Poll: How many CAGs have had a broken 360?

[quote name='Barnolde']2 broke, so I bailed out and went with PS3. Best decision I ever made.[/quote]:applause: "Knocks on wood."

Same here, only I just had one Xbox 360.:applause:
I'm on my 3rd console now; I still haven't received my refund since I paid for a repair of around $120 bucks around a year ago, after they announce they extended the warrenty to 3 years...
Red ringed in January, replacement refurb red ringed the day after I got it. Current box is a lot quieter. It's manufactured in Dec of '07. Hope it lasts a while. I keep it on a shelf that is open on 3 sides. It better not overheat in there.

Edit: I keep my system horizontal and rarely move it.
I've had mine for about a year and a half now and it's been smooth sailing. I've moved the system around quite a bit (sometimes with a disc in it since I forgot about it after playing a bunch of live arcade games). Overall I wish that it was made a little better (loud DVD drive for example) but I'm very happy with it as it's my most played console.
I had mine since August of 2006 and played it from then until this past november religiously where I'd play between 2-5 hrs a day!(most days of the week) and probably didn't play it for about 15 different days in that span. From Nov-This Jan I played a little less and now 3-4 days a week and have yet to have a hiccup or problem.

I know there's physical engineering problems but I think alot of the broken problems are with the user doing stuff like slamming the tables/where ever its located (2 of my friends broke theirs this way), storing it vertically or keeping it somewhere where it's poorly ventilated. I've done none of that and my 360 lives onnnn
Had my 360 since January 06. I was thinking about breaking it on purpose to trade up for an elite... but I'd rather not mess with a good thing.
Myself and 6 friends all have the 360. Of those 4 of us have had them almost since launch (around Jan 06) and no problems. of the remaining 2, they got them around xmas this year and no problems yet.

Also mine is case modded, so it had been apart quite a bit. I play it probably about 20 hours or so a week.

One complaint I do have however, is sometimes my dvd drive will not open on the first try. I don't believe that it is a case problem and it appears unobstructed. Usually a tap on the top of the console and it opens right up.

As far as my experience with the 360 goes, it gets two thumbs up. :applause:
I am on my 4th 360, my launch system lasted for a year, but since then it's been repaired 2 times under warranty, and 2 times by Microsoft since the free RROD statement.
Hopefully when I get a 360 later this year I'll get lucky and get a good one. This thread is a little scary, but at least Microsoft deals with the problem pretty well.
[quote name='Cedrock15']
I know there's physical engineering problems but I think alot of the broken problems are with the user doing stuff like slamming the tables/where ever its located (2 of my friends broke theirs this way), storing it vertically or keeping it somewhere where it's poorly ventilated. I've done none of that and my 360 lives onnnn[/quote]

Stop, stop, stop!!!!!

People treat this console no different than any other. PS3's and Wii's fail, but not like 360's. Are you trying to say that Wii and PS3 owners are more careful with their systems? Give me a break!

I LOVE my 360! I hope it never breaks. But to say something like you did in the face of a SIXTY PERCENT FAILURE RATE on this poll, just makes you look like another stupid fanboy.

Xbox 360 is my console of choice. Aside from Drakes' Fortune, there is nothing I want to play on PS3 or Wii. But I am not so silly as to make excuses for MS's piss-poor engineering job by blaming the customers for using the console.
My second 360 just died about a week ago...I should get the third one tomorrow. Funny thing is, I don't mind it one bit.
[quote name='dmaul1114']For the 360, I'd think the theory could be thrown off since it gets so hot and has such a poor heat dissapation design. A lot of the problems from what I've read aren't with things expanding and contracting (and thus cracking etc.) it's with things getting too hot and solder etc. melting letting chips pop off the graphics board etc.[/quote]

Hmm, I thought the general consensus was that the localized heating around the graphics chip was causing the motherboard to warp and damaging the solder connections. This suggests to me a thermal mismatch problem. Additionally, it stands to reason that the problem is not that solder liqufies and runs out of it's appointed place since the "Towel Trick" works. The basic theory behind the towel trick is that you *do* make the inside above solder reflow temperature so that you reconnect those solder connections that maky have cracked due to the warping.

