PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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So I guess it is safe to assume there won't be a physical western release for Persona 3 & 5 Dancing?  :cry:

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I noticed that, but I'm not 100% sure what that means. Does that mean that the game code has to be ready to go or just that it's registered for a UPC?
Just has to be registered.

So I guess it is safe to assume there won't be a physical western release for Persona 3 & 5 Dancing? :cry:
Atlus will not say for sure until E3. Good chance there will be a physical though, if not for R1 then at least for R3... but hoping for R1 of course. ;)

Hoping that publishers crank out the Vita games that they have been considering releasing. Sony really screwed up with their stupid memory card crap from the get-go. Also, it irritates me that the system cannot be played exclusively with the power cord if the battery no longer works. Otherwise it is a tremendous system that has kept on kicking even though it didn't sell too great in NA. I think Vita fans owe LRG a big thanks for keeping the games coming and influencing other small publishers to release games physically that would never otherwise been available on cartridge. I also appreciate LRG making my going for a full Vita set so much damn more expensive and stressful.

Anyone know if The Lost Child is getting a physical release for vita? I don't see it on amazon. I don't usually play DRPG but it actually looks pretty decent

Anyone know if The Lost Child is getting a physical release for vita? I don't see it on amazon. I don't usually play DRPG but it actually looks pretty decent

Lost Child is physical on PS4/Switch, digital only on Vita.
Yeah, NISA chose to make a really dumb decision and effective for 2018, no more physical Vita releases from them... even though their parent company still releases everything physical over in Japan. Truly no point to doing a "digital-only" PS Vita release when you're a company that rather consistently has sold out of physical copies in the pre-order phase of Vita titles the past three years.

Likewise, Marvelous/XSeed has given up on physical releases for Vita effective this year, despite having announced the very highly anticipated Fate/extella Link... digital-only, arrrgh! And again, that title is having a physical release in Japan. Once again fingers crossed for a R3-English physical release, though such is unlikely as Marvelous doesn't seem to do R3 releases hardly to speak of.

If you're already going through the trouble of fully localizing a big Japanese video game like these, it's a rather stupid idea to not do a physical release and capitalize on the full fanbase. But these two publishers, and a couple others (Square Enix, Tecmo Koei and Bandai Namco) have elected to repeatedly shoot themselves in their own proverbial feet these last couple of years by electing to disregard the rather large consumer bases they have who will only buy physical copies of video games. Is it logical? Not in the slightest. Is there actually a reason why they've repeatedly elected to do this? The hell if i know, maybe Nintendo has paid them not to? Your guess is as good as mine.

All I do know for sure is they aren't getting one zinc cent out of me for a download-only game.

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Honestly, I always saw 2018 as probably the last runs for most Vita games anyway, so the end of cart production in early 2019 isn't a shock at all. For a system in a region where new system offerings stopped so long ago, the Vita really was "Life". As I guess Sony picked the right name, as it survived long past their inept handling of the system since it was first announced.

I don't know of any other system in the history of gaming that died so early on(in certain regions), and still got so much support after the fact. I also doubt in this current day and age, that it will ever happen again. Hopefully all these "limited" places see the end in site, and try to produce as many games as possible for this last bit of time.

There has been no mentioned of Asia cart production, so I would guess the end of 2019 is as far as that may go, or it may end in the same time frame as the west. Either way, I'm sure we will still get some Asian English offerings thru out this year, so it's not over yet, but the end is for sure in sight. So a HUGE Thank You to the Vita for all the fun times, and a HUGE  fuck to Sony, for the obvious reasons.

The Dreamcast while great, and has had many games made after the fact, it really doesn't mimic the Vita, as once the Dreamcast was no longer being sold, the retail games went with it. Almost all old systems still get homebrew games, but no other system stopped being sold, and still received hundreds of retail games.

The Dreamcast while great, and has had many games made after the fact, it really doesn't mimic the Vita, as once the Dreamcast was no longer being sold, the retail games went with it. Almost all old systems still get homebrew games, but no other system stopped being sold, and still received hundreds of retail games.
And if we're counting homebrews, then the 2600 has the Dreamcast beat by a couple decades! Regarding the Vita, didn't Sony stop distribution in the US in 2016? So we will have had about 3 years of official releases after the console "died" here. Can't say I'm surprised it's finally coming to an end, but at least we managed to keep the show going for a little while longer.
Any difference between The Lost Child PS4/Switch versions? I have the PS4 version preordered but considering switching.

The Dreamcast while great, and has had many games made after the fact, it really doesn't mimic the Vita, as once the Dreamcast was no longer being sold, the retail games went with it. Almost all old systems still get homebrew games, but no other system stopped being sold, and still received hundreds of retail games.
It was still well supported in Japan by releases after the US discontinued the system. The same could be said for the Saturn. Probably why Sega got out of the home system market.
It was still well supported in Japan by releases after the US discontinued the system. The same could be said for the Saturn. Probably why Sega got out of the home system market.
Yeah, that's why my original comment mentioned western offerings, after the Vita was no longer offered in the US. As far as I know, the Vita is still produced in Japan, as I've never seen any mentioned of production having stopped. Most Japanese systems of the past almost always get support long after western offerings, as that is the point of origin, and that really isn't anything new. As that's always been the case.

