PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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I feel like a heel. Did not realize there was a Collector's Edition of UnEpic from Play-Asia, and now it's totally sold out on pre-order, arrgh!.

Yeah, there are some games not really worth $2 at this point in time. The MLB and FIFA titles come to my mind as being among those. But really, $5.99 for Exist Archive is a deal. Sure it has load times, but you can live with that for the sake of portability can't you?

Ending my LRG Vita streak by skipping out on Mecho Tales.

Just buy the standard version of UnEpic instead

I counter, by bringing to your attention the few physical Vita games that are NOT even worth $2.

Little Deviants

Smart As (I can't believe they forgot the last "s" on the game's title.)

But yes, most physical Vita games are worth a surprise purchase at $6.
you're right. I would buy that for a dollar.

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The Vita version of Axiom Verge Multiverse has disappeared from BestBuy over the last week. 

Was kinda hoping for a $10 price drop and then buy it with GCU. Guess will for a $5-ish digital now.

Ehh. Vita is not fun to collect for anymore. I think it's been this way for a while now, at least for me.

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I'm mostly sick of the exploitation of games that don't deserve a collectors edition, or alternate cover art, and companies bank on the few OCD people that need one of everything.

Ehh. Vita is not fun to collect for anymore. I think it's been this way for a while now, at least for me.
I'm mostly sick of the exploitation of games that don't deserve a collectors edition, or alternate cover art, and companies bank on the few OCD people that need one of everything.
It's still fun to collect for the Vita, but a complete set would be a nightmare at this point. Last time I bothered to calculate the cost for a full set it was >$10k, which is insane. Like, you could put a 5% down payment on a house for that (depending on where you live - sorry SoCal & coastal metros).

I personally only collect games that interest me personally and I'm still really enjoying the Vita's library. If I was trying to find a copy of Breach and Clear or seven versions of FIFA to make a complete set I imagine I'd feel much differently.

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I agree idogames. Limited Run Games has taken a neat idea and gone full exploitative with it. It's not fun anymore. There are currently 25 announced Limited Run Games for Vita with no updates on and they keep springing new titles instead of releasing the ones they have announced. Their collectors editions caused me to give up on a full collectors editions set. I just can't justify it for their titles. In addition I'm waiting on 5 games I have already purchased to be delivered (windjammer, Claire, steamworld dig, steamworld heist, and of course skullgirls). Why should I be giving this company money months in advance when they do such a bad job of communicating?
I'm mostly sick of the exploitation of games that don't deserve a collectors edition, or alternate cover art, and companies bank on the few OCD people that need one of everything.
It's still fun to collect for the Vita, but a complete set would be a nightmare at this point. Last time I bothered to calculate the cost for a full set it was >$10k, which is insane. Like, you could put a 5% down payment on a house for that (depending on where you live - sorry SoCal & coastal metros).

I personally only collect games that interest me personally and I'm still really enjoying the Vita's library. If I was trying to find a copy of Breach and Clear or seven versions of FIFA to make a complete set I imagine I'd feel much differently.
I agree idogames. Limited Run Games has taken a neat idea and gone full exploitative with it. It's not fun anymore. There are currently 25 announced Limited Run Games for Vita with no updates on and they keep springing new titles instead of releasing the ones they have announced. Their collectors editions caused me to give up on a full collectors editions set. I just can't justify it for their titles. In addition I'm waiting on 5 games I have already purchased to be delivered (windjammer, Claire, steamworld dig, steamworld heist, and of course skullgirls). Why should I be giving this company money months in advance when they do such a bad job of communicating?
Exploitation? Holy shit, this thread has really reached a new low. Who is forcing anyone to buy anything? If a game sucks, or the value isn't present, the logical conclusion would be to not buy it. Do you continue to shop locally at businesses who treat you like shit? No, of course not, you take your business elsewhere. I personally haven't liked several of the last Vita CE sets, so I didn't buy them, and stated I didn't see the value personally, but many have bought them and seemed to like the options. I've seen several recent post stating how nice the La Mulana set was.

