PSN has returned. What freebie games are you getting?

[quote name='dgwillia006']Strange, had this account since back when Gmail came out. And this is the first time its ever happened[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I had mine around the same amount of time too. Google had detected suspicious activity one other time a few years ago but that might have been a a false alarm. This is the first time I can actually see that the hacker used my account to send spam mail to my contacts (much of which bounced back)
Last month my gmail was accessed from China (didnt send anything out as far as I can tell). I promptly changed my password. Hotmail was got before then. "I" sent emails out to people on my contact list for some adult toys or some shit. Changed that password nice and fast. I'm much more careful about email these days. Ill probably be deleting email accounts some time soon.
[quote name='dgwillia006']Now im trying to figure out how the hell to backup Gmail emails
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Yikes, I'm not sure, I think you'd have to push them all to the application, or else you're only going to see new emails coming in. I've only had to deal with this a couple times when I was working at GoDaddy and it was a fucking headache.

I'd just poke around with the options and see what's actually being saved.

EDIT: or follow ssjmichael's link at the top. lol.
Well on Thunderbird it looks like its showing EVERYTHING i had in my Gmail.

Im guessing if its anything like Firefox, just backing up the Profile folder should do the trick.
[quote name='aerol']Aight this is getting ridiculous. "Working around the clock" my ass.[/QUOTE]

:drool: Wednesday morning and still no dice. Blah.
I bought this Steam Game called the Universe Sandbox last night. Between that and my addiction to League of Legends, I can last this outage. It just annoys me because I can't co-op Portal 2 but whatever.
New Blog post by Sony. Link

Of particular interest
We discovered that the intruders had planted a file on one of our Sony Online Entertainment servers named “Anonymous” with the words “We are Legion.”

Likely a scapegoat, but I still wouldn't be surprised of someone uses this has an excuse to really bring the hammer down on 'em.
[quote name='Average Gamer']Lol. that is serious. I haven't been on forums for several years and PSN goes down and I'm frequent CAG forums... What a coincident aye? :p[/QUOTE]

Why did you come here, just curious?

I bet you stay!
[quote name='Salamando3000']New Blog post by Sony. Link

Of particular interest

Likely a scapegoat, but I still wouldn't be surprised of someone uses this has an excuse to really bring the hammer down on 'em.[/QUOTE]

I am like 99% sure it's a scapegoat. I think the hacker or hackers planted that so they have better chance of getting off without notice because in all seriousness, this seems like more of a money plot than anything where they sell the user data for money. Anon would not steal user data and then use it for fraud.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I am like 99% sure it's a scapegoat. I think the hacker or hackers planted that so they have better chance of getting off without notice because in all seriousness, this seems like more of a money plot than anything where they sell the user data for money. Anon would not steal user data and then use it for fraud.[/QUOTE]

^ This.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I am like 99% sure it's a scapegoat. I think the hacker or hackers planted that so they have better chance of getting off without notice because in all seriousness, this seems like more of a money plot than anything where they sell the user data for money. Anon would not steal user data and then use it for fraud.[/QUOTE]
I never liked Anon's declaration of war to begin with (attacking customers to make their point). Now it looks like they got hit by their own arrogance. At this point, it doesn't matter if they're the scapegoat or not, most people hate them anyway. It's sad that even their own fellow hackers have to step on them.
[quote name='Serpentor']I never liked Anon's declaration of war to begin with (attacking customers to make their point). Now it looks like they got hit by their own arrogance. At this point, it doesn't matter if they're the scapegoat or not, most people hate them anyway. It's sad that even their own fellow hackers have to step on them.[/QUOTE]
If I make a statement and say "I'm going to stab you" and then you get stabbed, whom do you think the police would come to visit first: the random guy who is responsible or me?
Sony should have testified in person since these idiots in congress, and the "experts" they brought in are relying on a bunch of bullshit and hearsay.
I kind of agree with the statement that it being Anonymous seems more suspicious than ever. They're not that dumb.
Note that Sony never said Anonymous were responsible for the PSN server attack, or any attack in general. They were listing what they found in the investigation. They simply found a text file in their SOE servers. That's not really any conclusive proof that Anon was behind any of this. If that file did come from Anon, they could have very well infiltrated Sony's servers in an unrelated incident.

