PS3 or 360

B Money

I am presently in the market for a new gaming system. I am pretty old school in the sense that I own a PS2, original Xbox, an original playstation, and an N64.

Out of the PS3 and the 360, which do you think has more to offer, whether it be games or performance?
Xbox 360 for multiplayer hands down.

Every console has their own strengths and weaknesses. PS3 like the Wii is good for console exclusives. 360 has its own exclusives but Xbox Live makes it the system of choice for all 3rd party multiplayer games.

This is in no way stating that PS3 3rd party games are inferior. But if you take a game like Call of Duty or Madden, the 360 version sells more copies. More copies sold means more people online. More people online means more diversity and longevity.
PS3 has blu-ray and free online play. 360 has a slightly better online interface, especially if you have a lot of friends with a 360.

The biggest issue should be the games. The best exclusive 360 games tend toward shooters, while PS3 has a more varied lineup.

I went with PS3 b/c I have a gaming capable PC and I don't like most of the 360 exclusives, including Halo, Gears of War, or Fable.
Depends, if you are planning on doing online gaming, go with whichever one more of your friends you want to play with have. If that isn't a big deal then just pick whichever has the exclusive games you're more interested in.
I say ps3 because it can handle a more varied mix of things, plus being able to switch your hard driver for a bigger one is always nice.
[quote name='B Money']Is paying for XBox live worth it over the free online play of the PS3?[/QUOTE]

Depends. If most of the online community is on Xbox Live, and everyone is forced to pay for it, then you are forced to as well. Do you want a bigger population to play with where the majority have headsets? Or do you want a smaller population where the majority don't talk because no one has a headset?

Me personally, I like to make sure when I play a game, it will set me up quickly because there are tons of other people playing the game.
[quote name='Kendro']Depends. If most of the online community is on Xbox Live, and everyone is forced to pay for it, then you are forced to as well. Do you want a bigger population to play with where the majority have headsets? Or do you want a smaller population where the majority don't talk because no one has a headset?

Me personally, I like to make sure when I play a game, it will set me up quickly because there are tons of other people playing the game.[/QUOTE]

I don't think trash talking is that high on my priorities (even though is can sometimes be a highlight of online play).

How big is the gap between ps3 online population and xbox live online population?
[quote name='B Money']I don't think trash talking is that high on my priorities (even though is can sometimes be a highlight of online play).

How big is the gap between ps3 online population and xbox live online population?[/QUOTE]

Not enough to base any decision on.
Well, I have multiple PS3s and 360s. If I could only have one, it would hands down be the PS3. I enjoy both online, but give the edge to 360. However, I really enjoy a mix of single player experiences, and this is where the PS3 shines!! I love Going from Bad Company 2 to Heavy Rain, Uncharted, God of War 3, Demons Souls, MLB 10 The Show Etc....
I own both systems, among another 2 dozen other systems so I am not a fanboy. What I tell you comes from me being an actual gamer and having used both systems.

I vote ps3.

Ps3 has bluetooth and usb ports for flash drives, keyboard, mice, microphones, headsets, earpieces and so on, the 360 has neither nor can you add them on.

Ps3 has 100% free online gaming, the 360 charges you a annual fee to play any game online or even have a friends list and its cost is going up again. Ps3 also has something called Home which is 100% free and optional to use where you make a character and run through a virtual world with other people, chat, check out themed areas like a resident evil 5 area with mini games, trailers playing on big screens, an apartment you get to own and decorate and its constantly being added onto. Think of Home as kind of like The Sims only it a city about games only it has alot of other people in it also with you. I also prefer to ps3 community, 90% of the time I get on xbox live all I hear are a bunch of immature brats cursing and yelling. Like left 4 dead had a free content pack come out and valve made it free, it was free on the pc but if you had a 360 you had to pay to download it plus you had to pay for xbl to play it online. Or if you want to use like netflix you have to pay for xbl, you have to pay for netflix in order to use it.

