Modern warfare 2.-BIG WANT

Battlefield bad company 2(prefer to have VIP code)-Small want.
Might consider other games, just offer. As well has psn gameshares, for my psn gameshare.
Any version, don't care about disc and manual and will accept not so good condition discs(AS LONG AS PLAYABLE)
Assassins creed 2-Regular edition, pretty much mint condition.
Uncharted-Regular edition, disc good condition, manual and disc have wear and manual has creases.
Rainbow 6 Vegas 2-Regular Edition, very good condition.
Socom confrontation-Regular edition, offering DLC with it too.
Burnout Paradise-Greatest hits edition-Very good condition.
Mercenaries 2- regular edition, almost mint.
Will throw in The club, just the disc, I want to get rid of it.
Some Good yu gi oh cards.
2x bottomless, 3x d-prison .etc
Random pokemon, chaotic and magic cards
(most of them are bad)
Random pc games, COD4 cd-key, stronghold 2, star was battlefront 2, lego star wars 2, Knight of old republic.etc.
Various Gamecube games
$ cash, Canadian currency, but I have to receive game first. Must get good deal, liek 20-30 bucks.
Psn games(gameshare)
Fat princess 2
Super rub a dub
Socom confrontation DLC
Mortal Kombat 2
I'm in Canada(toronto), so I will perfer to ship just disc if shipping to US, but if you want I can ship manual and case too. Letter mail is not expensive. Parcels are, so if you are in states, just send me the disc, I don't want to waste your money.
I will provide pictures at request.
Prefer to see a picture of your game.
Prefer to ship 2nd, but willing to ship 1st if you provide picture of your disc.