Possible Xbox 360 shipment



They clame new xbox 360 are coming in on 11-30. I don't know how reliable this site is, but thought this would be helpful to all of those searching for one.

Edit: There seems to be some confusion about why I put this here. I was simply trying to inform people on this site (Which I just found) about a potential shipments of Xbox 360's. I have NO affiliation with Atomic Park or any other major or minor retailers.
[quote name='fwacce']2nd post posting about a no-name site. I'll pass.[/QUOTE]

especially from a guy who registered yesterday
do you think those numbers are true though? a shipment of 875 and another of 2000? if a no name place like this can get a boat load, then whats gonna be in the walmart warehouse? is microsoft holding out?
If anything, those numbers compared with that price are the biggest evidence it's fake. With huge chain stores getting low allotments, what are the chances that MS would send 2875 360s to some no-name that charge over 200% MSRP? On the other hand, according to resellerratings that store has been around for a while (although they seem prone to shadyness).

Here's hoping the numbers are true though, it's time for the ebay hustle to end. I have suspected for a while that MS has been holding out, to make sure that there were none on the shelves for BF, freaking parents out. If AtomicPark is getting that many, BB is getting a bazillion.
it looks too good to be a fake sight. thats the only thing. its too polished for a fake. if those numbers are correct, then microsoft pulled a fast one on all of us. damn evil bill gates!
Only those indie sites can possibly charge these exorbitant rates for a game console. Best Buy cannot charge a penny more than the MSRP of the console/bundled games/accessories.
I talked to a few different wholesalers and some had 50,000 units(premium) ready to go. No one has purchased them yet. I talked to a few other wholesalers and for $275 you could get a preimum system However they were wanting you to buy 2,000-10,000 at a time. So yes M$ is holding them back and creating the demand. I assume M$ saw the episode of south park and cartman land. M$ also stated that they will have 6 million console out by feb.
Yeah, false demand...
but yeah, the OP's deal is crap but i think the info is important. If alot of stores are going to be getting thoes ammounts of systems, this shortage is going to come to an end real fast.
Microsoft created the shortage themselves in hopes of creating a buzz about the system. In a way Xbox360 now has become the "Toy" to have this Xmas. So now by controlling the shipments and the amount of systems available Microsoft will be able to keep momentum through the holiday season.

Anyway you look at it, if you want the system bad enough you'll find at your local stores before christmas, except now you'll have to put in some effort into getting it.
[quote name='m0dem']especially from a guy who registered yesterday[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry I havent earned your trust yet, but you have to start somewhere. I figured I could try to help out.
He probably works for the site. Nobody could possibly consider this a "deal". And I never believe numbers about the 360. My next door neighbor could say that he's getting 20 360's from a "friend" and am I going to believe him? I appreciate the effort OP but next time put that 900 dollars in the tag and see how many views you get.

It's a great time to be a cheap ass gamer.
[quote name='Graystone']I talked to a few different wholesalers and some had 50,000 units(premium) ready to go. No one has purchased them yet. I talked to a few other wholesalers and for $275 you could get a preimum system However they were wanting you to buy 2,000-10,000 at a time. So yes M$ is holding them back and creating the demand. I assume M$ saw the episode of south park and cartman land. M$ also stated that they will have 6 million console out by feb.[/QUOTE]
Forgive me if I don't take their word for it. A core, let alone a premium system, costs more than $275 wholesale. I seriously doubt anyone is just sitting on 50,000 of these, not able to find any buyers.
[quote name='Graystone']I talked to a few different wholesalers and some had 50,000 units(premium) ready to go. No one has purchased them yet. I talked to a few other wholesalers and for $275 you could get a preimum system However they were wanting you to buy 2,000-10,000 at a time. So yes M$ is holding them back and creating the demand. I assume M$ saw the episode of south park and cartman land. M$ also stated that they will have 6 million console out by feb.[/QUOTE]

