Possible Xbox 360 shipment


second-- best buy-- I'm guessing that second launch will be the second or third Tuesday in December. They told me the 16th at my local BB, but it's gotta be a Tuesday right? well, I'll see ya all in line.....AGAIN!! :( this time i'll be prepared with warmer clothes, a sleeping bag and a fucking flask of whiskey! :lol:

For all the complaining Best Buy does about their "devil customers" they seem to be as devilish a retailer as can be.

they are, for a number of reasons. not just the way they sell products and the impersonal way in which they handle customers, but also that they're quickly getting a monopoly in electronics retail.
[quote name='Apossum']first off- :rofl: @ the OP. you're funny. good luck selling your 360s (it's always obvious when a newbie pops in to tell us about a "hot" deal from a no-name site.) here's the site you're looking for www.richassgamer.com[/QUOTE]

ugg:headache:. . . How many times must I say this, I honestly was just trying to provide information about a possible shipments of Xbox 360's I'm a kid from Michigan, not a business mogul.
Man, you guys are really ragging on the OP. I took it as him just trying to tell us the date of a possible Xbox 360 shipment, not that the price or website is necessarily a deal.
[quote name='Krueger']So, any educated guesses? Tomorrow, Next Week, or Next Month?[/QUOTE]
im going with the core systems tomorrow, and premiums around the mid month of December. best buy was up to something on their website today. they had all of their core packages available for a minute or 2, and the eta was 12/1 through 12/6. i smell something and it smells like a power brick! also, my sam's club bundle is set to ship on 12/15/2005.
With all this talk of a second launch, is it likely that sites are gonna do another preorder thing? does anyine have any guesses?
i dont think theyll preorder. theyll just sell em when they get em. by the way did anyone see the best buy commercial on monday night football? it featured the xbox 360 wireless controller and what looked like project gotham racing. hint, hint!
when i wake up tomorrow im going to call the game crazy i work at and i will, within a minute after calling, post on here to let you know if we got them in like they said we would. it's unfortunate for all you san diego peeps that really want one that they're all pre ordered.
WOW the whole Best Buy thing gets deeper and deeper by the minute! Thanx for the back up Kelpie. I have worked retail at numerous retail chains and of course we all know Store Managers know the least of any one working in the store about games and the merchandise the goes along with them. But as mentioned above Dep. Managers see and sign the shipping manifest, so they have an idea of what is in their shipment. Therefoer these are the people to corner and question about our coveted Xbox 360!
[quote name='MassiveDuck']ugg:headache:. . . How many times must I say this, I honestly was just trying to provide information about a possible shipments of Xbox 360's I'm a kid from Michigan, not a business mogul.[/QUOTE]

sorry, I didn't read through the whole thread and we get a few guys month who try to promote their sites, and their threads look a lot like yers. except their logins are usually the name of the site their promoting :lol:
no xbox's at game crazy... i don't know if this has been posted yet but here you go guys...

this article was posted on nov. 29th.


i suggest calling stores every day throughout the week if you really want one.

and for those of you who don't want to read it all here's what's in it...

Microsoft's Molly O'Donnell says the company has "a weekly replenishment strategy." The first follow-up shipment "is on the way, and it should be on retailers' shelves by the end of the week or for the weekend."
[quote name='MassiveDuck']http://www.atomicpark.com/xq/aspx/microsoft-xbox-360/prodid.22901/buy.software/qx/productdetail.html

They clame new xbox 360 are coming in on 11-30. I don't know how reliable this site is, but thought this would be helpful to all of those searching for one.

Edit: There seems to be some confusion about why I put this here. I was simply trying to inform people on this site (Which I just found) about a potential shipments of Xbox 360's. I have NO affiliation with Atomic Park or any other major or minor retailers.[/QUOTE]

Thanks :)
[quote name='Morrigan Lover']Debeers should sue MS for stealing their buisiness strategy.[/QUOTE]

Don't buy conflict 360s. :lol:
[quote name='xrickyb86x']no xbox's at game crazy... i don't know if this has been posted yet but here you go guys...

this article was posted on nov. 29th.


i suggest calling stores every day throughout the week if you really want one.

and for those of you who don't want to read it all here's what's in it...

