PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread



And yet I have both Sony and Nintendo system
Seriously dude you have to quit using that as an excuse, it means nothing.... It proves nothing except that you have a nice disposable income that allows to buy all three. You clearly jab at Sony at every opportunity and then when people call you out your excuse is well I own a PS4... so what!

At what point did I say that lol?  

I'm obviously not the biggest fan or blindly excited about crap like LittleBigPlanet 3, but every comment isn't going to be positive.

It's a discussion forum, learn to accept differing opinions.  

What exactly is wrong with indie games? lol. A lot of great indie games out there and its great to have something in between big releases. Making jabs like that just make people look like idiots.

Like I said, I'll probably buy a PS4 once or near the release of Uncharted 4.  Until then, you can't even tell me a game there is to get excited for on that system.  

Maybe Jak 4, but that's a pipe dream at this point.

Like I said, I'll probably buy a PS4 once or near the release of Uncharted 4. Until then, you can't even tell me a game there is to get excited for on that system.

Maybe Jak 4, but that's a pipe dream at this point.
That's fine. Doesnt mean there aren't any good games coming out for it.

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That's fine. Doesnt mean there aren't any good games coming out for it.
I'll agree, just nothing for me this year. Destiny is the PS4's flagship game for the holidays and it's a multiplat. The others like I either have no interest in and was never a fan of the series/developer.

With that said, I guess I've overstayed my visit of Tomb Raider moaning and groaning. Enjoy your day.

Bloodborne, No Mans sky, Everybodys gone to the rapture, The Order, Until Dawn, Uncharted 4, Tearaway, LBP3 just to name a few... do you know what they have in common?!  They are all different games in their own rights.  Not just shooters!!!!!!! 

Half of those you listed I don't think you would honestly buy.  

I appreciate different games, but they got me last time when I was told Flower was a must play experience. 

Never again.

Half of those you listed I don't think you would honestly buy.

I appreciate different games, but they got me last time when I was told Flower was a must play experience.

Never again.
That's fine... just saying, you obviously like your shooters from the games you say you are looking forward to, it is why you love your xbox. I like to broaden my horizon and play different experiences and have enjoyed some, some others not so much, but it isn't the same crap that I played all the time on xbox.

I'll agree, just nothing for me this year. Destiny is the PS4's flagship game for the holidays and it's a multiplat. The others like I either have no interest in and was never a fan of the series/developer.

With that said, I guess I've overstayed my visit of Tomb Raider moaning and groaning. Enjoy your day.
You couldn't be more wrong if you think Destiny is the only title Sony is gonna treat as a flagship title, nice try though.

I think PS4 need to change its name to PiS4. Play indie Station 4.
Nice to see the physically disabled (blind) are able to somehow post on CAG.

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You couldn't be more wrong if you think Destiny is the only title Sony is gonna treat as a flagship title, nice try though.

Nice to see the physically disabled (blind) are able to somehow post on CAG.
Again at what point did I say ONLY? It's definitely one of their flagship games this holiday season, the white PS4 bundle only furthers my point.

That's fine... just saying, you obviously like your shooters from the games you say you are looking forward to, it is why you love your xbox. I like to broaden my horizon and play different experiences and have enjoyed some, some others not so much, but it isn't the same crap that I played all the time on xbox.
Can't argue with this, definitely a shooter fan. PS4 lost many of the exclusives that would have kept me a more loyal customer, but that's a discussion for another day.

Seriously dude you have to quit using that as an excuse, it means nothing.... It proves nothing except that you have a nice disposable income that allows to buy all three. You clearly jab at Sony at every opportunity and then when people call you out your excuse is well I own a PS4... so what!
im a cag lol ps4/wiiu i paid 80 bucks out of pocket and i now trade in all my games to get new games. i do agree im bios towards ms and im not a fan of sony attitude start of this gen which is why im harder towards them. When it comes to x1 there are things i did attack ms over on xbone thread but you must have never seen it.

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I have to say, hearing that games will (also) be coming to last-gen in Dec 2015, and ever later in 2016, is sad. I understand the 1 year leeway, but we are talking about 2-3 years later and still getting cross-gen ports. Stifling said game(s) because devs and pubs only care about game "parity".

This is my opinion, but if 3 years after a new-gen is out, the people with the old gen systems may not be the target audience that will buy your games on their old systems at $60. Excluding of course CoD and sports.

Anyone try out that P.T game? Watched a streamer play, the scariest games i've seen. I'm never going to play that by myself

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Going to watch the conference tonight but given the news influx I'm very disappointed with Sony. Unless I missed something their holiday line-up is basically LBP3 (Which is on PS3), and DriveClub. Not to mention the Software update they showed was very disappointing feature wise.

Nothing like seeing a Deader post bashing Timbo for being Off-Topic and telling him to not even post here when the Playstation crowd in this thread looked like it was bashing the Xbox One in that forum.

Also find it hilarious people are saying Microsoft is using deception with Tomb Raider exclusivity. I'm honesty shocked and hugely disappointed at how Sony and Ubisoft chose to completely mislead people with that Far Cry 4 Co-op mode. At E3 people in this forum hyped that up as being a killer feature against Microsoft and I agreed because I preordered the game with that big bonus in mind and it's now clear they both planned it from the start and left information out on purpose.