So a company named "M Dollar Sign" is responsible for the shortages of Microsoft's Xbox 360? BURN THEM!
[quote name='Graystone']I talked to a few different wholesalers and some had 50,000 units(premium) ready to go. No one has purchased them yet. I talked to a few other wholesalers and for $275 you could get a preimum system However they were wanting you to buy 2,000-10,000 at a time. So yes M$ is holding them back and creating the demand. I assume M$ saw the episode of south park and cartman land. M$ also stated that they will have 6 million console out by feb.[/QUOTE]

That could mean 6 milliom Xbox's AND 360 units combined... Microsoft CEO's are tricky bastards and we all know it. From the ass of well... the ass's MS said their launch in the UK and Japan they are only going to have 20 Premium 360's at launch and like 40-50 Core. and that is in a market they know they blowass in.
wow 999 for a core...

im still on the hunt for one but im not desperate like most idiots paying 800 dollars for a premium. it's funny when i call stores like best buy or wal mart they all say they're not getting any until january or later... do they really think microsoft is going to hold out on them before christmas? there is a shortage right now (intentional or not) but seriously... don't you think a company like microsoft would know when the money is going to be made? we'll see plenty before christmas. everyone who wants one will get one. as long as you dont wait till the week before christmas i really don't think it will be THAT big of a problem.

fyi i work at a gamecrazy and i guess someone higher up in the company (probably a DM or something) told our manager to expect the 2nd shipment this tuesday. i'll let you guys know if we got any or not on that day.
I work at walmart,we only received 36 the first time.There's gonna be one more shipment mid dec. How many don't know,at least 36
i dont know im thinking... if you guys really are only getting a shipment in mid december maybe you're getting way more than 36 (just a thought). thats alot of time for xbox 360s to be made. right now that's somewhere around 2 - 3 weeks. and with microsoft working 24/7 on them... plenty will be made. maybe smaller stores like the game crazy im working at willl just get random small shipments for the next few weeks and your wal mart will get an assload alll at once in mid december. that seems like it would make sense but then again i really dont know shit. im just pointing out a possibility. and like i said before i expect to see alot within the next few weeks. microsoft knows what they're doing.
[quote name='xrickyb86x']i dont know im thinking... if you guys really are only getting a shipment in mid december maybe you're getting way more than 36 (just a thought). thats alot of time for xbox 360s to be made. right now that's somewhere around 2 - 3 weeks. and with microsoft working 24/7 on them... plenty will be made. maybe smaller stores like the game crazy im working at willl just get random small shipments for the next few weeks and your wal mart will get an assload alll at once in mid december. that seems like it would make sense but then again i really dont know shit. im just pointing out a possibility. and like i said before i expect to see alot within the next few weeks. microsoft knows what they're doing.[/QUOTE]

Microsoft started production in august.

Microsoft failed to meet their 650,000 goal and hit only 450,000 by november 22nd.

I'd like to see how many more they can produce in a month. I doubt stores will be receiving much more than they did on launch.
my question about this store is isn't it against the rules to sell these for this much money if yoru not just joe shmoe i think microsoft would get very pissed if they knew this store was doing this. I mean people can force you into bundles to get more of your money but charging over retail is way beyond what the company will alow w/o taking away your selling privilages...
[quote name='auralia']my question about this store is isn't it against the rules to sell these for this much money if yoru not just joe shmoe i think microsoft would get very pissed if they knew this store was doing this. I mean people can force you into bundles to get more of your money but charging over retail is way beyond what the company will alow w/o taking away your selling privilages...[/QUOTE]
well, they probably aren't buying them from microsoft so they can charge what they want. just like ebay.
Atomic Park is legit although I don't know anything about the 360 claim. Atomic Park is mainly a software reseller. I have purchased software from them several times going back to the dot.com days. Usually when a new software product launches you can pick up the older version there cheap. Not ideal in most cases, but clients who are behind in licensing can get caught up quick and for cheap when this occurs...

