Polarizing Figure: Olivia Munn


66 (100%)
Figured I'd post this article here in case anyone has been following Olivia Munn and the media lately.

The most recent bash on Munn has come from ‘The Frisky’, a website I enjoy fairly often, though not always. Jumping on the Munn hate-wagon was a contributor over Munn’s uneager-ness to latch onto the feminist label. Let it be known that it was posted out in the comments section that the contributors’ post amounts to a “pot calling the kettle black” type thing. It would appear ever since the announcement that Olivia Munn would be joining the cast of The Daily Show, blogs that couldn’t have cared less about her, can’t stop talking about her negatively. Jezebel.com being cited the most as they have been critical of her in the most visual way, though their opinion seems to be pretty even keel with the others. All I have to ask is why?

She's not funny.

She's a horrible actress.

Her career for the past how ever many years has been based entirely on, "Nerds will watch any show I'm on so they can jack off to me in nerd costumes."
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']She's not funny.

She's a horrible actress.

Her career for the past how ever many years has been based entirely on, "Nerds will watch any show I'm on so they can jack off to me in nerd costumes."[/QUOTE]

I respectfully disagree. Now excuse me as I go grab some Kleenex's :D
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']She's not funny.

She's a horrible actress.

Her career for the past how ever many years has been based entirely on, "Nerds will watch any show I'm on so they can jack off to me in nerd costumes."[/QUOTE]

she has her moments of amusement and shes damn fine, love her in that maid outfit, but overall is the ssdd where someone finally makes it up from where they started and hey cant wait to tear her down. props to her for getting a job on a hit show. saw he do a panel on some news shows and she was horrible it takes skill to adlib and be funny on the spot.

at lleast she doesnt pull a megan fox and pretend shes super talented and got where she is on skill alone.
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I never thought of her as a stand-up comedian, so her showing up on The Daily Show with a bunch of other stand-ups was a bit weird(then again, I never watch AOTS). Her skits weren't that good, but her second was better than the first.

Oh, and having cute face is never bad thing in my book. And no one is asking her to be the next Meryl Streep, so lay off with the acting BS.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']She's not funny.

She's a horrible actress.

Her career for the past how ever many years has been based entirely on, "Nerds will watch any show I'm on so they can jack off to me in nerd costumes."[/QUOTE]


I dunno, she just seems like a major creep whenever she opens her mouth (insert pun).

G4's still on the air somehow, so they were on to something I guess (although she's leaving, isn't she?).
Nerds resent attractive women doing anything but standing around and looking hot. It's a whole messed up mental thing where they resent women they view as meant to be sex objects (Munn, Meghan Fox) and fawn all over the "talented" hot chicks, which basically means hot but slightly less intimidating for some reason (Zooey Deschanel, Natalie Portman).
[quote name='elwood731']Nerds resent attractive women doing anything but standing around and looking hot. It's a whole messed up mental thing where they resent women they view as meant to be sex objects (Munn, Meghan Fox) and fawn all over the "talented" hot chicks, which basically means hot but slightly less intimidating for some reason (Zooey Deschanel, Natalie Portman).[/QUOTE]

Or, you know, the difference is that the latter set ARE talented, while the former aren't. You can't watch a Megan Fox performance and say with a straight face that you're looking at good acting, just like you can't watch Olivia Munn and say she has good comedic timing at all.

For good laughs, I'd recommend looking up Munn pre-Attack of the Show on teen drama called "Beyond the Break". Her acting there goes way lower than Megan Fox level.
[quote name='joestar3']This.

I dunno, she just seems like a major creep whenever she opens her mouth (insert pun).

Yeah there's something offputting about her, like she really, really wants to be famous and is constantly trying to do things that will get her noticed. I didn't know about the Playboy thing, but if she posed for it without actually taking her clothes off, then that right there tells you she's a phony - she wants the exposure, but won't actually, erm, expose.
[quote name='lokizz']at lleast she doesnt pull a megan fox and pretend shes super talented and got where she is on skill alone.[/QUOTE]

It's really refreshing to hear that actually. Anyway, I only watch sometimes for when that complete douche Kevin says something and he knows Munn won't get it at all.

[quote name='panzerfaust']She's really bad on The Daily Show.[/QUOTE]

Why... ? I guess I'll have to watch that show once in a while.
[quote name='VipFREAK']It's really refreshing to hear that actually. Anyway, I only watch sometimes for when that complete douche Kevin says something and he knows Munn won't get it at all.

Why... ? I guess I'll have to watch that show once in a while.[/QUOTE]

She's the new addition to the "news team" characters and well, her performance is pretty flat IMO.
She's just eye candy like Megan Fox, if anyone really gives either of them anymore serious thought than that, they probably need to re-evaluate their common sense. She looks damn good in those playboy pics though.
I dunno, she's pretty good looking I suppose. I don't ever watch G4 or see her on anything. I think the last time i heard of her was when she was in maxim because when EGM went under they started sending me Maxim. I think it was a prank.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']She's not funny.