Going to watch the conference tonight but given the news influx I'm very disappointed with Sony. Unless I missed something their holiday line-up is basically LBP3 (Which is on PS3), and DriveClub. Not to mention the Software update they showed was very disappointing feature wise.

Nothing like seeing a Deader post bashing Timbo for being Off-Topic and telling him to not even post here when the Playstation crowd in this thread looked like it was bashing the Xbox One in that forum.

Also find it hilarious people are saying Microsoft is using deception with Tomb Raider exclusivity. I'm honesty shocked and hugely disappointed at how Sony and Ubisoft chose to completely mislead people with that Far Cry 4 Co-op mode. At E3 people in this forum hyped that up as being a killer feature against Microsoft and I agreed because I preordered the game with that big bonus in mind and it's now clear they both planned it from the start and left information out on purpose.
You seem pretty biased toward Microsoft.. especially making a ton of assumptions without watching the conferences. Go watch Microsoft's E3 and you will see nearly the same show they put on today minus the "timed" Tomb Raider deal. Sony on the other hand was games games games, you know the same thing you praised Microsoft for at E3. Amazing how you Xbox fanboys alter your perception to favor Microsoft no matter what they do or in this case don't bring to the table.

I have to say, hearing that games will (also) be coming to last-gen in Dec 2015, and ever later in 2016, is sad. I understand the 1 year leeway, but we are talking about 2-3 years later and still getting cross-gen ports. Stifling said game(s) because devs and pubs only care about game "parity".

This is my opinion, but if 3 years after a new-gen is out, the people with the old gen systems may not be the target audience that will buy your games on their old systems at $60. Excluding of course CoD and sports.
companys can't bypass the GIANT install base on those systems. look how long ps2 was supported. i think it's great companys still support last gen systems.

You seem pretty biased toward Microsoft.. especially making a ton of assumptions without watching the conferences. Go watch Microsoft's E3 and you will see nearly the same show they put on today minus the "timed" Tomb Raider deal. Sony on the other hand was games games games, you know the same thing you praised Microsoft for at E3. Amazing how you Xbox fanboys alter your perception to favor Microsoft no matter what they do or in this case don't bring to the table.
alot of us bash ms over things you just don't read it or let if fly past your head seeing it is not negative.

You seem pretty biased toward Microsoft.. especially making a ton of assumptions without watching the conferences. Go watch Microsoft's E3 and you will see nearly the same show they put on today minus the "timed" Tomb Raider deal. Sony on the other hand was games games games, you know the same thing you praised Microsoft for at E3. Amazing how you Xbox fanboys alter your perception to favor Microsoft no matter what they do or in this case don't bring to the table.
"I'm going to call you a fanboy and claim bias because I don't agree with your opinion."

Literally exactly what you're doing.

Don't get me wrong I'll watch the conferences and come up with a better opinion. But given what news sites are reporting and what I'm reading on Neogaf Sony's seems disappointing compared to Microsoft's.

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Nothing like seeing a Deader post bashing Timbo for being Off-Topic and telling him to not even post here when the Playstation crowd in this thread looked like it was bashing the Xbox One in that forum.
Im confused as to what this has to do with anything. Have I posted in the Microsoft thread at all today? What does what other people do have to do with me?

I didn't even bash or tell him he can't post here lol. But seriously, why come to a PS4 thread if you have no interest in talking about PS4 or their games?

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DC looks great but I have a feeling all the delays will hurt it and it'll get lost in the shuffle this fall.

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Im confused as to what this has to do with anything. Have I posted in the Microsoft thread at all today? What does what other people do have to do with me?

I didn't even bash or tell him he can't post here lol. But seriously, why come to a PS4 thread if you have no interest in talking about PS4 or their games?
i can tell he don't see us talk much we :wall: heads often but that happens when people have really huge diff in opinions. we both know where we stand with each other.

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Im confused as to what this has to do with anything. Have I posted in the Microsoft thread at all today? What does what other people do have to do with me?
It doesn't make sense and comes off as you being a hypocrite. You'll openly bash Microsoft in the Xbox forums today, but will also accuse someone else of doing the opposite (Bashing Sony) and then say they should just stop posting.

Honestly dude I don't mean any offense to you but I don't understand it. You can't just go off doing wrong thing then yell at someone else for (Possibly) doing the same thing.

I just checked the last couple of pages. Do I see Timbo acting like a fanboy? Yeah he definitely has a biased opinion. But you, Rippn, and BestKeeper showed that same biased opinion in the Xbox forum and think it's fine and dandy, but when someone does the same thing (Bashing the opposite system in the wrong forum) you go for the throat.

Im not sure why RBK and Timbo are even in this thread when they don't seem to want to talk about Sony games.

Ok so why are you in this thread at all then? If you don't like Sony or there games there is no reason for you to be here other then to troll.
"I'm going to call you a fanboy and claim bias because I don't agree with your opinion."

