PS3 FAQ's: PSN, Gaming, Hardware, Accessories, Gen. Discussions...etc.

That guy looked pretty uncomfortable doing that video.

Does anyone have a problem where movies (both DVD/BD) on the PS3 look way too dark? Games look fine but I wonder if they just have fewer intense black areas than movies.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Try it with a different cable, baring that, try the PS3 on a different 1080p set, and another 1080p device on that TV, to try to narrow down what's happening.[/quote]

I got the 360 running fine on the same TV, and I dont have any other 1080p set.

I've tried switching cables and still get that static crap.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Not sure if this was posted in this thread, but IGN has a great tutorial on how to get the best Blu-ray settings from your PS3.[/QUOTE]

AFAIK he's completely wrong about the internet setting. That has nothing to do with player updates-those come in firmware updates. That's just saying whether BD-Live stuff can connect to the internet without asking you or not. I suppose it doesn't really matter, but I leave it on confirm, which is the default. Can't see why I'd care ab out BD-Live stuff though...

And as for the rest of it, most are just the default settings, and I'm not really sure about some things he's choosing, whether they make sense or not.... AFAIK you almost always want that limited/full thing set to full if your TV supports it (and my 2006 Sony does, so...) That setting was the source of those "Assassin's Creed looks better on Xbox!!!" review. Lo and behold, flipping that made them look the same...
[quote name='metaly']That guy looked pretty uncomfortable doing that video.

Does anyone have a problem where movies (both DVD/BD) on the PS3 look way too dark? Games look fine but I wonder if they just have fewer intense black areas than movies.[/QUOTE]

Do you have you video settings on limited or full? I tried both while pausing a movie and full seemed to introduce what is know as "black crush" it basically created a much darker picture and saturated colors.
Ok, so where in this thread does it say how long it takes to charge a Dualshock 3 controller and also can you charge it from a PC? It doesnt hold any blinking lights when connected though it blinks all 4 repeatedly for a little bit.
Not really sure how long it takes to charge, but I charge my controllers on my computer all the time. The four lights are supposed to blink, but I'm pretty sure they blink as long as the controller is plugged in.
[quote name='brighenne']Not really sure how long it takes to charge, but I charge my controllers on my computer all the time. The four lights are supposed to blink, but I'm pretty sure they blink as long as the controller is plugged in.[/QUOTE]

Ok thanks, wasnt sure if it was charging or telling me some error that it isnt charging.
Hello, I am the proud new owner of a MGS4 Bundle PS3. I have a couple of questions for the discerning PS3 CAG

The usb cable that is used to charge the controllers is simply male-to-male USB A to mini-b correct? I can just buy any cable with these specifications (I'm specifically looking for a 10-12 ft one so I can play while charging) and it will work, correct?

What PSN games are worth looking into? I've heard good things about Everyday Shooter, Echochrome, and the PixelJunk games (Monster and Eden in particular). Am I missing out on any other ones?

I only have MGS4 and Little Big Planet so far, but the list of "to buy" games I have for PS3 is:

resistance (1 then 2)
heavenly sword
motorstorm (1 then 2)
valkryia chronicles
eternal sonata
socom bundle (As I've heard the headset from this bundle is the best)

Am I missing out on any gems here?

Thanks in advance CAGs!
Good list though I would skip Motorstorm 1 if you plan on getting 2 anyway. Burnout Paradise is another outstanding driving game. Of course many of the fall releases are worth checking out Dead Space, Bioshock, Mirror's Edge, Saint's Row 2, CoD: WaW. But you may have played/owned them on 360 already.

Off PSN? Some of the games I've liked the best are Bionic Commando, MegaMan 9, PixelJunk Eden & Monsters (skip racers), Echochrome, and Crash Commando and Savage Moon look promising. I highly recommend finding a gameshare group on this site so you can split the cost of games 5 ways.

Some of my favorite things about the PS3 are: Blu-ray movies, media sharing (TVersity is my pc software of choice for this), video streaming through websites in the browser, Home will be a good social app when the kinks are ironed out (may be a while), and using my Chase Sony credit card to earn points redeemable for PS3 games. ;)
Welcome to the PS3 family! :)

The list you detailed was comprehensive. Consider having a mixture of single player and multi-player games to get a more diverse experience, rather than all your eggs in one basket.

I cannot recommend Valkyria Chronicles if you like SRPG. Top contender for my personal GOTY.

I found myself enjoying Resistance 2 despite not having played Resistance 1. 8 player online co-op is a blast, and 60 person death match is insane.

