PS3 to $299 rumor? (OP Updated: SD links)

I prefer having a PS2 just to play PS2 games and a PS3 for PS3 games and BluRay.

Why do you want to add wear and tear on your PS3 by playing PS2 games anyway? Arguably one could say playing BluRay movies could wear down the drive faster as well.
The big issue for me, and many of us going forward, is the upscaling of PS2 games to be passable on an HDTV. The PS3 has it. The PS2 doesn't (and won't).
[quote name='decon']I prefer having a PS2 just to play PS2 games and a PS3 for PS3 games and BluRay.

Why do you want to add wear and tear on your PS3 by playing PS2 games anyway? Arguably one could say playing BluRay movies could wear down the drive faster as well.[/quote]

EXACTLY!! I never used my PS2s to play PS1 games, but it would be nice if I had put away my PS2 to be able to just plunk a PS2 game into ANY PS3 and play it without issues. I doubt I would use the PS3 to play PS1 or PS2 games, but it's just the simple fact that I'd like to have that option of being able to if I wanted to.

And, I would NEVER PLAY ANY MOVIES ON MY GAME CONSOLES, since GAME consoles are for GAMES alone.

Again, it's just a nice little optional function to have, that I'd probably never use, but would be nice to just have.
I did actually, but only for the sake of having it there in case I EVER wanted to use it. Though, if they damn near perfected the software BC and it supported PS1/PS2 games to about 90-95%, I'd take a software BC one also. Either or really, since as I just said, it would only be in the event I didn't wanna drag out the PS1 or PS2 to play an older game.

Of course, this would also have to be a on $199 PS3 for me to bite I think, since I paid $299 last gen and it left a bad taste in my mouth paying that much for something I don't use more than maybe 10-15% of the time.

This gen, not only the main hardware prices left a bad taste in my mouth, but the price for peripherals is ridiculous too imo. $20 more because Sony added something that devs are barely using in the controllers?
Fair enough.

I just can't get over the fact that you interject your opinion on the price of this console in every thread, even though it's pretty damned unreasonable and/or unlikely.

Like a hippie going into every thread in the vs forum and saying "I just want everyone to get along, man...and, like, just be as one and chill"

If you want a $199 PS3 with full BC, fine. I think that's a great idea. But give it a fuckin' rest, y'know? How soon do you think that's going to happen? Really?
Actually, if Sony does another drop on the PS3 by $100 and does one about every year or so, not too far off. WAY closer than the original estimate I had of 2012 before I get a PS3.

As the price of the components goes down, I know the price will drop, it's inevitable. People have told me that they don't think that the PS3 will ever drop to $199, but look at the PS1 and PS2, as they got cheaper to make, Sony dropped the price.

I wasn't originally stating my 'usual routine' of the cheap BC system, but I was intrigued by the possibility of another price drop happening. If for nothing, I'm still a gamer.

But yet so many seem to take it personally on here and the rest of the internet, like you slapped their mother or insulted them in some other way.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']

And, I would NEVER PLAY ANY MOVIES ON MY GAME CONSOLES, since GAME consoles are for GAMES alone.

If the PS3 becomes $299, it will be cheaper than stand alone BluRay players. Maybe then it would be worth playing movies on it.
*IF*. It's still a $400 system, $500 in the configuration you want.

So, I suppose I could reiterate my request to "give it a fuckin' rest," and raise you a "we get it, already, you've made probably a dozen posts in this one thread alone informing us of your intentions to not buy a PS3 again"...

...but it's not going to do you any good, is it? Can we urge you to put a dime into a mason jar for every "I'm going to wait to buy a PS3 because it's expensive" post you make? You'd easily have $100 towards a system already.
LOL Nah, because for every time I'd toss a dime in the Mason jar, I'd be pilfering the PS3 fund to pay for my crack. Mmmmmm crack.

Seriously though, I don't try to go off on a 'the PS3 is fuckin expensive' rant, but I tend to be a responsive person who laughs at people saying to 'buy a PS2 if you wanna play PS2 games', when Sony originally had the function in the damned PS3.

I could think of at least 2-3 things they could've removed to eliminate the amount needed to keep BC a major part of their strategy, but I'm sure I'd get the 'I use that function' responses.