The Vita still getting 2-3 years of retail/digital releases after new systems are no longer offered, is still a singular anomaly that I've never seen before, and I don't think it will ever happen again.

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I don't know of any other system in the history of gaming that died so early on(in certain regions), and still got so much support after the fact.
The Dreamcast while great, and has had many games made after the fact, it really doesn't mimic the Vita, as once the Dreamcast was no longer being sold, the retail games went with it. Almost all old systems still get homebrew games, but no other system stopped being sold, and still received hundreds of retail games.
Just going off your comment. If you want really want to get down to certain specifics, than yea it's different.

Considering the Vita released in 2012, and Sony themselves had stopped supporting it with major games years ago, I'd say we got a fantastic run with the system. I for one would also love to see more physical releases this year, as I don't buy retail games digitally for Vita, but as a consumer that purchased my Vita during the launch window, I'm really satisfied with the system. More can always be better, and it's a sad day sun-setting the Vita, but I understand Sony's discontinuing of card manufacturing.

I saw it coming, and I'm okay with it. Most of the games I buy for it nowadays are dungeon crawlers and VNs. I will miss those on it, but otherwise the system had a good run. I hope the 3DS follows in its footsteps soon as well.

Not surprised, actually the system lasted a lot longer than I thought. Personally I don't feel so bummed out by this news because I am still siting on over 100 physical games not including digital that I haven't even touched. So I plan on gaming on the Vita for a couple more years even after the curtain falls on what I personally consider the greatest handheld I have ever owned. 

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Not surprised, actually the system is lasted a lot longer than I thought. Personally I do not feel so bummed out by this news because I am still siting on over 100 physical games not including digital that I haven't even touched. So I plan I plan on gaming on the Vita for a couple more years after the curtain falls on what I personally consider the greatest handheld I have ever owned.
Yeah, pretty much the same for me. This has been my most collected run of games, EVER. I haven't taken a count recently, but it's a hell of a lot, and then some. If the Vita had ended last year it would have been cool, as I have more games to play than I know what to do with. LOL

We for sure have many great games still coming this year with Shakedown Hawaii shown above being one of the better offerings. I always figured 2018 was gonna be the end, as I just hoped it didn't happen before Bloodstained got finished, so to get the whole year and then some, I'll take.

I saw it coming, and I'm okay with it. Most of the games I buy for it nowadays are dungeon crawlers and VNs. I will miss those on it, but otherwise the system had a good run. I hope the 3DS follows in its footsteps soon as well.
Please let the 3ds die as soon as possible. It's been a great system but the Switch is so much better.

I'll miss the Vita but I'm still shocked it's lasted this long.

What was you guys' favorite RPG for the Vita? Mine was Y's Memories of Celceta because it opened me up to the franchise.

Yeah, pretty much the same for me. This has been my most collected run of games, EVER. I haven't taken a count recently, but it's a hell of a lot, and then some. If the Vita had ended last year it would have been cool, as I have more games to play than I know what to do with. LOL

We for sure have many great games still coming this year with Shakedown Hawaii shown above being one of the better offerings. I always figured 2018 was gonna be the end, as I just hoped it didn't happen before Bloodstained got finished, so to get the whole year and then some, I'll take.
Let's just hope that Bloodstained on the Vita actually runs well. I still have this feeling that it's going to be cancelled.

At least Etrian has already been confirmed to be the last new game of the series on the 3ds. Unfortunately I think the 3ds will probably limp along for several more years.
It's still selling too well for Nintendo to just pull the plug on it. The Game Boy, GBA, and DS all hung around long after they were passed up by more powerful systems, so the 3DS will probably be around for awhile yet, too.
If you're already going through the trouble of fully localizing a big Japanese video game like these, it's a rather stupid idea to not do a physical release and capitalize on the full fanbase. But these two publishers, and a couple others (Square Enix, Tecmo Koei and Bandai Namco) have elected to repeatedly shoot themselves in their own proverbial feet these last couple of years by electing to disregard the rather large consumer bases they have who will only buy physical copies of video games. Is it logical? Not in the slightest. Is there actually a reason why they've repeatedly elected to do this? The hell if i know, maybe Nintendo has paid them not to? Your guess is as good as mine.
All I do know for sure is they aren't getting one zinc cent out of me for a download-only game.
I doubt the consumer base for these (mostly niche... or even super niche) games would be profitable enough to make it worth doing for bigger companies. It's not just about making a fanbase happy, it's about it making sense to the accounting department and others to go physical. They can't survive on 2000K production runs like LRG can. Many of them rely on vanilla versions selling at retail, and most of the vita games released to retail over the past year have failed to sell out without HEAVY discounts on Amazon (and even Gamestop, where maybe each store gets one or two copies but they still aren't selling). I'm sure GS has already cut orders on Vita games with publishers and we know there are almost no BB stores left with Vita options for selling games and BB has ended up mostly going preorder only on games. With fewer retail options, that makes it even harder on these companies to publish games physically.