Warhawk is a great multi-player game if you're willing to put some time into learning the flight and vehicle mechanics. They're not difficult at all, so stick with the newbie servers to get accustomed to things. The weekly Warhawk nights are still going strong.

I hear SOCOM is shaping up nicely after the recent 1.3 patch, with significant improvements to the match-making. Never played it myself, though.

Burnout: Paradise will make your eyes bleed w/ the sense of speed. I'd personally recommend this over WipeOut HD because Burnout has more variety of game play (and more trophies :)).

Be sure to save some money for Kill Zone 2, which comes out in February! ;)
I'd also add Ridge Racer 7 and Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds to the list. Almost everyone I've shown those games to thought they'd be lame, but actually everyone likes them. Honestly, HSG: OoB is one of the main reasons I picked up a PS3 - I love those games!

Also, I can confirm that any old USB cable works perfectly for charging the PS3 controllers. I picked up mine at
Thanks for all the suggestions guys, I really appreciate it. I should probably say that I already have the other platforms (gaming pc, xbox 360, Wii) So I'm mostly looking for games that are PS3 exclusive or are vastly superior on the PS3 platform.

Also any ideas for PSN games? Fat Princess looks very interesting, but its not out yet.
I just got a PS3 as well , so I'll be taking some of these recomendations into consideration. As for Resistence, would I be missing much if I jump into part 2 without playing part 1.
i didn't care much for Warhawk, but i seem to be in minority. i couldn't get the hang of the flying, and played about 3 or 4 matches one night where i racked up like 5 kills to about 100 deaths. it seemed like a game that did a lot of things good, but nothing great. most everyone seems to love it though, it just didn't do it for me.

i'll echo another poster's thoughts that you should probably skip Motorstorm 1 and just get Motorstorm Pacific Rift.

for deadite, i don't think you'd be missing much by skipping Resistance 1, but there is a little bit of backstory you'd be missing out on. plus you will probably be able to find it for $15-20, which would definitely be worth it IMO.
[quote name='deadite76']I just got a PS3 as well , so I'll be taking some of these recomendations into consideration. As for Resistence, would I be missing much if I jump into part 2 without playing part 1.[/QUOTE]

I never played R1 and went right to R2, but the game does a decent job catching you up on what you missed.

Honestly, time is probably the scarcest commodity you'll have -- so my recommendation is skip R2 and you your time for other activities or another game.
Congrats on the PS3 purchase. This is my opinion about many of the games (exclusives).

  • Buzz! Quiz TV (very fun quiz game with several categories of questions)
  • Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice (while the graphics may be dated, fun SRPG)
  • Folklore (highly underated action RPG, with unique gameplay)
  • Formula One: CE (Pretty good F1 game, if you are into it. Only F1 game out on PS3/360)
  • Gran Turismo 5: Prologue (while the game isn't as big as a main GT game, the controls are VERY good and it looks really great graphically)
  • Heavenly Sword (while I wasn't as big into it, still a cool game if you can find cheap)
  • Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds (really fun golf game)
  • Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of Patriots (IMO, GotY this year)
  • MotorStorm (while not as good as the sequel due to lacking gameplay modes and very hard, still fun and looks good graphically)
  • MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (really good racer, although hard)
  • Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (Maybe best for fans of Naruto series, but the combat is really fun and the graphics are great. Missions are all right)
  • Ninja Gaiden Sigma (while I'm not the biggest fan, the combat is excellent and very hard)
  • Ratchet & Clank Future: ToD (Excellent platforming action game)
  • Resistance: Fall of Man (while it might be a little dated now, single player experience is still good)
  • Resistance 2 (while some might not like it as much as the first, I love it more and I've invested 50+ hours into it. Co-op is addicting)
  • Ridge Racer 7 (IMO, best Ridge Racer in a long time. Enjoyable career mode or whatever it's called again)
  • SingStar / SingStar Vol. 2 / SingStar ABBA (very fun series and pretty good music in the SingStore, unless you are looking for music from the past few years from well known artists)
  • SOCOM Confrontation (After 1.3 patch, definitely recommended if you like Tactical action games. Just be warned it sticks heavily to the PS2 gameplay from what I heard (like if you expect it to be totally new, you won't find it)
  • Time Crisis 4 (I enjoy it because I really like light gun games, but I will warn that the graphics are dated and the Guncon3 is wired. Could use some improvements, but since lightgun games are so rare and I love TC, still fun).
  • Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Very fun and excellent story adventure/action game)
  • Valkyria Chronicles (excellent and different SRPG)
  • Warhawk (Very awesome multi-player online game)
  • Blast Factor (the game is pretty fun once you purchase all the add-on content, but may not appeal to everyone)
  • Calling All Cars (Fun to play with others if you have local friends and many controllers)
  • Echochrome (very interesting puzzle type game)
  • Everyday Shooter (fun game and very interesting)
  • High Velocity Bowling (fun bowling game with online play)
  • PixelJunk Eden (might not be for everyone, but cool style)
  • PixelJunk Monsters (very fun RTS type game, similar to Tower Defense or whatever it's called)
  • Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest For Booty (If you beat ToD, this game is great to play, although short)
  • Siren: Blood Curse (awesome survival horror that's fun and scary)
  • Super Stardust HD (Very downloadable game that's addicting)
  • Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection Online (Best version of Tekken 5)
  • The Last Guy (Pretty cool and interesting downloadable game)
  • Wipeout HD (Very awesome racer)