I still collect for the Vita, but what qualifies as "fun" collecting? I personally like finding rare games that might be on Ebay for $50, and getting it locally someplace for $10 or $20. That's fun for me personally. Trying to get every game on a system at full retail(or triple the price of digital), when most games suck as is, is not fun for me and has never been. I've been buying games with my own money since the NES era, and I used to return 90% of games to stores because they sucked. Then businesses realized that, and stop allowing for opened returns. I then had to change my spending habits, as I rarely saved enough for a new game, and couldn't afford to get stuck with garbage. I was a teenager at the time, and apparently a lot smarter than most here.

I do agree that the wait can be an issue, but each game normally states shipping expectations in the listing, so to complain about that, is not reading, or deciding to complain after the fact. I've been waiting on Skullgirls for a year it seems, and if I had a problem with that, how dumb would I have to be to give that same company more money and wait for more games? Yes, I have several open orders, and knew of the delays for each. If I wanted to protest that, I wouldn't buy from this business, PERIOD!

It's still fun to collect for the Vita, but a complete set would be a nightmare at this point. Last time I bothered to calculate the cost for a full set it was >$10k, which is insane. Like, you could put a 5% down payment on a house for that (depending on where you live - sorry SoCal & coastal metros).
$10k is less than 2% on a house here =(

It's probably also enough to buy a block in Detroit.

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Chris, you came to that conclusion toward buying games and it works for you. There are completionist collectors who have their own reasons for buying every release. Limited Run Games have started to exploit those people with the alternative covers, convention exclusive releases and overpriced collectors edition releases. I have been a completionist collector for the vita for the past 3 years. I have found it to be fun, and I have liked and enjoyed playing a lot of the niche games released on the system. As stated above, I'm frustrated with LRG, especially as they are they only active vita publisher currently.
Your argument of "don't buy it then" is something I think every time I buy one of their releases. I want a full set, but I don't like supporting them. I'm getting to the point where my desire for a vita set is getting eclipsed by my distaste for LRG.
I imagine nothing in my post is new to you or any of the many other people who dislike / disagree with the completionist collectors, but we are as much a part of the community as non completionist collectors. Please don't just dismiss our comments just because you think we are foolish for buying stuff we don't like. We already know we are foolish, but we choose to do it for different reasons.
Chris, you came to that conclusion toward buying games and it works for you. There are completionist collectors who have their own reasons for buying every release. Limited Run Games have started to exploit those people with the alternative covers, convention exclusive releases and overpriced collectors edition releases. I have been a completionist collector for the vita for the past 3 years. I have found it to be fun, and I have liked and enjoyed playing a lot of the niche games released on the system. As stated above, I'm frustrated with LRG, especially as they are they only active vita publisher currently.
Your argument of "don't buy it then" is something I think every time I buy one of their releases. I want a full set, but I don't like supporting them. I'm getting to the point where my desire for a vita set is getting eclipsed by my distaste for LRG.
I imagine nothing in my post is new to you or any of the many other people who dislike / disagree with the completionist collectors, but we are as much a part of the community as non completionist collectors. Please don't just dismiss our comments just because you think we are foolish for buying stuff we don't like. We already know we are foolish, but we choose to do it for different reasons.
The argument is their taking advantage, but then I'm supporting them at every turn, do you know how crazy that sounds? You know the definition of "insanity" right? It's doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result. For each of those variants that sells out in minutes, there's another one coming because this one sold well.

I honestly don't know of any collectors market that isn't taking advantage of it's user base. As by pretty much your own admission, your doing what is not logical. And all producers of collectibles know their market is weak, and so you get tons of variants and CE/SE Etc. So if your not strong enough, or smart enough to avoid the situation, your as much of the problem that your claiming LRG is creating? You want them to follow a moral compass on their side, that you can't even see is not even working on yours. Their a business, their end game is to make profit, it's not to baby sit, or make adult choices for adult children who can't see the forest for the trees.

