PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

I'm going to guess that it's too much to ask for GTA V and The Last of Us Remastered have $10 (or hell even $20) upgrades if you already own the PS3 version. *sigh* Don't see myself buying these games again at full price.

And if there is no flat fee for PS Now, then all interest is gone.

I'm going to guess that it's too much to ask for GTA V and The Last of Us Remastered have $10 (or hell even $20) upgrades if you already own the PS3 version. *sigh* Don't see myself buying these games again at full price.

And if there is no flat fee for PS Now, then all interest is gone.
I think they'll offer a flat fee service down the road. Licensing for games is not the same as movies. So they'll have to figure that out first.

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I think I was the only person that thought the TV/Shows segment during the press conference was out of place.  I'm not a big fan of using a console to watch TV stuff.  

I think I was the only person that thought the TV/Shows segment during the press conference was out of place. I'm not a big fan of using a console to watch TV stuff.
Sony usually does it every year and it's the most criticized part of their show. I think we all would have preferred another game or two being shown and the TV/Movie section pushed outside of the conference to just general announcements.

They'll never learn.

The Last Guardian/ Agent double pack will be announced at E3. Believe!!!! :lol:
If this doesn't happen, I'm going to wring your neck.
Did I call it or what? Pliskin, you're dead to me now.

Sony really isn't committed to this game which shows as *yet again* they're taking their sweet ass time making it. And I agree with what TwistedShade said earlier though, a game taking this long is bound to fall short of expectations. However, for the sake of listening to fans and fulfilling on a promise, I was ready to give Sony the goodwill they would have deserved but this game has been in development hell forever and it was doomed the minute Ueda left the studio. Whatever, like I said when it comes to leaks for TLG, I've adopted a "won't believe it until I see it" approach and Sony's failed thus far in that aspect.

As for my overall impressions, I thought Day 1 E3 was worth the viewing at least. Sony's should have broadcasted theirs on TV though so that was annoying unlike Microsoft which was better to watch on the tube. Even though some games weren't my type of games, I still think it was good that Sony showed they had variety in their offerings. Personally, I was happy to see a tease of UC4, The Phantom Pain, Mortal Kombat, Destiny, and a preview of some of the new IP's. Granted most of these are multiplatforms but they are the games I'm only looking forward to thus far anyway. This conference only had LBP3 as the only exclusive for this fall so having already known beforehand that this holiday was going to be more about multiplatforms, I was fine with it since I had realistic expectations. I will say though, for heading into a very critical year 2 holiday season, Sony sure seems pretty comfortable with their offerings and quasi-exclusivity with games like Destiny to compete with a hungry MS. Not quite sure if that's how I would have handled it.

Even though this was Layden's first E3, I felt House should have taken over more and be the lead presenter. Tretton was always good at it and even though having the President is a natural selection as presenter, I felt Andrew should have just taken the rest of the stage himself.

PS Now for me, will only come in handy whenever I'm hanging out with a certain buddy or family member and we all of a sudden want to jump in some couch co-op. For a one day session, paying $3 is a good deal as opposed to having to find the game somewhere to rent out from Gamestop. I sell off my games whenever I'm not actively playing them, so playing again for a 1 day session would be an interesting idea to me.
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i tend to think some of the boring crap is for shareholders.
agreed, but they can have other meetings for that... Since this is so public with gamers, it should have been just games. I actually am interested in the Powers and Ratchet and Clank stuff, it could have just warranted a press release to the public.

agreed, but they can have other meetings for that... Since this is so public with gamers, it should have been just games. I actually am interested in the Powers and Ratchet and Clank stuff, it could have just warranted a press release to the public.
these guys don't fully understand gamers. we are a different breed.

I assume

1 Day - $2.99
1 Week - $9.99
1 Month - $19.99
With added input latency equivalent to at least the speed of light between your home and the Sony servers, plus however shitty your ISP is.

My experience with OnLive and the NDA Agreement I agreed to is that the input lag is there and noticable. Strategy games, some puzzle games, RPGs, third-person adventure games work okay. But fighting games are DOA, as are first person shooters in my opinion.
I'm in the same boat as far as GTA V goes. As great as it looked, it came out way too close to the next gen release dates to not eventually make the jump. Will definitely be a day one purchase for me now on the PS4. 

I'm in the same boat as far as GTA V goes. As great as it looked, it came out way too close to the next gen release dates to not eventually make the jump. Will definitely be a day one purchase for me now on the PS4.
I missed the launch of GTA last year so I'm just going to wait to play this come the fall.

Sony didn't obliterate everyone this year, but had a solid showing.  The actual press conference was horribly done, but the games shown were cool.

I was so sure I was going to buy a Ps4 after last E3.  This E3 has shown I'll be waiting until at least past next E3.

Little Big Planet 3 looks so good though.  Will be playing 1+2 with the family due to the hype.

littlebigplanet as a platformer is pretty terrible.

id say sony and microsoft were pretty even this year e3 wise. both revealed new games, both showcased some indies and both didnt drop a surprise bombshell announcement.