Thinking back I only have purchase Norton and Microsoft Software from the site...
[quote name='SkyGheNe']Microsoft started production in august.

Microsoft failed to meet their 650,000 goal and hit only 450,000 by november 22nd.

I'd like to see how many more they can produce in a month. I doubt stores will be receiving much more than they did on launch.[/QUOTE]

If this is true, then prices will actually rise on ebay in the next 2 weeks . . .
[quote name='nikkai']Considering that this must be supplied globally....[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and they just announced another 300,000 or so for the UK launch, so that's where they're going for now. My 2.5 hour wait in line was worth it. :)
I talked to local Target Manager today, and he said that he talk to Microsoft rep and the rep told him they'll get a shipment mid to late JANUARY! :(
[quote name='depascal22']He probably works for the site. Nobody could possibly consider this a "deal". And I never believe numbers about the 360. My next door neighbor could say that he's getting 20 360's from a "friend" and am I going to believe him? I appreciate the effort OP but next time put that 900 dollars in the tag and see how many views you get.

It's a great time to be a cheap ass gamer.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry if anyone misunderstood me, i was simply giving information about a potential Xbox 360 shipment. I wasn't recomending anyone buy one. Sorry if that was the impression I gave.
[quote name='SkyGheNe']Microsoft started production in august.

Microsoft failed to meet their 650,000 goal and hit only 450,000 by november 22nd.

I'd like to see how many more they can produce in a month. I doubt stores will be receiving much more than they did on launch.[/QUOTE]

i don't know maybe you are completely right but i still believe that this is just microsoft's way of creating buzz about their cool new system. by telling people they didn't even make as many as they thought they would in 4 months then people (like me) will try even harder to get one. i still do not believe that microsoft fell into this launch shortage by accident. i just think microsoft is smarter than that even with a worldwide launch going on for the next month.
I don't know if anyone would care for this bit of information, but I live in Seattle area where Microsoft HQ is and spoken to couple Xbox 360 reps and they've said the main reason why they didn't hit their goal and there's such a large shortage is because they've been having problems manufactoring a specific part of the console which in turn could be responsible for the small amount of defects in the launch shipment. She didn't know which part it was, but thats what i learned. So i really doubt theres a large amount of 360s just collecting dust somewhere in a warehouse...

[quote name='morpheus_49017']My 2.5 hour wait in line was worth it. :)[/QUOTE]

Only if you're planning to sell it through an online auction. . . Given that 13 of the roughly 20 games available for it are also on all the old systems (including the original Xbox), there isn't much reason to own 360 this holiday season other than "I'm the first one on my block with one" bragging rights. :cry:
[quote name='iloveqtchickz']I don't know if anyone would care for this bit of information, but I live in Seattle area where Microsoft HQ is and spoken to couple Xbox 360 reps and they've said the main reason why they didn't hit their goal and there's such a large shortage is because they've been having problems manufactoring a specific part of the console which in turn could be responsible for the small amount of defects in the launch shipment. She didn't know which part it was, but thats what i learned. So i really doubt theres a large amount of 360s just collecting dust somewhere in a warehouse...


this sounds like the most true possibility posted in this thread.
Local Best Buy guy told me today the 18th as well. He said he expected 50 consoles (Olympia, WA) and that there would almost certainly be another overnight line to get them!!

Assuming he wasn't lying (and it matches with the information posted above) what we're looking at here is the first console to essentially have TWO launch days!

