PS3... out of stock everywhere


2 (100%)
Seriously. Everywhere?

It must be the GOWIII effect. It's the first, real, true exclusive "system seller" for Playstation 3.
[quote name='plong']Seriously. Everywhere?

It must be the GOWIII effect. It's the first, real, true exclusive "system seller" for Playstation 3.[/QUOTE]

GoW isn't exactly as big as many people on gaming forums make it out to be -- and it's definitely not the reason behind the lack of PS3s out there.
[quote name='panzerfaust']GoW isn't exactly as big as many people on gaming forums make it out to be -- and it's definitely not the reason behind the lack of PS3s out there.[/QUOTE]

Nope. I am sure it helps but I think tax refunds and the cheaper PS3 price have more to do with it than anything.
PS3's have basically been out of stock since Christmas here. I honestly think there's a chance the Wii could get more stock in readily than the PS3 right now.
[quote name='rpnguyen']there is a shortage, not that it's selling at some unprecedented rate[/QUOTE]

Where do you think the shortage came from? Sony's manufacturing division didn't go on strike. The system sold extremely well during the holidays.
sony did say there was going to be a shortage some weeks ago, however i thought they were just trying to pump up some demand. it might be a particular part shortage that's hitting them, ie ps3 don't work well with out a blue-ray drive. what about chinese new year, that sometimes screws up supply chains? clearly though there has been a bump in interest since the slim was put on sale. i guess if you want one there are plenty of used available or you could pay an extra hundred to the scum on amazon marketplace.
the release of final fantasy xiii on 3/9 and rumors that it might be better on the PS3 is reason enough for a number to be disappearing from shelves.
[quote name='VipFREAK']lol, yeah everything except gaming...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']LMAO it only does EVERYTHING ! [/QUOTE]
GoW 3 is a huge game. Massive ad campaign and word of mouth. Maybe it won't sell 3 million plus first week but after people play it, they will recommend it to everyone possible.
[quote name='Microshock']GoW 3 is a huge game. Massive ad campaign and word of mouth. Maybe it won't sell 3 million plus first week but after people play it, they will recommend it to everyone possible.[/QUOTE]

If I'm not mistaken, everyone thought the same about Killzone 2, didn't they? And that didn't end up selling many systems. How many people are realistically waiting on bated breath to play a prettier God of War? I'd estimate that this title doesn't break 3 million units total in its lifetime, though it'll probably end up somewhere in the 2-3 million range, just like its predecessors.
[quote name='plong']Seriously. Everywhere?

It must be the GOWIII effect. It's the first, real, true exclusive "system seller" for Playstation 3.[/QUOTE]

It's been having shortages for some time now. Not just GOWIII, but a combination of all the PS3 exclusives (Heavy Rain, GOW III, MLB 10 The Show, etc...), and even non-exclusives like FFXIII which seem to be selling better on the PS3. Supply simply can't keep up with the demand.
[quote name='alongx']If I'm not mistaken, everyone thought the same about Killzone 2, didn't they? And that didn't end up selling many systems. How many people are realistically waiting on bated breath to play a prettier God of War? I'd estimate that this title doesn't break 3 million units total in its lifetime, though it'll probably end up somewhere in the 2-3 million range, just like its predecessors.[/QUOTE]

Killzone 2 didn't have 2 amazing multimillion sequels before it. God of War has brand recognition
[quote name='VipFREAK']lol, yeah everything except gaming...[/QUOTE]

That comment was funny back in 2007.
People are wondering the same thing in the Wii thread. There are generally "shortages" of systems (and other high priced stuff) in the first quarter because stores intentionally let their inventories dwindle so that they don't have to pay as much tax. I'm sure you see stores doing inventories or having control tags on shelves and what not, well they have to report these numbers and pay personal property tax on any merchandise physically in their store (which the store "owns") during the time when a count is made. So stores will not re-order much during this time period to avoid as much tax as possible. Not the only reason, but a sizeable factor none-the-less.
[quote name='alongx']If I'm not mistaken, everyone thought the same about Killzone 2, didn't they? And that didn't end up selling many systems. How many people are realistically waiting on bated breath to play a prettier God of War? I'd estimate that this title doesn't break 3 million units total in its lifetime, though it'll probably end up somewhere in the 2-3 million range, just like its predecessors.[/QUOTE]

GOW games tend to sell 2-3 million. This one will do at least that, if not more. Also, most games out there dont even get close to that #, so i dont know why you talk about it like its a disappointment. Its going to be a evergreen title for years to come.