If no one bought the variants, and whatever else, it would stop. Comics, Movies, Trading Cars, Etc and whatever else all offer "must have" items. That's why most consumers carry HUGE credit card debt, as no one has the will to say no. I'm a collector myself, and have collected many systems and games since my first home console the Colecovision. I have also sold them all at some point to collect something else, or pay for things that or more important, or just get a reality check of where my life is headed.

LRG is offering what they said they would from day one, "limited" games. Variants, exclusives, and whatever else falls under that umbrella. So love it or lump it, it's not changing for you or anyone else, and why should they they? Should Sony, MS or "N" stop selling CE systems or the like, because someone might actually buy it? This is truly the dumbest shit I've ever heard around here, and that's saying something. LOL

And yes, I'm foolish to, compulsive, OCD and many other things. But I don't blame any place or anyone for that, it is my own cross to bare and I treat it as such. I guess if I had an eating disorder, I should blame Mcdonalds for their tasty ass fries, instead of blaming myself and seeking proper help for my problems right? We now live in a country where everyone blames everyone else for their problems, so why should this thread be any different I guess. So please, proceed[End Rant].

I buy what I feel I would play...and will likely open them someday (have opened maybe 1 or 2 releases so far). I'm not a huge collector anymore.

Collecting doesn't mean you have to own every single game in that genre.

Just collect what you want, and that should be enough.

Just look at all the jittery completionists that only complains about everything in the LRG thread, rather than talking about what they want, or what they like.  Once you're at that point, should probably rethink the approach to the hobby.

Who wants to deal with that other than people who want to be miserable?  As long as it's still fun for you to go for complete, then I don't feel there's anything wrong with it.  Once it feels like a chore, or a job, then it's probably time to stop before you start loathing yourself, and everything around you.  It's fine if you're miserable, but don't make it everyone elses problem.

 I've always been more of a "collect games from a specific dev or publisher" type each gen.  Usually it is companies like Atlus or NISA.  And I go "hunting" for good deals and finds after they have been out for a bit - this keeps it fun for me :) I used to be better at gauging which games would be harder to find later to buy right away though - for awhile now any vita game I've been interested in I just buy at launch. That's about how far my "collecting" goes.  Since the vita was a goldmine for niche dev/pubs, this method has lead me to have a fairly large collection for it lol.  

I had the intentions of doing this with LRG this gen, but they ended up putting out way more games than I had anticipated.  So after about a year, I stopped.   Plus, I normally don't mind having a handful of games that I personally find as duds to have the complete set from a company I'm interested in, but LRG had a lot that even though they were fairly well received, just were't for me.  I don't really like most metroivania or platformer style games - and they have released a bunch of those.  I justified some of the games that weren't my style by seeing if I knew anyone that would want to play it if I bought it. I still do that lol.  

I also have every intention of opening every game I buy.  Any LRG titles I have played, I have opened it up and popped it in.  I've probably even opened games that I had flagged from ps+ lol.  

I like what I like and I buy what I like.*

*Pending availability, price, funds in my wallet, and impending doom.

All of this has happened before and all of it will happen again... Oh sorry, BSG flashback there. This topic has been discussed before. There is no wrong way to collect anything... except for bodily originating whatever, that's just disgusting and you need therapy if you have something such as a jar of earwax you've been collecting, ewww.

As for LRG. Yeah it's a bit of a pain having alternate covers for some releases. Not so much if the alternate cover art is for the KickStarter Backers versus the people who are buying the general release, or even the "standard' versus collector's edition release. But then they have convention exclusive covers vs everything else, and that really does annoy me.

