PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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Went ot a Gametop the other day (which I havn;t done in forever) and they didnt carry a single Vita item. No games, accessories or systems. Was kind of sad.

Gamefly has Danganronpa 2 for purchase at $27.99.  Does seem like much of a deal, but I couldn't find it for less than $40 anywhere else.

  1. Someone said that Nintendo games go down faster than Vita, but not at the stores I go to. Mario games on 3DS stay $30+ forever. I kick myself every time I remember paying more than $15 for a Vita game because they drop all the time.
  2. Why does anyone feel a need to compare the WiiU console with a Vita handheld? You could compare the Vita to 3DS, or the WiiU to PS4; but the audiences for the WiiU vs. Vita are completely different. One is Home/kids and the other is Mobile/Adults. I don't see the comparison at all.
2. I think the obvious reason people compare Wii U and Vita are because they are both struggling but both have a dedicated niche fanbase. I guess I'm one of the few that love both :) My guess is that both of these systems will be viewed much differently in 10-15 years than they are currently. Both have some amazing games that cater to their respective owners. People looking over the library in 10-15 years won't notice software droughts and such. They will be able to view the library of games in their entirety at the same time.

2. I think the obvious reason people compare Wii U and Vita are because they are both struggling but both have a dedicated niche fanbase. I guess I'm one of the few that love both :) My guess is that both of these systems will be viewed much differently in 10-15 years than they are currently. Both have some amazing games that cater to their respective owners. People looking over the library in 10-15 years won't notice software droughts and such. They will be able to view the library of games in their entirety at the same time.
Wii U and GC will both probably be viewed in the same light. Small library, all Nintendo stuff, weird hardware, under appreciated controllers, not really relevant to their generation other than a couple big titles. Maybe Vita will be similar to the DC where everyone will remember how great it was and ahead of it's time but 2/3s of the people that trumpet it will never have actually owned or played one.

Vita actually seems to be getting more stuff in general than 3DS, so if you're looking for a mobile gaming fix for the subway or whatever and you're into JRPGs and similar weeb stuff, it's not a bad console at all. I get plenty of use out of mine.
Does Dragons Crown Vita come with a manual? I'm thinking about grabbing a copy from GS and it doesn't seem to have one.
Vita is my indie machine. I get a lot of Binding of Isaac: Rebirth gameplay as well as Spelunky. It's full of niche games, although I think they're getting less good games in the future, but I'm also growing tired of dungeon crawlers and rhythm games along with generic RPGs. I'm drooling over later this year 3DS showings (Yokai watch is a high Level 5, Legend of Legacy....mmmm saga game, and Stella glow for some turn based goodness, and Popolcrois spinoff). Vita maybe Dungeon Travelers the future P4DAN and some indie games free through PS+.

Vita is in a poorer position currently. 3DS also has some fun local multiplayer stuff coming and another Mario & Luigi game, which even though i'm burnt out on those, I'll play it someday.

Nonetheless I love both systems though I think the 3DS is getting better stuff right now. There is no question the Vita has more power overall though. 

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What US Vita games actually come with a manual?  Granted, a lot of my Vita library is still sealed, but I can't name a single title off the top of my head that actually included a manual.

Does Dragons Crown Vita come with a manual? I'm thinking about grabbing a copy from GS and it doesn't seem to have one.
I have several 3DS games that came with manuals early on, but I'll be damned if I ever saw one for any Vita game. I swear, that was the first thing I noticed when I first got the Vita at launch, was how empty and wasteful those game cases are with that little ass game card, and nothing else(just an ocean of blue, with nothing else). If I have a manual with a Vita game, I have no idea what it was, and I doubt it was DC. LOL

The only manual thing I ever got was with Toukiden. It was a 2 page paper showing commands for the game. That's it haha.

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Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd for Vita actually comes with a manual.  I was floored when I opened the case. 

Forgot to add that the manual is even in color.  So it takes the cake on both rare manual "traits".

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I'll have to remember the ones mentioned that include a manual as I don't pay much attention to Vita manuals since I know the majority didn't include a manual. It would be nice to have a list, no matter how small, that did initially include a manual.