The fact is, unless Anon themselves admit to doing this, no one can prove they were responsible.
[quote name='ssjmichael']The fact is, unless Anon themselves admit to doing this, no one can prove they were responsible.[/QUOTE]
But their reputation as the "interweb's saviors" will be tarnished and their "nobility" will be questioned.
I'm perfectly OK with that.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I am like 99% sure it's a scapegoat. I think the hacker or hackers planted that so they have better chance of getting off without notice because in all seriousness, this seems like more of a money plot than anything where they sell the user data for money. Anon would not steal user data and then use it for fraud.[/QUOTE]

Bullshit. You have no clue what "Anon" or any of it's members would do.
I don't think Sony is placing the sole blame for the breach on Anon, just that they (perhaps unknowingly) helped the breach occur. According to the second Ars article, Sony says that the hack that led to the breach was harder to detect since their networking team was busy dealing with Anon's DOS attack...causing the DOS attack to act as a kind of smokescreen.

Whether the DOS was planned as such or just provided an opportunity someone took advantage of, that's up for debate.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Note that Sony never said Anonymous were responsible for the PSN server attack, or any attack in general. They were listing what they found in the investigation. They simply found a text file in their SOE servers. That's not really any conclusive proof that Anon was behind any of this. If that file did come from Anon, they could have very well infiltrated Sony's servers in an unrelated incident.

The fact is, unless Anon themselves admit to doing this, no one can prove they were responsible.[/QUOTE]

True, there was no pointing fingers just yet. Sony just released the information they found and the only people that do know who put that file there are the ones that perpetrated the least for now.

The main problem that I've had with Anon is that they say "We are Legion" but then in the same breathe say "there are many different groups of Anon." If you are truly "Legion" then even those splinter groups of Anon that continued to attack Sony using Anon's name were in fact you. So even though you say "We didn't do it" doesn't mean you didn't do it.
[quote name='Salamando3000']New Blog post by Sony. Link

Of particular interest

Likely a scapegoat, but I still wouldn't be surprised of someone uses this has an excuse to really bring the hammer down on 'em.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I am like 99% sure it's a scapegoat. I think the hacker or hackers planted that so they have better chance of getting off without notice because in all seriousness, this seems like more of a money plot than anything where they sell the user data for money. Anon would not steal user data and then use it for fraud.[/QUOTE]

This is a report to the Govt, you really think that sony is going to just lie and try and place a fake file there for fun to put blame falsely? Seriously? Must be nice to be delusional.

[quote name='shrike4242']More fuel on the fire:[/QUOTE]

If its from Ars, its sensational bullshit with no fact checking and twisted words to make sony look bad at every possible chance they get. The site is stealth owned by MS, MS employees like Ben Wagoner post there all the time and never mention that they are full time staff at Microsoft. Never trust a word you read there.

[quote name='mtxbass1']Bullshit. You have no clue what "Anon" or any of it's members would do.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. None of you know the true intentions of Anonymous. They used hacked pc's of normal users to perform DDOS attacks, they are hardly the princes of peace they claim to be. Ontop of that, there are many users and groups of anonymous, those that are honorable, those that are thieves, and those that are scumbags. They do not, however, get the luxury of getting separated into groups. They are all part of Anonymous.
[quote name='doubledown']I hope it is up soon. I want some mlb rosters.[/QUOTE]
Hey fellow MLB player! I'm looking for some good players! :D

XBL: Is Maboul
psn: Miles-999For record, your XBL: DJ Doubledown PSN: Johnnie5
[quote name='blitz6speed']This is a report to the Govt, you really think that sony is going to just lie and try and place a fake file there for fun to put blame falsely? Seriously? Must be nice to be delusional.[/QUOTE]

We don't mean Sony is using Anonymous as a scapegoat, but rather whoever did the attack is using them as a scapegoat. Or, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that the hacker is using them as a patsy.

Either way, a good many news outlets are going to misinterpret this information and place the blame solely on Anonymous. Politician's playing up for their constituents are then going to force whoever to go after them.
[quote name='Loonknight']
The main problem that I've had with Anon is that they say "We are Legion" but then in the same breathe say "there are many different groups of Anon." If you are truly "Legion" then even those splinter groups of Anon that continued to attack Sony using Anon's name were in fact you. So even though you say "We didn't do it" doesn't mean you didn't do it.[/QUOTE]

You fail to understand that Anonymous is anybody on the internet not using their real name.

Anonymous is divided and united at the same time BECAUSE they are anonymous. You NEVER talk to the same Anon twice yet you always talk with the same Anon. Do you understand yet?