Literally exactly what you're doing.

Don't get me wrong I'll watch the conferences and come up with a better opinion. But given what news sites are reporting and what I'm reading on Neogaf Sony's seems disappointing compared to Microsoft's.
Are we reading the same neogaf forum? Because the Sony Gamescom thread has been very positive with the exception of the lack of Vita news where the Microsoft one doesn't seem nearly as positive. But yeah I don't know you I was just making assumptions off of what you posted in both this and the Xbox One threads.

Wow, Driveclub looks insane. There's also a photomode!




The Tomorrow Children, Alienation, and Rime, looked real good as well.
Probably the best looking dynamic weather system I have seen in a game on console so far. I can't fathom what Polyphony Digital have cooking for GT7.

[UPDATE 2] It has been brought to our attention that in 2008, then-Xbox executive Don Mattrick said: "History has shown us that the first company to reach 10 million in console sales wins the generation battle." This quote was in the context of the Xbox 360 beating PlayStation 3 to 10 million units sold in the United States.

[UPDATE] Following the publication of this story, Sony sent out an official release regarding the PS4's 10 million milestone. That figure accounts for worldwide sales as of August 10, and represents the "fastest and strongest" growth in PlayStation hardware in Sony's history.

"The responses we have received for the PS4 system's unique gameplay experiences powered by the network, along with its vast game portfolio has been phenomenal, and I am absolutely delighted that PS4 was able to reach this commemorative milestone in less than 9 months," SCE CEO Andrew House said. "We're so grateful for the enormous support from PlayStation gamers worldwide, and we look forward to bringing even more exciting content and services in the months ahead."

In terms of software sales, Sony has now sold a combined 30 million copies of retail and downloaded PS4 games through the PlayStation Store as of August 10.

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Are we reading the same neogaf forum? Because the Sony Gamescom thread has been very positive with the exception of the lack of Vita news where the Microsoft one doesn't seem nearly as positive. But yeah I don't know you I was just making assumptions off of what you posted in both this and the Xbox One threads.
Lots of complaints in the Software thread about the lack of Play&Resume, pause downloads, and folders.

Instead they mentioned a feature that needs to be seen before it can be judged, and that "Assist your friends by controlling their game" feature that was supposed to be at launch last year. Not only that but they didn't even announce when 2.0 was launching.

Those are my same thoughts. I don't have a lot of games yet, but it's already pretty annoying scrolling left and right to see them all. Play&Resume was awesome on the vita, and I like it on the Xbox One as well, and Sony did say it was going to come at launch last year...

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But you, Rippn, showed that same biased opinion in the Xbox forum and think it's fine and dandy, but when someone does the same thing (Bashing the opposite system in the wrong forum) you go for the throat.
I'll admit I'm biased, but I showed no such bias in the Xbox One thread, all I said is that the Tomb Raider deal is timed, said the $100 extra for the CoD bundle was a ripoff, and what games I preordered, not sure how you picked up on bias based on those comments?

Lots of complaints in the Software thread about the lack of Play&Resume, pause downloads, and folders.

Instead they mentioned a feature that needs to be seen before it can be judged, and that "Assist your friends by controlling their game" feature that was supposed to be at launch last year. Not only that but they didn't even announce when 2.0 was launching.

Those are my same thoughts. I don't have a lot of games yet, but it's already pretty annoying scrolling left and right to see them all. Play&Resume was awesome on the vita, and I like it on the Xbox One as well, and Sony did say it was going to come at launch last year...
The firmware is a sore spot for me also, I would love the promised features to be there, hell I would love the firmware to be on par with the PS3. But just because they didn't announce those features it doesn't make the whole conference "disappointing."

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I'll admit I'm biased, but I showed no such bias in the Xbox One thread, all I said is that the Tomb Raider deal is timed, said the $100 extra for the CoD bundle was a ripoff, and what games I preordered, not sure how you picked up on bias based on those comments?
Well you were also talking about Microsoft's "Deception tactics" if Tomb Raider is timed, and mentioned several times you believe it's timed even thought the Publisher and developers have specifically said it's a full Xbox One exclusive.

Not really sure how you can admit being biased and then wonder how I picked up on your bias through some postings. :|

32 Minutes in. Bloodborne trailer looks freaking amazingly. Everything else is kind of dull (Although I'm not a fan of indies so that may be it). Although I wanted to punch my hand through the monitor when Dean Hall came onstage.

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Lots of complaints in the Software thread about the lack of Play&Resume, pause downloads, and folders.

Instead they mentioned a feature that needs to be seen before it can be judged, and that "Assist your friends by controlling their game" feature that was supposed to be at launch last year. Not only that but they didn't even announce when 2.0 was launching.

Those are my same thoughts. I don't have a lot of games yet, but it's already pretty annoying scrolling left and right to see them all. Play&Resume was awesome on the vita, and I like it on the Xbox One as well, and Sony did say it was going to come at launch last year...
Once again you need to learn to read. 2.0 is coming this fall unless you wanted a specific date then were just getting into petty semantics here.

I also wish people would stop calling jump scare aka Startling reaction games scary.

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bread's done