PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


293 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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Wow! So if you buy both titles from Amazon they'll be $99.98 + tax and free standard shipping. But if you buy the Limited Edition Box Set directly from PQube/Rice Digital, they're $79.99 + $30.00 for international shipping + nominal international transaction fee (about three dollars).

So if, as example, I were to order both games from Amazon, with S.C. 6% state sales tax, total would be: $105.98

But if I ordered the L.E. Box Set direct from the publisher, total would be roughly: $113.99

So for about $8 more you get can have the L.E. Box Set, crazy!

Bizarre for this to happen, but clearly the Limited Edition Box Set is a much better value even with the laughably terrible $30 international S&H.:
So I'm considering on getting both of these games but someone persuade me into the Limited Edition. Is the LE just a box and 6 art cards and that's it or am I missing something?

So I'm considering on getting both of these games but someone persuade me into the Limited Edition. Is the LE just a box and 6 art cards and that's it or am I missing something?
You are correct. I'm going to AX18 this year, and Ricedigital/Pqube is on the vendor list. So hopefully they'll have the CE on sale there to avoid S&H.

Cool, thanks. Totally the cheapest alternative yet... Free worldwide shipping blew my mind!
They also have really good customer service and package things very nicely. They tend to ship items from their US address, so you don't have to wait for an 'international' shipment from Canada.

I don't know the way to best do that (otherwise I'd be talking at a board meeting instead of here) but I don't think it's just Vita+better hardware.
You would be correct. Vita+better hardware is not the way to go. Oh, better hardware would be nice. But it shouldn't be the point. It doesn't need to be the point.

And you're on the right track with the on-line PSN store, but I suspect that the use-case you are describing is for more of a niche audience. Not everyone is interested in inexpensive digital imports. (though I can certainly see the appeal) Discussing a global on-line store would be something Sony would have to collaborate on with their development partners. You can't just force that sort of thing, though it would be possible to offer it as an option to developers.

Take a step back, analyze the industry, and get a feel for what the competition is doing. Then make some informed predictions about the direction things are going. That is how you plan for a new product. With the PS4, Sony re-focused their efforts on games. They stepped back from the media machine they had been trying to build with the PS3, and instead focused on what had made their gaming division successful in the first place. A tight focus on games, and really solid third-party development support. All of the design decisions for the PS4 are focused on those strengths.

Now look at the current portable market. You've got mobile platforms, which are hugely successful, but have grossly underpriced mass-market software. Most of their stores are just straight-up stuffed with shovel-ware, and discoverability is a real problem. Then you have dedicated platforms like the 3DS and Switch. The Switch is competition to worry about, Nintendo did a lot right with that system. The 3DS is dangerous because its so well established, and can be very competitively priced. Those are some substantial obstacles, and they need to be taken into account. They have weaknesses to exploit as well, though.

Now take a look at Sony, and figure out what their core competencies are, and what advantages they can leverage. Sony has solid industrial design. The PSP, Vita, and Vita slim all had smooth, appealing exterior design. They can make a good-looking system that will appear slick and appealing on-the-go. They have decent developer relations and support. These qualities have been re-inforced with the release of the PS4. Now is the best time for them to leverage that strength. And perhaps most significant, they have a strong on-line infrastructure and store, as well as a sizable heaping of digital offerings. This is an advantage that few, if any, of their competitors can boast of. Nintendo has always been behind when it comes to on-line support, Sony could leap-frog them easily on this front. And mobile storefronts have become choked with un-regulated run-off. PSN's more closely managed storefront is vastly more appealing, and considerably less clogged with gunk.

My personal suggestion is a mobile Sony platform with mid-range hardware, specifically geared towards portability. If they make it more powerful than the Switch, they've probably gone too far. It would be ideal if they could squeeze a mobile-optimized x86 chip into it. Many of the major chip manufacturers have begun optimizing their CPUs for laptops, resulting in CPUs with much lower power draw that can run cooler. Normalizing the architecture across their mobile and console platforms would make porting to the mobile platform a complete breeze, which would make developers very happy, even if they have to sacrifice power to make it happen.

