PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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Will they release all 3 Zero Escape games in one package in the future? Why is 999 bundled with VLR? It feels like it should have just been 999 by itself, or all 3.

So as someone who hasn't touched a final fantasy game since X is WoFF a good place to get back in? I'm kinda psyched for FFXV not being a turn based game this time around so I'm really not sure if I should bother picking WoFF up.

Also thanks to whoever posted that $1 adventure time game. Totally gonna pick that up
Given as long as I've taken to try the demo for WoFF... I think I'm just going to pass it up for now.   I don't really know when I'd even play it and why I'd play it ahead of any of the other recent games I've bought that I was actually super happy to buy.

Since we are on FF talk, I broke down and bought a copy since I would hate to worry about getting the Japanese voice DLC in the future. But it might be the case where all copies will be the DAY ONE edition.

It feels really nice to drown in a Vita backlog.
I never really looked into this game until now. When looking at game play videos I was initially very intrigued since it is a dungeon crawler but then I looked at the reviews, and it got killed. Any of you guys like this game?
Looks like generic Compile Hearts stuff....I haven't tried it yet though.

I never really looked into this game until now. When looking at game play videos I was initially very intrigued since it is a dungeon crawler but then I looked at the reviews, and it got killed. Any of you guys like this game?
i cant really remember the game. i got it off gamefly and returned it like 2 days later

gamefly has keep it for 24.99

reading one review

and it made me remember.. game is awful, you got to find secert doors and the maps are just plain BLAH.. its almost the same lay out all the other dungon games ... so glad did not buy it for 25.... maybe at 10

Exploration is encouraged as there are many treasure chest and secret doors to find, but because of the poor layouts, doing so became more of a hassle than an enjoyable journey. One dungeon, in particular, is full of elements that actively tried to deter me from continuing

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Since we are on FF talk, I broke down and bought a copy since I would hate to worry about getting the Japanese voice DLC in the future. But it might be the case where all copies will be the DAY ONE edition.

It feels really nice to drown in a Vita backlog.
Yes, I am rather certain that all copies will end up being "Day One Edition" copies. WoFF Being a FFgame makes it a system seller, but unfortunately it is nigh impossible to find a system to buy in any retailer, let alone a copy of this game. And the PS4 version will very soon be overshadowed by the imminent release of FF 15.

What's the initial install size of physical woff on vita?
I know the voice dlc is 500mb each right?
Cause no way it's 3gb as the box states.
Yes, I am rather certain that all copies will end up being "Day One Edition" copies. WoFF Being a FFgame makes it a system seller, but unfortunately it is nigh impossible to find a system to buy in any retailer, let alone a copy of this game. And the PS4 version will very soon be overshadowed by the imminent release of FF 15.
This all sounds logical. Vita stuff it's all online or nothing really. Even Gamestop doesn't really seem to be stocking them, though I rarely go to Gamestop so that could be wrong.

I thought I saw that someone had already seen physical copies of the PS4 WoFF that were NOT day one. I may be wrong given that this is a Squeenix release.

Scratch that, that was someone talking about the LE compared to the Day One. Nevermind!

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Yes, I am rather certain that all copies will end up being "Day One Edition" copies. WoFF Being a FFgame makes it a system seller, but unfortunately it is nigh impossible to find a system to buy in any retailer, let alone a copy of this game. And the PS4 version will very soon be overshadowed by the imminent release of FF 15.
This all sounds logical. Vita stuff it's all online or nothing really. Even Gamestop doesn't really seem to be stocking them, though I rarely go to Gamestop so that could be wrong.
I know I might be overpaying even with the 20% PRIME discount. It's really hard to judge with Vita games now, at some point I have decided that the anxiety of waiting for $30, then hoping BBY would have it in stock for GCU, then hoping it comes with the Day 1 Japanese voice DLC is not worth the delta of $8 ($40 * 0.8 - $30 * 0.8, excluding tax).

Speaking of which, is it true we can use that offer on buying GC's? I wouldn't mind loading up on PSN and Steam GC's...
I actually have no idea, I would assume it would, since it would just appear as a regular purchase as far as AMEX is concerned. But haven't tried in the past, I always bought physical merchandise.

Was able to get dragon quest builders off a seller on Amazon for $23. Is there any way to change the language to English by any chance?