Microsoft's Molly O'Donnell says the company has "a weekly replenishment strategy." The first follow-up shipment "is on the way, and it should be on retailers' shelves by the end of the week or for the weekend."[/QUOTE]

Thanks man, gives me a bit of hope.
yeah you and me both man. im hitting up circuit city and 3 different best buys daily for one. i think we will see some this weekend. just make sure you use my strategy and hit some stores up daily to see if they have any and make sure do it as soon as they open. im hoping by friday we'll see something.
Do most stores put items on shelves before the store opens? I had a couple of situations with Circuit City on new game releases and they've told me to come back at around noon.
i remember going through this same situation when the ps2 was scarce around launch. i called everywhere one day and randomly a best buy by my house said they had 26 or so in stock they had just got in. they DID NOT put them out on the floor though. i don't know why but they didn't. they said to just come in and ask for one and they'll pull it out of the back for me. so i went and they did. i really doubt they're going to put the xbox 360s out on the floor if/when they get them in this weekend.
jc penny has them on sale right now. of course, they're 800 dollars and they won't ship for another 2 weeks. but if you're desperate......
Im more than happy to wait out Microsofts b.s. "shortage" problems. This whole thing was to whip the consumers into a frenzy and get the press involved and its certainly worked. Much better than im sure they could have hoped for.
[quote name='xrickyb86x']yeah you and me both man. im hitting up circuit city and 3 different best buys daily for one. i think we will see some this weekend. just make sure you use my strategy and hit some stores up daily to see if they have any and make sure do it as soon as they open. im hoping by friday we'll see something.[/QUOTE]

I'm gave up on calling the places, so during I get my lunch break I just go around to each store and take a look really quick. Best bet? Saturday Morning.
[quote name='Krueger']I'm gave up on calling the places, so during I get my lunch break I just go around to each store and take a look really quick. Best bet? Saturday Morning.[/QUOTE]
yeah, the people on the phone give you a one word answer and aren't very helpful. half of them don't know what the hell is going on anyway. i called a toys r us to asked what accessories they had for the 360(i was looking for a hard drive). he said they had no accessories. i stopped by later to find a whole rack of accessories plus a hard drive. what a jack off.
I'll give them slack though, alot of people have been bugging them for the past week, they seem to be very tolerant. Except for Blockbuster. They suck.
if you're looking for accessories i think the best thing to do is go on www.gamestop.com find the product you want and then type in your area code to see what gamestop near you has it. if they have it just call to make sure it hasn't sold yet (i think they update the website every 24 hours) and tell them to hold it for you. the usually do 24 hour holds on accessories and games.

but back to the 360... lets hope we see some this weekend. yeah as of now i live down the street from a best buy so im going to hit it up tomorrow before class as well as thursday, friday, and saturday.
[quote name='Krueger']I'll give them slack though, alot of people have been bugging them for the past week, they seem to be very tolerant. Except for Blockbuster. They suck.[/QUOTE]
yeah, im sure i sounded like a broken record. all he heard was"blah, blah, blah, 360". his auto response was "were out".
Ahh, you live down the street from a Best Buy, you lucky bastard. Rumor is that Best Buy broke a deal with Microsoft so that they would get the most systems out of any retailers.
Congrats, man. At least you're putting yours to use. Unlike those celebrities who got 2 premium systems each for FREE.
Nice, I live within 200 feet of Target AND Toys R Us (they are right next to each other) but the Best Buy here is near school, so it all works out.

Going to mark my calendar for the rumoured December dates.
[quote name='menikmati']Nice, I live within 200 feet of Target AND Toys R Us (they are right next to each other) but the Best Buy here is near school, so it all works out.