Eternal Sonata on PS3 is definitely a good choice. I own it myself and really like it.
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For the USB situation, you could use just a regular old USB extension cable.

If you like silent hill type games you should check out Siren on the PSN store.
To make things easier for the non-technical, and after much internal debate about catering to those who expect others to help them because they exist, I have created this thread for two reasons.

  1. To compile information about port-forwarding
  2. To compile data on a per-game basis on the ports used by each game
Because such an undertaking would simply be too much for one man, it requires the continued contributions of the CAG community. Thus, I will consistently update this with all pertinent information. If you have any comments/suggestions for improvement, feel free to post them, and I'll take it into careful consideration.

So, without further ado...

General Information
Setting up a static ip address on the ps3

Router Use Database

Port Compendium
Each game is listed alphabetically next to the port/s it uses

[quote name='The Mana Knight']Congrats on the PS3 purchase. This is my opinion about many of the games (exclusives).[/QUOTE]

Nice list! I'll be sure to check some of those titles out, thanks! Thanks for the Resistance responses! Looks like I'll DL some demos and take it from there.
Ok so Im a total noob about wireless networks. I finally set up my very first one and had zero problems with it working correctly, which is a good thing...i was pleasantly surprised.
I have a 3mbps connection via dsl. Going to, my desktop pc (which is connected via wired) is getting 3mbps. My PS3 on the other hand, (getting the wireless signal) is only getting about 1.5mbps. Hmmmm...not quite what i was expecting!
My router is a Linksys WRT54G2. My current setup is my ps3 is about 20 feet away from the router. It never has any connection problems whatsoever, its just slooooooow!:cry: If anyone can help me out with this or is it the router?
Could it be interference from other things? For example, if you're in an apartment building, it could be other wireless networks (you can try running it on a different channel). Or are there any walls between the PS3 and the router? You can try moving the PS3 around slightly - for example, if it's right up against the wall, try moving it a few feet away.
I recently purchased a Official Bluetooth Headset and have been getting terrible lag when I play. I have tried it on several games Resistance 2 and Little Big Planet to name a few and there is about 5-7 seconds of lag in the voice chat. Also, there is an echo whenever I talk (I say something then in 5-7 seconds I hear myself again which is the precise time my brother hears me). Does anyone know how to fix this?

note: its not my internet connection because my Xbox 360 plays fine and voice chat works flawlessly. Also there is no Lag in the picture which runs smooth just the voice chat.
[quote name='ducttapeBigSexy']Could it be interference from other things? For example, if you're in an apartment building, it could be other wireless networks (you can try running it on a different channel). Or are there any walls between the PS3 and the router? You can try moving the PS3 around slightly - for example, if it's right up against the wall, try moving it a few feet away.[/quote]

My my ps3 recieves the signal through 2 walls, didnt think it was that big of a deal since the router is maybe 15-20 feet away. Signal strength shows 90%. I dont live in an apartment or a high density subdivison either.
I think I may have to go the wired route. Ive read on the internets about it and it seems it corrects most of these problems.
[quote name='joe2187']I've been having problems and I dont know what to do.

My TV is a 52" LG 1080p, 120hz LCD set. and I've been having problems when trying to play games or watch movies in 1080p, I keep getting this grainy effect that I wish to fix. The Video settings for the PS3 are set to 480,720 and 1080i but when I try and switch on 1080p I get this awful grainy flickering screen covered in white spots and some scratchy popping noise. after I transfer it back over to 1080i it works fine but not for 1080p...what's the deal?[/quote]

Anybody wanna help me out here??

[quote name='joe2187']Anybody wanna help me out here??


