PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Sony showed actual gameplay for MKX as well, looked great, not sure why there is no buzz for that.
It should be noted, that Mortal Kombat X was actually displayed off a PS4. Yes, I'm super hyped about this game. If the fix the netcode this time around, that game will become my new "main" for the time being.

Ouch @ the Naughty Dog tweet to thuway. For those unaware, he's an insider at GAF and basically just got blasted by ND for spreading a false rumor. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong. Way to get noticed though lol.

GAF is reporting the in game visuals of TLoU will look close to the cutscenes. If the comparison shots are true, that'll be so nuts - I'll actually be tempted to buy it again for the PS4. Yeesh. The cag in me will be so disappoint

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It should be noted, that Mortal Kombat X was actually displayed off a PS4. Yes, I'm super hyped about this game. If the fix the netcode this time around, that game will become my new "main" for the time being.

Ouch @ the Naughty Dog tweet to thuway. For those unaware, he's an insider at GAF and basically just got blasted by ND for spreading a false rumor. Sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong. Way to get noticed though lol.

GAF is reporting the in game visuals of TLoU will look close to the cutscenes. If the comparison shots are true, that'll be so nuts - I'll actually be tempted to buy it again for the PS4. Yeesh. The cag in me will be so disappoint

I plan to pick up TLOU again, but most likely after a price drop. 47.99 on day one aint bad for it I guess, but should be discounted come black friday and no rush to get it as Ive already played it.

Glad it comes with the DLC, never played it as I traded it back as soon as I beat the main story. Never touched the MP, will give it ago this time on the Quad though.

Wii selling last Gen was nothing to do with the core gamer audience, hell my Mom even bought one. Wii Bowling and goofy Wii Fit.

I still stand by Nintendo doesnt appeal to mature gaming audiences and that is why Wii U is a flop. The casuals havent bought it in droves like the last one.

Soon as I get my hardline beta I hope to get on and shoot you in the head ;)
While I get what you are saying, there is really no such thing as a "mature gaming audience".

There will always be people that only play FPS. There will always be people that only play RPGs. There will always be people who only play Madden. There will even always be people that only play Mario... And plenty of people like all of the above. Just because one of those is more colorful and doesn't feature any realism or violence doesn't mean it can't or isn't enjoyed by audiences made up of x demographic or y age.

There's this stigma applied to gaming in that if you don't play games like GTA, CoD or Forza then you must not be included in the "mature" or "hardcore" audience... And that's stupid.

Games are games, "hardcore" should be something that describes someone who enjoys a wide variety of games. Gamers who only play CoD or Madden are just as much considered casual to me as those who only play Angry Birds or Farmville.

Soon as I get my hardline beta I hope to get on and shoot you in the head ;)
You shouldn't have much trouble. I suck at the game, even though I have fun. Thanks for not taking my comments personally. It's nice to be able to disagree with someone on the internet and not have it turn ugly.
kilik64 said:
Nintendo has great first party stuff but doesnt appeal to me in the least. Certainly not enough to buy any of their consoles since I was a kid and the n64 was released. Dont see how me not owning anything by them invalidates my opinion that their games skew towards a younger audience, but ok.

I didnt take it as a slight, I just pointed out that Nintendo games dont really appeal to the majority of gamers obviously. If they did Wii U would have better sales numbers. For a kid friendly game, Nintendo cant be beat. But for mature games? Give me Sony and MS first party games, obviously.
Skewing towards a younger audience and "don't really appeal to the majority of gamers obviously" don't really follow one another though. I think Nintendo games are more broadly appealing in general (including kids and adults) whereas a lot of the so-called "mature" games have a more limited appeal.

Also, I think your perspective as someone who was just a kid when the N64 released is an important part of this. It is natural to move away from things of your youth as you mature. Hell, I did the same with video games in general when I was in my 20's. But for me that mean moving away from the "kiddie" Atari/Colecovision with their lack of game saves and moving to the more "mature" PC platform with its much more in-depth gameplay (things like Wizardry). I skipped entirely over the whole Nintendo-dominated console period (first getting back into console gaming with the Gamecube in 2003). And I still think Nintendo games are the best of the bunch - and that's with no personal nostalgia factor other than remembering having played Donkey Kong and such in the arcade when they first came out.

