PS3 disc'd game sharing - CAG member created, free to join, free to leave


1 (100%)
It sort of spun off from the other thread (not important, but if you want to read it, the link is below).

Just read the last page, since the beginning is not relevant.

The idea has been discussed before, but i don't think it was put into work. I'm offering a small PS3 sharing circle and I'm only taking FOUR members (just small for now, since larger group is harder to manage).

What is this PS3 disc'd sharing group?
Basically members throw in games they want to share into a pool and pay only shipping if he/she interested in the games from the pool. The games have to be the physical disc (Blu-ray). The term "pool" is just a collection of the games available for sharing. The actual games are at the location of the owner or the borrower.

You can join/leave the group any time you want. You can remove games from the pool any time you want (have to be your games, duh).

The only rule is:
Treat the games like your own, don't damage them, don't scratch them, don't finger print them :lol:

The whole system is based on honesty, if a game is lost in the mail, no biggies, we all grown ups and reasonable people, so we're capable of sharing, yes?

Here are some ideas to make sharing pleasant and smooth:

  • Add games to the pool, start off with games you can part with. For me, Wanted: Weapon of Fate. You don't need to add high profile games to the pool, chances are other members have them.
  • Communicate, if you send a game to another member, post the info, same thing if you receive a game.
  • If no one is waiting for the games you borrowed and you platinumed/beat them, politely return them to the original owners at your expense (a thank you note won't hurt too)
  • Take the time to play the games you borrowed, don't put them on the backlog especially if there's another member wants to borrow them (how many times we lend stuff to our friends and only to find that they just like to hold on to them?)
  • Oh, don't borrow more than you can play, two games at any given time is reasonable.
  • The account leader will be responsible to keep track of the game locations, so that you can see where the games are at any given time (who has what).
  • If games lost in the mail, they will be noticed, some sort of recording system will be used to keep track of this. Crap happens in life, we deal with problems all the time :) Forgiveness goes both ways, the sender or receiver can replace the lost games. If necessary, work out a deal with the original owner.

I'm posting this in the PS3 forum because I just want to share PS3 games. Let me know what you think and please supply your comments. Thanks for reading!
Id be interested in this.

I am quite meticulous with my games, so my only concern is that others would excercise the same care. I will go ahead and throw my list out there:

50 Cent: BoTS
Burnout: Paradise
Hakuna Matata
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Rock Band

I have some others, but Id like to see who Im sharing with before I open up the whole collection.
Nice idea, best of luck to you. I would scratch off the entire two portions on games getting lost in the mail though. A typical 4-5oz game can be sent via First Class or Priority for under $5 ($2.10 for First Class / circa $4 for Priority) and that includes delivery confirmation). The chances of your game being "lost in the mail" are surprisingly thin. Yeah, it's important to state that crap happens, but by emphasizing it twice you make it seem like it would be OK to "lose" one.

Either that or ask each shipper to insure the package (it's surprisingly cheap - $1.75 covers up to $50) - covers fraud, theft, rifling, and damage.
The disc will be mailed in a hard plastic shell (you know, one of those small/thin CD jewel cases). I don't think it cost more than $1 to ship. There's no need to ship original case and manuals.
I can also throw FarCry2, Motorstorm and Assassin's Creed into the pool.

When can we set up the first share? Im interested in giving Wanted a go, maybe try for a quick platinum.
[quote name='Serpentor']The disc will be mailed in a hard plastic shell (you know, one of those small/thin CD jewel cases). I don't think it cost more than $1 to ship. There's no need to ship original case and manuals.[/QUOTE]

But what if someone wanted the manual to flip through? Not every game has a tutorial mode to get you acquainted with the controls and searching for control schemes on the internet would be a pain in the ass if someone just wanted to get the game to play and didn't have alot of spare time.

I might consider joining this group, but I only have maybe 4 games right now, none of them anything I think anyone would wanna play.