Video stuff. You can play blu rays, upcoming 3d blu rays out of the box on the ps3 with no need to buy anything else. Plus the upconversion for dvds on the ps3 is truly awesome. Plus I like that it plays divx and windows media files. I can download videos on my pc, stick them on a flash drive, put the flash drive in my pc and lay in bed and watch the movies on the tv with full options of a dvd like fast forward, fram per second, zoom and so on.

Not to mention the ps3 runs dead quiet vs a 360 which is quite loud. And ps3 is known for being a pretty problem free machine while 360 even to this day still suffers from hardware problems, hell gamestop stopped taking extended warranties on them (don’t know if they do again now or not) because so many people were bringing them back with problems.

Far as games go both systems have 90% of the exact same games. All big names games like megaman 9, wolfenstein, bioshock 1 & 2, dead rising 2, beatles rock band, ghostbusters, bayonetta, call of duty 4, fallout 3, rock band 5, grand theft auto 4, modern warfare 2, brutal legend, marvel vs capcom 2, batman arkahm asylum, madden 10, assassins creed 2 and so on are on both systems and will continue to be on both.

Each year the list of exclusive games gets smaller. But personally the games on the ps3 that are exclusive I like better and have more of a variety to them. Killzone 2, MAG, final fantasy 13 versus, demons souls, uncharted 1 and 2, little big planet, flower, god of war 3, gran turismo 5, super stardust hd, metal gear solid 4, resistance 1 and 2, ratchet and clank a crack in time and tools of destruction, infamous, heavy rain among another dozen titles coming out in the next year that are ps3 only I like better. If you like MMO type games ps3 is only system to announce ones coming out for it, the two being DC universe online and Final Fantasy 14 online. But all big name big production games will be on both systems.

And well, I personally like the ps3 controllers better. They feel more comfortable in my hands, the D-Pad is more precise because the 360 d-pad is just a disc and sometimes pushing up registers as left or right, and the batteries are rechargeable in it I that like so when it gets low I just plug in a usb to mini-usb cable in the front of the ps3 and it charges while I play so I don’t have to buy batteries for it, after 2 years of use my controller still holds its charge like it did new.
I'll try to keep a big post I had ready as small as possible.

PS3 is the system with the lowest cost to own. You don't need to buy batteries, pay subscription fees or worry about the hardware breaking down within a year.

360 if multiplayer is your thing, have friends with 360s or don't care about how much money you spend on a console or for DLC. Lots of gaming industry types have gamertags but not PSN tags that they advertise, so you get more 'celebrity' types that way, especially if you end up playing against FourZeroTwo for instance.

PS3 has some beautiful looking exclusives that push the hardware beyond what a 360 can do, the 360 has a fading stable of exclusives that are being ported over to the PS3 over time. You may get the 360 for early access to games but if you're anything like a typical CAG, you'll develop a big enough backlog that will let you weather a slow release season just in time to catch the timed 360 exclusives when they're brought over to PS3. Especially with the Holiday season right around the corner and Black Friday looking like it's going to be a gaming knife fight to the death at retailers.

Lately betas for a couple of games have been coming to the 360 later and later, that's probably because of the certification process for 360 Betas. So you won't get early access to betas that aren't 360 exclusives usually. Also certain developers refuse to acknowledge the other platform exists, so you will see snubbings in certain areas on both platforms.
Both are good, only real things to consider are:

1. Exclusives. Not nearly as many exclusive games as in past generations, but still some. Do you prefer Gears of War, Halo etc. or God of War, Little Big Planet etc. Also do you prefer western developed games or Japanese games? PS3 will have more of the latter.

2. Do you need/want a blu ray player? If so that's a big plus of the PS3.

Beyond that it's more minor things like the controllers, whether you play online, and if so whether you have more friends with 360s or PS3s etc.
I guess I'm in the minority using my 360 more, huh? I don't see how people say the PS3 has better single player games at the moment, when they won't have Mass Effect 2 until next year...