I also just received a couple Vita games today in the mail. Is Gamestop now shipping from individual stores? Used to all my online GS orders came from a GS warehouse but recently they've had all kinds of return addresses. Anyway, I got F1 2011 for $7.xx with the CAG16 (have to order over $25 for free shipping though). It came with the case and artwork so that's always a plus when ordering from Gamestop. 

Also won Hot Shots Golf new for $6.xx on eBay. 

Maybe Vita will be similar to the DC where everyone will remember how great it was and ahead of it's time but 2/3s of the people that trumpet it will never have actually owned or played one.
I wouldn't say that the Vita is ahead of it's time. Also, I own three or four Dreamcasts. (as well as two GameCube's) When I talk about how good some old systems are, there is personal experience behind it.

A lot of older systems have a hindsight element to them. Once a system's course has been run, it becomes a lot easier to set it aside and look at it objectively. It's also usually a lot easier to get the system for very little money, which takes the "value" of the system out of the equation. It is much easier to evaluate a hardware platform's merits and shortcomings when you aren't attempting to justify its price.

This is why so many older games look favorably on systems like the Dreamcast and GameCube. They were actually very strong systems, with some incredible exclusive titles. And due to market pressures, neither system got a fair shake in their own time. Any interested retro gamers could acquire those systems for a song, and up until recently they could also acquire most of the best games for those systems for very little. This has lead to a significant number of players singing the merits of those older systems.

We will likely see something similar for the Vita. Thanks to some of its hardware peculiarities, there are always going to be a handful of Vita titles that stand out, and are only available on that handheld. Also, the screen on the original model Vita is really, really good. It will likely find a place in the collector's market. A few years from now retro gamers will likely be lamenting the fact that the Vita didn't do better.

I agree about the retrospective on the Vita. Someday we'll look at it like the PSP a game system with a lot of RPGs, quirky games, some good first person games here and there and a lot of visual novels.

I can't say the same for the 3DS. I think it will be looked at more for having  a decent variety of titles as well, more first person releases for sure. Probably like it's predecessors, when it's finally out it will have quite a big library with exclusives all over the place. Nintendo is supporting it full on....they're not really going hard for the New 3DS XL....likely that will be just an iterative system with not many exclusives.

On an off topic I can say that looking back at the N64 man did I make a mistake...wanted Mother 64 and more RPGs. I did get a Playstation eventually, but yeah lots of weak games on that system. Course I had loads of fun multiplayer with Mario Kart, Goldeneye and others. I also loved the platformers such as Banjo Kazooie and even Donkey Kong 64.

Both systems are great though and great ways to play games on the go. 

I wouldn't say that the Vita is ahead of it's time. Also, I own three or four Dreamcasts. (as well as two GameCube's) When I talk about how good some old systems are, there is personal experience behind it.

A lot of older systems have a hindsight element to them. Once a system's course has been run, it becomes a lot easier to set it aside and look at it objectively. It's also usually a lot easier to get the system for very little money, which takes the "value" of the system out of the equation. It is much easier to evaluate a hardware platform's merits and shortcomings when you aren't attempting to justify its price.

This is why so many older games look favorably on systems like the Dreamcast and GameCube. They were actually very strong systems, with some incredible exclusive titles. And due to market pressures, neither system got a fair shake in their own time. Any interested retro gamers could acquire those systems for a song, and up until recently they could also acquire most of the best games for those systems for very little. This has lead to a significant number of players singing the merits of those older systems.

We will likely see something similar for the Vita. Thanks to some of its hardware peculiarities, there are always going to be a handful of Vita titles that stand out, and are only available on that handheld. Also, the screen on the original model Vita is really, really good. It will likely find a place in the collector's market. A few years from now retro gamers will likely be lamenting the fact that the Vita didn't do better.
I definitely think the Vita will find a spot in a lot of Collectors and Retro gamers hearts in the future. I also think you're right regarding looking back more objectively after a systems lifespan has ended. I think Vita will be remembered more fondly in the future than it is by some now.

Either way, it's a system that I'm enjoying and will continue to collect for.