Again, I havent specifically looked at the 360 board, but I do work with circuit board technology daily and warping and cracking is a very common problem.;)
I bought mine in November of 2006 and I got the RLOD in July of 2007. I had the extended warranty at Gamestop and got a new one immediately, and so far no problems.
I got mine a few months ago, it's a non-Falcon unit, crossing my fingers that it has a good, long life ahead of it but wouldn't be surprised if I had problems eventually. Guess I'll just have to be hopeful.

I have actually had it 3-red-ring on me once, but that was because of a momentary power flicker and hasn't had any other hardware issues.
I am completely jinxing myself but here goes...I have a launch 360 that is still going. I replaced the hard drive with a 120 and actually replaced the cover with a Black Knight cover...I know, I know about the warranty, but at that time MS hadn't extended, so I figured I was on borrowed time anyway.

I can's say that I've done anything except I've kept it vertical, and have placed furniture stoppers that are about a 1/2 inch high under the console so that the bottom of the console is never flush with the surface...there's a little gap there so the air flows freely.
I have had two die since launch (both RROD). Third unit has been going strong despite sounding like an airplane taking off.

Scary that currently the poll is showing that almost as many of us have had multiple units die as have had their unit >6 months with no issues.

For those that say that it is just the way we treat our units - go to hell. I have a wii, ps3, ps2, gamecube, 2 original xboxs, a PSP, and a DS in addition to my 360 and I treat them all with care. The only other problem I have had is a launch original xbox with an intermittent dirty disc read error.
i don't know a single person who owns an xbox that hasn't had the rrod yet. myself included. seeing as this problem is continuing, i think they'll need to extend the warranty past 3 years.
[quote name='Cedrock15']I had mine since August of 2006 and played it from then until this past november religiously where I'd play between 2-5 hrs a day!(most days of the week) and probably didn't play it for about 15 different days in that span. From Nov-This Jan I played a little less and now 3-4 days a week and have yet to have a hiccup or problem.

I know there's physical engineering problems but I think alot of the broken problems are with the user doing stuff like slamming the tables/where ever its located (2 of my friends broke theirs this way), storing it vertically or keeping it somewhere where it's poorly ventilated. I've done none of that and my 360 lives onnnn[/QUOTE]

I've done none of that and I have had three gone back.

Lying flat and very well ventilated the only time my Xbox has ever moved is when UPS was bringing to and from repair.
Mine just failed within the last month. It made it about a year and a half before doing so, but I also hardly played it the first 4 months I had it. I keep it in a ventilated dust free area also and don't leave it on overnight or anything crazy like that.

Thinking about it, almost everyone I know who has a 360 has had one fail in the same manner. The only person I know who hasn't just got his about 2 months ago. Everyone I've talked to was surprised mine lasted as long as it did without failing. By the way, I never got the DRE's that were such a huge problem with the PS2 either, I exchanged mine for a refurb from Sony because of DNAS errors in online games (free exchange), and that system has worked flawlessly the past 4 years.
  • broken 360's = 0 of 1
  • broken xbox's = 0 of 2
  • broken PS2's =2 of 3
  • broken PS1's = 2 of 3
  • broken NES's = 0 of 1
Bought a 360 in Jan 06 and it got the RROD twice in a span of about 6 months. Went out and bought a new 360 with the new heatsink in Aug 07 and havent had any problems with it yet (it is louder then my previous 360 though.)

Sold my old 360 to my cousin and he hasnt had any problems with it yet.
[quote name='pewing33ny']it looks worse in a forum like this where most people are hardcore gamers. if you put a lot more time on your console, it's going to have a better chance of breaking down.

yes, microsoft should have made the console better but it's not like they can test the amount of hours that some of you guys log on there. plus you have to throw in other factors like a lot of people aren't ventilating it properly (although they think they are), people are more likely to go to a forum if their's broke than if not, and

for myself, i've owned my console for a year although it's about 1 1/2 years old (ebay from casual gamer) never one problem with it, but i let it warm up and keep it in a ventilated area. plus i've only put in maybe 40-50 hours on it. that's probably in the area of the casual gamer which is probably M$ biggest demographic (GTA sells a lot more than jade empire). the console would probably go up in price if they made it more durable than it needs to be for most people.

i think they've made a good effort in extending the RROD warranty for 3 years. it sucks it takes a couple weeks but it's just a video game system. things break and they're trying to make it right, which is something they didn't have to do.

ps. not a fanboy, some people are a little too serious when it comes to gaming.[/quote]

Believe it or not, the 360 is not the first video game console in history. You make it sound as if it is.

