PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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I've seen several developers/designers cling to their work/IPs with an iron grip. Sometimes it's due to pride, sometimes it's money, sometimes it's due to standings with other companies, etc.. That is their creation, and they don't want to see somebody else doing anything with it (Inafune seems like a great example). Though I see I was mistaken and assumed that we were talking about a project that he was still working on, it doesn't change the fact that he could just as easily be concerned about them mucking up his game as he would financial concerns.

The point I was trying to make was that you're angry at him for not saying that it was the one and only reason that you assume it is for, without having any actual proof that it is the case. It would be like being angry at a stranger for not saying that they don't like your cooking, when they may have stomach issues that they don't want to talk to you about (or one of any number of reasons).

Perhaps I'm off base, and I apologize for that. I didn't think "He might have other reasons" would be such a far out idea.

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Hey guys I got my ZTD watch from gamestop yesterday!!! It looks sweet. Now I just need to somehow get the 999 and vlr ones.
Sorry if double post I didn't see it post. Guys my ZTD watch from gamestop came in yesterday and it looks amazing! Now I just need the vlr and 999 ones.
Let me know when we're gonna storm Amazon HQ. I'll get my pitchforks ready.

Count me in the confused boat with ZTD. I ordered a copy for each system, got one $600 credit for the watch, which I ordered, still awaiting an initial email about the process, and wondering what will happen with the other watch.
$600!?!?! Nani?

Today Heart Machine announced that they have cancelled the Vita port of Hyper Light Drifter. This is super disappointing news because I was super looking forward to this release on Vita. This and the earlier announcement of the Moon Hunters Vita port being cancelled is just another real shitty blow to Vita support. It also makes me not inclined to support a game on Kickstarter that have a Vita stretch goal.

I really hope that these two games are still coming, Banner Saga and Salt and Sanctuary.

I am also super excited that Darkest Dungeon will be released on the 27th.

Support the VITA!
Kickstarters that don't deliver on their promises get no sympathy from me.

I've seen several developers/designers cling to their work/IPs with an iron grip. Sometimes it's due to pride, sometimes it's money, sometimes it's due to standings with other companies, etc.. That is their creation, and they don't want to see somebody else doing anything with it (Inafune seems like a great example). Though I see I was mistaken and assumed that we were talking about a project that he was still working on, it doesn't change the fact that he could just as easily be concerned about them mucking up his game as he would financial concerns.

The point I was trying to make was that you're angry at him for not saying that it was the one and only reason that you assume it is for, without having any actual proof that it is the case. It would be like being angry at a stranger for not saying that they don't like your cooking, when they may have stomach issues that they don't want to talk to you about (or one of any number of reasons).

Perhaps I'm off base, and I apologize for that. I didn't think "He might have other reasons" would be such a far out idea.
See, you're just making assumptions too though. You're assuming he has reasons other than not wanting to put the money up for the risk of contracting with a porting house to do the development.

See, I don't think he deserves the benefit of the doubt any more. This project was Kickstarted almost 3 years ago and now he finally comes clean and says "oops, guess I can't make good on my promises after all," 3 years later. Look, I get that he has a lot of health issues and he cites those in his video but these weren't new issues, they're things he's dealt with his entire life. He knew his limitations and chose to go headlong anyway.

Imagine he was in a normal job and you were his supervisor. He takes on a monumental task voluntarily and tells you it'll get done, then 3 years later he just comes up and says "actually, that thing I said I'd do, I barely started on it and I can't get it done." That'd never fly.

Yeah, sure he's giving out refunds for those who picked Vita or WiiU as their primary platform. In the meantime, of the over $600k he took in, the money specifically used to purchase those versions was essentially an interest free loan. How much? Who knows exactly.

I'll give him credit for coming clean, but he should have done so much sooner than 3 years into the project. None of the problems or issues he cited in his video were new issues that popped up nor were they things that he couldn't have foreseen coming.
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Count me in the confused boat with ZTD. I ordered a copy for each system, got one $600 credit for the watch, which I ordered, still awaiting an initial email about the process, and wondering what will happen with the other watch.
Yeah, I had 2 orders as well, and I'm waiting to hear back from Aksys, as Amazon pointed me their way in regards to a second watch. Amazon said they didn't supply the credit, so it's out of their hands, but Amazon CS is shit in regards to the right hand ever knowing what the left is doing. So I'm not to hopeful in that regard.

