PoP2 selling better than its prequel, how sad?


39 (100%)
I think that this just reaffirms why I hate gamers nowadays and the trend that gaming is moving towards. The first PoP was an iincredible experience, and this game while still great...had to be more "hard core" in order to get its sales numbers. Nintendo can't win, nor would I want the GameCube to sell out like this. Nintendo may never again be the leader in sales, but truth be told, I hope that they never again will be if it means that their games have to change.
I'm glad Ubi isn't making a BG&E sequel now. I'd hate to think of how they'd have to ruin it to get people to buy it.
Sad indeed. PoP:WW was not a platformer. It does not really continue the PoP legacy. It is instead another main stream game with cursing and violence. I knew it would sell more, but it is still dissappointing.
If you think about it, Nintendo kind of is with the new LOZ coming out. Oh well, you have to admit it would be pretty nasty to see Kirby with a shotgun.

EDIT: AM I THE ONLY ONE? What about Princess Peach in dominatrix outfit? :puke:
They messed with Prince of Persia and now more people want to buy it, good for the company. I personaly like the new one a lot better, at least the combat requires effort now.
"I smolder with generic rage"
Yes, I agree, it's really very disappointing that a great game has to be given "attitude" just so it can sell decently.
I'm kinda shocked the 2nd sold more. PoP is repetitive garbage. The first part of the game seemed like it was awesome, but after 50%, it became way too repetitive. The levels consisted of running, then jumping, then running some more. I'm sorry if most of you dont share this opinion, but this game is Way overrated
I just finished Sands of Time this afternoon, and loved it (well, okay, not the fighting portions...). It sickens me to see what UbiSoft has done to the franchise, and that consumers are actually buying in to this "extreme" garbage, but... not much we can do. Money talks, and the consumers have spoken; they like crap.
[quote name='shakezula']I'm kinda shocked the 2nd sold more. PoP is repetitive garbage. The first part of the game seemed like it was awesome, but after 50%, it became way too repetitive. The levels consisted of running, then jumping, then running some more. I'm sorry if most of you dont share this opinion, but this game is Way overrated[/quote]

I'm with you 100%, in fact I quit playing the first one out of boredom right around 52%
PoP 2 isnt a bad game but the blood and gore is HIGHLY unnecessary and I think we all know why they designed this sequel like that. Its not cause they wanted the gore to fit the darker story its cause they wanted to sell more...Also am I the only one who lowers the sound anytime that rock music comes on?...It doesnt fit the game at all
They are both damn good. It doesn't matter how they change the look of the game, as long as it's still a good game and fun to play. I like the first one better so far, but I'm only a couple of hours into WW. I'm loving WW, even though it is different. I'm glad to see it selling well. How many copies did the first sell?
The thing that you all are overlooking is the fact that the first PoP built a fan base slowly over time with ever-dropping prices. What this COULD mean is that the people that didn't buy the first PoP soon after its release may want PoP2 and thus buy it earlier in its release cycle.

The real telling statistic would be TOTAL sales at the end of its run. If the number of people that bought the first are drastically eclipsed by the amount that buy the second (further on down the line, not so soon after release), then we're talking about the retarded mainstream that you all are referring to.

At this point I'm more inclined to say that the increased early sales of the sequel is due more to the fan base established by the great price point of the first one over the course of its release then it is due to the cop-out in terms of presentation.
You should be happy that Ubi Soft decided to release a sequel after the disapointing sales of the Sands of Time, although this one must have been in development at the same time as Sands.
OP, what does Nintendo have to do with PoP:WW?

Otherwise, I agree, and was saddened to see the stylistic change from 1 to the sequel. But as long as the gameplay is still there, I'd be glad to see a third.
I didnt like the first one that much. It was way to easy. I traded it in right after i beat it. The only reason Im even thinking about getting PoP2 is because its more "hardcore' I want a game that is more adult, intense, and harder.
[quote name='Limpbizkit182521']The only reason Im even thinking about getting PoP2 is because its more "hardcore' I want a game that is more adult, intense, and harder.[/quote]

And this is the mentality that companies seem to cater to these days. It makes me sad...
[quote name='Kirin Lemon'][quote name='Limpbizkit182521']The only reason Im even thinking about getting PoP2 is because its more "hardcore' I want a game that is more adult, intense, and harder.[/quote]

And this is the mentality that companies seem to cater to these days. It makes me sad...[/quote]

Well, the screen name fits.
[quote name='epobirs']Just wait. Thr third will be cutie-pie cel-shaded ala Wind Waker. Then the set will be complete.[/quote]

DEAR GOD NO!!!! Stop with such thinking!
Have half of you even played PoP: WW yet or just going off the craptastic reviews out there?

WW holds true to the same great gameplay..now, instead of the Prince being a complete sap, he actually takes offense to people trying to kill him. He says bitch one time..it's not overly 'extreme'.

Would it make sense after all of what happened in the first game, then in this game where he has the Keeper of Time relentlessly hunting him, to still be the same fellow as he was at the start of SoT? He's been through a lot, as a character, and his attitude should be reflected as such. If he was out pimping hoes and saying F-This, and F-That, I could see the complaining. But the game isnt even anything like that at all.