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well i did it new owner of ps4 

walked into gamestop with a 250 gb 360 and 120 gb ps3 and one ps3 game and giant pile of 360 stuff and games i walked out with this bad boy for free plus a game with 20 bucks left over. no questions asked he gave me 150 each system he had no clue they had that deal going on he had to look on website

well i did it new owner of ps4

walked into gamestop with a 250 gb 360 and 120 gb ps3 and one ps3 game and giant pile of 360 stuff and games i walked out with this bad boy for free plus a game with 20 bucks left over. no questions asked he gave me 150 each system he had no clue they had that deal going on he had to look on website
Welcome to the family. Add me if you wish to- Josh5890

I was hoping it would be a flat fee type deal, like Neflix but I should have known better. As for the prices, it's hard to judge unless we know the duration. $3 for a day is a joke but for a week, it would be perfectly reasonable.
Why? Some people pay up to $5.99 for an HD movie rental...

Lots of games can even be gone through in one day if you really wanted. If it does wind up being $3 a day I think that's more than reasonable.

how do i get my ps plus onto ps4 it says it's active but can't get no games on the store keeps asking for me to sub. never mind ad to restore license for this system

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Congrats Timbo, glad to have you on board and it'll be interesting to hear your opinions on the machine.

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I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned here but Little Big Planet 3 is also coming to the PS3 and not just the PS4 ala Forza Horizon 2 style.

(Edit) Twitter Link doesn't work but a Google search will turn it up.
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well i did it new owner of ps4

walked into gamestop with a 250 gb 360 and 120 gb ps3 and one ps3 game and giant pile of 360 stuff and games i walked out with this bad boy for free plus a game with 20 bucks left over. no questions asked he gave me 150 each system he had no clue they had that deal going on he had to look on website
That's awesome, I got the white one pre-order on amazon. The X1 will still be my main, but I'm super pumped about getting the white bundle this fall.
Timbo, if you wanna add a fellow Packers fan, my PSN name is MattYoung730. Congrats on your new system! What game did you get?

Moving on, I got my Battlefield: Hardline code. Downloading now. Who else is playing? I didn't want to start a thread because I don't have the energy to devote to maintaining a proper OP for it so I figured I'd mention it in here.
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Timbo, if you wanna add a fellow Packers fan, my PSN name is MattYoung730. Congrats on your new system! What game did you get?

Moving on, I got my Battlefield: Hardline code. Downloading now. Who else is playing? I didn't want to start a thread because I don't have the energy to devote to maintaining a proper OP for it so I figured I'd mention it in here.
I don't think I'll be getting a Hardline code

littlebigplanet as a platformer is pretty terrible.

id say sony and microsoft were pretty even this year e3 wise. both revealed new games, both showcased some indies and both didnt drop a surprise bombshell announcement.
I think LBP is a decent platformer, its a fun couch coop game, and community is top notch when it comes to creating levels/games. As far as E3 goes, I'd give Sony the edge. A lot of people were expecting big things from MS and they didn't deliver. "OMG, they're announcing all these things early, they must not have room with all the megatons they have planned at E3" Quotes like that were everywhere.

Did I call it or what? Pliskin, you're dead to me now.
Three words, Tokyo Game Show. #Believe. :p

Timbo, if you wanna add a fellow Packers fan, my PSN name is MattYoung730. Congrats on your new system! What game did you get?

Moving on, I got my Battlefield: Hardline code. Downloading now. Who else is playing? I didn't want to start a thread because I don't have the energy to devote to maintaining a proper OP for it so I figured I'd mention it in here.
Downloading mine now too and watching Jimmy Kimmel lol

I got into the hardline Beta.  I am just not impressed.

That said, it's been a while since I played a multiplayer shooter, and I have lost what little touch I had.

well i did it new owner of ps4

walked into gamestop with a 250 gb 360 and 120 gb ps3 and one ps3 game and giant pile of 360 stuff and games i walked out with this bad boy for free plus a game with 20 bucks left over. no questions asked he gave me 150 each system he had no clue they had that deal going on he had to look on website
lol I still remember the euphoric feeling I got when I first got mine. First thing I did upon turning it on? Upgraded AC4, BF4, and Ghosts!

one grip it's not big one but that mic sony included just grrrr. those kind of headphones never work in my ears i think i will pick up the sony headset once i get a game with online play.

oh and ps4 controller great step up from the small ps3 controller that made my hands cramp alot 

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The DS4 is compatible with most headsets. If you have one of those standard ones that connect to your Xbox 360 controller, that would work fine. 

Timbo, which game did you get? Knack? Lego Marvel? Since you said it doesn't have online multiplayer...

I can recommend a great cheap headset- the Microsoft LifeChat was $20 on Amazon. It's a set of over-ear stereo headphones that sound great when used for chat, game audio, or both. Easy mute and long USB cord. Highly recommended if that's what you're looking for.
I should be getting a Hardline code around the 16th for attending Sony's E3 Theater thing but I already have a code thanks to the EA event. I've played some matches and yeah I'm not impressed....


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I should be getting a Hardline code around the 16th for attending Sony's E3 Theater thing but I already have a code thanks to the EA event. I've played some matches and yeah I'm not impressed....
That's disappointing I thought it looked pretty good. Sort of like Payday but instead of AI you went up against actual people.
bread's done