I have:

* Red Faction: Guerrilla(second copy coming in from the Darksiders mystery code thing)
* Little Big Planet
* Rise Of The Argonauts
* Mercenaries 2

I also have(but they're unopened):

* Fallout 3 GOTY(x 2)
* Tom Clancy's Endwar
* Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds(x 2)
I would be down, but again, I'd have a feedback requirement as stated in the previously mentioned thread.

- Bioshock
- Warhawk
- Socom
Im sort of with Serpentor on keeping my manuals and inserts. Blu-rays are fairly robust, but paper is not.

I have some extra blu-ray/ps3 cases Im planning on shipping the stuff in.

As for feedback, Im inclined to think that being a long-term member can be just as important as feedback, as I have had some negative experiences with sellers who had close to 100 instances of positive feedback. Thats just me though.

Also, I dont know if anyone would actually be interested, but I have some PS2 games Id put into this as well. Namely, Yakuza 1 and 2, in case anyone wants to prepare for the sequel.
I'd be part of this, like the way it sounds. I don't mind opening up my backlog if
I get in the group.

Red Faction: Guerilla
F.E.A.R.2: Project Origin
Fallout3: Game of the Year edition
I might be willing to jump in at some point. Needs to be a little bigger for my liking though. I generally get games, beat em and then goozex them. So I don't really have a huge collection but it usually contains some fairly recent stuff due to my buying habits. For instance my list right now would read :whistle2:

Fallout 3
Motorstorm Pacific Rift
Demon Souls
White Knight Chronicles
The Saboteur
Modern Warfare 2

Of course my list would change often as i get stuff in/trade stuff out. Unfortunately from what I've read so far in this thread, I've played/beaten all games mentioned by other posters so it seems I'd be sending a lot of stuff out and not receiving ....
Awesome, glad to see some interest. Responding to CheapestG's question of manual, sorry, i don't see the point of it, but as always, it can be requested in the group if you really want it. It's up to the original owner and of course, anything you request, you're responsible for shipping.

Okay, we have enough members to start. I'll be creating a community forum for this group and in there you can find all the stuff you need. As of now, invitations will be sent to:


Nice idea guys. I am not sure is there a 1 to 1 trade how does that work The two people borrow from each other or the "pool" is open to all 4 members to request from? Any allotment max per time, per member?

Just some thoughts.
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']Im down

list of games I am willing to put in the pool

(x4) Guitar Hero Metallica
(x2) Singstar Queen
Pinball Hall of Fame

Is that Williams Collection? Id be interested in that. Also, add Guitar Hero World Tour to my pool list.
[quote name='Snake2715']Nice idea guys. I am not sure is there a 1 to 1 trade how does that work The two people borrow from each other or the "pool" is open to all 4 members to request from? Any allotment max per time, per member?

Just some thoughts.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'd agree there should be a standard max time per member.

I'd also like to know how often others get games. Like I said I get what might be considered a lot of games in and out. I'd hate after a month or two to have 0 in and 10 out.
There's a max of two at a time and there will be a reminder after two weeks. All of the details will be noted in the sharing etiquette. I'm polishing up the community thread a bit. It will be private, invites only. Technically, the group can be big as it can be, the pool of games will be huge! However, there are no auto tracking apps for this, so i'm keeping it small.

Here's one point i came across with typing up the etiquette:

If A wants a game from B and B wants a game from A, the shipping charge cancels each other out. It's possible that A might actually pay more than B due to location, but don't let those little things get in the way. Ultimately, A and B get to play the game they want :)

It's also possible that members can offer a "buy it" option if he/she likes a game, just contact the original owner to workout a deal. If the deal is complete, both parties can leave feed backs.
[quote name='Snake2715']Nice idea guys. I am not sure is there a 1 to 1 trade how does that work The two people borrow from each other or the "pool" is open to all 4 members to request from? Any allotment max per time, per member?