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Was able to get dragon quest builders off a seller on Amazon for $23. Is there any way to change the language to English by any chance?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If it's the Asia region one with English subs, it should automatically be in English if your system is set to English. If it's the Japan region one, the answer is unfortunately no.

Given as long as I've taken to try the demo for WoFF... I think I'm just going to pass it up for now. I don't really know when I'd even play it and why I'd play it ahead of any of the other recent games I've bought that I was actually super happy to buy.
If WoFF was cross-buy I would have picked it up day one even though I'm not going to touch it for months. I thought the demo did a much better job selling the game then 15's "carbuncle" demo that I played because they said it was the only way to get the summon. Maybe if they simply called it KH like it is I wouldn't have been so annoyed by it.

I'm not an RPG guy but want to try one. Should I splurge on WoFF or wait for a PSN sale on Adventures of Mana ? All these comments about WoFF make me think I should sit this out and just borrow Children of Light from a friend.  :D/

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I'm not an RPG guy but want to try one. Should I splurge on WoFF or wait for a PSN sale on Adventures of Mana ? All these comments about WoFF make me think I should sit this out and just borrow Children of Light from a friend. :D/
Persona 4 Golden. Cheap and good. Adventures of Mana is more Zelda than RPG and WoFF is a collect a thon though is an RPG. P4 Golden will give you an amazing amount of content for a good price. Too bad afterwards if you try other RPGs they may end up feeling a bit subpar. I did like Persona 3 more than 4...but just by a little.

Got an email today that Gamestop cancelled my P4DAN: Disco Fever edition.  It says it may be the result of the system being unable to process the order, but I used a gift card, so this is strange.

I placed this order over a week ago.  Ugh.

EDIT: And they didn't refund the gift card.  Customer service wait time is 30 minutes.  Great job, Gamestop.

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Got an email today that Gamestop cancelled my P4DAN: Disco Fever edition. It says it may be the result of the system being unable to process the order, but I used a gift card, so this is strange.

I placed this order over a week ago. Ugh.

EDIT: And they didn't refund the gift card. Customer service wait time is 30 minutes. Great job, Gamestop.
In the last year, almost 50% of the orders I placed where cancelled. So I don't know if the deals had sold out, and their system showed the wrong qty's, or if it's just their poor level of business acumen, or what?

In the end, I really only deal with them when it's do or die, and my one good friend who is a manager is actually leaving today, as he's been there to long, and can no longer take it. LOL I really wished him well, but now I have no one to deal with in times of crisis, so at this point I might just stop shopping there all together.

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Have to say, HeavyArms Store came through for me.


I ordered last month and it took about 3 weeks to get here in Ohio, but I am very pleased!  The communication, invoice process, Paypal process was very painless.  I will definitely be ordering all my ASIA releases from him from now on.  Thanks Steve!

Have to say, HeavyArms Store came through for me.


I ordered last month and it took about 3 weeks to get here in Ohio, but I am very pleased! The communication, invoice process, Paypal process was very painless. I will definitely be ordering all my ASIA releases from him from now on. Thanks Steve!
Yeah, their really good. They have great service and great prices, and restock all the time. The are for sure my go to service for ASIA English releases. I actually need to place an order, but I've had some financial issues recently, and until my funds get back to normal, I'll only be order from LRG(as they are super cheap). LOL

I'm not an RPG guy but want to try one. Should I splurge on WoFF or wait for a PSN sale on Adventures of Mana ? All these comments about WoFF make me think I should sit this out and just borrow Children of Light from a friend. :D/
Trails of Cold Steel - if only for the amazing Nihon Falcom tunes

Then Ys Celceta for a more Action RPG approach - again, for the amazing Nihon Falcom tunes

In the last year, almost 50% of the orders I placed where cancelled. So I don't know if the deals had sold out, and their system showed the wrong qty's, or if it's just their poor level of business acumen, or what?
I just got a notice that it was out of stock today. Seems like it shouldn't have taken them over a week to realize that, and now any stores that had it in stock a reasonable drive my house don't have it.

I also used rewards points to get a gift card to pay for this (which I could have used on say, Amazon), so once it's refunded, I'll have to find something to do with it.

Guess I'll just avoid buying from Gamestop online now.

Have to say, HeavyArms Store came through for me.