For me, Nintendo had hands-down he best showing of new stuff at E3. Sony was OK (No Man's Sky looks intriguing and I had never heard of it before this week), and I could care less about what MS showed. My older son wants the Master Chief Collection and I'll probably play it with him via coop. Funny thing - this son, who is now 14, and was really into "mature" stuff the last 2-3 years (hating Nintendo), is really bored of video games right now and barely touches the Xbox One (or anything else). But he has his own nostalgia for Halo as that is what got him into the "mature" stuff a few years back. He didn't even want to go to PAX this year after we went the last 2 years (and I'm with him there - way too crowded to do anything there).
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I just wanted to come in and say Transistor is one of the best games I've probably ever played and you should all buy it immediately.

Thats all.

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Also what the hell is with everyones definition of an indie game?! Thought most people said it was lower priced, shorter, downloadle games. isn't that sound shapes. What is your deal seriously.
Indie is stuff put out by developers themselves. No funding from bigger companies like Sony, MS or EA, not published by bigger publishers etc. The developer just makes it and puts it out on XBLA, PSN, Steam etc. themselves.

Major publishers fund and publish downloadable games too, but those technically aren't indie games. That's just today's version of mid-tier games since something like Child of Light from Ubisoft wouldn't sell much at a $40 (handheld) to $60 (console) price point.

And that's a good example of a smaller download game that's not indie since it was published by Ubisoft, vs. say Transistor (another recent lite RPG) is since the developer (Super Giant Games) put it out themselves.

The games themselves are similar in scope etc.--the indie distinction just refers to how it was funded and published. Just like a lot of major study films are small character studies but that doesn't make them indie films since they were put out by big studios rather than independent filmmakers.
Dude, MKX looks freakin phenomenal. And how cool would it be if they did something like this? Different boxarts for the Xbone and PS4.

Rreptile for XB 1 cover.

Rainbow Six Siege may my most anticipated game for 2015 after seeing the gameplay during the Ubi conference.

New Homefront doesn't look shabby either.

Rainbow Six Siege may my most anticipated game for 2015 after seeing the gameplay during the Ubi conference.

New Homefront doesn't look shabby either.
I am somewhat excited about new homefront, didnt play the first one, but the new one sounds pretty solid.

Anyone have any personal experience as to whether the PS4 has a universal power supply? Am getting ready to move from the US to the UK and just trying to figure out whether it's coming with me--info online is flat out contradictory. The manual indicates it is not, but I've also seen photos online of people cracking open the system and the power supply says it is universal. Would prefer not to open mine to check but also don't want to risk nuking it by just using a plug adapter.... Crazy how hard it is to confirm this online. Thoughts very welcome.

Used one of these when I deployed I used one of these

may be an easier fix.
Well we know there is DLC coming sometime this summer, my money is one the DLC being included on PS4 for free
Believe it or not, it's almost been a year since GTA5 launched. With that much time to develop DLC, one can speculate that it will be a massive extra portion of the single-player game with tons of new missions. My guess is (hopefully) Las Venturas or San Fiero - since they were a main part of the San Andreas world.

I finally got my Battlefront Hardline beta code, but already got one before that. So if anyone wants it PM me and ill pass it along.

I finally got my Battlefront Hardline beta code, but already got one before that. So if anyone wants it PM me and ill pass it along.
Got one too just now, so check your emails people.

Matty Young, you better be on tonight for that headshot coming your way. :D/

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I finished inFamous Second Son.

It's a good, 7/10 game. Enjoyable gameplay, excellent presentation, but a whole lotta flimsy material around that.
I finished inFamous Second Son.

It's a good, 7/10 game. Enjoyable gameplay, excellent presentation, but a whole lotta flimsy material around that.
I have bought and returned this game like 4 times trying to find the right price on it.

I am not even sure I care to play it at this point. What was the "flimsy material"...

Seattle is pretty but lifeless. The morality is binary and silly. The characters around Delsin and Reggie are balls, and most are tossed out of the story.

The story itself is quite stupid at the end, especially if you go evil like me. The boss becomes an idiotic megalomaniac and a dumb caricature which throws aside the absolutely phenomenal presentation Sucker Punch has.

Buy the game for the great graphics and the cat and mouse combat that is so fun. I just wish it wasn't so repetitive.
I have bought and returned this game like 4 times trying to find the right price on it.