Add to this Sony is ending cart production. Sony made this decision. Why are they doing that when they kept disc production for the PSP for something like 10+ years? I think the answer is simply that they have to keep at least one production facility running full time to make it worth having the people and resources dedicated to produce the carts and right now they aren't getting enough production orders to make it worth it. I'm sure these publishers have helped put the nail in the coffin, but at the same time it's consumers leaving games to have to go to deep discounted prices on Amazon and the last two retailers cutting orders for new games that have forced their hands. It's a natural end to a systems life... and digital publishing isn't the cause, it's the last option for making a profit off of these smaller games.

It's hard to maybe take this, but the Vita, as much as I love it and most all of us here love it... is not a very popular system.

It's hard to maybe take this, but the Vita, as much as I love it and most all of us here love it... is not a very popular system.
Former GS Employee here. This is true. We had a number of vita collectors near by, and our store got about 1 copy of every release if it was not preordered, but 99% of ordered quantities go to stores, leaving few online, and most games either sku converted to pre-owned or just went on sale and eventually sold. Dont see people jumping on VN after VN after VN.... With the occasional DC thrown in. Drive Girls was one that sku converted a few months back. Most PO inventory is new copies.

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Newsworthy tweets from the land of twitter!


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Square could have easily done physical Vita releases exclusive to their online store like they did for Lost Sphear.  Retailers are a non issue.

Please let the 3ds die as soon as possible. It's been a great system but the Switch is so much better.
When the Switch can survive a plane ride without charging, I'll agree the Switch is so much better.

As for favorite RPG on the Vita, probably Dungeon Travelers 2. It's surprisingly well-balanced, when the draw was supposed to be the ecchi.

The Dreamcast is not really an apt comparison. For starters, the Dreamcast had an even shorter lifespan. A considerably shorter lifespan, in fact, the Dreamcast was cancelled only about two years after releasing in the US, and three after releasing in Japan.

As a second point, the Dreamcast was far less proprietary, and far friendlier to indie development after the fact. Most Dreamcast fans are aware about just how negligible the system's copy-protection was. While the Dreamcast used proprietary GD-Rom discs for its games, it had zero protection against burned CDs. And it would boot and play burned CD-R discs without any complaints. So as long as a particular game didn't take up more than 700 MB (and most released games for the system didn't) it was quite easy to download ripped copies, burn them to a disc, and be off to the races. This not only made the Dreamcast a go-to system for pirates, but also extremely popular with emulator developers, and hobbyist game developers. Even today, it is possible for Dreamcast games to be produced and sold, simply by keeping them under 700 MB and releasing them as pressed CDs. If you're not concerned about getting Sega's blessing (and most people aren't) there's really nothing stopping you from developing your own Dreamcast game.

The same will not hold true for the Vita. The Vita carts are far more proprietary. Without Sony's cooperation, it is unlikely that any of them will ever be produced again in the future. Ditto for the game cases, which were of a non-standard size. It will still be possible for the Vita to see digital releases, nothing really stopping that. But even those will have to go through Sony's official on-line store, and they could pull the plug on those as well any time they pleased. I seriously doubt that they will do that. It costs them next to nothing to host those games, and there's always the chance of selling them again down the line through emulation. But I don't think very many developers are going to continue to target the Vita as a release platform.

For physical releases, the Vita is going to have a hard stop, far more so than most other systems. And its relatively short time on the market is going to make it quite desirable for collectors in the coming years. (one could argue that it already has a strong collector following)

Another interesting aspect for the Vita is the percentage of its physical library that is made up of limited release games (LRG/PA/SLG/etc). If someone wanted to formulate a rough number, then that would be awesome, as I'm too lazy. I'd be willing to bet that it's a rather high percentage of extant physical titles (even more so if one looks at Western releases only, vs including Japan/Asia). That could definitely make collecting for the Vita down the road an expensive proposition, if one wasn't 'on the train' during the releases and the Vita's actual relevance (if that was ever even a thing haha).

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The biggest question is if Sekai Project will ever release the rest of the Vita ports via LRG. Almost June and still no sign of a physical release of Rabi Ribi

The biggest question is if Sekai Project will ever release the rest of the Vita ports via LRG. Almost June and still no sign of a physical release of Rabi Ribi
This is my biggest concern. I was really looking forward to all those visual novels they announced a while back. I hope they can still make it happen, but I get the feeling they won’t be ready in time. :(
This is my biggest concern. I was really looking forward to all those visual novels they announced a while back. I hope they can still make it happen, but I get the feeling they won’t be ready in time. :(
And Sekai Project will use the end of the Vita Production as an excuse why they can't do Vita anymore.

bread's done