Just some thoughts.[/QUOTE]

In the case of 1 to 1, there's no payment involve, since both parties have to ship the game. In the case where A wants to borrow something from B and B needs nothing from A, A needs to pay B for shipping.
[quote name='Serpentor']
It's also possible that members can offer a "buy it" option if he/she likes a game, just contact the original owner to workout a deal. If the deal is complete, both parties can leave feed backs.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking of suggesting something similar, as some of the games I will be sharing are on my Trading List.

Looking forward to this!
To avoid multiple copies of game confusions (from different owners), we will limit to one copy of each game, unless it's okay by everybody. Invitations are sent to:


The sharing group now is closed. Above members, if you think the group picture is too provocative (working place or wifey or whatever) please let me know, i can change it. I pick it because I wish my PS3 looks like that and i can't come up with anything else at the moment :lol:
I remember seeing you post something on this the other day and the idea have me very interested. I would think this would now be MT for this so we can have multiple groups running. I am really with Kurrp in a way with the feedback requirement as a base judgment for the group, or only allowing members with under a certain amount of Itrades (determined by group) can only have access to certain games to see how they are treated and until the Itrader rating increases or they prove they are OK to the discs.
[quote name='Sito']I remember seeing you post something on this the other day and the idea have me very interested. I would think this would now be MT for this so we can have multiple groups running. I am really with Kurrp in a way with the feedback requirement as a base judgment for the group, or only allowing members with under a certain amount of Itrades (determined by group) can only have access to certain games to see how they are treated and until the Itrader rating increases or they prove they are OK to the discs.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree with you on the rating thing, trust is not something you build over night. That's why just start with something small and with games that are not high in value.

Think about this, do we really need to buy cheap games every single time? What if somebody can just lend me for few days :)? Well, that's what this sharing circle is all about.

Perfect examples...

  • Boinic Commando for $10 new, shipped, but will I really going to like it? Rental is like buying new...
  • Eat Lead, mixed reviews from all over the place. Is it a really good buy at $10? Some CAGs say yes, some say no... but what if you can rent it for $0-1 from a CAG who's willing let you to try it out? And then you happen to like it? You can offer to buy it from the CAG you borrowed from for cheaper price...
  • Harry Potter Half Blood Prince - I'm not really a Potter fan, but the game got easy trophies, can I just borrow it from a Potter fan?
To minimize risk, we could always suggest a 1:1 trade. That way if you dont give me back my game, then I keep your game. I dont mind either way, as I had already planned on deciding on whether to loan or not on a case by case basis.

I have seen Serpentor and MeggidoCAG on these boards for ages. StrandedBrit is actually already on my PSN friends list. Andrew is new, but he has decent feedback. I think hes the only one I would have to think about before loaning certain titles, but after a loan or two I dont think itd be an issue.
I'll never deal with Andrews. He agreed to a deal from me, was supposed to send $5, which he decided on concealed cash, but never sent anything and never said a word about it.

Not sure if you guys want to deal with him or not. That's your call. I've already blackballed that user :/
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']I have seen Serpentor and MeggidoCAG on these boards for ages. StrandedBrit is actually already on my PSN friends list. Andrew is new, but he has decent feedback. I think hes the only one I would have to think about before loaning certain titles, but after a loan or two I dont think itd be an issue.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I've played with you and Megiddo before, and seen Serp post a lot. But yeah not sure about andrew seeing what was posted above.

EDIT: Serp, can you add a general discussion thread to our social group. So we can talk about general/non-related stuff?
Same, I've seen serp post quite a bit, and have talked with TctclMvPhase and seems pleasant. I have also played with StrandedBrit on occasion.

Andrew is new and has under 100% feedback. I don't mind him being in the group, but first slip up and he is out.
Sure thing, General thread is added and canceled invitation for AndrewsAwesome4.

I also added "let's start sharing" thread, basically, for the time being, i'm shipping out my games for free and i'm on probabtion on borrowing. In order to gain respect, one must respect others, especially in terms of rating, i'm a nobody.