Granted, thus far the alternate cover editions have so far all shared the same UPC code, but no guarantee such will always be the case, or rather no reason that will continue being the case if/when LRG ever breaks into the big time of non-limited run releases to mass market. They've taken a first step towards that with partnering up with mom & pop game shops to carry limited quantities of select titles, but frankly I think they've got a ways to go in developing retail partner relations just yet and that future titles will require much larger runs then they presently product to satisfy retail market demands. Again though, the limited run releases simply don't make sense to sell in retail shops, but a non-limited production of something like Ys: Origin could certainly work, again once they can really get a larger retailer network established and really hammer out the much needed fine details of wholesale pricing to those retail partners that will help with really getting their name out to the masses. Right now their market is very niche, only really the most hardcore of collector's (with funds available) are keeping them in business, followed by a rather small number of secondary market re-sellers.


My last Vita purchase of 2017.

Here's to you, 2018!

"A Merry Christmas Update with Presents!

Hello everyone,

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas! We’re sorry it took so long to come back with an update. We originally planned to announce one last November, but the account transfers took time, causing a delay.

What does that mean?

Both Kickstarter and BackerKit accounts are now under ixtl, the parent company of Muv-Luv series. If you're wondering why this happened, it's simply because we have taken over the responsibility of rewards fulfillment and shipping, and the remaining Kickstarter promises. We need to know all backer details to make sure all the physical rewards are delivered to your doorstep without any problems.

What happened to the team?

As mentioned in the previous update, Degica has completed their part of the Kickstarter project and is leaving the team. We really thank them for all the work they have done over the years. We couldn't have made it this far without them.

"The Muv-Luv Team" is now composed of members from ixtl and the current Muv-Luv English localization team. Rest assured we're stronger than ever, and working at a faster pace with zero delays in communication. We're pretty excited for future projects to come.

Will ixtl send the rewards anytime soon?

There are only three remaining physical items at hand: the CODEX, Collector's box, and PS Vita. The CODEX was delayed due to formatting issues required by the printers, while the Collector's box and PS Vita requires the ROMs for both Muv-Luv titles to be gold master status before we mass-produce them. We are working closely with the translation team to fix the typos and bugs players are reporting.

Once these issues are resolved, we'll be sending more email reminders and updates as we approach the shipping day slated early next year. We have also recently finished printing the decals, and are currently in Tokyo Otaku Mode's warehouse. Feel free to take a closer look at the designs:


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

*Official artwork by Rosuuri (

Thank you for supporting Muv-Luv series. It has been more than two years since the Kickstarter campaign ended with a massive success. Everyone in the team, especially the translators, have really outdone themselves in making everyone's dream come true.


*Official artwork by Shionohiro

The re-translation took time to finish, but we fully believe this will help us greatly in the long run, because at the end of the day, the official releases will help serve as a solid foundation for our future works. This is just the beginning, so please forward to our surprises in the years to come :)

*You can download the full resolution of both artworks above in your BackerKit account regardless of pledge level. We hope you like our Christmas present!

If you have any questions or requests, please don't hesitate to contact us at our improved customer support by messaging us here on Kickstarter, or emailing us at [email protected] for in-depth Backerkit account requests such as BackerKit account link recovery, change of shipping country and/or email address, and retrieving Steam codes.

Best wishes,

The Muv-Luv Team"

Just collect what you want, and that should be enough.
This is what i have always done, 99% of LRG games... I pass on. Most of the games I have never even heard of, or have heard of them and don't care to play them. (or played them and can't stand them)

The ones I have never heard of, I research and come to the "pass" conclusion on most of them.

I buy the games I will PLAY. And i'd prefer them physical rather than Digital. I have a ton of Vita games, most of which I bought on clearance or deep sale, and i'd say that probably a 1/3 of them I bought i will probably never play... I bought them cause they were cheap. Which I realized I was breaking my own buying principles.. Cheap for something i'd probably never play.. is still money i didn't need to spend.

