing it with a weaker more expensive console. They WILL lower the price this year. No doubt about that and that will help sales. Sony is t able to send enough supplies to the Western markets because they're building up inventory for the Japanese launch. Day one there we will probably see Sony's numbers jump at least another million. That's 1 million they could have shipped here but didn't because of the new launch. This must be a hell of a supply chain the manage.
MS fanboys are already crying, "Just wait until next month when Titanfall drops!". Honestly though, I don't see that being enough of a push to even bring their numbers close enough to match Sony in March. What with Titanfall being on both PC & 360, and Second Son launching right alongside it I look forward to seeing more of the same.
unless people work for ms why would they be crying? when i play games on my x1 i don't think every two sec's omg xbox one is not selling i can no longer play games. How long till people stop posting sale numbers unless you are a sony worker or stock hold same with ms and nintendo sale numbers have nothing to do with you and it's not like ms/sony/nintendo are going away.

Titanfall on the Xbone doesn't even look like a next gen game haha. I really hope MS isn't pinning all their hopes on that one title. Also, EA must be kicking themselves right about now.

Japan is a given for them. EU has always been Sonyland and now the US and UK seem to be going the PS4 route as well. MS has to be in panic mode. Only 143k in Jan. Ouch.
killzone did look next gen? i seen killzone at friends house last week it was not aww shocking like i was thinking.

It's okay though. MS will have the last laugh... they want those X1's to sit on shelves because if you haven't heard, Timbo will tell you, Titanfall is going to be a system seller ya'll
im still confused why you think it will not be. titanfall + destiny will both be key system sellers for a next gen system even if both games are being made for last gen and pc if you don't think that is the case you are fooling your self.

you do know that the biggest selling launch titles for both systems were games people could already get on last gen and pc right? but yet the systems sold pretty well.

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Killzone was a beautiful game and did look next gen. Wasnt the best game but it was next gen, lol.
so wait titanfall running close to 800p right now and respawn is trying to get it to at least 900 p before launch is not next gen? from a person that has played it i can say it does look pretty awsome and really next gen on my personal tv not internet videos.

so wait titanfall running close to 800p right now and respawn is trying to get it to at least 900 p before launch is not next gen? from a person that has played it i can say it does look pretty awsome and really next gen on my personal tv not internet videos.
Did I even say ANYTHING about Titanfall not looking next gen? lol

killzone did look next gen? i seen killzone at friends house last week it was not aww shocking like i was thinking.
Hell yes KZ looks like a next gen game, I think its the best looking one at that. Titanfall looks like a 360 game to me. The game looks rough.


so wait titanfall running close to 800p right now and respawn is trying to get it to at least 900 p before launch is not next gen? from a person that has played it i can say it does look pretty awsome and really next gen on my personal tv not internet videos.
That game isn't going to sell as well as you believe. It's going to be a ton of egg on your face in respect to Xbox One hardware sales. I'm sure it will sell decent numbers of software for Xbox One but you aren't going to see a million consoles sold. Most people that don't have an Xbox One will buy it for Xbox 360 or PC.

Yup and a good point to note. MS is definitely taking notice.
I don't think we'll see any significant change in their plans until after Titanfall doesn't push as many consoles as they expected.

Hell yes KZ looks like a next gen game, I think its the best looking one at that. Titanfall looks like a 360 game to me. The game looks rough.

yes because a 360 game can run close to native 900 p. 360 game can not have the lighting titan fall has and this is coming from a person that played the alpha and now playing the beta. put really do you really judge games on how they look?

That game isn't going to sell as well as you believe. It's going to be a ton of egg on your face in respect to Xbox One hardware sales. I'm sure it will sell decent numbers of software for Xbox One but you aren't going to see a million consoles sold. Most people that don't have an Xbox One will buy it for Xbox 360 or PC.
then why was the bigger selling launch titles for next gen systems games that could already be purchsed on 360/pc?

yes because a 360 game can run close to native 900 p. 360 game can not have the lighting titan fall has and this is coming from a person that played the alpha and now playing the beta. put really do you really judge games on how they look?
If you don't care about how games look then don't discuss how games look?

yes because a 360 game can run close to native 900 p. 360 game can not have the lighting titan fall has and this is coming from a person that played the alpha and now playing the beta. put really do you really judge games on how they look?
Wow, I didn't know MS marketing departments got to play alpha builds?

then why was the bigger selling launch titles for next gen systems games that could already be purchsed on 360/pc?
This isn't a serious question is it?