I agree with the 1:1 idea, nothing wrong with playing safe. So among you guys, do the 1:1 thing, just keep me posted so that i can do the tracking.

There's one opening spot, so if anybody interested, post here and if the members give you a nod, invitation will be sent.
[quote name='Ace!']not a bad idea...

I have several older games that I can lend out....not sure if anyone would even want them.[/QUOTE]

List some samples and let us know if you want it :)
I'd also be game to let day two more people in. It'll still be small, but widen the game pool a little. Of course as long as they check out.

Okay, a little update...

I've shipped the first game to kick off the sharing. So, from NY to VA is $1.54 on way. You're looking at $3-4 per game (round trip). The way i see it, it still beats rental or buying cheap games. There's no due date, but it's recommended that the borrower finish/beat the game asap (say 1-2 weeks).

The pool of games at the moment looks good enough to start, so we'll see how things roll from here.

We can add two more members w/o problems, so post here if you're interested.

I have updated the thread with a new topic, games you would like to see in the pool.
just a suggestion but if you all have digital cameras you may want to take pictures of whatever game youre sending out or receiving so you have proof of the condition its in.
[quote name='adriley313']Id be intrested in joining the club.
Ive got some of ps3 games and would like to play some more.

Thx a bunch[/QUOTE]

Let us know.

Also, still looking for peeps.
[quote name='lokizz']just a suggestion but if you all have digital cameras you may want to take pictures of whatever game youre sending out or receiving so you have proof of the condition its in.[/QUOTE]

Good idea, but it's a lot cheaper to mail the disc only... One can take pictures to document he condition of the manual if it's ever requested.
I just received the first game last night. I was surprised by how Serpentor had shipped it.

I did find two small plastic bits in the envelope, so it looks like the items in the center of the case, which hold the disc in place, broke off.

If youre interested Serpentor, I have a slightly more durable normal sized disc case I could send it back in, or I have some empty PS3 disc cases which I could send for you to use. Since dimensions dont matter on the small packages, shipping should be roughly the same price and the case may be a bit more durable. On the other hand, I also have plenty extra slimline cases, but those dont look like theyre going to be able to survive more than one or two trips.

I guess its a good thing that we are doing this with PS3 discs since they are so much more durable.

On another note, fuck the turret sections in Wanted.
:lol: glad you got it in one piece! that's cool, i take your suggestions :)

Wow, i didn't know the shipping is that rough. I guess i'll use one of those cases w/o the small bits that hold the disc in place.

I just played the first chapter so i won't know, but looks like i'm gonna suffer the same sort of fate eventually :lol:

On another note, Tctcl, you can hold on to it in case another member request it. I'll update the community thread a bit, thanks!
I have
Ratchet and Clank: Tools of D
Madden O9
Assassin's Creed

Will be getting later this week
The White Knights Chronicles
Final Fantasy XIII

Let me know
Thx a Bunch
I think throwing in blus to trade would be a good addition to the group, we could have a blue ray section and ps3 game section.

High feedback and tons of posts, I think we can let adirley in to the group.
I'd be interested in this, considering GameFly never has any good new games in stock and doing it through Blockbuster would get expensive. Alas, I do not have any activity in the marketplace so I don't think I can participate. But in case I'm wrong, I suppose I can throw these in the pool. I'll admit, I'm a little nervous about this, but I can just hope you're all awesome folk. Biggest problem is, all my beat PS3 games are pretty high profile, and I'm not sure if it's wise to put them in the pool.

Batman: Arkham Asylum
God of War Collection
Uncharted 1
Uncharted 2

I think I'd be more inclined to throw some of the games I haven't even started into the pool:
I've been watching your thread and it looks like a great idea. Any chance I could get in?

Star Wars Unleashed
Prince of Persia
Hot Shots Golf
Tom Clancy's EndWar
bread's done