Poll: New Daughter


The new baby (2nd full term child) is one his/her way December 26th.
We've chosen not to know if this baby is a boy or girl. But a boy name is pretty definite as Theo Ellis.

A girl's name is up in the air. Here are the ones we're arguing over. Of course, know that my wife will not take the pull results of a group of gamer to have any validity, but it's an interesting experiment.
For the love of the child please give her an appropriate name. Of the ones listed i'd say Julia is the most appropriate, but just go with Julie.

If it's a boy, give it a straight guys name and not the one you chose.
Congrats on the baby.

I voted for Kudos Julia. I've always liked names that are somewhat obscure as they seem to give people a different way about them.
I'm positive that your daughter would kill you for naming her Zelda, Yuna, or anything among those lines for that matter. Especially when teachers run across her name on the roll and say "Wait, Zelda? Why aren't you in Hyrule getting assulted by hog demons?". ...Then again I'm one to talk; I wanna name my faraway future daughter "Mary Sue" for all the fanfiction I read.

But no, I go with Julia. It's the most normal out of all of them.
Can't go wrong with Eva (so far). I like Katie and there needs to be more of them. Katrina is cool except for if you're from New Orleans. Kathleen is nice too.

Out of yours I'd go with either Julia or Vanessa.
You have to understand I put Zelda & Yuna in there with a wink ;) and a smile :) .

I know they're both ludcrious names that should not be burdened on a child. But they irritate my wife, so I'm keeping them on the burner.
[quote name='eldergamer']You have to understand I put Zelda & Yuna in there with a wink ;) and a smile :) .

I know they're both ludcrious names that should not be burdened on a child. But they irritate my wife, so I'm keeping them on the burner.[/QUOTE]
I know someone who has a son and daughter and named them Luke and Leia, respectively.
Pity how, when a certain name gets famous, you can't name a child that, unless you want them to suffer mightily.

I mean, Griselda (which Zelda is a nickname for) is an old, old name, and a pretty fucking badass one too, because it means "dark battle."

Vanessa, I suppose.
[quote name='Sarang01']Ehhh if I had a kid I'd probably name them something in Japanese, Hikaru, Umi or Fuu. ;-)[/QUOTE]
What a hateful, wretched thing to even imagine doing.

Never have children, because you would be a terrible parent.
I would just not ever name my child after a video game character. Save your child the grief. Think if your parents named you something like Spock or Mork. Not cool.
Well since it's Theo for a boy I think it's fitting to go with another Cosby kid name for the girl. Vanessa it is!
[quote name='wubb']Well since it's Theo for a boy I think it's fitting to go with another Cosby kid name for the girl. Vanessa it is![/quote]

Although wubb makes a strong case, I'll pick Julia because it's the only name on the list that doesn't suck, IMO.

Edit: OK suck is a little harsh... Caroline is OK but sounds like an old lady or something. I don't like Vanessa and the other names seem to doom her to being an outcast or something - at least while she's young. I do really like the name Grace though - why not go with that?
[quote name='javeryh']Although wubb makes a strong case, I'll pick Julia because it's the only name on the list that doesn't suck, IMO.

Edit: OK suck is a little harsh... Caroline is OK but sounds like an old lady or something. I don't like Vanessa and the other names seem to doom her to being an outcast or something - at least while she's young. I do really like the name Grace though - why not go with that?[/QUOTE]

Grace is a wonderful name. I know someone who's oldest daughter is Grace and youngest is Abigail (they call her Abby). I think those are perfect names for a girl. I like Madeline too.

If you name her Julia, the middle name HAS to be Gulia.
[quote name='wubb']Well since it's Theo for a boy I think it's fitting to go with another Cosby kid name for the girl. Vanessa it is![/quote]

Well Theo was my grand father's middle name so there's some family history there. Didn't even think of the cosby connection.
Interesting that you have Julia and Caroline on there as those would have been on the short list for ours if it was a girl. Unfortunately, it is a boy (first time we found out ahead of time out of the 4). Unfortunate because the last 2 were boys and my wife wanted another daughter. Oh well ;).

Anyway, I say you can't go wrong with either of those, though I detest the name Grace. Maybe it has just been sullied (in my mind) by that PoS Nancy Grace.

I may do a poll for my son's name. Was thinking of just a straight naming contest (complete with video game prize). Problem is, I'm running out of time - we've got a few weeks here, at most... It has gotten harder each time. We had a name picked for the first one weeks in advance (whether boy or girl). The second we had the girl name picked and a few choices for the boy. We settled on one pretty quickly after he was born. The third one we didn't name till after we took him home. I relented to my wife's choice then as the kid was 11 lbs and delivered "normally". It was the least I could do ;).

The one I want to use this time was on the short list last time but I don't even want to mention it as you guys would no doubt skewer it, but if I do the poll thing it will be on there.

I am not into the traditional old boring names. I'm quite surprised everyone here seems to veer towards plain vanilla... The trick is giving them unique names that aren't freakishly unique. We've done very well with the 3 so far (in particular my first son has an awesome name). My daughter's name ended up becoming very common but has slipped back down again recently. And no, none of them are named after video game characters.

We almost named our daughter Sophia, which, at the time (11 years ago) was fairly unique. Now it is top 5 material so we wouldn't want to use it. I still like the name though.
Julia is way better than the others.

heres a song called Julia. its a somewhat old song btw.
I voted Zelda without giving it any thought, but no, you shouldn't do that to a child. Though, in fairness, kids will make fun of any name if they don't like the person, kids are just cruel. It isn't like Zelda will be picked on and Julia will be little miss smarty pants. A name only means so much (especially since many kids have nicknames anyway).

That being said, I swear that Yuna is more of a "real" name, and that I knew a child by that name years ago, long before FFX.
[quote name='wubb']Well since it's Theo for a boy I think it's fitting to go with another Cosby kid name for the girl. Vanessa it is![/quote]

I agree with this. :)
Aside from the FF6 reference I think Cyan would be a pretty cool name to have for a girl. I've known only two Cyans in my life and both were hot chicks. I think the name made them hotter because it was so exotic.
[quote name='darkinferno9908']Especially when teachers run across her name on the roll and say "Wait, Zelda? Why aren't you in Hyrule getting assulted by hog demons?"[/QUOTE]

Actually, teachers would probably assume she was named after Zelda Fitzgerald. At least that's what I would assume...
I voted for Julia, because that and Vanessa are the only fair names to give to a child. I don't even remember what Julia is from.

I'm going to put my two cents in and suggest Ashley (from RE: 4). It's a nice name. Also, I think the artist who does the art for Metal Gear Solid is named Ashley Wood. But I can't remember for sure.

Or Rachel. Ninja Gaiden is awesome.
[quote name='trunks982']Julia is way better than the others.

heres a song called Julia. its a somewhat old song btw.

Well, of course there's the classic Beatles song as well... I'd choose that as the iconic "Julia" song over whatever it was you posted there ;).
bread's done