Wow, I didn't know MS marketing departments got to play alpha builds?

This isn't a serious question is it?
yes it's legit question because you say it will not sell systems seeing it's on 360/pc but yet the the main sales in numbers at launch were games like call of duty/ac4/bf4 all 3 games were out well before next gen launch on ps3/360/pc.

yes it's legit question because you say it will not sell systems seeing it's on 360/pc but yet the the main sales in numbers at launch were games like call of duty/ac4/bf4 all 3 games were out well before next gen launch on ps3/360/pc.
People that already bought the console but haven't played some of these games on their last gen consoles but have wanted them for a while AND want something to play on their new console are clearly going to buy the game for their next gen console. Your assertion that they're BUYING the console to play those games is as backwards as can be and if that represents the logic with most of the people at MS then they're going to be in for a tough couple of years.

People bought those games because they had those consoles. They didn't buy those consoles to play those games. They're early adopters. They want games on their new thing. This is exactly why they'll sell a lot of software on Xbox One - the console owners want something to play on their new console. There will definitely be a bump in sales but it's not going to be anything along the lines of what you're hoping for. Most people will get it for their Xbox 360 and PC.

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People that already bought the console but haven't played some of these games on their last gen consoles but have wanted them for a while AND want something to play on their new console are clearly going to buy the game for their next gen console. Your assertion that they're BUYING the console to play those games is as backwards as can be and if that represents the logic with most of the people at MS then they're going to be in for a tough couple of years.

People bought those games because they had those consoles. They didn't buy those consoles to play those games. They're early adopters. They want games on their new thing. This is exactly why they'll sell a lot of software on Xbox One - the console owners want something to play on their new console. There will definitely be a bump in sales but it's not going to be anything along the lines of what you're hoping for. Most people will get it for their Xbox 360 and PC.
why would i hope for anything? i just said titanfall is a game which will make some people jump to next gen just like destiny will later this year.

People that already bought the console but haven't played some of these games on their last gen consoles but have wanted them for a while AND want something to play on their new console are clearly going to buy the game for their next gen console. Your assertion that they're BUYING the console to play those games is as backwards as can be and if that represents the logic with most of the people at MS then they're going to be in for a tough couple of years.

um what? how is someone buying xbox one then wanting to buy titanfall to play on it not the same as what you just described?

don't people buy game systems to play games on?

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People who already own an Xbox One will buy Titanfall for the One because they want a game to play on it. People that don't already own an Xbox One may or may not rush out and buy an Xbox One just to play Titanfall.

People who buy systems at launch usually just want the system first and foremost and then will just get whatever games are out on it to play it.

why would i hope for anything? i just said titanfall is a game which will make some people jump to next gen just like destiny will later this year.

People that already bought the console but haven't played some of these games on their last gen consoles but have wanted them for a while AND want something to play on their new console are clearly going to buy the game for their next gen console. Your assertion that they're BUYING the console to play those games is as backwards as can be and if that represents the logic with most of the people at MS then they're going to be in for a tough couple of years.

um what? how is someone buying xbox one then wanting to buy titanfall to play on it not the same as what you just described?
What you just asked me, that makes no sense. I explicitly said TWICE now that they would sell a lot of software for the Xbox One for this reason. I also said that they wouldn't sell as much hardware as you (or MS) are expecting just because this game is launching on Xbox One since it's launching on Xbox 360 as well.

For example: You buy lots of electronics and/or video game consoles specifically at launch. You played through the one or two launch titles that interested you. You saw Tomb Raider Definitive is out on that new console and you've heard great things about it. Well shit, you might as well get it!

Your logic that they saw Tomb Raider definitive and chose to buy the console for that is a huge stretch.

Why the hell do I even have to explain this? You play video games. You should understand that if you buy a console and have nothing to play on it that you'll be looking for software. This isn't rocket science and it's why I can't believe you were seriously asking this question earlier.

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"Goes into PS4 forums to see what's going on"

Everyone is talking about the Xbox One.