The really big question is the controls. What do you do about those? Nintendo kind of knocked it out of the park with the Switch's Joycons. But I'm not sure it would be best to ape that design. Allowing people to pair their own controller options via blue-tooth is a given. You should be able to pair the portable with a DualShock 4, right out of the box. A dock would also be a good idea, but I'm wondering if they should make it as a secondary add-on. I'm also thinking that you should be able to plug the portable into a PS4, and essentially use the PS4 as a dock if you want to. (pass the video from the portable through the PS4, not sure if this would be possible with USB 3)

And of course, any and all legacy digital PSN offerings should run on this thing. PS1 games should run on it. PSP games should run on it, and digital PS Vita games should run on it.

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I'm not sure where that advice came from?
He was probably saying that because people have had their credit cards compromised through ordering from The weird thing is that I don't remember any sort of public announcement or follow-up from the incident, either. So it seems like they have very little accountability.

He was probably saying that because people have had their credit cards compromised through ordering from The weird thing is that I don't remember any sort of public announcement or follow-up from the incident, either. So it seems like they have very little accountability.
Damn, that's good to know. I didn't even know that had happened!

Sweet Jesus another one of you mindless internet Queefs ? Go back to downloading your PornHub videos or watching Paul Logan please
Please don't make fun of the natural body function that is queefing. It is completely normal and not funny at all. Do you know how many woman suffer from worrying about this while having sex because of people like you? Laughing at queefs is as funny and mature as laughing at farts. Please do no do this. It really brings the high quality discussion that is found only on this website down to a base level only low IQ people such as yourself can appreciate. We're above that here, thank you very much.

Bloodstained Ritual of the Night looks so cool. I wish I'd known about it in time to back it for a physical edition.

So when are Kickstarter copies of Muv Luv supposed to be shipping out?  I imagine at or before the normal copies go up for sale?

Maybe, but at least we're getting a bunch of exclusive physical stuff?
True. $150 got the best deal

1 Christmas-2017-Artworks-Digital
1 Director's Cut Patch
1 Muv-Luv Alternative CODEX (Digital)
1 Muv-Luv Alternative Vita Digital Copy
1 Muv-Luv Photonflowers and Photonmelodies PC Digital Copy
1 Muv-Luv Trilogy Collector's Box (Muv-Luv Japanese Team Printed Signatures on Mini-Shikishi) with physical PS Vita Cartridges, physical+digital Artbook, physical+digital OST and Sumika Figma
1 Muv-Luv Trilogy Digital Bundle PC
1 Muv-Luv Vita Digital Copy
1 Sumika Figma
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I'm surprised that no one has linked to this pre-order option yet:

About $72.50 shipped, which is a nice price.

I found them here for $68 total but it's the European versions.

If I'm just looking to play the games, any reason why I'd need North American vs Euro versions? I've bought euro games from shop4 before without a problem. Had a good experience with customer service via chat too.

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So, in other words, a nice big "fuck you" to the people that actually paid for the project.
I'm not saying you're wrong (to be clear), I just wanted to mention to everyone that this happens more often than you'd think it would with Kickstarter. It's especially common in the board game section. Sometimes they're apologetic and explain why, other times they just chuckle and shrug.

Usually it's being driven by some window or deadline that we may or may not even be aware of. A quick example was a project where if they waited to ship out all of their KS copies, they'd miss out on selling them at GenCon that year.
I'm not saying you're wrong (to be clear), I just wanted to mention to everyone that this happens more often than you'd think it would with Kickstarter. It's especially common in the board game section. Sometimes they're apologetic and explain why, other times they just chuckle and shrug.