I'm waiting for my watch to ship, so it doesn't have any issues after the fact, then I'll begin my supervisor discussions, and see what happens. I ordered 2 watch Vita game bundles, got the 2 games, and Amazon now has the watches, so what's the problem with sending the second watch? I call BS on Amazon, but this has been such a cluster fuck from day one, I can't say 100% who is at fault.

GS turned all of their orders in to one watch per house, PERIOD, so maybe Amazon did the same at some point and just didn't say anything.

I'm in the same boat. I ordered a 3ds and vita version to get two watches. I received one, but i click the second email link to get a second one for the other preorder and it's a no go.

I'm in the same boat. I ordered a 3ds and vita version to get two watches. I received one, but i click the second email link to get a second one for the other preorder and it's a no go.
So you actually got 2 separate links? One for each game ordered? So if you try and order separate, it won't allow for the second one?

WOW, maybe they did change the qty allowed?

Yea i got two separate emails. If i try and order a second one using thr second link in the second email it just charges me the $500 + tax.
Well, I'm pretty sure they must have changed it to 1 per household same as GS at some point. Like I said, once mine ships, I'll contact CS and see what I can do, and I'm still waiting to hear back from Aksys, but I'm sure they'll be no help as they where through this whole ordeal.

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It better not be, as I think that version got more interest than some of the others. But I will for sure demand a refund if and when that happens.
I'm worried about any Vita game with a 2018 release date, but Iga & Co. have earned a little goodwill with the way they've handled this Kickstarter so far.

Personally, a delay doesn't bother me at all. We all knew it was coming anyway. I'm just glad they were up front about it, and that they're bringing on extra help (according to the update).
Due to the increasing demands of my kids and needing some money,  I sold my new Nintendo 3ds.  I'm fully invested in the vita now.  Game on.

Seems Bloodstained got delayed to 2018. Just gonna assume the vita version will be toast.
Yeah vita version is definitely dead based on this delay. Sucks cause I don't know if there is any way to actually get your money back from something like this and these style games work so much better on a handheld
Yeah vita version is definitely dead based on this delay. Sucks cause I don't know if there is any way to actually get your money back from something like this and these style games work so much better on a handheld
Didn't the Kickstarter reach it's stretch goal for the Vita? If so, you should contact the company and request a refund.
Didn't the Kickstarter reach it's stretch goal for the Vita? If so, you should contact the company and request a refund.
Until they officially announce a cancellation, it's not much to do. If and when they do that, it will be awhile from now anyways, so all we can do is watch and keep our fingers crossed.

Seems Bloodstained got delayed to 2018. Just gonna assume the vita version will be toast.
That's a shame... but if the game ends up better for it, I can certainly wait.

Yeah vita version is definitely dead based on this delay. Sucks cause I don't know if there is any way to actually get your money back from something like this and these style games work so much better on a handheld
Sony has shown no signs of being unwilling to manufacture physical copies of games.... even in very low print runs. If anything, I would worry this would mean only Amazon for physical retail... or worse no retail at all. But that's something to deal with later on.

Still if Sony does halt all production of Vita carts next year then LRG will be dead for publishing on the Vita as well. I just don't see that happening.

That's a shame... but if the game ends up better for it, I can certainly wait.

Sony has shown no signs of being unwilling to manufacture physical copies of games.... even in very low print runs. If anything, I would worry this would mean only Amazon for physical retail... or worse no retail at all. But that's something to deal with later on.

Still if Sony does halt all production of Vita carts next year then LRG will be dead for publishing on the Vita as well. I just don't see that happening.
Worrying about physical production is the least of the problem here, but it could happen, but doubtful considering how many Vita games are currently being released.

The bigger issues is if this team has the time or desire to complete the Vita version. It's not like it's the PS4 game and it will work on the Vita. All of these resent KS cancellations come from the developer not seeing the value in making the Vita version along side the bigger console releases.

But as I've stated, the Vita version had a lot of interest, so depending on how many want that version VS maybe the ONE, we may still see it, just depends on the numbers(Cost, investment, return, etc).

Did anyone's ZTD watch ship yesterday from Amazon? Mine showed "shipping today" all day yesterday, and now it's showing the same today with no shipping yet.

Worrying about physical production is the least of the problem here, but it could happen, but doubtful considering how many Vita games are currently being released.