I sub to this thread because I own a PS4, not an Xbox One. I don't have a reason to care about their sales numbers or any of this other talk about a system I don't own. I just don't understand fanboys.

unless people work for ms why would they be crying? when i play games on my x1 i don't think every two sec's omg xbox one is not selling i can no longer play games. How long till people stop posting sale numbers unless you are a sony worker or stock hold same with ms and nintendo sale numbers have nothing to do with you and it's not like ms/sony/nintendo are going away.
Sony's UK boss right after E3 2013 said sales numbers during the first few months of the launch is crucial for the future of the platform. Majority of games don't get green lighted at third party publishers until they see the numbers. Sony struggled with this during PS3 launch due to the console's delay and Microsoft's head start (Hence not many games until MGS4 launch in 2008). Games that will be starting development right now, won't be released until 2-3 years later. If Sony can prove to third party publishers right now how well the platform is doing, they have an easier time securing exclusive content (without having to pay for them or much at all), or even just having priority of being the lead platform due to the bigger install base. It essentially keeps the momentum going for the long term and this is exactly why Microsoft was so strong during the first half of the xbox 360's life cycle.


5 out of the 10 games in JAN were sold the most on PS4. If Sony keeps this up, the exclusive partnerships being announced at E3 will be very interesting. EA has 3 titles(FIFA, Madden NFL, BF4) most sold on PS4. Even after Microsoft paid for NFL, BF4, and EA partnerships.

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Well duh, I just find it funny people are on the PS4 forum bashing the Xbox One instead of...ya'know enjoying and talking about the PS4.
Sony doubled up on sales, its gonna get talked about in the PS4 thread and you came in here because of this news, don't lie. If it was the other way around I'm sure it would have gotten a mention in the Xbone thread. Its good news for Sony and their fans, and of course the conversation turned into a Titanfall debate cause that always happens for some reason lol

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Sony's UK boss right after E3 2013 said sales numbers during the first few months of the launch is crucial for the future of the platform. Majority of games don't get green lighted at third party publishers until they see the numbers. Sony struggled with this during PS3 launch due to the console's delay and Microsoft's head start (Hence not many games until MGS4 launch in 2008). Games that will be starting development right now, won't be released until 2-3 years later. If Sony can prove to third party publishers right now how well the platform is doing, they have an easier time securing exclusive content (without having to pay for them or much at all), or even just having priority of being the lead platform due to the bigger install base. It essentially keeps the momentum going for the long term and this is exactly why Microsoft was so strong during the first half of the xbox 360's life cycle.


5 out of the 10 games in JAN were sold the most on PS4. If Sony keeps this up, the exclusive partnerships being announced at E3 will be very interesting. EA has 3 titles(FIFA, Madden NFL, BF4) most sold on PS4. Even after Microsoft paid for NFL, BF4, and EA partnerships.
Sony's UK boss right after E3 2013 said sales numbers during the first few months of the launch is crucial for the future of the platform. Majority of games don't get green lighted at third party publishers until they see the numbers. Sony struggled with this during PS3 launch due to the console's delay and Microsoft's head start (Hence not many games until MGS4 launch in 2008). Games that will be starting development right now, won't be released until 2-3 years later. If Sony can prove to third party publishers right now how well the platform is doing, they have an easier time securing exclusive content (without having to pay for them or much at all), or even just having priority of being the lead platform due to the bigger install base. It essentially keeps the momentum going for the long term and this is exactly why Microsoft was so strong during the first half of the xbox 360's life cycle.


5 out of the 10 games in JAN were sold the most on PS4. If Sony keeps this up, the exclusive partnerships being announced at E3 will be very interesting. EA has 3 titles(FIFA, Madden NFL, BF4) most sold on PS4. Even after Microsoft paid for NFL, BF4, and EA partnerships.
thing with ms and im sure sony is doing this also with all the expand game content only on ps systems for some games out or coming out money talks. i agree i can't wait for e3 to see this battle heat up with money flying all over to devs to get these games either more content for one system or a game only on one system.

it's best for all gamers that these two companys will be fighting till the death over this stuff don't matter if your ms fan or sony fan we all win in the end.