So, I'll just end this by saying that I DO want a PS3, but DAMN SONY, drop the fucking price already.
I'll just delete every response I've made, like last time, since by many peoples opinions, I'm wrong and you're all right, correct? And then we'll be done with this rigamarole for another 2 months maybe.

Sony and MS priced themselves out of the #1 and #2 spots this gen, since people like me will wait forever to play the few games they're waiting to play on it(GTA IV maybe, for one), so either they hope like hell all the movie afficianados buy up the PS3s or they'll sit and collect dust until they reach a price where ordinary people(casual gamers in that group) can actually buy one without selling a kidney.

I also am still waiting for Sony to pay me the fuck back for the 3 games their disc scratching PS2 I had messed up on me. But, I've got as much chance of that happening as I do of Kaz coming to my house and giving me a 'manual release' for my troubles.
Shacknews reports an SCEA representative did not comment on the subject of Best Buy's alleged discontinuation of the 80GB PS3, but indicated that a post addressing the matter will soon be on the official PlayStation blog.

Got this tidbit from N4G just now. ;)
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I'll just delete every response I've made, like last time, since by many peoples opinions, I'm wrong and you're all right, correct? And then we'll be done with this rigamarole for another 2 months maybe.[/quote]
You're not wrong. You're just repetitive. It's perfectly fine to not want to buy a PS3 until you can get a fully BC unit for $199. But do you have to remind us of that every three posts? You explained yourself (12 or 15 times), WE GET IT, can we just move on now?
You want a cheap PS3 with BC, then wait. No one says you have to buy one and if you can't afford it, it's not Sony's fault. It's just a game system.

No one except Sony knows how much it costs to add the BC right now, but apparently it takes up the most space in the PS3 and $130 to sell it separately with a controller in a plastic case. So, I would say it does add significant cost. One can only speculate the true cost.

The PS2 is the most successful so far in history. If and when they decide to stop selling the PS2, they will have no choice but to add back BC in my opinion. By that time, surely the prices will be to the point where it makes sense to add it and offer it as an incentive to buyers.

You have a perfectly working PS2, why do you want to throw it in the closet never to be used again? Just to save a shelf space and disconnect 2 cables?

So, you want two PS2 systems? That is, you want a PS2 to play your PS2 games and a PS3 to play PS2 games, but you do not want to use the PS3 for playing PS2 games? Did I get that right?
[quote name='decon']I prefer having a PS2 just to play PS2 games and a PS3 for PS3 games and BluRay.

Why do you want to add wear and tear on your PS3 by playing PS2 games anyway? Arguably one could say playing BluRay movies could wear down the drive faster as well.[/quote]

How about the fact that you could be using around 9-10x the power to play PS2 games on a PS3 vs a PS2 machine from reports I've read.
[quote name='decon']I prefer having a PS2 just to play PS2 games and a PS3 for PS3 games and BluRay.

Why do you want to add wear and tear on your PS3 by playing PS2 games anyway? Arguably one could say playing BluRay movies could wear down the drive faster as well.[/quote]

One advantage of playing PS2 games on PS3 is upconverting them so that they look halfway decent on an HDTV (lcd or plasma). I tried using my PS2 with component cables on my 46 inch Sharp LCD and if the game doesn't support progressive scan, it looks awful. I would like to get rid of my large tube based TV's because they just take up too much room in the house and LCD and Plasma are becoming more affordable. That being said, I will still keep my old PS2 because I can play import games on it but the PS3 is nice when I want to play FFX, FFXII, or Okami on my 46 inch Sharp LCD.
[quote name='b3b0p']You want a cheap PS3 with BC, then wait. No one says you have to buy one and if you can't afford it, it's not Sony's fault. It's just a game system.

No one except Sony knows how much it costs to add the BC right now, but apparently it takes up the most space in the PS3 and $130 to sell it separately with a controller in a plastic case. So, I would say it does add significant cost. One can only speculate the true cost.

The PS2 is the most successful so far in history. If and when they decide to stop selling the PS2, they will have no choice but to add back BC in my opinion. By that time, surely the prices will be to the point where it makes sense to add it and offer it as an incentive to buyers.

You have a perfectly working PS2, why do you want to throw it in the closet never to be used again? Just to save a shelf space and disconnect 2 cables?