Usually it's being driven by some window or deadline that we may or may not even be aware of. A quick example was a project where if they waited to ship out all of their KS copies, they'd miss out on selling them at GenCon that year.
You're right, it is very common. Usually it's because the campaign is partnering with a publisher and needs to repack the retail product into the custom collector's packaging and add the specific items that only Kickstarter backers were promised. I suppose they could force the third party publisher to wait to release until the Kickstarter copies go out, but that could take weeks or months. As long as they deliver what was promised to backers, it doesn't bother me that retail copies may be available before I receive my special backer version.

So even if I backed the regular physical editions I will have to wait later this summer? Is it just so they can print all backer rewards first and then ship?

So even if I backed the regular physical editions I will have to wait later this summer? Is it just so they can print all backer rewards first and then ship?
Hopefully we won't have to wait for all the other backer rewards to get made for those of us that just got the regular physical editions. I mean, it's been a hell of a long time coming for these games as it is.

So even if I backed the regular physical editions I will have to wait later this summer? Is it just so they can print all backer rewards first and then ship?
They did a vote a few years back asking how the backers wanted their stuff shipped. The vast majority picked to have all their stuff shipped together at once.

You should email them your question, because I don't think the tier you backed will get any extras.

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PS Vita Region 1 Physical Game Directory and Regions 1, 2 (Europe), and 3 (English) Checklists:

Announced & Upcoming Vita Physical Releases for Region 1:
Listed alphabetically by year and quarter with release date after game title.

- 2018 -
- 2nd Quarter

Super Hydorah (6/8)
Muv-Luv (6/26)
Muv-Luv Alternative (6/26)
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk (6/29)
- 3rd Quarter
Omega Labyrinth Z (3rd Quarter)
Sharin no Kuni ~The Girl Among the Sunflowers~ (3rd Quarter)
- 4th Quarter
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (TBA)
Shakedown Hawaii (TBA)
- Release Dates Not Yet Announced
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (TBA)
Battle Princess Madelyn (TBA)
Defender's Quest (TBA)
Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria (TBA)
Fault: Milestone One (TBA)
Forma.8 (TBA)
Mercenary Kings (TBA)
Musynx (TBA)
Narcissu: 10th Anniversay Anthology (TBA)
Nuclear Throne (TBA)
Punch Line (TBA)
Rabi-Ribi (TBA)
Runner 3 (TBA)
Salt & Sanctuary (TBA)
Siralim 2 (TBA)
The Emerald Tablet (TBA)
Va-11 Hall-A (TBA)
World End Economica: Episode 1 (TBA)
World End Economica: Episode 2 (TBA)
World End Economica: Episode 3 (TBA)
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG (TBA)

- Special Edition Pre-Order Updates -

- Aksys Games -
 - Nothing announced.

- Atlus -
 - Nothing announced.

- Badland Games -
 - Nothing announced.

- Gaijin Works -
 - Nothing announced.

- Idea Factory -
 - Nothing announced.

- Limited Run Games -
Super Hydorah
Collector's Edition - Not Yet Available
- $54.99
- URL Not yet available.
- Release Date: June 8th, 2018 at 10:00a.m. & 6:00p.m. EDT (GMT -5)

- Marvelous! / XSeed Games -
 - Nothing announced.

- NIS America -
 - Nothing announced.

- Rice Digital -
Muv Luv Trilogy
Complete Set (Rice Digital Exclusive Box Set) - Available
- $79.99 + Internation S&H
Complete Set (VGP Box Set) - Available
- $89.99 (Canadian Dollars) + FREE S&H
- Release Date: June 26th, 2018

- KickStarter Offerings -

- Koji Igarashi / 505 Games -
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- $60.00 + S&H (FULLY FUNDED! Still available to preorder!)
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night: Collector's Box
- $250.00 + S&H
- Targeted Release Date: March 2018

- ProjectSenseDev / Top Hat Studios -
Project Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story
- $75.00 & Up Tiers + S&H (FULLY FUNDED! Still available to preorder!)
Project Sense: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story: Sixth Sense Collector's Edition
- $350.00 & Up Tiers + S&H
- Targeted Release Date: Sometime in 2019


- Deals Report -
Ever shrinking list of available deals. Once they're gone, they tend to stay gone.