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Eh, one console getting "exclusive DLC" a few months before the other isn't really a win for gamers.
not only doesnt it win anything, its flat out a waste of money that can be used for something much more useful. is MS didnt keep throwing money at activision for keep getting the CoD map packs exclusive for a few months, maybe they could have come up with an interesting new IP in the last 5 years.

not only doesnt it win anything, its flat out a waste of money that can be used for something much more useful. is MS didnt keep throwing money at activision for keep getting the CoD map packs exclusive for a few months, maybe they could have come up with an interesting new IP in the last 5 years.
but did not sony pay pretty penny to get like a hour of extra in game content for couple games already? you are right maybe ms could usethat money to buy studios like sony does and make people like you think sony the company are the ones that made those ip's. i guess you missed out on ms e3 last june or you were too buys drooling over yet another killzone and infmous.

but did not sony pay pretty penny to get like a hour of extra in game content for couple games already? you are right maybe ms could usethat money to buy studios like sony does and make people like you think sony the company are the ones that made those ip's. i guess you missed out on ms e3 last june or you were too buys drooling over yet another killzone and infmous.
sony makes new interesting IPs over the last couple years (the last of us, puppeteer, etc...). MS doesnt. if youre going to reply to me, please write a coherent sentence.

can a mod seriously just ban timbo from this thread? its long over due.

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sony makes new interesting IPs over the last couple years (the last of us, puppeteer, etc...). MS doesnt. if youre going to reply to me, please write a coherent sentence.

can a mod seriously just ban timbo from this thread? its long over due.
puppeteer really? was a flop. hey if you don't want me here then don't come to x1 and your other sony guys stayoff xbox threads how's that?

im not even trolling... just having legit convo while we all are giving opinions im sorry if you don't agree with everything i say.

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puppeteer really? was a flop. hey if you don't want me here then don't come to x1 and your other sony guys stayoff xbox threads how's that?

im not even trolling... just having legit convo while we all are giving opinions im sorry if you don't agree with everything i say.
i havent posted in an x1 thread since they did a 180 with all their policies. only person i see ever posting in the x1 thread is deader2818 and you just said you dont argue with him, you just have differing opinions and you respect him.

puppeteer was a good game. theres plenty of good games out there that didnt sell super well. doesnt make it any less fun. id rather them take chances on new game ideas, then just pump out the same drivel constantly.

you arent having a legit convo. its constant trolling with you. xbox defense team in full force.

oh let me troll the x1 thread because ill be getting an x1 in the future, just like how you constantly say youll be getting a ps4 yet somehow always end up defending x1 in the ps4 thread.

i cant wait till titanfall comes out so you stay outta this thread.

i havent posted in an x1 thread since they did a 180 with all their policies. only person i see ever posting in the x1 thread is deader2818 and you just said you dont argue with him, you just have differing opinions and you respect him.

puppeteer was a good game. theres plenty of good games out there that didnt sell super well. doesnt make it any less fun. id rather them take chances on new game ideas, then just pump out the same drivel constantly.

you arent having a legit convo. its constant trolling with you. xbox defense team in full force.

oh let me troll the x1 thread because ill be getting an x1 in the future, just like how you constantly say youll be getting a ps4 yet somehow always end up defending x1 in the ps4 thread.

i cant wait till titanfall comes out so you stay outta this thread.
i guess i can't like the xbox one because it's the cool thing to do since march to shit on everything ms does. I guess you sony fanboy forgot all the shitting sony did on you at launch of ps3 and for couple years after and you till this day sitting here defending them. guess what buddy sony and ms could give rats butt about either of us as gamers they just want our hard earned money.

in six week time both sony and ms will have gotton my hard earned money because i like the best of all worlds in gaming and don't get into this fanboy garbage. Only reason i stand up for ms and x1 at times because yes i do enjoy ms products not just xbox and yes i do enjoy sony products.

8bit let me ask you this if rolls were reversed and ps4 was priced 500 bucks and forced to buy a camera would you stick up for sony and have purchsed a ps4 at that price or would want xbox one for 400 bucks?

my guess would be yes because you are a sony fan and enjoy their games. I'm sure you would also defend it left and right because it's something you enjoy and think it gets bad name for no reason

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Everyone shut up. 

These threads get so off the rails because of this USELESS banter.


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bread's done