The bigger issues is if this team has the time or desire to complete the Vita version. It's not like it's the PS4 game and it will work on the Vita. All of these resent KS cancellations come from the developer not seeing the value in making the Vita version along side the bigger console releases.

But as I've stated, the Vita version had a lot of interest, so depending on how many want that version VS maybe the ONE, we may still see it, just depends on the numbers(Cost, investment, return, etc).
I can't imagine Iga cancelling the Vita version if production is still being offered for physical games. This isn't a fly by night developer that can just flake out later.

The Bloodstained news this morning has literally just crushed my soul. I know that saying I'm a huge Castlevania fan doesn't mean much when so many of us probably are, and I should probably appreciate the delay if it means the game needs it to be released as intended, but damn. When most games are far off I forget about them and keep myself preoccupied and avoid thinking about it until near release. This is one of those games that I'm not going to be able to do that with. I guess at this point I wish I had never heard about it at all. LOL  

I can't imagine Iga cancelling the Vita version if production is still being offered for physical games. This isn't a fly by night developer that can just flake out later.
The game is still a ways off. The Vita might still be fine now, but it's projection isn't all that great. Same with the Wii U. Plus, the game is being built on UE4... which doesn't support Wii U or Vita.

So reading twitter, I saw that some ZTD copies are considered SE vs regular copies.  How do I know which one i got from GS when i did the watch order and just finally got that in the mail this week?  Is there a sticker, something noticeable? HELP!

this is confirmation by @Aksys_Danny there is 2 versions.  I just dont know how to tell which one i got.  

A reply i just got from the original person says it was on reciept, so it may not be a thing of concern

Don't know how many played ZTD yet, but I'm close to finishing it, wanted to wear the watch while playing it originally. It runs great on the Vita.

[Spoiler Free]

The game is very powerful, compared to VLR I was truly emotionally attached the characters. I felt sad/anger/relieved/happy for the characters depending on the timelines. I do suggest *FULLY* reviewing/catching up on 999/VLR's story before diving in though. Piecing together everything in my mind feels great and is rather thought provoking.

The Bloodstained news this morning has literally just crushed my soul. I know that saying I'm a huge Castlevania fan doesn't mean much when so many of us probably are, and I should probably appreciate the delay if it means the game needs it to be released as intended, but damn. When most games are far off I forget about them and keep myself preoccupied and avoid thinking about it until near release. This is one of those games that I'm not going to be able to do that with. I guess at this point I wish I had never heard about it at all. LOL
You forget about games and are hopefully happily surprised later. I know I have that Soul Saga from Disaster Cake coming soon I guess.....been a while so not sure what to think anymore.

Due to the increasing demands of my kids and needing some money, I sold my new Nintendo 3ds. I'm fully invested in the vita now. Game on.
Congratulations, I'm planning to ditch my 3DS as well. Safe to say that is the most gimmicky game system of all time.

Yeah vita version is definitely dead based on this delay. Sucks cause I don't know if there is any way to actually get your money back from something like this and these style games work so much better on a handheld
I'm okay with delays for the reasoning citied by Iga. If the game presently isn't up to his personal quality expectations and he's delaying to rebuild it to meet his own expectations I think that's great. Sucks for the folks who pledged for a Wii U copy, but great that he's willing to own up and let everyone know that it needs more work.


PS Vita Region 1 Physical Game Directory and Checklist:


{A}nd now the state of release dates after all of the crazy mysterious delays.

Announced & Upcoming Vita Physical Releases for Region 1:
Listed alphabetically with release date after title.

- 2016 -
Cosmic Star Heroine (TBA)
Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors (10/11)
Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice: Special Edition (9/16)
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky (10/18)
Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star (11/15)
MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death (9/13)
Mystery Chronicle One Way Heroics (9/30)
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness (9/13)
Rabi-Ribi (4th Quarter)
Root Letter (10/28)
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (11/1)
Shovel Knight (October)
Steins;Gate 0 (11/1)
SuperDimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls (10/18)
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni (10/25)
Volume (TBA)
World of Final Fantasy (10/25)
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG (TBA)
Yomawari: Night Alone (10/25)

- 2017 -

Akiba's Beat (1st Quarter)
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (March)
Fault: Milestone One (TBA)
Muv-Luv Trilogy (TBA)
Narcissu: 10th Anniversay Anthology (TBA)
Nuclear Throne (TBA)
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders (February)
The Emerald Tablet (TBA)
Touhou: Genso Wanderer (TBA)
World End Economica Trilogy (TBA)

