Playstation Rewards program is back!

[quote name='admiralvic']There's a big difference between talking about when they will arrive and assuming every reply about them is true and every package under that code is 100% their's.[/QUOTE]

Hey, I wasn't trying to stir shit up I was just posting a reply about something that everyone is curious about. No need for hostility, chill the hell out.
Sent them an email, prizes are delayed until late next week due to delays in obtaining some inventory for prizing (probably the Resistance dual pack?)
[quote name='Foladar']Sent them an email, prizes are delayed until late next week due to delays in obtaining some inventory for prizing (probably the Resistance dual pack?)[/QUOTE]

More than likely. Good to hear some news.
[quote name='Foladar']Sent them an email, prizes are delayed until late next week due to delays in obtaining some inventory for prizing (probably the Resistance dual pack?)[/QUOTE]

[quote name='hk1200']Hey, I wasn't trying to stir shit up I was just posting a reply about something that everyone is curious about. No need for hostility, chill the hell out.[/QUOTE]There wasn't any hostility in his post. You need to chill out, dude. :lol:

[quote name='Foladar']Sent them an email, prizes are delayed until late next week due to delays in obtaining some inventory for prizing (probably the Resistance dual pack?)[/QUOTE]Thanks for the info.
[quote name='robodaddyo']There wasn't any hostility in his post. You need to chill out, dude. :lol:[/QUOTE]

No need to be so hostile with your post debating the hostility of a post by the hostile response given!

Also, I wanted to say in the most hostile manner, an acquaintance of mine who only made a few points last month got his Jak & Daxter poster yesterday. So the packages people see going out are most likely just for those who didn't make enough to have to worry about game delays.
All my points registered. Glad to finally get some closure on last month's prizes. Now I don't feel the need to check the tracking every day.
[quote name='Foladar']Sent them an email, prizes are delayed until late next week due to delays in obtaining some inventory for prizing (probably the Resistance dual pack?)[/QUOTE]

Thats weird. They didn't respond to my email. Anyway, thanks for letting us know.
Mine should be here tomorrow! They're always on time too so I should definitely expect it sometime in the afternoon. Very excited. :D
[quote name='andrewl923']Getting mine on the 27th. Sucks living in the West Coast. High Taxes, tape delays, no snow.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, I am like an hour away from L.A. and I am still getting it on saturday.
[quote name='andrewl923']Getting mine on the 27th. Sucks living in the West Coast. High Taxes, tape delays, no snow.[/QUOTE]I'm on the west coast, too, and it's going to be here on the 24th and we have plenty of snow on the mountains. Taxes aren't so bad, either. I love it here.
Like I suspected (eventually), my package was completely unrelated to the PS3 party, but that stuff will supposedly be here on Saturday according to my new e-mail (which most of you appear to have received as well).
delivered! finally i can play some mlb 1....oh, 5 gig mandatory install, 10 gig recommended install, ok, 20 minutes, then i can finally play some mlb 1.....oh, update 1.whatever, downloading....
[quote name='soliunasm']Just got my games in Illinois.
Resistance is in perfect condition, no cuts in the UPC or anything. MLB 12 got some bad damage though, it even had the burnt plastic attached to the right side before I brushed it off.[/QUOTE]

By any chance do you remember the weight of your package shown with the tracking #? Mine is 1.1 lbs.. want to make sure I will be receiving both games. I had a problem with my points and through the emails never actually nailed down if I would be getting everything or not. Thanks
Mine just arrived. :D

[quote name='Nimrod4431']By any chance do you remember the weight of your package shown with the tracking #? Mine is 1.1 lbs.. want to make sure I will be receiving both games. I had a problem with my points and through the emails never actually nailed down if I would be getting everything or not. Thanks[/QUOTE]
Mine also weighed 1.1 lbs and it contained both games. :)
Mine just arrived. FedEx guy was in a plain, white van and didn't even bother to knock. Also, my poster was beneath the games and is now flattened. Pretty annoyed, but at least my MLB 12 isn't in as bad as condition as the above picture. Resistance is flawless.
I just got my stuff. Poster was in Excellent Shape, Resistance was in Flawless Shape & MLB12's UPC was damaged slightly less than the picture above but still grind pretty good.
[quote name='slowdive21']Wait what is wrong with the game? That's how the UPC always looks form house party.[/QUOTE]
It's different that usual, this one actually looks like they poked it with whatever they use to melt it(Probably a soldering iron), rather than just simply slash it like all the other games I had.

Strangely enough, this only happened with MLB 11 and MLB 12.
bread's done