So, you want two PS2 systems? That is, you want a PS2 to play your PS2 games and a PS3 to play PS2 games, but you do not want to use the PS3 for playing PS2 games? Did I get that right?[/QUOTE]The way I see it is, Sony will continue producing PS2 consoles until they have a working emulator that can play almost all PS2 games.

Partially, I just see Sony dividing their market. Those who buy a PS3 only to play PS2 games initially actually hurts Sony, because it lowers the PS3 attach ratio and Sony is already losing a lot of money on PS3 consoles (I'm talking about outside the 40GB). Sony is basically tell those if you really want to play PS2 games, just buy a PS2, which Sony actually makes money on $30 per console I believe. Rather than taking a $100-$200 loss or so, they get a $30 gain. Although it may lead to slower PS3 growth, at least they can somewhat tell who the serious people are on buying a PS3.

I probably didn't make a whole lot of sense, but that's how I'm seeing it. I believe we'll still keep seeing PS2 consoles everywhere until 2010 at least.

I don't think we'll ever see a full BC PS3 for $150 until 2011, if it even gets that low.
I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do, but I think I'm going to keep at least TWO spare Playstation 2s for my library of PS1 and PS2 games, since Sony's screwed around so much on PS3 backwards compatibility :( I sure loved not having to keep my PS2s.

I haven't quite decided how I'm going to do this. I might sell my current PS2 since it's of course got a lot of wear and tear on it, and presumably would die sooner (not that it's ever had any problems). But I plan on buying at least one new spare PS2 once they hit $100 or less-unless Sony's finally fixed it so ALL PS3s play basically ALL PS1/PS2 games.

I *HATE* having to do all this, but I'm not going to get stuck with games I can never play again. I wish I had snapped up a spare NES and SNES back in the day too :(

[quote name='MadFlava']One advantage of playing PS2 games on PS3 is upconverting them so that they look halfway decent on an HDTV (lcd or plasma). I tried using my PS2 with component cables on my 46 inch Sharp LCD and if the game doesn't support progressive scan, it looks awful. I would like to get rid of my large tube based TV's because they just take up too much room in the house and LCD and Plasma are becoming more affordable. That being said, I will still keep my old PS2 because I can play import games on it but the PS3 is nice when I want to play FFX, FFXII, or Okami on my 46 inch Sharp LCD.[/QUOTE]

It depends on the quality of your TV's scaler. Sony's TVs (at least their recent ones) scale and deinterlace great. My games on my PS2 look good through component-actually better than the good CRT this TV replaced. It looked worse through composite, but it handles s-video and component sources great.
i have a tax return coming and i was considering a ps3... if it drops another 100 bucks i think ill wait though. because id would go from a high ticket (80gb model) item to something i could buy in a paycheck if i budget right.

Not bogus that Best Buy will no longer be selling the 80GB model. While Best Buy could have decided to drop the 80GB system to conserve precious shelf real estate, the store's closeout on the 80GB model does raise the possibility that further PS3 SKU shake-ups are on the horizon.

Further evidence of another PS3 price screw around? Could the 40 GB become the new big ticket system, or will it drop and be replaced by another big ticket machine? Who knows. I'll be happy if they realize BC was a factor in my buying the system and put it back :)
[quote name='Wolfpup'] I wish I had snapped up a spare NES and SNES back in the day too :( [/quote]

You do, of course, realize that there have been 'generic' consoles that play NES/SNES games (the FC Twin for example)?

In any case, I see this as a benefit to Sony. I think they are right, most people who have large PS2 libraries, do indeed own PS2 consoles. So one would think that since they already have a machine that plays PS2 games, the dont really need to have the BC feature. It would only be replicating a feature that they already own. BC might be something that they would *like* to have, but is it really worth the $100 markup for essentially a redundant feature (since they already *can* play PS2 games on their PS2 console)?

Additionally, I think the argument that ppl with *no* PS2 games dont need BC either has merit. I doubt most people with no PS2 games are thinking of getting a PS3 to play last-gen games. Sure, it's a nice talking point, but I'd bet that new PS3 buyers are more interested in Uncharted and CoD4 than God of War and Bully. IF those were the games they wanted to play, then they would get a PS2 not a PS3. So, I think it's a good business move to shift the focus off of BC as it really only serves a tiny portion of the market.