I've owned the majority of all major consoles since the Atari 2600. I would say I have put an average to maybe above average use to every single one of them, from the NES to my NeoGeo Pocket Color, and let me tell you that none of them have the crappy build quality of the 360 (not even my horrible Philips CD-i). And this also includes a few generations of agreement with fellow gamers, friends and family members.

What do all of your reasons have to do with hardware failure of this magnitude? I am a late twenties adult gamer, who knows how to take care of his possessions -- but that's really beside the point. Why has my SNES never failed, even when played for days on end? Why hasn't my Wii crapped out on me when I've obviously put more use to it than my 360? Why hasn't the 360 performed like my other systems when I give it equal or better treatment, and have not used it as much?

So don't defend Microsoft for shoddy construction, and then claim you're not a fanboy. Your arguments obviously lack both research and merit. There is no absolutely no excuse for this, and it's been begging for a massive recall.
[quote name='C00Ljet']
  • broken 360's = 0 of 1
  • broken xbox's = 0 of 2
  • broken PS2's =2 of 3
  • broken PS1's = 2 of 3
  • broken NES's = 0 of 1

Here's mine C00ljet:

Broken --
  • Tanks/Tank Wars - 0/1
  • Atari 2600 - 0/1
  • NES - 0/1
  • Super NES - 0/1
  • Turbografx 16 - 0/1
  • CD-i - 0/1
  • Gameboy Pocket - 0/1
  • Gameboy Color - 0/1
  • Neogeo Pocket Color - 0/2
  • Dreamcast - 0/1
  • Playstation - 1/4
  • Nintendo 64 - 0/1
  • Playstation 2 - 1/5
  • PSOne - 0/1
  • Xbox - 0/2
  • Gameboy Advance - 0/1
  • Gameboy Advance SP - 0/2
  • Gamecube - 0/2
  • Gameboy Advance Micro - 0/1
  • DS - 0/1
  • Wii - 0/1
  • Xbox360 - 2/2
[quote name='JTWise']I have had two die since launch (both RROD). Third unit has been going strong despite sounding like an airplane taking off.

Scary that currently the poll is showing that almost as many of us have had multiple units die as have had their unit >6 months with no issues.

For those that say that it is just the way we treat our units - go to hell. I have a wii, ps3, ps2, gamecube, 2 original xboxs, a PSP, and a DS in addition to my 360 and I treat them all with care. The only other problem I have had is a launch original xbox with an intermittent dirty disc read error.[/quote]

Yeah I agree with you man. I don't abuse my property, and I know my friends don't either. Apparently the ones that are accusing others of rough system treatment are either ignorant fanboys, or the casual gamer who wants to put in their worthless two cents.
[quote name='l337m4573rpyr0']I've have my 360 since august '06 and while it hasn't become inoperable, there are a couple weird issues with it:

- Disc read error at about every 20 hours (no, not all at once :roll:) of gameplay.

- System will freeze at the xbox logo on power on (not very often, about one in every 50 or so times I turn the system on).

So yeah, its still working - but not well.[/quote]

Wow, the symptoms for my 360 are almost the same as yours! I get a disc read error constantly if I play a game for more than one hour and sometimes the xbox logo power on screen will freeze (about once a month). Technically our xbox 360 systems have not died yet, but there are clearly issues with our consoles. I keep mine on an entertainment center that does not have any walls to it and it is well ventilated.

Oh before I forget, I have two friends with xbox 360's. One of my friends xbox 360 died right out of the box (LOL) and my other friend received his xbox 360 for Christmas (Dec. 2007) has not had any problems yet.