Just because it exists and/or on "sale" doesn't mean you have to buy it.

Betting that we will get Muv Luv Vita sometime in the next 6 Months. Sounds like the Vita ver. is close to finishing.

And then I can enjoy my Collector's Edition with the Sumika Figma

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I'm better sooner than any shit we get from Sekai Project x LRG partnership
I'm betting sooner then Half Life 3...

Oh wait that was never promised. And not the right system, and a really bad meme...

Sooner then Bloodstained Ritual of the night! (I hope not)

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It's time they started refunding people for Skull Girls Vita or at least extend a courtesy credit or an option to cancel.  Regardless, we are fucked as we are no longer protected via PayPal or credit card claims. I'm beyond frustrated at this point. They don't even post updates anymore. What really pisses me off is they are holding my others games waiting for the pressing of the Vita version and you would think out of good will they would ship my other games. I would not even be shocked if it turns out they sold me other games months ago. Lol.

It's time they started refunding people for Skull Girls Vita or at least extend a courtesy credit or an option to cancel. Regardless, we are fucked as we are no longer protected via PayPal or credit card claims. I'm beyond frustrated at this point. They don't even post updates anymore. What really pisses me off is they are holding my others games waiting for the pressing of the Vita version and you would think out of good will they would ship my other games. I would not even be shocked if it turns out they sold me other games months ago. Lol.
But... Pencil boards. 🙄
It's time they started refunding people for Skull Girls Vita or at least extend a courtesy credit or an option to cancel. Regardless, we are fucked as we are no longer protected via PayPal or credit card claims. I'm beyond frustrated at this point. They don't even post updates anymore. What really pisses me off is they are holding my others games waiting for the pressing of the Vita version and you would think out of good will they would ship my other games. I would not even be shocked if it turns out they sold me other games months ago. Lol.
They did post an update. "We put Skull Girls Vita into certification for hopefully the last time." Around November.

Still 128 of the "Captain's Choice" collector's edition remaining of Skull Pirates on KickStarter, and only a couple days left to bite.
I had originally backed, but I cancelled my pledge due to how they handled everything.

"We're making this super limited edition, get them fast!"
> Project immediately funded on launch

"It's not fair to our partners if we only make a super limited quantity, we're making some more!"

Probably not the right place to ask but do any of you use Remote Play with your Vita and a PS4? I am having a devil of a time setting it up. It keeps telling me my internet connection is too slow. Whether wired directly to the router (75ft cord) or via WiFi, I get PS4 test speeds of ~55Mbps down and ~4.5 up. My Vita is worse with ~4.5 down and ~3.8 up. Other devices average 50 down, 60 up (Verizon Fios 50/50 plan). I put the PS4 in the DMZ but no change. Using Google and OpenDNS *lowered* speeds (same with using Verion's listed DNS servers). 

Anybody got any other suggestions to try? Or am I resigned to remote play not working even within my house?


I had originally backed, but I cancelled my pledge due to how they handled everything.

"We're making this super limited edition, get them fast!"
> Project immediately funded on launch

"It's not fair to our partners if we only make a super limited quantity, we're making some more!"
Yeah, I'm really thinking of doing the same. I just don't have the money right now, and with their LRG release getting ready to go next week, this might be my time to finally call it a day on my LRG Vita set. I already started passing on CE awhile back, so skipping this isn't a big deal, as the only reason I wanted it was due to the low run. But the game like their others looks like complete shit! LOL

I'm still waiting on physical rewards from my Shantae KS that released a year ago, with no release in site. And Wayforward is a decent 3rd party. Some of these KS are just getting out of hand, especially when a company like Wayforward who is pretty successful is asking for funds. Then for Arcade Distillery, they really aren't good, but yet they are asking as well.