PS3 is mostly my blu-ray player though, so take from that what you will.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']I don't see how people say the PS3 has better single player games at the moment, when they won't have Mass Effect 2 until next year....[/QUOTE]

Heavy Rain, Rachet and Clank, Demon Souls, Valkyria Chronicles and Uncharted. The PS3 has far more and better single player experiences then the 360. And Mass Effect 2 sucks. First was better.
[quote name='Paco']And Mass Effect 2 sucks. First was better.[/QUOTE]

While I wouldn't say it sucked, I'm shocked there there's actually someone else (besides me) who believes the first ME was better.
These type of threads NEVER end well. But I too must admit that I think most of the PS3 exclusives kinda suck. inFamous, Metal Gear (Cutscene)Solid 4(can't even call THIS a game, more like an interactive cutscene:roll:) and Heavy Rain are three of the most overhyped, overrated pieces of crap on the PS3.

Now Demon's Souls on the other hand is a great reason to buy a PS3. It's a truly challenging(sometimes frustrating) game, which is a rarity nowadays.
I'm voting on the PS3... the main thing that I dont like w/ Xbox is the proprietary hard drive that they threw in the system. It's like MS is punishing people who choose to buy the 199 4GB 360 should they enjoy the system and decide that they need more memory.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']These type of threads NEVER end well. But I too must admit that I think most of the PS3 exclusives kinda suck. inFamous, Metal Gear (Cutscene)Solid 4(can't even call THIS a game, more like an interactive cutscene:roll:) and Heavy Rain are three of the most overhyped, overrated pieces of crap on the PS3.

Now Demon's Souls on the other hand is a great reason to buy a PS3. It's a truly challenging(sometimes frustrating) game, which is a rarity nowadays.[/QUOTE]

God of War III?
I'll vote PS3 too, but I think you would be happy with either console.

The nice thing about the PS3 is that it has a Blu-Ray player built in, the PSN is free for online play and I prefer its exclusives. To each his own...
DANG IT! I just put Halo Reach 360 on Lay-away. Should I swap it out for the PS3? They are much more similar than PS2/Xbox.
PS3 hands down. I think gargus did the best job of laying it all out. PS3 simply is the best value for the money. Also, if you decide to pay the $50 for PS plus, you get free games to use while you keep your subscription.
[quote name='Linkgx1']DANG IT! I just put Halo Reach 360 on Lay-away. Should I swap it out for the PS3? They are much more similar than PS2/Xbox.[/QUOTE]

It all depends on what kind of games you play... If you're looking to buy the Halo Reach 360, something tells me that you would be just fine with an Xbox 360. Look at the exclusives and make your determination based on that.

Both systems are really good, but I just like the PS3 more.
[quote name='Kendro']Xbox 360 for multiplayer hands down.

Every console has their own strengths and weaknesses. PS3 like the Wii is good for console exclusives. 360 has its own exclusives but Xbox Live makes it the system of choice for all 3rd party multiplayer games.

This is in no way stating that PS3 3rd party games are inferior. But if you take a game like Call of Duty or Madden, the 360 version sells more copies. More copies sold means more people online. More people online means more diversity and longevity.[/QUOTE]

August 2010 NPD
Madden NFL 11 (Electronic Arts, Xbox 360 - 7+ million lead over the PS3) -- 920,800
Madden NFL 11 (Electronic Arts, PlayStation 3) -- 893,600

Anyway, it depends on what kind of games you play

360 - FPS
PS3 - Pretty much everything (fps, action-adventure, fighting, sports, etc.)
I'd say 360, call me a fanboy, but at least with the 360 you can be a fanboy. With a PS3 you have the positives of having a Bluray player and console and it is more quiet than the 360, unless you plan on installing your games to the HDD which makes it almost entirely silent. 360 has an amazing multiplayer and I personally prefer the feel of the 360 controller seeing as how if you're gonna get a 360 you will most likely be playing a lot of shooters so the controller is a lot better for those. And also if you're into more memory for your money you can buy a 250Gb for $300 with the new 360 and for the same money get a 160Gb PS3. If you end up basing your decision on that then I would just hold out till the holidays...Good luck with your decision!
[quote name='postaboy']August 2010 NPD
Madden NFL 11 (Electronic Arts, Xbox 360 - 7+ million lead over the PS3) -- 920,800
Madden NFL 11 (Electronic Arts, PlayStation 3) -- 893,600