$ 9.51 - MLB 13: The Show
$10.20 - Lego: Harry Potter: Years 5 - 7
$10.69 - Smart as...
$10.99 - Ragnarok Odyssey
$11.99 - Reality Fighters
$12.77 - Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
$12.99 - Lego: The Hobbit
$13.13 - Michael Jackson: The Experience HD
$13.81 - Lego: Legends of Chima: Laval's Journey
$14.95 - Zero Escape: Volume 2: Virtue's Last Reward
$14.96 - Army Corps of Hell
$14.98 - MLB 12: The Show
$14.99 - Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space
$15.91 - XBlaze Code: Embryo
$15.93 - Lego: Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
$16.80 - Soul Sacrifice
$17.00 - BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
$17.35 - Lego: The Lego Movie Videogame
$17.99 - Sly Cooper Collection
$18.20 - The Walking Dead: Season Two
$18.65 - Akiba's Beat
$19.40 - Spy Hunter
$19.50 - Farming Simulator 14
$19.53 - MLB 12: The Show (Canadian Cover)
$19.70 - Little Deviants
$19.99 - Lego: Marvel Avengers
$19.99 - Persona 4: Golden
$19.99 - Space Hulk (R2 Europe Import)
$20.79 - Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters
$20.87 - Terraria
$21.00 - Rayman Origins
$21.49 - Lego: Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
$21.59 - Sword Art Online: Lost Song
$21.86 - FIFA 14: Legacy Edition
$21.89 - Lego: Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin
$21.98 - Mortal Kombat
$22.36 - Velocity 2X : Critical Mass Edition
$22.95 - Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
$22.99 - Silent Hill: Book of Memories
$23.06 - God Wars: Future Past
$23.95 - Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX!!!!!
$23.95 - Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
$23.98 - Stranger of Sword City
$23.99 - Drive Girls
$24.00 - Dynasty Warriors: Next
$24.00 - ModNation Racers: Roadtrip
$24.19 - BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend
$24.43 - The Wolf Among Us
$24.77 - Lego: Ninjago: Nindroids
$24.78 - Street Fighter X Tekken
$24.85 - Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational
$24.97 - Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors
$24.99 - One Piece: Unlimited World Red
$24.99 - Risk of Rain
$29.99 - Bit.Trip Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
$29.99 - The Swindle: A Steampunk Cybercrime Caper
$45.99 - Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory (R3 Import, English),28xp0,13ffff2418-1af-4f
___ "New" items only! ___
$  .97 - MLB 15: The Show
$ 5.97 - Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (2.0 Edition) Starter Pack
$ 5.97 - Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition
$ 9.97 - World of Final Fantasy
$14.99 - Little Big Planet: PS Vita
$15.97 - SuperDimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls
$15.99 - Asphalt Injection
$17.97 - The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
$18.97 - God Wars: Future Past
$19.97 - Tokyo Tattoo Girls
$19.97 - Yomawari: Midnight Shadows
$19.99 - Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified
$19.99 - Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space
$19.99 - Farming Simulator 14
$19.99 - Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star
$19.99 - Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X
$19.99 - Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy
$19.99 - Terraria
$19.99 - Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
$19.99 - Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
$21.97 - The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Lionheart Edition
$23.97 - Axiom Verge: Multiverse Edition
$29.99 - Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star: Noble Phantasm Edition
$ 9.98 - MLB 13: The Show
$10.05 - FIFA Soccer 13
$13.67 - Lego: Legends of Chima: Laval's Journey
$16.84 - Lego: The Lego Movie Videogame
$16.89 - Lego: The Hobbit
$17.89 - Lego: The Lord of the Rings
$18.65 - Akiba's Beat
$18.88 - Lego: Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril
$18.99 - Farming Simulator 14
$19.99 - Lego: Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
$20.71 - Lego: Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
$20.99 - Lego: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
$21.61 - Mortal Kombat
$21.89 - Lego: Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin
$23.48 - Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition
$23.88 - Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
$23.99 - Drive Girls
$24.04 - Tokyo Tattoo Girls
$24.38 - Trillion: God of Destruction
$24.95 - MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
$25.08 - Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate
$55.02 - Tokyo Xanadu: Limited Edition
___ SALE ___
$18.99 - Sword Art Online: Lost Song
$21.99 - God Wars: Future Past
$26.99 - Shiren The Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate: Eternal Wanderer Edition
$39.99 - Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Hacker's Memory (R3 Import, English)