I am not even sure I care to play it at this point. What was the "flimsy material"...
Honestly if you can redbox, it is beatable very quickly. I bought it through Best Buy's GCU for $48 and was able to platinum the game in 2 weeks, traded it in for $44

Honestly if you can redbox, it is beatable very quickly. I bought it through Best Buy's GCU for $48 and was able to platinum the game in 2 weeks, traded it in for $44
I forget how I bought it the first time, but the second time I got it as one of 3 games I got from target for $120 (so it was $39.99)... Most recently I bought it through GCU when it was $40, so it cost $31.99...

I am debating whether to keep it.

I beat watchdogs, but haven't platinumed it yet, and I have the Season pass...

I am also playing FFXIV, but haven't touched that in a couple of weeks.

I forget how I bought it the first time, but the second time I got it as one of 3 games I got from target for $120 (so it was $39.99)... Most recently I bought it through GCU when it was $40, so it cost $31.99...

I am debating whether to keep it.

I beat watchdogs, but haven't platinumed it yet, and I have the Season pass...

I am also playing FFXIV, but haven't touched that in a couple of weeks.
Does watch dogs get better? In act I still and pretty bored with it.

Dont know what you are comparing it to, but keep in mind I haven't played GTA5 yet.

I am not bored with it, but I am not bowled over either.  It's OK.

Some exciting news... IGN's Colin Moriarty had said before E3 that when he played the Order it was terrible.  He was able to play it again yesterday and now says it is one of his favorite games for the upcoming year.  He also said he played Blood borne(mind you he hates the Souls series) and says that the game is perfect and his pick for game of the show.  He described it as a little bit more arcady version of the souls games so as not to punish every person who picks it up.  Says it looks gorgeous!

Super excited for both these exclusives!!!

Compared to Microsoft you can't simply say Sony showed more games..because they didn't and like Microsoft Sony showed a lot of unready games through GCI trailers which is something that article doesn't even mention against them but he does smack Microsoft for it. Even the GTA 5 trailer wasn't ready since it was a cinematic trailer and nothing more, and no offense but it's hard as hell to get excited about a game that "just" game out last year.

Yupp lots of CGI :roll: Not to mention the other floor game play of The Order shows that there is a lot more game play then cut scenes and the transition is seamless... I can't wait for these games to be released so all these detractors won't have anything to say.

Seattle is pretty but lifeless. The morality is binary and silly. The characters around Delsin and Reggie are balls, and most are tossed out of the story.

The story itself is quite stupid at the end, especially if you go evil like me. The boss becomes an idiotic megalomaniac and a dumb caricature which throws aside the absolutely phenomenal presentation Sucker Punch has.

Buy the game for the great graphics and the cat and mouse combat that is so fun. I just wish it wasn't so repetitive.

and people deny the idea that the PS4 is lacking now (near launch) and they totally didn't just get it because they wanted something to play on their $400 machine...

I beat SS in like 2 days and am having a very hard time going through it again for the platinum trophy.

Okay cool story dude, but if the PS4 is lacking games now that means the Xbox One must be lacking too. Since about 90% of the games are on both systems. There are games for both systems, they may not interest you but there are games. Of course you want a game to play with your $400 or $500 machine. What is wrong with that?

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Okay cool story dude, but if the PS4 is lacking games now that means the Xbox One must be lacking too. Since about 90% of the games are on both systems. There are games for both systems, they may not interest you but there are games. Of course you want a game to play with your $400 or $500 machine. What is wrong with that?
I never said it didn't. Both systems have a sparse selection of games right now, which is understandable. Watch Dogs is a great example of how people will buy a game in droves when there is nothing else to play. I, personally, enjoyed the game for what it was, but if it released in 2017 when the X1 and PS4 have large libraries, the mediocre scores WD got would have cut it's sales numbers by probably ~60%+. The game was super hyped and, for many, it didn't live up to the unreasonable expectations the press put on it. If the X1 and PS4 had shit else to play, Watch Dogs would have been crippled from the starting gate, but that wasn't the case because nothing has really come out for either system since February/March (Infamous and Titanfall)

Finally some data on console switching this gen. Sony says 31% of PS4 owners only had a 360 or Wii last gen, and never a PS3.