I ordered last month and it took about 3 weeks to get here in Ohio, but I am very pleased! The communication, invoice process, Paypal process was very painless. I will definitely be ordering all my ASIA releases from him from now on. Thanks Steve!
I discovered HeavyArm earlier this year, and I've been completely pleased with ordering there. I like the fact that I'm dealing with a shop owner (and, I have a feeling he might also be a collector), vs a larger, more corporate and faceless place like Play-Asia. (Nothing against P-A...I've ordered several things from them as well with no problems).

HeavyArm restocks quite often, and has a very active Twitter presence to alert people when things go in and out of stock. Another small pro-tip: if you opt for the express shipping, he usually throws something extra in the package at no additional cost. My last order (Dragon Quest Builders and Deception IV TNP), he threw in the Vita analog stick grip covers for free. Nothing huge, but a little nod of thanks for using the upgraded shipping the express shipping provides tracking all the way to your door.
I discovered HeavyArm earlier this year, and I've been completely pleased with ordering there. I like the fact that I'm dealing with a shop owner (and, I have a feeling he might also be a collector), vs a larger, more corporate and faceless place like Play-Asia. (Nothing against P-A...I've ordered several things from them as well with no problems).

HeavyArm restocks quite often, and has a very active Twitter presence to alert people when things go in and out of stock. Another small pro-tip: if you opt for the express shipping, he usually throws something extra in the package at no additional cost. My last order (Dragon Quest Builders and Deception IV TNP), he threw in the Vita analog stick grip covers for free. Nothing huge, but a little nod of thanks for using the upgraded shipping the express shipping provides tracking all the way to your door.
In my last batch of (HK release) imports, I did quite some digging to find the cheapest route but still retain some reliability and peace of mind. Eventually I find that Heavy Arm prices are still higher compared to other venues that I had access to. But might try them when I import Moe Crystal + Digimon Next Order

In my last batch of (HK release) imports, I did quite some digging to find the cheapest route but still retain some reliability and peace of mind. Eventually I find that Heavy Arm prices are still higher compared to other venues that I had access to. But might try them when I import Moe Crystal + Digimon Next Order
I've had some items cost more and some less, but I like the way they do business. Almost every other import place I have used has has issues with cancellations, or can be hard to reach.

The only other import I have used what operates in a similar fashion is NCSX in NY. The don't carry most of the ASIA releases I want, but they do carry systems, toys and other collectibles that I like to buy. And I have been dealing with them for about 20 years with no issues.

I'll pay a little more every time when it comes to piece of mind, and most big name import places just don't offer that, at least to me.

HeavyArm was the cheapest place in town before the mandatory $10 shipping charge.  They are still awesome.

Funny story, I actually bought Oreshika from 'Heavyarms' on Ebay back when the game was super rare.  They had a feedback score of (1).   To my surprise the game arrived in about a week, and the customer service was top notch when I sent him a question.  There was no tracking on the package meaning he had very little seller protection, which I found surprising.  About seven days later Ebay closed the HeavyArms account.  Or perhaps he closed it.  I noticed this because an item on my watch list just disappeared.   No idea what happened there.  I was pleasantly shocked with the quality of service from them though.   They had free shipping at the time too. 

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Yeah, I remember those Ebay listings. The prices were slightly higher than what was offered on their sight I believe, so I always saw that as to why the shipping was free. Most Ebay shoppers like "free" VS. cost, so I think that was a selling tactic.

Also at that time, I think HA wasn't really well known(at least as well as today), and even though a person with creative searching skills could find their site, I don't think a lot of buyers would feel confidant ordering imports from an unknown shop in Malaysia.

But with good practices and word of mouth, that is no longer an issue. I love supporting places like this, instead of big business that sends  fuck ing robotic replies to simple questions. I still use Play-Asia, but over the last few years service is down and prices are up. So I only go there when there is no other option and I plan accordingly by using Paypal and making sure if there is any issues, I contact them before the 45 day claim window closes.

I was under the impression I could take my hard drive out of my PS4 and just pop it into a PS4 Pro, sign in, and activate it as my primary PS4. I can, but apparently it will reformat my hard drive when I put it into any other PS4, and I'll have to reinstall the system software from USB. I guess I will delete all my games except Skyrim and then back up my PS4 onto a flash drive, then restore it (so I don't have to remake my accounts and junk).

Just wondering if there is some faster/easier way to do this. I know I could back my whole hard drive up onto an external drive, but my external drives are all busy, and I doubt it would be any faster than a flash drive, would it?

I know I can also transfer from one PS4 to another via network, but that's pointless too since my hard drive will already have been reformatted by that point. :(
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