Anyway, it depends on what kind of games you play

360 - FPS
PS3 - Pretty much everything (fps, action-adventure, fighting, sports, etc.)[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure if you are agreeing with me or disagreeing? Anyways a 7+ million lead is gigantic (especially considering a game goes Greatest Hits if a title sells 400,000 copies). If 7 million more people have Madden on 360, and more people play on Xbox Live, then I want a bigger online community to play games with.
[quote name='postaboy']August 2010 NPD
Madden NFL 11 (Electronic Arts, Xbox 360 - 7+ million lead over the PS3) -- 920,800
Madden NFL 11 (Electronic Arts, PlayStation 3) -- 893,600

Anyway, it depends on what kind of games you play

360 - FPS
PS3 - Pretty much everything (fps, action-adventure, fighting, sports, etc.)[/QUOTE]

I stand corrected on Madden. But take a game like Modern Warfare 2 on release. When Black Ops comes out, I prefer the platform with the bigget community.

Top Ten Software Sales, November 2009

  1. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (360, Activision Blizzard) 4,200,000
  2. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3, Activision Blizzard) 1,870,000
  3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii, Nintendo Of America) 1,390,000
  4. Assassin’s Creed II (360, Ubisoft) 794,700
  5. Left 4 Dead 2 (360, Electronic Arts) 744,000
  6. Wii Sports Resort (Wii, Nintendo Of America) 720,200
  7. Wii Fit Plus (Wii, Nintendo Of America) 679,000
  8. Assassin’s Creed II (PS3, Ubisoft) 448,400
  9. Dragon Age: Origins (360, Electronic Arts) 362,100
  10. Mario Kart w/ Wheel (Wii, Nintendo Of America) 315,000
I only have a PS3 (would like a 360 but don't have enough time) so I can only comment on it. The only other addition I can make relating to a positive for the PS3 is the game sharing option for PSN purchases.

$15 map packs split 5 ways makes those kind of purchases easy to justify.
[quote name='Kendro']I stand corrected on Madden. But take a game like Modern Warfare 2 on release. When Black Ops comes out, I prefer the platform with the bigget community.

Top Ten Software Sales, November 2009

  1. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (360, Activision Blizzard) 4,200,000
  2. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3, Activision Blizzard) 1,870,000
  3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii, Nintendo Of America) 1,390,000
  4. Assassin’s Creed II (360, Ubisoft) 794,700
  5. Left 4 Dead 2 (360, Electronic Arts) 744,000
  6. Wii Sports Resort (Wii, Nintendo Of America) 720,200
  7. Wii Fit Plus (Wii, Nintendo Of America) 679,000
  8. Assassin’s Creed II (PS3, Ubisoft) 448,400
  9. Dragon Age: Origins (360, Electronic Arts) 362,100
  10. Mario Kart w/ Wheel (Wii, Nintendo Of America) 315,000

No duh. FPS always sell better on the 360.
Sports game, they pretty much neck to neck on sales.
How about Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Devil May Cry, Danto Inferno, Final Fantasy, etc (non-fps).
[quote name='postaboy']No duh. FPS always sell better on the 360.
Sports game, they pretty much neck to neck on sales.
How about Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Devil May Cry, Danto Inferno, Final Fantasy, etc (non-fps).[/QUOTE]

Well Assassin's Creed II is in that same list...
[quote name='lolwut?']360 if you're serious about games.

PS3 if you want an all around machine.[/QUOTE]

Ps3 if you're serious about games and want an all around machine.