Both PoP are great games. For people to come out here and outright say they are disappointed this game is selling well is hard for me to choke down. Even if you are appalled by the 'extreme' nature of the game, if you liked SoT gameplay, I fail to see how you could not like WW's.
[quote name='WildWop']The thing that you all are overlooking is the fact that the first PoP built a fan base slowly over time with ever-dropping prices. What this COULD mean is that the people that didn't buy the first PoP soon after its release may want PoP2 and thus buy it earlier in its release cycle.

The real telling statistic would be TOTAL sales at the end of its run. If the number of people that bought the first are drastically eclipsed by the amount that buy the second (further on down the line, not so soon after release), then we're talking about the retarded mainstream that you all are referring to.

At this point I'm more inclined to say that the increased early sales of the sequel is due more to the fan base established by the great price point of the first one over the course of its release then it is due to the cop-out in terms of presentation.[/quote]

Thank you for speaking some reason here, I think a large part of the second PoP selling better than its predecessor has to do with being a sequel. Ubisoft built up a pretty decent fan base with the original, including promotions like a free copy of Splinter Cell with purchase, and now a $20 price (or cheaper) for the original.

[quote name='Mr. Anderson'][quote name='Kirin Lemon'][quote name='Limpbizkit182521']The only reason Im even thinking about getting PoP2 is because its more "hardcore' I want a game that is more adult, intense, and harder.[/quote]

And this is the mentality that companies seem to cater to these days. It makes me sad...[/quote]

Well, the screen name fits.[/quote]

And limpbizkit182521 is the reason companies take this directiion, because for whatever reason, the new hardcore prince is seen as more adult and therefore eaten up by the youngsters who are more concerned with their image than actually playing great games.
All I know is that I absolutely loved the first game. The visuals and overall emotion reminded me of a Disney movie. I especially liked the interaction between Farrah and the Prince, (the ending was one of the coolest I ever saw).

I have yet to play Warrior Within so I can't really judge it yet. I'll still buy it simply because I want to see what direction the series has gone for myself.
[quote name='GuilewasNK'] (the ending was one of the coolest I ever saw).
I agree the ending was great. I didn't know what to expect, and I couldn't believe how cool it was.
[quote name='epobirs']Just wait. Thr third will be cutie-pie cel-shaded ala Wind Waker. Then the set will be complete.[/quote]

That would be awesome. I love cartoon looking games and when designers make radical changes to the aesthetics...
[quote name='jimbodan'][quote name='shakezula']I'm kinda shocked the 2nd sold more. PoP is repetitive garbage. The first part of the game seemed like it was awesome, but after 50%, it became way too repetitive. The levels consisted of running, then jumping, then running some more. I'm sorry if most of you dont share this opinion, but this game is Way overrated[/quote]

I'm with you 100%, in fact I quit playing the first one out of boredom right around 52%[/quote]

Same here, 53% to be exact.
[quote name='Kaijufan'][quote name='GuilewasNK'] (the ending was one of the coolest I ever saw).
I agree the ending was great. I didn't know what to expect, and I couldn't believe how cool it was.[/quote]

I agree, as well. The ending suprized me, by how cool it was.
[quote name='Kaijufan']You should be happy that Ubi Soft decided to release a sequel after the disapointing sales of the Sands of Time, although this one must have been in development at the same time as Sands.[/quote]

Sands Of Time did not have disappointing sales. It's a GH title on the PS2 and a PH title on the Xbox. That's enough proof of that alone.
[quote name='javeryh'][quote name='epobirs']Just wait. Thr third will be cutie-pie cel-shaded ala Wind Waker. Then the set will be complete.[/quote]

That would be awesome. I love cartoon looking games and when designers make radical changes to the aesthetics...[/quote]

I agree with you a lot on most your posts....
I personally play games for the fun factor but also the artistic factor and the interesting worlds/characters they can come up with.

When a game combines all of them I fall in love.. Playing Zelda WW is like playing a full fledged cartoon. I got a second PS2 just to play through Sly Cooper (and a few other games)
[quote name='GuilewasNK']All I know is that I absolutely loved the first game. The visuals and overall emotion reminded me of a Disney movie. I especially liked the interaction between Farrah and the Prince, (the ending was one of the coolest I ever saw).

The chatter in between Farrah and the Prince added a nice flavor to the game and another level of immersion with the characters -- definitely a good thing, I agree. However, there was more than a few times throughout the course of the game where I wanted to push Farrah off of a high ledge and see if she would whine on the way down.
I'm sorry if my initial comments were more written off-the-cuff than with any real and crtitical thought. Yes, I do believe that the sequel is a great game, and in many aspects a better game this time around. I think that I was more commenting on the fact that the company made the explicit decision to make the game more edgy, not for the sake of a stylisitc or aesthetic change....but to entice the mainstream and casual gamer. This is undeniably explicit in their comments and actions. UbiSoft has become an exceptional house, and now we see these changes with this supposedly aethetically "softer" PoP franchise. You have to admit that this game is a significant departure from the entire series. Imagine if the next sequal to Rygar or Castlevania went "hard core". Those gamers that have seen series slowly come into their own would collectively cringe. Just because PoP came about after a dormancy period, there is less alarm and concern. This is not again to denouce how the sequl turned out, just the means and the reasons why it had to be as it is. (Jerry Bruckheimer and Nic Cage can make a good movie every once in awhile, but come on National Security was a stinker. I don't know what movie you people were watching.)
PoP2 does not have a prequel. It doesn't even have a sequel. I'm sorry for being anal about that, but hey, it's one of my pet peeves (the misuse of "prequel").
bread's done