PS3 101: New user's guide to the PS3 (ask questions here -- TMK is on duty)

[quote name='Purkeynator']I back up all my saves on a 1gb memory stick duo just in case such a thing ever happens to my ps3.[/quote]

Hell of an idea. I know I have some old SD cards laying around not getting any use. Thanks for the tip.
sorry for the extra post. when i press the ps3 button to bring up the menu. only the direction pads and analog sticks work! the x square, triangle shoulder buttons start and select dont work! everything works in the game.. just not in the menu. any ideas?
So I had my PS3 hooked up to an HDTV via HDMI, and needless to say it was beautiful. But I couldn't leave it with that TV, I had to move it to a non-HDTV. Not wanting to buy new cables that I'll never use once I have a permanent HD to hook it up to, I just used the Red/White/Yellow ones that came with it. But there's a problem: it won't work. Seems I didn't change the video output before I disconnected it from the HD to those cables, and now no signal comes through.

Is there ANY way of fixing this short of finding another HDTV to hook it up to and then change the outputs? That'd be a HUGE pain I'd like to avoid.

Hey the same thing happened to me. I had to hook mine back up and change the video output from 1080 to standard and change the output signal from hdmi to component. There could possibly be a FAQ or something in the manual, because you should be able to manipulate your settings to the correct ones, you just might not be able to see it. Other than doing it "blind" you could always call walmart or someplace with easily accessible tvs and go switch settings there. During off hours they would probably be excited to have something to do. Gamefaqs might have a thread on the system forum.
When you turn it on, hold the power "button" for five seconds until it beeps a second time. It will re-detect the attached cable and compatible video modes.

You'll have to do it again when you go back to the HDMI-equipped TV.
Try holding the power button on the PS# for about 5 seconds when you turn it on. You'll hear a second beep, release the button after that. That should fix it.
If you're using a TV with a higher resolution for a time period and then try to use some other TV (that doesn't go as high of a resolution the previous TV has), this is what you need to do:

Put your finger on the PS3 power button (the console has to already be on standby, meaning the light on the front of the PS3 is red) and your PS3 will turn on (you'll hear a beep). Keep your finger on the power button and you'll hear a 2nd beep. After the 2nd beep, the PS3 resets itself back to 480i resolution (regardless of connection). Basically, just hold the power button until you hear two beeps, and then the resolution will reset.
You should have consulted the "PS3 101: New user's guide to the PS3" before posting this stupid question. When I ordered my PS3 I knew there would be problems I had no idea how to address. So I navigated over to that thread (stickied, BTW) and read the OP before opening my stupid mouth and cluttering up the forums. Thanks for the SPAM. yum
Thanks to everyone for their help!

[quote name='MorPhiend']You should have consulted the "PS3 101: New user's guide to the PS3" blah blah blah I'm in college therefore I think I can be an ass and it's ok blah blah blah [/QUOTE]
Except this douchebag.
[quote name='MorPhiend']You should have consulted the "PS3 101: New user's guide to the PS3" before posting this stupid question. When I ordered my PS3 I knew there would be problems I had no idea how to address. So I navigated over to that thread (stickied, BTW) and read the OP before opening my stupid mouth and cluttering up the forums. Thanks for the SPAM. yum[/quote]And the award for World's Biggest Douche goes to... MORPHIEND! Congratulations!
[quote name='MorPhiend']Grow up and learn that as a socially inept student, I take out my anger at the world anonymously on forums, because I know I would get my ass kicked in real life if I talked to people like I do on here.[/QUOTE]

You know, all you had to do was say something to the effect of "I believe the answer to questions like this are in the stickied thread of...", and this could have been avoided.

Instead, you chose to be confrontational and project a holier-than-thou attitude, while at the same time, not actually answering the question posed, or even in any way positive contributing to the conversation.

Meanwhile, many other CAGers, despite knowing that the info was in that thread, still came through to help someone out. They not being socially inept.

You took the low road.

the 60 GB has the HARDWARE to play the PS ONE and PS2 games
the 80 GB does the emulation with software
[quote name='qruqid']the 60 GB has the HARDWARE to play the PS ONE and PS2 games
the 80 GB does the emulation with software[/QUOTE]

Correction: The 60 GB has ALL the HARDWARE necessary to play PS2 games.
The 80 GB has SOME of the HARDWARE necessary for playing PS2 games and emulates the rest with software.
Sony's BC is dead. You can't play all Ps2 games on either system with no errors. I think if you want to play older PS2 games then you're going to need to pick up a PS2... Which is what I'm thinking Sony wants us to do. Once the slims get dirt cheap (they aren't to bad now) I think more people will just bite the bullet and have both systems for a while longer.
If you don't have a lot of PS1andPS2 games I'd get the 80GB. If the 60GB sells for $450 I'd get that plus the hdmi cable. The only reason I got the 80GB was because the deal was to good to pass. I only paid $240 for supposedly a "new" PS3 80GB bundle.