Gamefly has Danganronpa 2 for purchase at $27.99. Does seem like much of a deal, but I couldn't find it for less than $40 anywhere else.
They also have Senran Kagura for $29.99. I ordered one as I haven't seen it cheaper and Gamefly is pretty much always complete with physical games...

Buying Vita Games now will prevent me in saying "man, I wish I bought those" when some of them will eventually become ridiculously hard to find in the future.

Buying Vita Games now will prevent me in saying "man, I wish I bought those" when some of them will eventually become ridiculously hard to find in the future.
Exactly, picked up 8 Vita games within the last 7 days from GS. 7 of 8 complete with artwork. I don't want to regret not getting these games now when I have the chance to get them cheap.

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Honestly very few games are coming out on Vita hard copy. Anything you want you may as well get since the transition seems to be going towards digital somewhat. Of course this is terrible with awful Vita memory card prices, but eh. At least some niche releases are still coming out hard copy. 

The Gamestop I usually go to is staffed by a rather hard working guy, knowledge of games be damned, and everytime I go there I wonder why the store doesn't hire an extra employee to help him.

Anyway, man Disgaea 4 is too damn rare.

Don't forget, you get $5 back in Rewards when you buy a $25 Gamestop Card until the end of this week.
I own one copy of this and planned on getting a 2nd when it hit $20..... that hasn't happened. Would it be prudent to just say F it and pick it up at is current price? Im starting to think its not going to hit $20 and will just become harder and harder to get

Buying Vita Games now will prevent me in saying "man, I wish I bought those" when some of them will eventually become ridiculously hard to find in the future.
yea. Especially with Best Buy's GCU. I usually just get 2 copies at launch of most games these days since they run out of stock fast

Is freedom wars physical getting hard to get? Can get it from gcu for like $12ish but part of me feels like it may go even cheaper. I don't know if I should buy it while its this price
I own one copy of this and planned on getting a 2nd when it hit $20..... that hasn't happened. Would it be prudent to just say F it and pick it up at is current price? Im starting to think its not going to hit $20 and will just become harder and harder to get

yea. Especially with Best Buy's GCU. I usually just get 2 copies at launch of most games these days since they run out of stock fast
Now I'm tempted to buy this one. There's a copy in stock at my closest GS store right near my house. And then the next closest store is 59 miles away from my house. I still have disgaea 1 and 2 on the ps2 in my backlog. I haven't even bought 3 and I'm thinking of buying part 4.

...If it has the real cover art insert, I'm going to have to buy it while the bday coupon is still active.

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Does Dragons Crown Vita come with a manual? I'm thinking about grabbing a copy from GS and it doesn't seem to have one.
I think most Vita games have a digital manual. When you select the game icon from your menu and it brings up the screen with the "start" button in the center window, there's usually some sort of manual icon also on the screen that you can select. I've got a pretty good sized stack of physical games, and I think DLC codes or ads for other games are all that has ever been in the case besides the game card, never an actual printed manual.

Exactly, picked up 8 Vita games within the last 7 days from GS. 7 of 8 complete with artwork. I don't want to regret not getting these games now when I have the chance to get them cheap.
I was thinking the same thing this week. I started with the cheaper ones:

Shinobido 2

Freedom Wars

Touch My Katamari

Army Corps of Hell

Reality Fighters

Super Money Ball

and Disney Infinity (used Kongregate coupon and $15 PUR coupon. I just wanted that black suit Spiderman).

All were complete with artwork, but I drove to a lot of GS stores think week using that $5 coupon. Army Corps was especially hard to find complete. Shinobido was hard to find period.

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It seems like a good price for a new copy, IMO. It seems like it's one of the top Vita sellers currently at Best Buy and I doubt they will replenish their stock once it sells out. Will it go lower? It's possible it may hit $10, but it's also possible it may also go OOS and OOP and $12 is the cheapest it will be.

I say if you want it, go for it while it's available. If it does drop more, it will likely only be cheaper by $1-2.