Did you try turning off RGB or whatever in the video settings? Also there are some anti filter stuff and some super white settings in there. Check those out as well
i gotta question for psn accounts & users on the ps3 if i want to game share with other people i have to create a new user on my ps3 correct but can i use multiple PSN accounts for that user or is each user only allowed one PSN account?
[quote name='oemor']i gotta question for psn accounts & users on the ps3 if i want to game share with other people i have to create a new user on my ps3 correct but can i use multiple PSN accounts for that user or is each user only allowed one PSN account?[/quote]

1 user for 1 account.

Max of 16 users per PS3.
[quote name='cochesecochese']If you had to choose between headset and keypad, and could only pick one, which would you pick?[/quote]
Headset and any cheap usb keyboard. :lol:
OK, I saw some comment on CAG somewhere (can't remember what thread for the life of me though) about not being able to output two sound signals from the PS3. I was just about to return the clearance component cables I got at Target when I remembered this.

My problem in the short term is that, while I just got an HDMI-capable TV, I won't have a decent sound setup for a while. I was going to use that old Xbox Spherex system I bought at Costco for $100 a couple years ago (and have yet to open). The problem is, I would have to have the HDMI through the TV and then optical audio through the surround sound system. I have a similar setup with my 360 on my old projection TV (except component + 2-channel audio on the TV and the optical through my VERY old sound system there).

I don't always want to use the surround sound, though - in fact, would probably use it just every so often (mostly for Blu-Ray). So will I be able to have sound through the TV via the HDMI AND through the optical cable? I would never have thought I couldn't except for the complaint I saw posted here from someone about not being able to output two sound signals. I think they even said they ditched their PS3 because of it.

Now, eventually I will get an amp that has HDMI input and would take care of both TV sound and surround sound - but that may be 6 months or so away.

I really don't want to connect via component cables, but if, for some reason, the HDMI won't allow the sound to go also via optical (if the PS3 even has such a thing??) then I may have to.
Mana, As of lately i've been wanting to use my PS3 more and more. I need some Retail and Download able game advice. Which are your top 5 favorites in both categories. I'm getting my nephew Little Big for X mas so that one is covered and i'm sure to pick up Valkyria after the holidays. I have bought zero PSN games. Hook it up with some advice. Thanks.
[quote name='smiggity']The ps3 can output sound and video from separate sources. So optical for audio and hdmi for video will work fine[/QUOTE]

Yes, but can it output audio through BOTH HDMI and optical (at the same time)? If so, then what could it have been that someone had an issue with sound-wise?

Edit: OK, there was more on the Interwebs than I though there would be about this.

Here's one response to a question much like mine:

To answer your question, Sony does give you an option of doing that... However, you can't have the sound coming from both HDMI and Optical at the same time, tho. You can have video from HDMI at the TV's resolution, and have audio coming from your receiver via optical, which is what I did, or you can have both audio and video going straight to your television, but you can't have both.

So, like the lack of 1080i support (for everything like the 360 does) this is another technical shortcoming of the PS3. WTF? It's no big deal I guess for now. I'll just have to switch it in the settings every time I want to watch a movie :bomb:. But once I get a real receiver it won't matter.
Pixel Junk Eden is great at first but got old after a few levels for me. I'm sure some might find it entirely enjoyable the whole way through though. So that may be one to look in to in the downloadable area. It has a great visual style and the music is good/chill.
Perhaps this has been answered previously a while ago, but SOCOM has reminded me again of how much this irritated me: Why the hell do PS3 game updates take so damn long and are so damn huge? It's absolutely ridiculous. Is it lazy work by the developers of not optimizing their game updates or is it something inherently related to the system that requires such massive game updates?
[quote name='Maklershed']pimpin - for the love of all that's holy, please get Uncharted.[/QUOTE]

Ah yes. Here are the games I have played:

Uncharted ( Awesome Game )
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Metal Gear Solid 4

Owned my PS3 since the 80GB MGS4 bundle came out and those are the only 3 i've played. I really want to play the Ratchet and Clank but yet to find a good deal on it :(

I agree with SteveMc. I dislike all the updates and how long it takes. It's pretty annoying. I think its a big turnoff. When I was going to start up Heavenly Sword I just turned it off since I didn't want to deal with the big update.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Perhaps this has been answered previously a while ago, but SOCOM has reminded me again of how much this irritated me: Why the hell do PS3 game updates take so damn long and are so damn huge? It's absolutely ridiculous. Is it lazy work by the developers of not optimizing their game updates or is it something inherently related to the system that requires such massive game updates?[/quote]

Haha especially socom. Patch 1.3 is likely to exceed 1gb
bread's done