Does anybodys PS3 heat up within 10 minutes of being turned on?

I bought a PS3 on Black Friday, I didn't open it until the 6 of this month. While I was doing the on-screen set up I felt the PS3 getting warm within 10 minutes of being on. Is this normal?
So after far too many issues with over heating (mostly occuring during use of F@H), I've decided to have it sent in. Anyone have any experience with this? Will I be getting the same system/harddrive back? The return instructions say to backup the HDD info onto a thumb drive and then restore the PS3 settings to default, thus erasing my info... but if I know I'm going to get my unit back, I don't wanna do that... there's no other way for me to hang on to my Rock Band save!!!

Also, I'm sending in a 60GB unit... I shouldn't have to worry about getting some other non-60GB system back, right? I want my full BC + wireless + 4 USB's.
Which system is more reliable? Which do you think will have a longer average lifespan? I'm waiting for my sony card to come and I found a store that still has some of the 60 gigs. I am not too concerned with BC because I will still have my 2 PS2s hooked up in different rooms.
get a ps3? I just got about $800 and im getting the PS3 itch, having just payed off all my bills, car payment, etc. I was just looking to see if there are any fellow Cheap Ass Gamers out there with advice on this big black box...

I definently want the bc of the 60, or at least the 80, and i was wondering if any of you think its worth it too make the jump to the ps3. Right now I just have a 360, which i love and play a lot (10k club ftw!), but there are a few ps3 games (uncharted, ratchet, burnout) that look great, and with a great line-up for 2008 and 2009, the ps3 is looking like a great system to have long term. I know this issue has been beaten to death on every single PS3 forum, but I'm just looking for advice. Anyone here got any?

I'd say look for the next really good PS3 deal and go for it if you have a good TV for it. I like playing the good games on the PS3 like Uncharted etc but in the offtime it's great for blu-rays
Hmm, alright. I have a decent monitor (22" with a max resolution of 1680x1050), so i think i might just have to jump. Anyone know of any good deals on the 60 gig out there?


ps. Does the ps3 have a digital optical cable slot (for audio). It wouild work well for my miniscule audio set up. Thanks...
How many great games are there for the Ps3? I'd hold onto your money for a Wii and Xbox 360 Elite. Granted Blu-Ray seems to have won the HD war, what with HBO and AOL/Time Warner signing with them...but I would still say wait it out.
[quote name='udabenshen']
ps. Does the ps3 have a digital optical cable slot (for audio). It wouild work well for my miniscule audio set up. Thanks...[/quote]

Yup it has optical out in the back
[quote name='valor19']Where did you get your avatar, oxygen?[/quote]

Google Images :) - I do not remember the exact site - it was months ago
I think Im just gonna take the plunge. I know i will get the system eventually for LBP and MGS4 and i really want the backwards compatibility, so it seems that now is as good a time as ever. I wouldn't assume that there will be a price drop anytime soon, and a blu-ray player wouldn't be a bad idea. Anyone have any recomendations for any PSN games. I like the approach sony has taken there.

[quote name='Oxygen']Google Images :) - I do not remember the exact site - it was months ago[/QUOTE]

N/m, it is just a standard pic of her cropped. Cool avatar though.
Anyone know if any of the 80GB Playstation 3s have 65nm chips like the 40GB version has? The 40GB version is supposed to run 6db quieter than the older models (and it might end up more reliable) which is why I ask.
[quote name='udabenshen']get a ps3? I just got about $800 and im getting the PS3 itch, having just payed off all my bills, car payment, etc. I was just looking to see if there are any fellow Cheap Ass Gamers out there with advice on this big black box...

I definently want the bc of the 60, or at least the 80, and i was wondering if any of you think its worth it too make the jump to the ps3. Right now I just have a 360, which i love and play a lot (10k club ftw!), but there are a few ps3 games (uncharted, ratchet, burnout) that look great, and with a great line-up for 2008 and 2009, the ps3 is looking like a great system to have long term. I know this issue has been beaten to death on every single PS3 forum, but I'm just looking for advice. Anyone here got any?