[quote name='Pck21']To be honest, I have been purchasing games that go multiplatform for my PS3 over my 360 because of the RROD issue. [/quote]

I've been doing the same for my preorders even though I like the xbox 360 controller better for shooters (fps or third person).
I personally do not have a 360 but i do know one friend who just had there 360 break for the first time, a second friend that is on his 3rd and here it comes.... a friend whos 360 had broken six times! Im sure not buying one. Im perfectly content with my PS3 and Wii.
My disc drive took a dump on me and I would hit eject, and on the screen it would say opening, but the 360 never actually ejected the tray.....
I said yes, though technically it's a no. I sold mine before it broke. :) I had an early one, had it for maybe 20 months, then sold it to someone because I was afraid of it dieing, wanted to get a Falcon Elite. Got an email last month from the guy that it died like a month after I sold it. Luckily I had an extended warranty on it for him.
My NES and my 360 are the only video game systems that I've ever had totally die on me as you can see from my photo that Cheapy used on the front page. My launch playstation had to eventually be tipped at an angle to play anything but it never out and out died on me. My playstation2 had to be opened and i found a tiny bit of dust on the rails the laser moved on and that solved the problem and now it works fine. My atari 2600, sega master system, turbographx16, original gameboy, atari lynx, snes, mega drive, gba, dreamcast, gamecube, xbox, psp, ds phat, ds lite and playstation 3 never had any problems.
Well, my launch system RRoD'd last November and I got my original back. Just over the past few days, my power brick has been going red for no reason. (Trust me, I take care of my systems and keep everything ventilated.)

Let's see if I can do a breakdown of my systems from memory of how many have broken down:

Telestar Ranger: 0 of 1
Atari 2600: 1 of 1 (But it lasted about ten years of heavy abuse)
Atari 7200: 0 of 1
NES: 0 of 1
SNES: 0 of 4
Genesis: 0 of 2
Playstation 1: 1 of 4 (Video card died on my 1000 series)
Playstation 2: 1/2 of 3 (I count my launch system as a half, because it was just the gear-adjusting issues and was easily fixed by opening it up and manually correcting the gear now and again. I have a PS2 Slim that was thrown across a room into a wall that I have been able to piece back together and will power up, but needs a new laser.)
Xbox 360: 1 of 1
Wii: 1 of 1

None of my handhelds (GB, GB Pocket, GB color, 2 GBAs and 2 DSs) have ever failed on me.
Another 360 newbie; Forza/MUA Pack purchased last November, still working nicely, but I haven't put a ton of hours on the machine.
[quote name='PlumeNoir'](Trust me, I take care of my systems and keep everything ventilated.)

I have a PS2 Slim that was thrown across a room into a wall that I have been able to piece back together and will power up, but needs a new laser.

Sorry, I couldn't resist... I'm sure there's a good explanation :D, but you've got to admit that the dichotomy between these two statements is quite humorous :D.
I have now had 4 dead 360s in my house. I'm on my 3rd and my brother's second just died last week. I will say I play the flippin heck out of it though. We're talking like 5hrs a day minimum.

At least I finally quit FFXI so i'm not putting in 12hrs/day on weekends now... I'm down to like 8.
[quote name='BigT']Sorry, I couldn't resist... I'm sure there's a good explanation :D, but you've got to admit that the dichotomy between these two statements is quite humorous :D.[/quote]

:lol: Good point.

I do take good care of my systems.

I just happened to piss off my wife. My PS2 paid the price. ::pours a 40::
I picked up the first wave of HDMI ready systems along with Bioshock and haven't had a problem... yet.

Now I'm afraid to turn it on!
360 is at a whopping around 50% failure rate for CAGS.

Where are they getting this 13% failure rate from? They must not play their x boxes much :/

I am just happy I didn't have to pay for a new one like my ps2.
I had one that lasted almost a year then gave up the ghost last March (2007) with the three rings. I sent it in, and got the replacement. Within 45 minutes of plugging in #2, I got the RROD. I've had my current one since early May of 2007 (just in time to be one day late for the Halo 3 beta).

To be honest, I am not really worried about the reliability, as I have mine under full warranty (RROD or anything else) until August of 2009. What worries me more is the DRM issue, as I have recently bought a bunch of DLC (thanks speedy for the CC 1600 points deal last summer!) and would hate to have to always stay logged in to XBL if I go down again.
I bought my original 360 the first week of January, 2006. It lasted me until October. Over the next 11 months, I had 3 more RROD's on consoles sent back to me from Microsoft. My 4th unit died the first week of September, so instead of waiting for a refurbished unit to come back from Microsoft, I just bought a new premium, with HDMI, on Halo 3 launch day. Now, only 5 and a half months later, it's showing the near death signs of a complete and total RROD. It's completely freezing up on me after I play any game for around 20 - 25 minutes, and if I try to turn the console back on, immediately afterwards, the power light "reds" up on me.