This is getting ridiculous.
[quote name='iloveqtchickz']I don't know if anyone would care for this bit of information, but I live in Seattle area where Microsoft HQ is and spoken to couple Xbox 360 reps and they've said the main reason why they didn't hit their goal and there's such a large shortage is because they've been having problems manufactoring a specific part of the console which in turn could be responsible for the small amount of defects in the launch shipment. She didn't know which part it was, but thats what i learned. So i really doubt theres a large amount of 360s just collecting dust somewhere in a warehouse...

i wonder if the specific part was...drum roll please......the hard drive! theres not a whole lot of them to be found either.
[quote name='thagoat']i wonder if the specific part was...drum roll please......the hard drive! theres not a whole lot of them to be found either.[/QUOTE]

Call me crazy, but I doubt it was an off the shelf part such as the hard drive. If they're having yield problems with it, it's almost certainly something that they are custom producing such as... the infamous fan-including, yet still overheating power supply/ac adapter. I would put money on that.

The other interesting aspect of all this that I've been considering is that Microsoft's official "launch partner" Best Buy has been absolutely SHADY about this entire thing. First the reports of half the line being forced to buy a bundle (scumbags Circuit City did that too) and now they're clearly holding back those weekly shipments that MS has said multiple times are happening, until Dec. 18th, to try and create a second launch day sort of atmosphere.. Probably so they can sell more bundles. What a great launch partner! For all the complaining Best Buy does about their "devil customers" they seem to be as devilish a retailer as can be.

So consider this, Microsoft ships too few consoles the first week, to create an artificial shortage, and then floods the distributors with consoles, so that freaked out post black friday parents will snatch them up. Then their distribution/retail partners realize that they can make twice as much money by causing a shortage of their own, so they continue to withhold those systems, until a big, super-hyped day, saaay.. a week before christmas?

Everybody get ready for Dec 18! Xbox 360 launches! Again!
I called my local Best Buy (Baltimore, MD), they said either next week, or February.

Toys R Us said possibly in the next two weeks or January.

Blockbuster (cockbuster) told me to go fist myself.

Wal-mart said they have no bloody idea.

Sams Club said probably in January, which is strange because one of my buddies called them last week and they said Tuesday (tomorrow).

I didn't even bother calling any game retailers, I didn't feel like annoying them. I really don't know what to believe anymore.
Calling a store is totally pointless, unless you talk to a manger who has some idea of when product shipments come in. For one things most store employees do not actually see the shipping manifest. While the whole Best Buy theory is interesting and very possible, one things is for sure 360's will be in every ones local store before Christmas. We will not have to wait till Jan., Feb., or even Mar. before our local stores get shipments. If you are able to get one before Jan., Feb., or Mar. remains to be seen.
[quote name='Cpt Hooks']Calling a store is totally pointless, unless you talk to a manger who has some idea of when product shipments come in. For one things most store employees do not actually see the shipping manifest. While the whole Best Buy theory is interesting and very possible, one things is for sure 360's will be in every ones local store before Christmas. We will not have to wait till Jan., Feb., or even Mar. before our local stores get shipments. If you are able to get one before Jan., Feb., or Mar. remains to be seen.[/QUOTE]

Riiight, because Managers unload shipments themselves... ;)

Have you ever worked retail? Nine times out of ten, the manager actually knows the least about products out of anyone in the store, and that is triple-true when it comes to videogames.
[quote name='Leggo']Riiight, because Managers unload shipments themselves... ;)

Have you ever worked retail? Nine times out of ten, the manager actually knows the least about products out of anyone in the store, and that is triple-true when it comes to videogames.[/QUOTE]

Receiving Managers do bro..... ;)

They are the ones who know ( and have to sign for ) every piece of merchandise that comes intot he store.
[quote name='Leggo']Riiight, because Managers unload shipments themselves... ;)

Have you ever worked retail? Nine times out of ten, the manager actually knows the least about products out of anyone in the store, and that is triple-true when it comes to videogames.[/QUOTE]

i think he meant department managers and 9 out of 10 times they do know what coming in more so then employees
[quote name='kelpie182']i think he meant department managers and 9 out of 10 times they do know what coming in more so then employees[/QUOTE]
also those who unload trucks at times dont know what items are recieved because boxes are usually unmarked.
bread's done