I'm sure there are a lot like me who had a PS3, but got it late or didn't play it as much as the others who are now PS4 only/primary this gen too.

Last gen I got a Wii first as the 360 and PS3 were too expensive at launch and I was intrigued by the motion control stuff--though I ended up hating it. Got a 360 in Spring 2007 and sold the Wii off shortly after. Was 360 only until Fall 2011 when my Live account got hacked, migrated to Russia and took months to get back. Grabbed a cheap Wii to play Skyward Sword and some other games I'd missed. Got a PS3 in January 2012 when it looked like I wasn't going to get my Live account back and have been mainly a Sony gamer since.
Yeah, it's like this every gen in terms of the "no games" crap.

Buying year 1 is only for hardcore gamers with broad interests as there's always a lack of mainstream AAA games the first year or two. People who aren't into mid-tier, indie/downloadable games etc., or aren't ones who just want to play newest CoD etc. with better graphics should really wait for the first price drop at the earliest to buy.

I got my PS4 in March and I don't regret it at all. I thought Second Son was great--even if short. I don't really have time for long games anyway. I play some, but 5-10 hour games are a better fit for my schedule. MLB The Show is very good, and I'm liking Watch Dogs. On the download front, I really liked Contrast, Child of Light and Transistor. Resogun and Dead Nation are ok fun in short bursts. And there are several I haven't checked out yet like Stick it to the Man, Outlast, Don't Starve, Pixel Junk Shooter Ultimate and Trine 2.

Yeah, I didn't buy the PS4 to play those types of games--but I do enjoy them and they're great filler between big releases. I could have just stuck with my PS3 backlog, but I decided I'd rather get a jump on next gen, stick with just one platform this time, and do a better job of keeping up with, and focusing on, the games I really want to play and not ever have a backlog this go around.
Not sure who you are sarcastically quoting there, but for me personally I thought Infamous 1 was the best in the series, 2 would have been the best if it just had one more section of city, it just felt short compared to 1. I had a lot of fun with Second Son, but after getting the Plat I was glad I GameFly'd it and it was definitely the weakest in the series not counting Festival of Blood. It felt to me like it was rushed to get it out when they did which is funny cause it was probably supposed to be a launch title but got 5 extra months of dev time.

I never said it didn't. Both systems have a sparse selection of games right now, which is understandable. Watch Dogs is a great example of how people will buy a game in droves when there is nothing else to play. I, personally, enjoyed the game for what it was, but if it released in 2017 when the X1 and PS4 have large libraries, the mediocre scores WD got would have cut it's sales numbers by probably ~60%+. The game was super hyped and, for many, it didn't live up to the unreasonable expectations the press put on it. If the X1 and PS4 had shit else to play, Watch Dogs would have been crippled from the starting gate, but that wasn't the case because nothing has really come out for either system since February/March (Infamous and Titanfall)
I kind of see the point you're trying to make but what's wrong with people wanting to buy the best thing available for them at that time? You did the same thing when you purchased Watch Dogs, right?

Also it's just like any regular business model. If your the best thing available at that time, of course you are going to get the lump of the market share until competition comes. I don't know, it's just really weird that you think there is a problem and you're going out of your way to point out this issue but yet you are also contributing to the problem.

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Currently if you buy a PS4 at Amazon you'll get $25 promotional credit towards 1 year of Playstation Plus once the console ships. I ordered a PS4 yesterday, but I didn't bother to check the special offers section. Since it was on sale for $40 I bought a year of PS+ before my console shipped. Today I got the e-mail telling me about the credit.

Oh well. I bought a second year for $15. Banking two years for $55 is still great. Now I have two Black Fridays of hoping to stock up for $30 a year.

Currently if you buy a PS4 at Amazon you'll get $25 promotional credit towards 1 year of Playstation Plus once the console ships. I ordered a PS4 yesterday, but I didn't bother to check the special offers section. Since it was on sale for $40 I bought a year of PS+ before my console shipped. Today I got the e-mail telling me about the credit.

Oh well. I bought a second year for $15. Banking two years for $55 is still great. Now I have two Black Fridays of hoping to stock up for $30 a year.
2 years for $55 is an insane deal. I would be proud of that deal.