If you have a 360 it's really hard to say go for it. I have both (had a PS3 first) and get all multiplatform games for the PS3 leaving the 360 as pretty much a paperweight since I only have a few games for it. I guess what you should think about is how much you want to play the PS3 exclusives and if there are enough to make the console worth it to you, because honestly for me I can't find a good reason to own both a 360 and a PS3. I was going to sell my 360, but realized I wouldn't get nearly as much as I paid for it so I kept it.
Well, to let you know, most all PS3 consoles are silent. There are some reports of 80GB/Euro 60GB consoles which aren't too silent, but they are still more silent than the 360. Most all 20, 40, and 60GB consoles here are extremely silent, unless you leave them in an enclosed area for a long period of time. My 20GB PS3 is more silent than my Wii even IMO.

The 80GB consoles were manufactured before 65nm cell was being used. I could see SCEA releasing an 80GB revision (who knows, the latest PS3 SKU to be registered at the FCC might be it), with 65nm cell and maybe a few other small cost reductions internally.
[quote name='M3wThr33']The PS3 is damn near silent to begin with. Why does this matter?[/quote]

Exactly. This isn't the 360 (which sounds like a small jet). Even when folding, my PS3 is nearly dead silent. The only time I have EVER heard the fan was when I had it on folding for 41 hours straight. Other than that, it's a non issue.
[quote name='D_Icon']Is MotorStorm 2-player slpit screen? Also, I thought you could race to your music in the PS3 HardDrive?[/quote]
The answer to both of your questions is no to the best of my knowledge. The 1-12 players label on the back of the package is online, not offline.
I have been fortunate to get every PlayStation console on release day. That is, until the PlayStation 3. With limited supplies, high price (and lack of interesting software, in my opinion at least), I did not get a PS3. (I'm not a Sony 'fanboy'.) So, I waited and waited. Then the price dropped and Sony released more versions. I wanted to get the 60 GB version to make sure it had the highest backwards compatibility. I was going to get one around the holidays, but it's just not a good time to throw around $500. (Is there ever a good time for a CAG to spend $500?) Well, I waited too long, and now 60 GB PS3s are basically gone from retail, both online and B&M (especially in the NYC area).

I resorted to eBay to get one. I have noticed that on eBay and online retailers that there are a lot of refurbished PS3s. There also seem to be a lot of opened (but not refurbished) systems. Where are all of these coming from and, if they are new, why must these sellers open them just to test them?

I am asking this because I got one that was supposed to be sealed off of eBay and it was not, and now I'm hesitant to keep it. I have not opened the consoled from it's seal.

We keep on hearing about the problems with the Xbox 360, but do all of these second hand PS3s reveal something about the PS3? (Maybe people just don't like it?)

So, what's with all these second hand 60 GB PS3s and why can't I get a new one if all of these are 'practically new'?
Some stores still have them, try kmart or sears or something, seriously. They will have them still, since most people who shop there dont have that kind of money to throw down on systems.

Id avoid buying anything opened on ebay, but thats justme.
In my area, stores like Sears and K-Mart no longer have a 60GB. Last place I saw one was at Sam's Club, but that's because there's is a MotorStorm bundle for $550.
[quote name='udabenshen']I think Im just gonna take the plunge. I know i will get the system eventually for LBP and MGS4 and i really want the backwards compatibility, so it seems that now is as good a time as ever. I wouldn't assume that there will be a price drop anytime soon, and a blu-ray player wouldn't be a bad idea. Anyone have any recomendations for any PSN games. I like the approach sony has taken there.

Stardust HD demo is out on the PSN store,so try it .Everyday shooter is good.
After I charge my headet (one that came with Warhawk) and go to Accessory settings to connect it, my PS3 will just completely freeze up. The headet is on, but when it's searching the system slows down and then just locks up. This only happens after I charge it and connect. Every single time. Does anyone know what the problem is?
Actually the 80GB's PS2 BC isn't that bad, nearly all the good games (RPGs/Strategy) will work with 80GB version, the list will only grow bigger, the downside is there're some minor glitches which will be nearly negligible.

Now, if Sony ever decides to pull plug on 80GB, you can bet I'll run out and get 80GB as soon as I hear this announcement.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']In my area, stores like Sears and K-Mart no longer have a 60GB. Last place I saw one was at Sam's Club, but that's because there's is a MotorStorm bundle for $550.[/QUOTE]

Sam's Club is rolling out a 18 month no payments no interest on Jan 25th. Mine has 14 of the 60GB left. I say why not pick up a 60GB while they still are available, i'm sure they will be very very near impossible to find new soon.
bread's done