Also, if you think GOW3 is just the same game with prettier graphics, go turn in your gamer card now and go read books. Its improved upon in every single way. I could say that all COD games are the same and make a good case about it, but its obviously not true. Same for the mario games, they're all repeats of older games with prettier graphics if you want to be ignorant. This is not the case however. So stop being ignorant.
Yeah, I was going to buy a PS3 just for GOW3 and Heavy Rain, but I couldn't find a PS3 anywhere, so I ended up just giving up on buying one.

Hopefully within 2 months PS3's will be everywhere again. Although I doubt it since there's been a huge shortage for more than that amount of time already.
[quote name='kiribee']Yeah, I was going to buy a PS3 just for GOW3 and Heavy Rain, but I couldn't find a PS3 anywhere, so I ended up just giving up on buying one.

Hopefully within 2 months PS3's will be everywhere again. Although I doubt it since there's been a huge shortage for more than that amount of time already.[/QUOTE]

Keep watching. It's not an all or none thing. Amazon will get more in stock soon enough, but not a ton. The same with Best Buy, Target, etc..
The thing I didnt like about the GOW demo is everything looks TOO clean/new/perfect.
The demo looks amazing sure. But I dunno. It just looks TOO shiney to me making me less interested in the full game. Oh well.
[quote name='Ivanhoe']The thing I didnt like about the GOW demo is everything looks TOO clean/new/perfect.
The demo looks amazing sure. But I dunno. It just looks TOO shiney to me making me less interested in the full game. Oh well.[/QUOTE]

I actually got the same feeling, but after seeing new screenshots and in-game footage my doubts have been put to rest. Tough to judge on a demo from June 2009.

The final game has been promised to be much more impressive. Hell I've heard quite a few people state in Previews to completely disregard the demo altogether; the finished product is that much better.

Only 7 more days till we find out!
If you live in/near los angeles area and the big stores are out of stock go to a "sony style store". They have em in stock, big time.

I just bought one today from them =). Good stuff.
I saw some today on 250 Gb model.. sony has stated they are having supply issue.

with a heavy hitter like GOW, it the true system seller for sony.. they should have PS3 in the truck loads.
[quote name='blitz6speed']GOW games tend to sell 2-3 million. This one will do at least that, if not more. Also, most games out there dont even get close to that #, so i dont know why you talk about it like its a disappointment. Its going to be a evergreen title for years to come.

Also, if you think GOW3 is just the same game with prettier graphics, go turn in your gamer card now and go read books. Its improved upon in every single way. I could say that all COD games are the same and make a good case about it, but its obviously not true. Same for the mario games, they're all repeats of older games with prettier graphics if you want to be ignorant. This is not the case however. So stop being ignorant.[/QUOTE]

I guess this is relative to how "huge" you think the improvements are.
It has to be because of the weak dollar, only logical explanation. If I were in the gaming business, I would make sure every single person in Europe in Japan that wanted one had one before I would even think about putting another unit in North America, considering they get almost double the money for one (based on exchange rates)

I personally think Demon's Souls is/was a better system seller than GoW and I really don't see how it could sell as many as the first 2 games, at least right away. You have to figure that there were at least double or triple the amount of people that had a PS2 compared to people that actually have a PS3 now. I'm sure once they release a few more million systems into hands of consumers it may approach the first two releases, but it's just not possible for a while.
[quote name='blitz6speed']GOW games tend to sell 2-3 million. This one will do at least that, if not more. Also, most games out there dont even get close to that #, so i dont know why you talk about it like its a disappointment. Its going to be a evergreen title for years to come.