Also if anyone has a Destiny Alpha code that do not want I have a buddy in need of one. He forgot to register intime (I reminded him 3 times lol)

Been playing Destiny, feels very Halo, and that's a good thing.  I'm on Earth doing these beacon missions, not sure if there is an end to them, done like 10 of them and some have you back tracking some.  Real fun game, think it's a definite must buy at launch so far.

my opinion on second son is mixed. After two hours for me the game is just avg at best and 1st game is still the best for me. The game looks amazing but think i will beat it and trade it in during best buy's extra 50 percent trade in soon.

Bloodborne Gameplay trailer. Apparently this is the gameplay trailer only shown to the press during E3.

bestkeeper14 said:
Some exciting news... IGN's Colin Moriarty had said before E3 that when he played the Order it was terrible. He was able to play it again yesterday and now says it is one of his favorite games for the upcoming year. He also said he played Blood borne(mind you he hates the Souls series) and says that the game is perfect and his pick for game of the show. He described it as a little bit more arcady version of the souls games so as not to punish every person who picks it up. Says it looks gorgeous!

Super excited for both these exclusives!!!
I really, really, hope he is wrong or overstating the "arcadey" nature of Bloodborne. I'm no gaming pro but the combat in Dark Souls is just about perfect. There is no reason to "arcade" it up. I assume that means faster and more of a button-mash combofest and I absolutely detest those types of games. I find those games either to be uncompromisingly difficult or dumbed down to the point where you can push pretty much any buttons and get through fights (like God of War). The former leads to the latter - that is, they have these needlessly complex control schemes and combos but in order to make the game accessible they have to make it beatable using only a small, boring subset. I find the Dark Souls combat a great compromise - it isn't all that complicated or difficult, but you need to be able to use different aspects to survive.
I really, really, hope he is wrong or overstating the "arcadey" nature of Bloodborne. I'm no gaming pro but the combat in Dark Souls is just about perfect. There is no reason to "arcade" it up. I assume that means faster and more of a button-mash combofest and I absolutely detest those types of games. I find those games either to be uncompromisingly difficult or dumbed down to the point where you can push pretty much any buttons and get through fights (like God of War). The former leads to the latter - that is, they have these needlessly complex control schemes and combos but in order to make the game accessible they have to make it beatable using only a small, boring subset. I find the Dark Souls combat a great compromise - it isn't all that complicated or difficult, but you need to be able to use different aspects to survive.
No, he doesn't hack and slash, simply a slightly more forgiving system that will open up the series to more people. Yea hack and slash like God of War and such are button mashers. You will still have specific attacks, just a lot more forgiving

[quote name="RiPPn" post="11838493" timestamp="1402620729"]Been playing Destiny, feels very Halo, and that's a good thing. I'm on Earth doing these beacon missions, not sure if there is an end to them, done like 10 of them and some have you back tracking some. Real fun game, think it's a definite must buy at launch so far.[/quote]
I really wanted to like the game, so I went in with some reservations. I really enjoyed destiny. This is now a must buy game for me but maybe that's because I manage my expectations mostly due to watch dogs.
Sadly the Alpha only once you go to level 8, and that only took my friend and I are couple of hours. I plan on going online tonight and maxing out at least one more class baby doll three by the end of the weekend. It was a little sad getting teased with all these better weapons we are collecting that we can never use during the alpha.

With that said here my concerns, everything that I saw there a max level of 20 and I reach level 8 in a couple of hours so I'm really hoping that it goes much past 20 because otherwise it will seem like a short game even if there is multiplayer. They are right that Peter's voice for the drone lacked a bit of character but he is a robot so that seemed OK. I can see how people who really like Borderlands would find it a bit bland but I actually was tired of Borderlands halfway through Borderlands 2 and this was refreshing.

Just as others had said, when I started to play it I realized I was playing Halo which wasn't that bad. They did borrow quite a few things that they had done in the Halo universe but once again bungee started it they should be able to continue using it as long as they add enough refreshing ideas to make it fun. There seem to be a whole lot of ideas that were incomplete but this is an alpha and we only got to see hopefully only one percent of the game.
Something that really just dawned on me, where was the Mad Max game at e3???

It was announced at e3 last year right? Wonder why no show this year, supposed to be out 2015 still I think.

Seems like a couple of games were missing at E3. It dawned on me last night that I hadn't heard of anything about Deep Down at E3 which seemed odd since it's supposed to come out this year.

bread's done