If these places have a good game that is well made, getting them to fans should not be a big deal. When it looks like your doing things as a hobby, with not much sacrifice on the development side, why should I take a risk, when they seem not willing to? When a game like Shenmue 3 has no chance of being made otherwise, I understand wanting investments thru crowdfunding. But some of these places just seem to be looking for a free ride, as they aren't willing to stand behind their own products and take a risk.

Probably not the right place to ask but do any of you use Remote Play with your Vita and a PS4? I am having a devil of a time setting it up. It keeps telling me my internet connection is too slow. Whether wired directly to the router (75ft cord) or via WiFi, I get PS4 test speeds of ~55Mbps down and ~4.5 up. My Vita is worse with ~4.5 down and ~3.8 up. Other devices average 50 down, 60 up (Verizon Fios 50/50 plan). I put the PS4 in the DMZ but no change. Using Google and OpenDNS *lowered* speeds (same with using Verion's listed DNS servers).

Anybody got any other suggestions to try? Or am I resigned to remote play not working even within my house?
Are you using the direct link.
I use that and if Im within the same room it works prefectly. I can also go upstairs to the bedroom directly above the living room to maintain a direct connection, speed dips but perfectly fine for turn based RPGs and VNs.
I went ahead and cancelled my SkullPirates KS pledge. And I'm officially going to pass on Mecho Tales on the 1st as well. Like I said last week, I think I've found something to like in every LRG Vita release so far(that's why I grabbed them all). Some of which I have loved, when the community view wasn't that great. But after researching Mecho Tales, I can honestly say nothing about this title is of interest to me.

I've played tons of free and .99 cent IOS/Android titles over the years that I would gladly pay $20-$30 to have physically, as some have been really great games(with great reviews to match). Some of my favorite LRG Vita titles have been mobile games. But to give funds to a game like this, is really just supporting the title as a collectors item, as there is nothing else there otherwise. I'm sure it will probably go up in value, and that's never a bad thing, but I'm happy this was finally my "straw" so to speak.

Yeah, I'm really thinking of doing the same. I just don't have the money right now, and with their LRG release getting ready to go next week, this might be my time to finally call it a day on my LRG Vita set. I already started passing on CE awhile back, so skipping this isn't a big deal, as the only reason I wanted it was due to the low run. But the game like their others looks like complete shit! LOL

I'm still waiting on physical rewards from my Shantae KS that released a year ago, with no release in site. And Wayforward is a decent 3rd party. Some of these KS are just getting out of hand, especially when a company like Wayforward who is pretty successful is asking for funds. Then for Arcade Distillery, they really aren't good, but yet they are asking as well.

If these places have a good game that is well made, getting them to fans should not be a big deal. When it looks like your doing things as a hobby, with not much sacrifice on the development side, why should I take a risk, when they seem not willing to? When a game like Shenmue 3 has no chance of being made otherwise, I understand wanting investments thru crowdfunding. But some of these places just seem to be looking for a free ride, as they aren't willing to stand behind their own products and take a risk.
Yeah, Kickstarter hasn't been kind to the Vita unfortunately. Muv-Luv, Sharin no Kuni, Bloodstained, the list goes on. I've been waiting on some of these titles for years.

As for Mecho Tales, it doesn't look like a great game to me. Based on the quantity, I'm guessing LRG doesn't have high hopes for it either. That's fine, though, as I don't expect the Vita or LRG catalog to be catered to my individual interests. I only collect games that I legitimately have an interest in playing. While that happens to be a majority of the Vita catalog, I have no interest in a complete set. Things like this are an easy pass for me and help keep collecting fun.

Probably not the right place to ask but do any of you use Remote Play with your Vita and a PS4? I am having a devil of a time setting it up. It keeps telling me my internet connection is too slow. Whether wired directly to the router (75ft cord) or via WiFi, I get PS4 test speeds of ~55Mbps down and ~4.5 up. My Vita is worse with ~4.5 down and ~3.8 up. Other devices average 50 down, 60 up (Verizon Fios 50/50 plan). I put the PS4 in the DMZ but no change. Using Google and OpenDNS *lowered* speeds (same with using Verion's listed DNS servers).