Also, if you think GOW3 is just the same game with prettier graphics, go turn in your gamer card now and go read books. Its improved upon in every single way. I could say that all COD games are the same and make a good case about it, but its obviously not true. Same for the mario games, they're all repeats of older games with prettier graphics if you want to be ignorant. This is not the case however. So stop being ignorant.[/QUOTE]

Whoa there Burrito. GOW 3 is not bringing anything new except story and graphics. You are essentially doing the same contrived button mashing you did in the others.
Wow I should have been paying attention. I spent the entire day Sunday driving around looking for a PS3 having no idea about the shortage. I took my 4 year old son along thinking I could walk right in to any electronics store and pick one up. By the 6th store visit he was tired and getting upset so we quit searching. It's a pretty major screw-up on Sony's part that they have no systems available with two major titles near release.
[quote name='yukonrye']Wow I should have been paying attention. I spent the entire day Sunday driving around looking for a PS3 having no idea about the shortage. I took my 4 year old son along thinking I could walk right in to any electronics store and pick one up. By the 6th store visit he was tired and getting upset so we quit searching. It's a pretty major screw-up on Sony's part that they have no systems available with two major titles near release.[/QUOTE]

It could be an unintentional marketing manuever. People automatically think if something like a PS3 is out of stock everywhere, well it must be amazing and they'll try to get one for themselves.
The most logical explanation is the weak dollar. If you compare the dollar against foreign currency, it pays a company to release over seas as opposed to releasing it here since they get so much more spending power from the same sale.
[quote name='Microshock']It could be an unintentional marketing manuever. People automatically think if something like a PS3 is out of stock everywhere, well it must be amazing and they'll try to get one for themselves.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that thought had crossed my mind while I was driving around. I really doubt they would need to do that though. They have enough quality titles coming out that they don't need to manufacture demand. I am assuming there are a lot of people like myself who have been holding off on purchasing a system until FFXIII comes out (or GOW3).
I don't buy the marketing scheme one bit. It doesn't make sense for a company to purposely "lose" sales on hopes it would make them up with interest in the future unless the system had more to offer in the future, or they foresee some kind of problem that could be resolved before it hits the shelves, which would save them money in the long run.

It's a business and they intend to run it as such. The people making these corporate decisions don't give 2 shits about video games, blu rays, or anything else of that sort. Purely money, and only money.

Based on this, it just isn't logical to hurt your sales for MONTHS, hoping for a larger 3rd/4th quarter
I didn't say it was on purpose, i said it was an unintentional thing. It's not good for a company to not make money on their product but it pays out in the longer run when theres more interest in it.
[quote name='Microshock']I didn't say it was on purpose, i said it was an unintentional thing. It's not good for a company to not make money on their product but it pays out in the longer run when theres more interest in it.[/QUOTE]

Oops. Haha! You're right. I read that and my mind swapped in the word intentional. I guess I'm just bitter right now.
[quote name='beauford37']the release of final fantasy xiii on 3/9 and rumors that it might be better on the PS3 is reason enough for a number to be disappearing from shelves.[/QUOTE]

My brother is actually planning to buy a ps3 tomorrow for FF13. That is if he can find one if they're sold out like you guys say. I haven't looked myself since I've had one since launch.
Amazon has it in stock for 370 dollars for the 120GB and 470 dollars for the 250GB. Wow.

They are outside sellers though but goddamn, it's like the Wii's first 2 years
Fingers crossed for a pack in deal.
I would grab a PS3 with a good pack in deal.
I would still use my xbox for my primary console and the PS3 for exclusives and BluRay
[quote name='alongx']If I'm not mistaken, everyone thought the same about Killzone 2, didn't they? And that didn't end up selling many systems. How many people are realistically waiting on bated breath to play a prettier God of War? I'd estimate that this title doesn't break 3 million units total in its lifetime, though it'll probably end up somewhere in the 2-3 million range, just like its predecessors.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, but comparing the Killzone series to the God of War series is like comparing a lap dance to a BJ.
There's been a shortage of PS3 since post Christmas in the US. The only reason for the shortage is they cannot make enough to meet demand right now, especially after PS3 sales increased in JA with the release of FF XIII.

In early Feb Sony addressed the situation, admitted there was a shortage, & said it would continue for a couple months. They also recently submitted 2 new SKU's to the FCC. But the SKU's are exactly the same as the current PS3's. Meaning they probably are working with another manufacturer to increase production so they can meet the larger demand, and this would take a few months. Given the situation you will not see a pack in deal anytime soon.
bread's done