$12.50 - MLB 12: The Show
$15.00 - MLB 13: The Show
$15.00 - Lego: Harry Potter: Years 5 - 7
$15.00 - Lego: The Hobbit
$15.00 - Lego: The Lego Movie Videogame
$15.00 - Lego: Ninjago: Nindroids
$16.25 - Lego: Legends of Chima: Laval's Journey
$16.31 - Little Deviants
$16.31 - Reality Fighters
$17.50 - Soul Sacrifice
$17.50 - The Walking Dead: Season Two
$18.75 - Lego: Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
$18.75 - Lego: Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril
$20.00 - Army Corps of Hell
$20.00 - Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition
$20.00 - Mortal Kombat
$20.00 - Rayman Origins
$20.36 - Batman: Arkham Origins: Blackgate
$20.36 - Lego: Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin
$22.50 - Dungeon Hunter Alliance
$22.50 - Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time
$22.75 - God Wars: Future Past
$23.75 - Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
$ 7.99 - Reality Fighters
$ 8.42 - Smart as...
$ 9.40 - MLB 13: The Show
$ 9.99 - FIFA Soccer 13
$10.45 - Lego: Harry Potter: Years 5 - 7
$11.99 - Lego: Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
$12.79 - Army Corps of Hell
$14.00 - Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
$14.24 - Michael Jackson: The Experience HD
$14.96 - Lego: Jurassic World
$16.84 - Lego: The Lego Movie Videogame
$16.99 - Lumines: Electronic Symphony
$17.26 - Little Deviants
$17.29 - XBlaze Code: Embryo
$17.99 - Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
$17.99 - Lego: The Lord of the Rings
$18.88 - Lego: Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril
$18.99 - Farming Simulator 14
$18.99 - Sonic & All Star Racing Transformed
$19.50 - Lego: Star Wars: The Force Awakens
$19.53 - Rayman Origins
$19.71 - BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma
$19.77 - Persona 4: Golden
$19.89 - Child of Light
$19.98 - Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX!!!!!
$19.99 - Sly Cooper Collection
$20.19 - Soul Sacrifice
$20.70 - Rayman Legends
$20.70 - The Walking Dead: Season Two
$20.84 - Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters
$20.99 - Zero Escape: Volume 2: Virtue's Last Reward
$21.27 - Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star
$21.27 - Sword Art Online: Lost Song
$21.89 - Lego: Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin
$21.90 - Injustice: Gods Among Us: Ultimate Edition
$21.90 - Mortal Kombat
$22.00 - Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
$22.19 - Tetris Ultimate
$22.36 - Velocity 2X : Critical Mass Edition
$22.38 - BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma Extend
$22.45 - World of Final Fantasy
$22.80 - Street Fighter X Tekken
$22.99 - Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
$22.99 - Need for Speed: Most Wanted
$23.34 - The Wolf Among Us
$23.98 - Stranger of Sword City
$23.99 - Drive Girls
$24.21 - Tearaway
$24.38 - Trillion: God of Destruction
$24.89 - Dynasty Warriors: Next
$24.95 - Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors
$24.95 - MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
$24.96 - Freedom Wars
$24.97 - God Wars: Future Past
$24.99 - Root Letter
$24.99 - Silent Hill: Book of Memories
$47.50 - Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star: Noble Phantasm Edition
$55.02 - Tokyo Xanadu: Limited Edition


Thanks for the massive post, Tweeg. First time I've seen actual deals posted here in a while (not a dig or anything, enjoy the discussion and news here greatly as well).