Anybody got any other suggestions to try? Or am I resigned to remote play not working even within my house?

Best combination is PS4 connected to router with ethernet, and Vita to the router. Don't use the direct connect version, because it has poorer speeds and range. If they're on the same network, none of your WAN speeds and settings should matter.

Best combination is PS4 connected to router with ethernet, and Vita to the router. Don't use the direct connect version, because it has poorer speeds and range. If they're on the same network, none of your WAN speeds and settings should matter.
I tried what you said before (PS4 wired to router and Vita on the same network), and it is still giving me worse performance than direct connect. With direct connect, and being in the same room, I am able to play most action games. Maybe because I am on a 1000?

I tried what you said before (PS4 wired to router and Vita on the same network), and it is still giving me worse performance than direct connect. With direct connect, and being in the same room, I am able to play most action games. Maybe because I am on a 1000?
I'm was on a 1000 also, in the same room. The PS4 has a mediocre WiFi, and the ad-hoc portion is even worse. I only speak for the original and slim, not the Pro though.

I tried what you said before (PS4 wired to router and Vita on the same network), and it is still giving me worse performance than direct connect. With direct connect, and being in the same room, I am able to play most action games. Maybe because I am on a 1000?
I'm was on a 1000 also, in the same room. The PS4 has a mediocre WiFi, and the ad-hoc portion is even worse. I only speak for the original and slim, not the Pro though.
The problem is more likely the Vita, not the PS4. The Vita only has 2.4GHz wifi, which has longer range and better penetration (going through walls, and such) but it can be a double edge sword, because that also means your neighbor's wifi can interfere with yours. That can be a huge problem if you live in an apartment or any densely populated area. But more than that, 2.4GHz is slower and has a smaller bandwidth so it gets congested faster.

The PS4's wifi (even the original one) supports both 2.4/5GHz and works fine. Sony should have included 5GHz on the Vita but most companies have left 5GHz out due cut costs.

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The problem is more likely the Vita, not the PS4. The Vita only has 2.4GHz wifi, which has longer range and better penetration (going through walls, and such) but it can be a double edge sword, because that also means your neighbor's wifi can interfere with yours. That can be a huge problem if you live in an apartment or any densely populated area. But more than that, 2.4GHz is slower and has a smaller bandwidth so it gets congested faster.

The PS4's wifi (even the original one) supports both 2.4/5GHz and works fine. Sony should have included 5GHz on the Vita but most companies have left 5GHz out due cut costs.
The original PS4 doesn't support 5GHz

I picked up a cheap copy of the PS3 version of Minecraft and it contained a (surprisingly still valid) code for the Vita version. I already own it, so figured I would pass along the code to someone else. Anyone interested? I'll message it to the first person who responds here and says they want it (only on this thread, please don't flood my inbox).

Disclaimer: I tested the code and it seems to still be valid (went through up to the redeem screen but didn't click redeem), my apologies if it ends up not being valid for whatever reason.

I picked up a cheap copy of the PS3 version of Minecraft and it contained a (surprisingly still valid) code for the Vita version. I already own it, so figured I would pass along the code to someone else. Anyone interested? I'll message it to the first person who responds here and says they want it (only on this thread, please don't flood my inbox).

Disclaimer: I tested the code and it seems to still be valid (went through up to the redeem screen but didn't click redeem), my apologies if it ends up not being valid for whatever reason.
I'd happily take it if no one else wants it...

I'm was on a 1000 also, in the same room. The PS4 has a mediocre WiFi, and the ad-hoc portion is even worse. I only speak for the original and slim, not the Pro though.
Hmmm...Weird, for me, ad-hoc is leaps and bounds better than same network connection. I have 1000 + Original PS4.

Without ad-hoc, I have trouble with framerates even for LiS.

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