[quote name='SleepyPeepers']Not sure how many people got a code for the redesign beta (the "Hub"), but I have found three items so far:
In Pier Park, if you play the RC Rally game you get a RC Rally Controller. In the Action District, if you play Bootleggers '29, you get a pair of brown "bootlegger" gloves. (these two you don't have to actually play, just load the game...) And on the Sportswalk if you play the sports trivia game you win a t-shirt. I am horrible at sports trivia so I received the "General Sports Tee."[/QUOTE]
I did a couple of the quests and received a shirt and military pants, then I got distracted by the new poker games in the Sportswalk bar.
I really like the new hub spaces and games, but I hope they bring back Saucer Pops from the CP as that was a fun game to play against friends, and it has some great rewards.
BTW: For those wanting to play the previous CP Game Integration events, Killzone 3 Home Defender and Dead Island Zombie Survivor, both are available to play from the Action District.