Part of me wants to go for a full set since I'm only ~50 releases away, but the other part of me realizes that I'd have to buy all of the Lego/FIFA/MLB/Farming Simulator/Telltale games that I have no interest in actually playing. I enjoy collecting as much as the next guy, but I don't know if I can mentally justify the purchase when there are plenty of other games coming out that I actually do want to play.

Part of me wants to go for a full set since I'm only ~50 releases away, but the other part of me realizes that I'd have to buy all of the Lego/FIFA/MLB/Farming Simulator/Telltale games that I have no interest in actually playing. I enjoy collecting as much as the next guy, but I don't know if I can mentally justify the purchase when there are plenty of other games coming out that I actually do want to play.
My thought exactly on going for the full list.
No official updates either way for some time, which in some ways is worse than a straight-up cancellation.
Right. Officially it has not been cancelled, so until Rice Digital/PQube officially makes a announcement concerning the status I'm assuming that it still has a planned release.

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Thanks for the massive post, Tweeg. First time I've seen actual deals posted here in a while (not a dig or anything, enjoy the discussion and news here greatly as well).

Part of me wants to go for a full set since I'm only ~50 releases away, but the other part of me realizes that I'd have to buy all of the Lego/FIFA/MLB/Farming Simulator/Telltale games that I have no interest in actually playing. I enjoy collecting as much as the next guy, but I don't know if I can mentally justify the purchase when there are plenty of other games coming out that I actually do want to play.
Yeah, I'm not to far off of a complete set myself, and I actually already own Lego/FIFA/MLB/Farming Simulator/Telltale, so I'm ahead of the curve I guess. LOL

For me, I know if I ever get a full set, I'll probably sell it shortly afterwards, as I've done that with 90% of my collections over the years. I actually collected games I wanted back in the day, and still ended up with way to much to play, and there's just not enough time in the day. Even back when I was single, this was a pipe dream, and now, it's just down right fantasy. As I'll never get to most of these games if I lived to be a thousand.

Around six months ago I was visiting out of town and stopped by the local Gamestop to kill some time. I asked about Vita games, and was allowed to go behind the counter to look through the drawer they were being kept in. What new games they had were still sealed since they werent put out on the floor anymore.

Stopped by there again today and picked up (all still sealed) Fate Extella TUS Noble Edition for $30, Hakuoki Kyoto Winds, Collar X Malice, and God Wars Future Past for $20 each, and I used my birthday coupon on a Bad Apple Wars Day One that had been converted to preowned, but not actually opened, to bring it down to $19.
Not AMAZING prices, but I was happy to get it all unopened as all the Gamestops in my area gutted everything.
Around six months ago I was visiting out of town and stopped by the local Gamestop to kill some time. I asked about Vita games, and was allowed to go behind the counter to look through the drawer they were being kept in. What new games they had were still sealed since they werent put out on the floor anymore.

Stopped by there again today and picked up (all still sealed) Fate Extella TUS Noble Edition for $30, Hakuoki Kyoto Winds, Collar X Malice, and God Wars Future Past for $20 each, and I used my birthday coupon on a Bad Apple Wars Day One that had been converted to preowned, but not actually opened, to bring it down to $19.
Not AMAZING prices, but I was happy to get it all unopened as all the Gamestops in my area gutted everything.
Considering what the second hand market is starting to do to prices on some Vita games, I'd say you didn't do bad at all. Especially since they're sealed.

Right. Officially it has not been cancelled, so until Rice Digital/PQube officially makes a announcement concerning the status I'm assuming that it still has a planned release.
well since they are uk based they might cancel, originally they were going to be mostly digital only in eu and physical everywhere else but they might be hurt with the eu so they may say digital or nothing at this point, well play asia could say screw eu and print physical carts for everyone else if they can get the rights away from pqube

bread's done