Going to mark my calendar for the rumoured December dates.[/QUOTE]

If I lived that close to one, I would just go there everyday and ask someone.
yo menikmati what part of sd are you from? im living out in mission valley right now (but moving back to chula vista soon) and im right down the street from the mission valley best buy.

fyi i went to best buy after class today and talked to a guy who had no idea what he was talking about (he said an xbox 360 went for 3500 last night on ebay which i do not believe for a second). but i did get some useful info. he said if they do get xbox 360s in this weekend they willl come in a special truck which can come on any day (typical best buy deliveries come 3 times a week on set days). he also said they will not have them on the shelf and they will be kept in the back. so if you go to best buy this weekend looking for one dont get disapointed if you dont see any on the shelf (but dont get your hopes up) you have to ask for one and if they're in stock they will pull it out for you.
[quote name='xrickyb86x']yo menikmati what part of sd are you from? im living out in mission valley right now (but moving back to chula vista soon) and im right down the street from the mission valley best buy.

fyi i went to best buy after class today and talked to a guy who had no idea what he was talking about (he said an xbox 360 went for 3500 last night on ebay which i do not believe for a second). but i did get some useful info. he said if they do get xbox 360s in this weekend they willl come in a special truck which can come on any day (typical best buy deliveries come 3 times a week on set days). he also said they will not have them on the shelf and they will be kept in the back. so if you go to best buy this weekend looking for one dont get disapointed if you dont see any on the shelf (but dont get your hopes up) you have to ask for one and if they're in stock they will pull it out for you.[/QUOTE]

I saw one with a lot of games have a BIN of that high. Nobody bit though
The day ofter the initial release a 360 with games SOLD for over $2,500. Hell peolpe are paying $800 for a fucking core system on Ebay. If people want them that bad they can have them!!! I refuse to pay over 399.99 plus tax for a premium system even if I have to what tell hell freezes over.
Well, I got up this morning about 10, and checked out Target, Wal-Mart, and Toys R Us. Absolutely nothing. FYI: Those three retailers don't have alot when it comes to 360 accessories. They only have Face Plates, remotes, and controllers.

I guess I'll take a voyage out to Best Buy on Saturday to see if I can try my luck there.
It looks like Best Buy is going to be our best bet for a 360 before next year. Hey OP, if you're legit, I'm sorry for bashing you. Like Apossum said, we've been burned a few times by newbies that come in and promote a site (cough cough gamequestdirect.com) that has a rare game (cough cough Persona 2).

It's a great time to be a cheap ass gamer.
[quote name='xrickyb86x']fyi i went to best buy after class today and talked to a guy who had no idea what he was talking about (he said an xbox 360 went for 3500 last night on ebay which i do not believe for a second). but i did get some useful info. he said if they do get xbox 360s in this weekend they willl come in a special truck which can come on any day (typical best buy deliveries come 3 times a week on set days). he also said they will not have them on the shelf and they will be kept in the back. so if you go to best buy this weekend looking for one dont get disapointed if you dont see any on the shelf (but dont get your hopes up) you have to ask for one and if they're in stock they will pull it out for you.[/QUOTE]

This makes no sense. Isn't Best Buy in the business of selling electronics? Why would they keep something in the back that they can sell in 10 seconds? They don't care who buys it, just that it gets sold. I am very skeptical about this. I'm just hitting "refresh" on my browser every hour or so - hopefully they will be in stock one of these days...
I called Target today. I asked if they had any 360's and I knew there reply would be no and then he said we wont get any in for a long long time. So I told him about what I read int he USA Today. He replied, "Well thats just for the really big cities, Microsoft has a shipping list and small cities won't receive 360's for a long time". I just thinks its funny how retail employee's who know nothign just come up with these off the wall lies.
Talk with a manager of Sam's Club who told me according to wwhat he has heard from the corporate office they are to be receiving a shipment some time betwwen the 7th and 10th of Dec. He also said that they were going to be mostly Premium systems. Unfortunately he was not sure as to how many, which I'm sure no one knows for sure.
As I side note it seems from what I can summize most Best Buy's received the majority of the systems. (Which makes sense seeing as how B.B. and Micr. are offical partnors) But that is totally not the case in Ohio where Wal-mart, who owns Sam's Club, received more units by far!
I do not really have a point or any Wal-Mart/Sam's Club theory just some info!
[quote name='javeryh']This makes no sense. Isn't Best Buy in the business of selling electronics? Why would they keep something in the back that they can sell in 10 seconds? They don't care who buys it, just that it gets sold. I am very skeptical about this. I'm just hitting "refresh" on my browser every hour or so - hopefully they will be in stock one of these days...[/QUOTE]