I'll take myself as an ancedotal example. When Microsoft first said the 360 wasnt going to have BC I was bummed out (obviously they softened on that stance). I didnt own an Xbox so I was hoping the 360 would give me a way to play those games. Now we know the 360 has decent BC and I bought a 360. However, I have not played *one* single original Xbox game on my 360. I bought a couple (Kotor, Jade Empire, etc.), but I am having so much fun with the current-gen lineup that, quite frankly, I havent had time to get to the last-gen games. The current-gen offers me more.

I think the 'average consumer' / 'mainstream gamer' would be in a similar boat. The PS3 now has a robust enough library to give gamers something from this-gen to play so they dont need to lean on BC for gaming.

If it's true that the 40GB drops to $300, it's going to be an *extremely* attractive product. And if PS2 games are really, really that important, PS2 consoles are still be made and improved.

The Mana Knight said:
I believe we'll still keep seeing PS2 consoles everywhere until 2010 at least.
Well that would indeed be consistant with Sony's claim that their consoles are designed with a 10 year lifecycle now wouldn't it? :cool:
lata, hostyl1
I may or may not get a system for $299.

I have a PS2 so I can still play games on that. The only thing is, there is only three or four games out now that I want to play: Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Resistance, and maybe Folklore. I really have no interest in Warhawk.

Who knows when Haze, Metal Gear, and Final Fantasy will be out. God of War comes out Christmas 2009 so no rush for that. Blu-Ray is nice but I'm not really ready to jump onto another format.

However $299 is tempting though. I'm not an anti-Sony fanboy, as I do want one of the systems it just has to hit the right price and amount of games (that I want to play that I can't on another system).
[quote name='alpo845']I dont see why everyone thinks the Elite is such a great deal. for 50 dollars more, you get a blu ray player, wifi, you dont have to pay for live. The difference between the two services isnt THAT great.[/quote]

Uh, the games are 100 times better on the 360? You don't have to pay for live either dude. You can get a silver account. ;)
[quote name='Wolfpup']I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do, but I think I'm going to keep at least TWO spare Playstation 2s for my library of PS1 and PS2 games, since Sony's screwed around so much on PS3 backwards compatibility :( I sure loved not having to keep my PS2s.

I haven't quite decided how I'm going to do this. I might sell my current PS2 since it's of course got a lot of wear and tear on it, and presumably would die sooner (not that it's ever had any problems). But I plan on buying at least one new spare PS2 once they hit $100 or less-unless Sony's finally fixed it so ALL PS3s play basically ALL PS1/PS2 games.

I *HATE* having to do all this, but I'm not going to get stuck with games I can never play again. I wish I had snapped up a spare NES and SNES back in the day too :(

It depends on the quality of your TV's scaler. Sony's TVs (at least their recent ones) scale and deinterlace great. My games on my PS2 look good through component-actually better than the good CRT this TV replaced. It looked worse through composite, but it handles s-video and component sources great.[/QUOTE]

I'm no expert but I'll give you my experience. I have a 32" Sony M-series currently being sold in stores (720p) and as far as blu-ray movies the TV itself does a much better job than the PS3. I assume the PS3 set at 720p then the PS3 does the work in scaling, at 1080i set then the TV does the work right? I've switched back and forth in blu-ray movies and at 720p set the movie seems to have a slightly darker muddier look. At 1080i the movie seems to be slightly brighter and a little bit more detailed. It takes about 30 seconds back and forth to compare and I do think the TV scaler is doing something right and is better than the PS3. To me there's a noticeable difference and is worth the extra money Sony asks for for their TVs.

This is the M series, the S series is suppose to be better and I only have 720p. I can't imagine how great blu-ray looks on a sony 1080p TV. People should definetly not skimp on the TV, could make a big difference.

PS2 upscaling is a different story. Only played through Shadow Hearts Covenant so far and it's easy to switch the PS3 upscaling on and off. HUGE difference. With it on it looks "normal" but turn it off and the game had lots of jaggies. The built in PS2 upscaling is worth it IMO. Of course my TV may not be as good as your's so you may have different results.
[quote name='dmendro']Uh, the games are 100 times better on the 360? You don't have to pay for live either dude. You can get a silver account. ;)[/QUOTE]

100 times better? I haven't turned on my 360 in 3 weeks. Also, you can't play multiplayer on a silver account, while you can on PSN, having to pay nothing at all.
I'm not sure how the 80GB was selling vs the 40Gb. but personally I NEVER played a PS1 game on my PS2, I don't see playing PS2 games on a PS3.