She's a horrible actress.

Her career for the past how ever many years has been based entirely on, "Nerds will watch any show I'm on so they can jack off to me in nerd costumes."[/QUOTE]

I didn't think she was a comedienne or an actress, I thought she was a TV Presenter.

I'm not sure where the hate comes from, there's hundreds of people in the world making a living on their looks alone. When she hits her mid thirties and shit starts going south she'll vanish from our screens like a thousand others before her.

I guess the reason there's more hate for her than most is the shows she picks are more likely to fall under the gaze of the internetz.
[quote name='benjamouth']I didn't think she was a comedienne or an actress, I thought she was a TV Presenter.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. She's really hot, and therefore has a career in the visual medium that is television. Nothing particularly special or surprising about that.

So is she gone from Attack of the Show then? I though she was alright on that.
[quote name='dinovelvet']Yeah there's something offputting about her, like she really, really wants to be famous and is constantly trying to do things that will get her noticed. I didn't know about the Playboy thing, but if she posed for it without actually taking her clothes off, then that right there tells you she's a phony - she wants the exposure, but won't actually, erm, expose.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, agreed. She definitely portrays a "look at me, I'm gonna be a superstar" attitude about her. Her and Jake the Bachelor should hook up, now that'd be a wild ride.
[quote name='Serpentor']:lol: i didn't even know who she was until i looked her up, she looks good and i think that's good enough for me :lol:[/QUOTE]

I had no friggin clue who she was until I was watching the Slammin' Salmon a month or two ago and noticed during the credits that she was one of the bit characters. I guess I just don't pay attention to the ladies... I've been reading IGN for years now and never realized who that "Jessica Chobot" person people were talking about on forums was until recently.

Personally, I don't really have any view about the girl... I don't get G4 and I never found TDS to be very funny or insightful even before her arrival so I'm not really affected by what she does either way. That said, I'm fairly confident that she's not nearly as grating or hostile as some people are saying... I'd imagine she's just another inoffensive sexy show host. The poor girl just happened to make the mistake of putting herself on the gaming radar, considering all the nasty comments gamers make over trifles like the "console wars", it's probably inevitable that she'd get her own overreactively angry commenters.
[quote name='SynGamer']Jessica Chobot seems like a stuck-up bitch, to be honest. It's like she can't be bothered with anyone else but herself.[/QUOTE]

Of course...
[quote name='Sparta Omni']She's just eye candy like Megan Fox, if anyone really gives either of them anymore serious thought than that, they probably need to re-evaluate their common sense. She looks damn good in those playboy pics though.[/QUOTE]

Is that signature from KOF13?
[quote name='UjnHunter']She's a chick who plays video games. No more... no less. Nerds find that attractive. She's pretty average.[/QUOTE]

She actually doesn't play video games she just got the job at G4 by her looks. I prefer Allison Haislip on G4 myself she is more my type and she does play games.
she's never said she is a comedian nor classified/categorized herself as a certain type of form (comedy, drama, etc.) so I don't see why so much hate for her. She goes where the job is and she gets paid to talk and look good. Nothing wrong with that and it's nothing different from snooki or any of those other crap tv shows being shown up until now. Don't like it? Then don't bother and move on. I don't see her often but she is a good person and beautiful.
Olivia Munn is terrible and at times makes G4 programming unwatchable. I wouldn't mind her if they kept her away from live events that you can't see elsewhere. I used to watch AOTS when it was Sarah Lane but don't miss it enough to care about whether or not Olivia ruins that.
[quote name='panzerfaust']She's really bad on The Daily Show.[/QUOTE]

Not surprised. She was never very quick-witted or funny on G4. Just vulgar.
Chris Hardwick is the funniest man on G4.

Olivia Munn is the most attractive woman on G4.

The two together would be the best duo for AOTS, because the only reason the girl is on the show is for her tits.

Sad and true.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']She's not funny.

She's a horrible actress.

Her career for the past how ever many years has been based entirely on, "Nerds will watch any show I'm on so they can jack off to me in nerd costumes."[/QUOTE]
I completely agree.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Or, you know, the difference is that the latter set ARE talented, while the former aren't. You can't watch a Megan Fox performance and say with a straight face that you're looking at good acting, just like you can't watch Olivia Munn and say she has good comedic timing at all.