They have done this with systems here from time to time. I think they still do it with the PSP and just stopped doing so with the DS. The GBAdvanced they put in a larg plastic case that had to be unlocked. Usually they have a sign that says to ask for a sales rep or telling you that they do have them in stock.

As for the shipments most places most likely don't know when they are geting them or how many they are geting. I was just reading the paper and they were saying that M$ is shipping them out weekly but retailers wont know what day they get them that week and wont know how many come. They could get a shipment at the end of the week and then get another one the next day at the start of the week then not get another one till the end of the next week.
[quote name='sendme']They have done this with systems here from time to time. I think they still do it with the PSP and just stopped doing so with the DS. The GBAdvanced they put in a larg plastic case that had to be unlocked. Usually they have a sign that says to ask for a sales rep or telling you that they do have them in stock.

As for the shipments most places most likely don't know when they are geting them or how many they are geting. I was just reading the paper and they were saying that M$ is shipping them out weekly but retailers wont know what day they get them that week and wont know how many come. They could get a shipment at the end of the week and then get another one the next day at the start of the week then not get another one till the end of the next week.[/QUOTE]

To expand upon what you said, the usual reason they do stuff like this is so that they can make you jump through hoops before you can buy it. Usually that means agreeing to buy games, accessories, service plans, etc. before they will go get the system. Its a way to force you to have to listen to their sales pitch.
[quote name='fuzz']That could mean 6 milliom Xbox's AND 360 units combined... Microsoft CEO's are tricky bastards and we all know it. From the ass of well... the ass's MS said their launch in the UK and Japan they are only going to have 20 Premium 360's at launch and like 40-50 Core. and that is in a market they know they blowass in.[/QUOTE]
They aren't selling core systems in Japan
lol. yeah minimum wage employees lie out of their ass when it comes to shit like this. i used to work at office depot and when someone would ask for something and we didn't feel like getting it we would say it's not in stock and we wont get it for a long time. lol.

i still can't believe empolyees at best buy or any other places seriously think no xbox 360s are coming till 06. like i said before, microsoft knows when they will make their money.
any idea on what is braking on the xbox 360's that are failing? just hoping the newly shipping ones were fixed before they made them.

or if my gut guess is correct, these are from the same mfg date and were just sitting in MS distributors. Hey thats how we can confirm MS was holding back, if the unit mfg date is the same as the lot that was sold on launch day!
[quote name='clueless']any idea on what is braking on the xbox 360's that are failing? just hoping the newly shipping ones were fixed before they made them.

or if my gut guess is correct, these are from the same mfg date and were just sitting in MS distributors. Hey thats how we can confirm MS was holding back, if the unit mfg date is the same as the lot that was sold on launch day![/QUOTE]

I think a lot of it is people not giving it proper ventilation and having the thing overheat.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I think a lot of it is people not giving it proper ventilation and having the thing overheat.[/QUOTE]

on gamespots fourms someone posted that they put there power brick on a open box for full ventilation and it ran for 7 hours with out crashing, when befor it crashed "like, every 20 minutes.
[quote name='javeryh']This makes no sense. Isn't Best Buy in the business of selling electronics? Why would they keep something in the back that they can sell in 10 seconds?.[/QUOTE]
Because it can get stolen in 10 seconds as well. When I worked at CC, the only system we kept out of the floor was the SP and we locked it up behind glass.

Xbox, PS2, GC, DS... all of that was kept in the back wherehouse.
bread's done