My 360 is on a wide open tv stand. Nothing is in close proximity on either side of the console, the stand does not have a solid back, it's open, and the back of my stand is a good 5 feet out away from the wall. I have my PS3 on the same stand, on the shelf below it. I've had it for over a year (bought 1st week of January 2007), and it has seen much more use than my current 360, as both a gaming console and a Blu-ray movie player. It works flawlessly, and it's very quiet. I've also had no issues with my Wii, but it mostly sits and collects dust between 1st party Nintendo titles (figuratively speaking, of course, as i don't actually let my consoles accumulate dust) .
Launch system we had died around july 07, traded that in at bestbuy ( had the extended
warranty) for an Elite. System #2 rrod December 15,2007, sent it in to Microsoft got a new one
back in around two weeks. Played CCD4 a couple times then got the rrod on that one!!!!
I took the hd out but it back in, turned it on and off and has worked fine ever since.
System # 3 Halo 360 Purchased DEC 07, still working great NO problems......

3 total.

2 have had rrod.
Originally Posted by C00Ljet
broken 360's = 0 of 1
broken xbox's = 0 of 2
broken PS2's =2 of 3
broken PS1's = 2 of 3
broken NES's = 0 of 1

[X]360 = 1 of 2
XBOX = 0 of 2
PS2 = 0 of 2
PS1 = 0 of 2
NES = 0 of 1
sega genisis = 1 of 2
SNES = 0 of 1
I wonder if we can separate out new CAGs out of the responses above to see what that looks like. Looking strictly at, say, those people who have registered since 2/22/08 and see what their response breakdown looks like.

I'm really suspicious when I see option #3 jump so significantly in one day, and to have options 1 and 2 decline by almost 6% (10% of their total for the prior two days).

It's common knowledge that companies have a presence in online forms - it's new marketing, man. Moreover, anyone who represents MS has a vested interest in option 3 over option 4. Option 3 shows the reliability of a console (it's lasted a long time!), while option 4 presents more of a "it's just a matter of time, man" response.

So I'm suspicious, admittedly, when I see such a large increase in one option (#3) combined with new posters (like C00Ljet above) who point out that the only consoles they have had die on them were 2 of 3 of both Sony's consoles, and the knowledge that companies such as MS have a history of using "new marketing strategies" through discreet online personae.

Not that I disbelieve that someone would have 2 of 3 PSX/PS2 die; that's probable. But I think it's strange to see someone register for this site for the sole purpose of pointing that out in a thread about 360 deaths.

That said, if there is a way of singling out people who have registered for the CAG forums in the past 7 days, and what their responses to the survey were. I'm *very* curious about that.

EDIT: That said,
NES: 0 of 3
SNES: 0 of 1
GB: 0 of 1
GBC: 0 of 1
GBA: 0 of 2
DS: 0 of 2
PSX: 1 of 2
PS2: 0 of 1
PSP: 0 of 1
Xbox: 1 of 2
360: 2 of 3
Wii: 1 of 2
PS3: 0 of 1
Wonderswan: 0 of 1
Virtual Boy: 0 of 1
MSX: 0 of 1
TG16: 0 of 1
Genesis: 1 of 2
Saturn: 0 of 1
N64: 0 of 2
GC: 0 of 1
Commodore 64: beats the hell out of me, but I have one. ;)
In the podcast Cheapy said that even the Falcons are supposedly breaking. Is this true? Damn I thought I was safe when I bought a falcon 2 months ago.
Mine broke after 9 months. I received another and it was bricked from the mass update in the fall of 2006. I voted in the 2 broken category, but I guess it should be 1 or 1.5. The second was lack of testing on MS's end, not a hardware problem.
These polls don't work and are always stupid because the people that don't own 360 vote for failure. Thanks for helping spread ridiculously fake stats.
[quote name='dsingh2007']In the podcast Cheapy said that even the Falcons are supposedly breaking. Is this true? Damn I thought I was safe when I bought a falcon 2 months ago.[/quote]

I know that Falcons do break resulting in a RRoD, although I have no idea if they're any more reliable than earlier revisions.
bread's done