For good laughs, I'd recommend looking up Munn pre-Attack of the Show on teen drama called "Beyond the Break". Her acting there goes way lower than Megan Fox level.[/QUOTE]

Except, it has nothing to do with talent. The women that get labeled with "talent" often aren't much more talented, but instead simply have a more "approachable" quality about them. Nerds resent the hot girl that wouldn't speak to them in high school, but they love the hot girl that was in band with them in high school, but still didn't speak much to them. It's weird, and if you watch you'll see it play out again and again in how they react to the media.
[quote name='elwood731']Except, it has nothing to do with talent. The women that get labeled with "talent" often aren't much more talented, but instead simply have a more "approachable" quality about them. Nerds resent the hot girl that wouldn't speak to them in high school, but they love the hot girl that was in band with them in high school, but still didn't speak much to them. It's weird, and if you watch you'll see it play out again and again in how they react to the media.[/QUOTE]

Oh, okay, I see we're just generalizing and making up excuses. Well played sir
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Oh, okay, I see we're just generalizing and making up excuses. Well played sir[/QUOTE]

Admit it JSP, you loved that hot girl that was in band with you in high school.

ADMIT IT !!! :bomb::bomb::bomb:
I don't even want to watch Daily Show anymore for fear that I'll have to see that stupid bitch.

I can't believe that she managed to claim that she thinks that her looks have nothing to do with her popularity (and make no mistake, she's still C-list at most), and keep a straight face.

[quote name='PhrostByte']Is that signature from KOF13?[/QUOTE]
That's The Last Blade 2.
I don't get all the hate. I've only seen her on the Daily Show, and the first piece she did was awkward, but the one where she interviewed the guy from Arizona was decent.
I have much more important things to be polarized over besides Olivia Munn.

She's attractive. Her other talents are questionable depending on who you ask.

I have nothing against her, and have no problem with her trying to make a career for herself in films and television. There are plenty of lesser talented people making it big in that industry imo.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Oh, okay, I see we're just generalizing and making up excuses. Well played sir[/QUOTE]

Nope, just being realistic. Ever wonder why so many young men have so much hate for women they've never met? Why should anyone care about Olivia Munn? She's nobody to me. Whether she gets acting gigs or not doesn't affect my life in anyway. Why would anyone be mad at her?

Because she might ruin a show they like? has that ever happened? Has one person ever managed to ruin a show, movie, etc.? Usually one person gets blamed for a series of missteps by writers, directors, and producers, but I can't think of a single instance of one person alone ruining an entire production. Even Keanu Reeves (not a particularly great actor) manages to keep turning up in great films and not ruining them.

So why the hate for her? If you don't think it has to do with resentment towards her because she's an attractive woman, you're kidding yourself.
[quote name='elwood731']Nope, just being realistic. Ever wonder why so many young men have so much hate for women they've never met? Why should anyone care about Olivia Munn? She's nobody to me. Whether she gets acting gigs or not doesn't affect my life in anyway. Why would anyone be mad at her?

Because she might ruin a show they like? has that ever happened? Has one person ever managed to ruin a show, movie, etc.? Usually one person gets blamed for a series of missteps by writers, directors, and producers, but I can't think of a single instance of one person alone ruining an entire production. Even Keanu Reeves (not a particularly great actor) manages to keep turning up in great films and not ruining them.

So why the hate for her? If you don't think it has to do with resentment towards her because she's an attractive woman, you're kidding yourself.[/QUOTE]

ted mcginley. hes been labled as the reaper for alot of shows lol.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I prefer her (Alison) and Chris Hardwick much better on AOTS.[/QUOTE]

This. I think they have great chemistry.

Bring Back Zach Selwyn too!

Olivia has never been funny except when she makes mistakes like "Mc Hammer". She is just a (really) hot chick.
I've never really gotten the fuss over her one way or the other.

Seems no more or less annoying than other entertainment show hosts to me. Physically she's definitely hot. Not super hot for a celebrity who's famous mainly for their looks IMO, but still hot. But nothing to obsess over on that front either IMO.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I've never really gotten the fuss over her one way or the other.

Seems no more or less annoying than other entertainment show hosts to me. Physically she's definitely hot. Not super hot for a celebrity who's famous mainly for their looks IMO, but still hot. But nothing to obsess over on that front either IMO.[/QUOTE]
She's famous for her looks as she dances around in a giant pie dressed as a french maid.

There's a difference.
This thread reminds me of the first time Khan showed up in King of the Hill, and everyone assumed Hank was a racist for not liking him.

"What kind of country is this where I can't hate a man unless he's white?"
G4 pre-Olivia had other hot girls doing the exact same jobs she does. The hate has nothing to do with her being a girl or her attractiveness. She has over-sexualized the role, but it was awhile before she started doing that. There was a control period there as well because she was relatively tame at first. It was more tolerable then because she wasn't involved with everything they did and it didn't seem like she'd last long. Then she started sucking on hot dogs. Sigh.
[quote name='jkanownik']Then she started sucking on hot dogs. Sigh.[/QUOTE]

As someone who bought Agarest War, I can only see the sucking on hot dogs as a good thing.
[quote name='Rasen']As someone who bought Agarest War, I can only see the sucking on hot dogs as a good thing.[/QUOTE]

You can see someone sucking a hot dog online anytime you want, but I can't watch non-annoying TV coverage of things I care about.
bread's done