I've been browsing 4chan for the past year and it's a great place regardless of all the cancer.
(/v/ on 4chan was what took me to CAG in the first place. xD)
“Welcome Back” program that includes free downloads, 30 days of free membership in thePlayStation Plus premium subscription service; 30 days of free service for Music Unlimited subscribers; and extending PlayStation Plus and Music Unlimited subscriptions for the number of days services were unavailable. yay, i guess.

hopefully free downloads are things i dont own, and 30 days of psn+ is ok?

they said extra month for everyone, and that special events would be underway for dc online and free realms.
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[quote name='Velo214']“Welcome Back” program that includes free downloads, 30 days of free membership in thePlayStation Plus premium subscription service; 30 days of free service for Music Unlimited subscribers; and extending PlayStation Plus and Music Unlimited subscriptions for the number of days services were unavailable. yay, i guess.

hopefully free downloads are things i dont own, and 30 days of psn+ is ok?[/QUOTE]

Wait, so people who don't have PS+ now get 30 days but those of us who are already subscribers only get like 2 weeks (the down time)? And yeah, I'm sure the free stuff will be all things they already gave to PS+ members.
[quote name='io']Wait, so people who don't have PS+ now get 30 days but those of us who are already subscribers only get like 2 weeks (the down time)? And yeah, I'm sure the free stuff will be all things they already gave to PS+ members.[/QUOTE]

Dcuo Is 30 days plus the amount of time that it was out for subscribers so I expect the same thing to be done here For plus members
[quote name='NamPaehc']Dcuo Is 30 days plus the amount of time that it was out for subscribers so I expect the same thing to be done here For plus members[/QUOTE]

OK, that would be pretty nice then. I mean, I really don't expect much, but 45 days or so of extra PS+ subscription is worth some actual money ($6 or $7), so I'll take it. Hopefully they come up with something nice as a freebie. A fair quantity of older DLC packs or something would be nice - stuff that probably isn't selling so much any more and if it is a big enough number it is more likely to make everyone happy (few people are likely to have all of it). I've been waiting for LBP costumes to be part of the PS+ discounts/freebies and we've had nothing yet. Actually, the DLC pack offers in general have been pretty poor for PS+ (as opposed to the free games which have been pretty good).
[quote name='Oaxan']You fail to understand that Anonymous is anybody on the internet not using their real name.

Anonymous is divided and united at the same time BECAUSE they are anonymous. You NEVER talk to the same Anon twice yet you always talk with the same Anon. Do you understand yet?

I've been browsing 4chan for the past year and it's a great place regardless of all the cancer.
(/v/ on 4chan was what took me to CAG in the first place. xD)[/QUOTE]

I do see your point but 4chan's Anonymous is a much better representation of the true definition of that word than when used by the group of hackers known as Anonymous.

With that said, I'm off to watch some more Netflix while I wait for Sony to sort out their business.
[quote name='io']OK, that would be pretty nice then. I mean, I really don't expect much, but 45 days or so of extra PS+ subscription is worth some actual money ($6 or $7), so I'll take it. Hopefully they come up with something nice as a freebie. A fair quantity of older DLC packs or something would be nice - stuff that probably isn't selling so much any more and if it is a big enough number it is more likely to make everyone happy (few people are likely to have all of it). I've been waiting for LBP costumes to be part of the PS+ discounts/freebies and we've had nothing yet. Actually, the DLC pack offers in general have been pretty poor for PS+ (as opposed to the free games which have been pretty good).[/QUOTE]

theres alot of dlc that i wish would go on sale. i doubt any of ea's stuff ever will but id love to get the red faction dlc and yeah the lbp marvel costume stuff would be nice to get as well.

but once we do , finally, get online how will we be able to get the free stuff? isnt the actual psn store going to be the last thing to come back online and wasnt it said to be coming towards the end of the month?
[quote name='Velo214']I'm betting Pain for free download, and Hoard for psn+.
lol at wombat thinking MAG downloadable for everyone, lol or calling all cars[/QUOTE]

Sony is gonna find some where to give us crap that most people already have.

If it isnt restored by Sunday, shit is gonna get real
a free month of PSN+ is pointless for non subscribers. I suppose everyone of us that are not interested in being members will have to go in and turn off auto renew to avoid them charging us at the end of that 30 days too. They are going to get a lot of pissed off customers if that is the case.

Hopefully Sony will at least have auto renew turned off as a default for this particular idea.
[quote name='dgwillia006']Sony is gonna find some where to give us crap that most people already have.

If it isnt restored by Sunday, shit is gonna get real[/QUOTE]

I just hope it isn't add-on content to games we don't even have.
[quote name='dgwillia006']Sony is gonna find some where to give us crap that most people already have.

If it isnt restored by Sunday, shit is gonna get real[/QUOTE]
You gonna set it off? Light the fuse? Pull the trigger? Make some noise? Run out of bubblegum?
bread's done