- 2018 -
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (TBA)

Or as one person here so requested to see this.:


MeiQ: Labyrinth of Death (9/13)
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness (9/13)

Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice: Special Edition (9/16)
Mystery Chronicle One Way Heroics (9/30)


Criminal Girls 2: Party Favors (10/11)
Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky (10/18)
SuperDimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls (10/18)
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni (10/25)
World of Final Fantasy (10/25)
Yomawari: Night Alone (10/25)
Root Letter (10/28)

LRG Tax #1 (TBA)

LRG Tax #2 (TBA)

Shovel Knight (TBA)


Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (11/1)
Steins;Gate 0 (11/1)

Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star (11/15)
LRG Tax #1 (TBA)

LRG Tax #2 (TBA)


LRG Tax #1 (TBA)

LRG Tax #2 (TBA)

2016 Date TBA:

Cosmic Star Heroine (TBA)
Rabi-Ribi (4th Quarter)
Volume (TBA)
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG (TBA)


Mine shipped yesterday and got it the same day.
WOW, you must have prime uh? Same day, that's awesome.

The game is still a ways off. The Vita might still be fine now, but it's projection isn't all that great. Same with the Wii U. Plus, the game is being built on UE4... which doesn't support Wii U or Vita.
Yeah, this is where the issues will come from^

I doubt producing carts will be an issue VS. them just not having the time, money or resources to make a game for systems where they have no chance of covering the production cost.

In a perfect world, the funds they would have received would cover production for the added system goals, but in the next year, the main consoles may go over budget, or who knows, but if they see a way to pay for it, or if they can sale games at retail and make some money back, it may happen.

But as others have stated, the Wii U is Dead, and the Vita while thriving today(at least IMO), may be just as dead by late 2017 or 2018 when it's time to start production. So I would say it's far from a guarantee that it the Vita version will happen so far in the future, but I'm hopeful for now.

Don't know how many played ZTD yet, but I'm close to finishing it, wanted to wear the watch while playing it originally. It runs great on the Vita.

[Spoiler Free]

The game is very powerful, compared to VLR I was truly emotionally attached the characters. I felt sad/anger/relieved/happy for the characters depending on the timelines. I do suggest *FULLY* reviewing/catching up on 999/VLR's story before diving in though. Piecing together everything in my mind feels great and is rather thought provoking.
The Premium digital booklet has a page each overview for the 2 previous games. This is also a pretty good refresher.

Don't know how many played ZTD yet, but I'm close to finishing it, wanted to wear the watch while playing it originally. It runs great on the Vita.

[Spoiler Free]

The game is very powerful, compared to VLR I was truly emotionally attached the characters. I felt sad/anger/relieved/happy for the characters depending on the timelines. I do suggest *FULLY* reviewing/catching up on 999/VLR's story before diving in though. Piecing together everything in my mind feels great and is rather thought provoking.
I'm rather disappointed by how short it is comparing to the other two and how it ended. However, 999 will forever hold THE most special place in my heart/game collection as my favorite game ever played on any platforms.

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I'm rather disappointed by how short it is comparing to the other two and how it ended. However, 999 will forever hold THE most special place in my heart/game collection as my favorite game ever played on any platforms.
Here's hoping the rumored Vita version of 999 is actually announced at TGS this month. :pray:

Heads up for anyone that missed out on ordering Criminal Girls 2 "Standard Edition" from Nis.America... Its now available for pre-order through Gamestop and says October 11th release date..
I know I am late to the party on this, but does anyone know if the God Eater 2 Rage Burst Launch Bundle in the PSN store for the vita is only going to be offered for a limited time before being removed and replaced with a version without the extra dlc? Usually they state somewhere if there is a set time limit but I can't seem to find anything.

Until they officially announce a cancellation, it's not much to do. If and when they do that, it will be awhile from now anyways, so all we can do is watch and keep our fingers crossed.
So glad I didn't drop any money.

I will never back a kickstarter game ever again.
Heads up for anyone that missed out on ordering Criminal Girls 2 "Standard Edition" from Nis.America... Its now available for pre-order through Gamestop and says October 11th release date..
Thank you. I had grabbed it from NISA but I'd rather save the $20-30 and grab it with a damn coupon at Gamestop. Feels gross even saying that!

Ah hell, shipping only.

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bread's done