(actually I don't plan on playing ANY games on the PS3, at least right out of the gate, I'm buying one mainly for the blu-ray player, but if a GREAT game FINALLY comes out for the PS3 (at least one that I'm interested in) then bonus for me.

the way I see it, why should someone like me pay extra for BC if I'm not going to use it? and if they are selling more 40GB version (which I believe is the case) I can understand them wanting to ramp up production (and this bring down costs) to make just 1 SKU rather than 2.

people who want to play PS2 games, buy a PS2 slim... just my opinion
[quote name='Drnick']I'm not sure .... but personally I NEVER played a PS1 game on my PS2, I don't see playing PS2 games on a PS3. [/quote]

In this I believe you were alone...or maybe I was the only person behind on gaming when the PS2 came out. I never owned a Playstation so I played a ton of PS1 games on PS2...
[quote name='Drnick']I'm not sure how the 80GB was selling vs the 40Gb.[/QUOTE]

If the rumors of its discontinuation are true (and even if not, the fact that BB is not going to carry it anymore), then the answer we can draw is "not well enough."
[quote name='Wlogan31']In this I believe you were alone...or maybe I was the only person behind on gaming when the PS2 came out. I never owned a Playstation so I played a ton of PS1 games on PS2...[/QUOTE]

Nope, I'm the desire to play PS1 or PS2 (although, I like the fact I can do that on my 60GB PS3).
I think that, since the shift was so abrupt, BC on 360 wasn't as big of a deal. people were done with the xbox and ready to move on to the 360. With the PS2, there are still a lot of consoles and games selling, so it is easy to find the good ones in store. Personally, I want a PS3 to play games on, but also to catch up on the Great PS2 games I missed- God of War, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Ratchet and Clank, etc. With my 360, I played Halo 2 until Halo 3 and Ninja Gaiden Black, but that is it. But for me, BC is a big deal on PS3.
[quote name='Wlogan31']In this I believe you were alone...or maybe I was the only person behind on gaming when the PS2 came out. I never owned a Playstation so I played a ton of PS1 games on PS2...[/quote]

Same here as well when I recieved the PS2 many years ago.
However, now my PS1 library has dwindled into a couple of games....
I was gonna make a brand new thread for this, but realized the receipt shown is the exact same one from the best buy in sterling, virginia when they had offered the ps3 for $299, so this is probably bogus. Though it claims that the current 40gb ps3 will drop to $299 and the white ps3 coming stateside will be the same price. Also the 80 gb will get reduced to $449.

A much better site which better explains everything:
i could give less of a crap about bc imo, but the thing that bugs me is if the 80gb is indeed discontinued, no sku's on the market(as in walk into a store and easily buy one) will have a memory card reader

being that I have a cybershot camera and pro-duo cards, it would be easier to download ut3 maps and what not onto the pro duo card then put it in my ps3 rather than downloading them off psn

i also wouldnt have minded getting motorstorm, thats better then spiderman 3 for blu ray

also, im not sure when my family is going into the hdtv age, but were still stuck with an sdtv, which is honestly not that big of a deal imo

heres hoping that i can find a cheap memory card reader, but if not, its not the end of the world, id just have a blu ray disc that i have no purpose for
My CC near me put out five 80gb PS3's. Surprisingly, they still have a 20gb for $500. They say they can't sell it because people opt for the 80gb or 40gb because it's price too high.
[quote name='MadFlava']My CC near me put out five 80gb PS3's. Surprisingly, they still have a 20gb for $500. They say they can't sell it because people opt for the 80gb or 40gb because it's price too high.[/QUOTE]

thats pretty weak, id actually prefer a 20gb, but not for 500.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']thats pretty weak, id actually prefer a 20gb, but not for 500.[/quote]

I agree, I think the 60gb is good at $500 but the 20gb should be priced lower than $400. I was surprise to see the 20gb at the launch price.
[quote name='MadFlava']My CC near me put out five 80gb PS3's. Surprisingly, they still have a 20gb for $500. They say they can't sell it because people opt for the 80gb or 40gb because it's price too high.[/QUOTE]

Gee, good thing CC fired all of their experienced sales people and managers-- I mean, geez, what would they do, lower the price on the thing to try to sell it and have it quit taking up space??
bread's done