360 if you like FPS games.

No, but seriously you should nab a Ps3. Great exclusives (preference), free online, good controller (get some real/pro triggers, DS3's R2 and L2 suck), D-Pad for fighting games (unless you use an arcade stick, then moot point), better online community (Room of no mics > Room of 12 year olds those who do have mics on ps3 aren't much better then 12 year old though...) and free stuff like Home and Netflix.(if you have Netflix already...)

I don't get the whole "Bigger community" thing, I never find myself saying "This feels like there's only 2 million people playing, not 4 million like the 360."
if you have friends get an xbox 360 if you dont get a PS3

I know that probably came out wrong but the party feature of xbox live is GREAT for friends.
Here's the top exclusives for each system, according to Metacritic score:

Uncharted 2 - Action/Adventure/TPS
Little Big Planet - Platformer
Metal Gear Solid 4 - Action/Adventure/Stealth
God of War 3 - Action
MLB 10 - Baseball
God of War Collection - Action
Killzone 2 - FPS
Demon's Souls - Action/RPG
Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction - Action/Platformer
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune - Action/Adventure/TPS
Heavy Rain - Adventure
Resistance 2 - FPS
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time: Action/Platformer
Valkyria Chronicles - Strategy RPG
Resistance - FPS
Infamous - Action/Adventure/Open World
Motorstorm - Arcade Racing
Warhawk - Vehicle Combat
Modnation Racers - Kart Racing
Motorstorm: Pacific Rift - Arcade Racing

Mass Effect 2 - Action/RPG *Also available on PC
Halo 3 - FPS
Gears of War - Action/Shooter *Also available on PC
Gears of War 2 - Action/Shooter
Forza 3 - Racing Simulation
Halo: Reach - FPS
Mass Effect - RPG
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - Tactical FPS
Fable 2 - Adventure/RPG
Left 4 Dead 2 - FPS *Also available on PC
Left 4 Dead - FPS *Also available on PC
Burnout Revenge - Arcade Racing
Project Gotham 3 - Arcade Racing
Splinter Cell Conviction - Action/Adventure/Stealth *Also available on PC
Project Gotham 4 - Arcade Racing
Dead or Alive 4 - Fighting/Boob simulator
Dead Rising - FPS
Halo 3: ODST - FPS
Crackdown - Action/Adventure/Open World
Alan Wake - Survival Horror

There are 5 of the 20 360 games I listed available on PC as well.

I prefer the PS3 exclusives to the 360, but your opinion may be different.
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Both if you got the money. They both offer a good amount of exclusives.

Though if your strictly a online gamer I'm going to have to say 360.
They are basically even now. Stick with the PlayStation if you want a great game console with good exclusives and free online, or an Xbox if you want to play games online.

I just stick with PlayStation 3 since I use Sony as my main platform for games since I was a kid.
[quote name='B Money']I am presently in the market for a new gaming system. I am pretty old school in the sense that I own a PS2, original Xbox, an original playstation, and an N64.

Out of the PS3 and the 360, which do you think has more to offer, whether it be games or performance?[/QUOTE]

They're basically the same with performance, don't worry about that. Technically the PS3 is higher end (i.e. Uncharted 2) but there are lots of multiplatform games where the Xbox version looks better, and usually it's really close regardless.

Just get whichever one has more exclusives you want. They both have a TON of great exclusives, along with even more games on both systems, so you can't go wrong either way in terms of games.
If you want the best graphics, then you should go with the PS3. Staring from the year that Killzone 2 was release (and Uncharted 2) you'll never see a 360 game win best graphics (overall). People won't come out and say it.. but the PS3 clearly has better graphics than the 360 when the developer chooses to fully utilize the PS3's resources. maybe I'm just old school.. but graphics used to factor in the decision of which console to buy. Today, I don't think people care that much about graphics. I'm tired of every game using the unreal engine... everything looking like Wolverine Origins. (i.e. Enslaved)
bread's done