So i bought reality fighters used recently from gamestop & it requires an online pass. Was it my imagination or didnt gamestop give out online passes for used games on the receipt or something?
So i bought reality fighters used recently from gamestop & it requires an online pass. Was it my imagination or didnt gamestop give out online passes for used games on the receipt or something?
Only a couple and only a limited amount. Know they did it for Hot Shots Vita but don't remember what else.

I own one copy of this and planned on getting a 2nd when it hit $20..... that hasn't happened. Would it be prudent to just say F it and pick it up at is current price? Im starting to think its not going to hit $20 and will just become harder and harder to get

yea. Especially with Best Buy's GCU. I usually just get 2 copies at launch of most games these days since they run out of stock fast
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Its been a little less than a year since Disgaea 4 was published for the Vita so I thought we'd see some more significant price drops. Although it seems like Vita games are more resistant to sudden price drops than, lets say, a release on PS4 or PC. From what I could gather, it takes multiple years for games of this platform to dip into the lower twenty dollar range.

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Freedom Wars dropped quickly despite having great reviews.  Oddly, you would think that the older first party games would get like a 'best sellers' edition to help them move.  Killzone Mercenary is still practically full-price while LBP can be had for $20 or less at lots of places.  Plus games like Disgaea have a lot of replay value, so they probably get traded in less often.  I would love to pick up the Disgaea games for handheld, but I wouldn't mind a good sale on a digital release.  For games that are strictly story driven with less replay value, once I beat them, I just copy it back to my PS3 along with the save files for storage then delete the game off of my memory card to keep space available.  Happy hunting!

What do y'all think about Tales of Hearts R? It's hard to tell if that shit will go lower or if it's a good time to snap up a copy now.

What do y'all think about Tales of Hearts R? It's hard to tell if that shit will go lower or if it's a good time to snap up a copy now.
I'm playing it right now, it's good for a portable Tales game. I got mine during the Namco sale a few weeks ago, maybe wait until there's another one.

Trollin' for a gif.
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Its been a little less than a year since Disgaea 4 was published for the Vita so I thought we'd see some more significant price drops. Although it seems like Vita games are more resistant to sudden price drops than, lets say, a release on PS4 or PC. From what I could gather, it takes multiple years for games of this platform to dip into the lower twenty dollar range.
You are right, at one point I did see it for sale at $25 new and $22 used (gotta love those Gamestop pricing) so I never picked it up then only because I figured it would drop a little lower. Man was I wrong, now I can't find it anywhere in my area. I've spotted it at a mom & pop video store for $30 new and I am debating of just getting it there.

I'd love to get in on these deals, but I need a console first. It seems like it's been a while since they've had a sale, and it's just been the Borderlands 2 bundle. Any news of a sale or price drop or new bundle?

Does anyone have a good deal on Vita memory card prices? I would like to pick up a 32GB but I'll settle for 16 if need be.

I'm all digital with the system. My 8GB can barely hold MLB The Show (never leaving my system), Wipeout, and Rainbow Moon. Plus I like to put a couple podcasts on my Vita to listem to while driving.
I'd love to get in on these deals, but I need a console first. It seems like it's been a while since they've had a sale, and it's just been the Borderlands 2 bundle. Any news of a sale or price drop or new bundle?
Both Best Buy and Gamestop had a sale a couple months ago. I doubt you'll see one anytime soon since I think they initially did it to clear out of stock.

Does anyone have a good deal on Vita memory card prices? I would like to pick up a 32GB but I'll settle for 16 if need be.

I'm all digital with the system. My 8GB can barely hold MLB The Show (never leaving my system), Wipeout, and Rainbow Moon. Plus I like to put a couple podcasts on my Vita to listem to while driving.
Best Buy has them on sale randomly you just have to keep an eye on their stock.

Wanting feedback on these two titles as they just showed up used at GS in my area and haven't seen either one used before and feel like there won't be a price markdown for awhile if at all:

Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed
Toukiden: Kiwami

I mainly have gone digital for my Vita but there have been a few here and there that I have physical. Should I just wait on digital sales on these two or grab them due to their scarce supply right now? (both games aren't available new at a GS within a 100 mile radius of me)
bread's done