PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

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[quote name="jkam" post="11953011" timestamp="1406226545"]You should use a VPN.[/quote]

That works as in that article, but that's ridiculous. Plus I'm sure that would negatively affect performance of games, etc. You know, the stuff Verizon doesn't tamper with.
Yeah. Super Mario Bros did the same thing. Why the fuck was I collecting coins? And what were those things I was stomping on.

At least games back then had instruction manuals to read. (I know there's a digital one for Rayman.)

You also figure a game subtitled Origins would give you a little more back story.....

Our attention spans have been destroyed by television and the internet. Pacing in movies has accelerated so much (cuts, edits, abbreviated plot, etc) that now it's really hard to watch some older films. 70's films are particularly affected because they had glacial pacing. I recently watched Sharkey's Machine (Burt Reynolds) and there was like a 10 minute stake out scene of someone eating, sleeping, etc that nearly put me to sleep. I mean, it did put Reynolds to sleep at the end of the scene. Something like that would never make it to the final cut today.

Oh, and I wasn't kidding about Ebert's commentary on Citizen Kane. It's brilliant. There's a million things happening in that film from a 'newly invented in film' perspective that modern eyes simply can't see because we're so used to it. Having Ebert point out the historic relevance of every scene was eye opening.
Therein lies the problem, that makes it a masterpiece and an innovative piece of film at a certain point of time. If the things that made the movie great are new techniques and not the quality of the film itself. A good film is a good film period and for all time, if you have to qualify it with "for its time," then its not a great film. Years from now people may watch the first Matrix and wonder what the big fucking deal was about it. If once you strip away all the innovative use of effects that were copied and proliferated, if the core film itself is not interesting, then it was never a good film.

Maybe because I'm just watching it now but True Detective on HBO is definitely a slower paced TV show. Granted it's only 8 episodes and I'm only on 3 or 4 but so far it's slow going. It's really good though.
True Detective is like Orphan Black, really good acting packaged in a mediocre plotted and characterized television show. I really wanted to like it but it was so disappointing, Hannibal Season 2 and Fargo were so much better.

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Interesting. I guess I don't understand networking well. I will look into it, but it's still ridiculous and is utter bullshit.
The VPN (Virtual Private Network) is really just used to mask the traffic. Since FIOS is limiting Netflix, it's hiding that it's netflix traffic. I have a feeling FIOS is going to get in trouble sooner or later as they are really promising a lot and under delivering. The problem is though that they are a mega-corporation at this point. They kind of steam-rolled their way into offering internet and cable in the first place. They would physically cut down lines from competitors etc. and do shady things. Pretty screwed up all around.

Lets see..

The Usual Suspects
All I knew about Usual Suspects when I started it was that it had a twist. From the first frame of the film [customspoiler="spoiler"]Calling attention to the limp[/customspoiler] I immediately suspected what the twist was. Then the first end twist came along and I thought, bravo, well done for pulling one over on me. Then the real twist happened and it was exactly what I thought it was and it was pretty disappointing.

No problem with Fios & Netflix here.
Do you have other broadband internet providers in your area? I probably already know the answer.

One time I was really sick and I fell asleep with my TV on. I eventually woke up, went pee and got back into bed. The TV was still on and I expected to go fall back to sleep pretty easily, but I was wrong. Gilmore Girls was on the TV. I tried my hardest to fight through the pain of listening to the show. Each word they said was terrible nonsense. I started to sweat. The remote was nowhere to be found. I put a pillow over my head and closed my eyes. I don't talk to God that often, but I started to pray that he would save me, and that's when it happened. The most angelic voice I have ever heard in my entire life came through the TV. Jamie Lee Curtis talking about how Activia yogurt will help make you regular. Her voice gave me the strength to get out of bed and turn the TV off manually. Thank you God. And thank you Jamie Lee Curtis.

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Sometimes, this thread is like being in the mind of a schizophrenic.
do you ever worry that one day you'll find out that this thread is entirely in your head and all of the people that post in this thread are really just manifestations of different parts of your psyche vieing for control over your personality?



yeah. me neither.
Trine: Enchanted Edition announced for PS4:

Trine 2's engine + online multiplayer + mid-level saving

You up for it, Tyler?
Hell yeah. Nice, great timing for the announcement as I just started up Trine 2 on PS4. I enjoyed the original more than the sequel so I'll definitely give it one more playthrough.

Tyler kills his twitch stream just as I get there. Figures. Jerk.
I was streaming for probably close to 2 hours. Not my fault you were late to the party.

Squirrel, to follow up on our Twitch convo, here's the most recent response from the Electronic Super Joy dev about PS porting:

Apparently a post can't have more than one Tweet embedded.  So I'll post the 2nd one separately.

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do you ever worry that one day you'll find out that this thread is entirely in your head and all of the people that post in this thread are really just manifestations of different parts of your psyche vieing for control over your personality?



yeah. me neither.
Wait--does that mean you don't represent my handsomeness...?

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Had never heard of Electronic Super Joy. Looks tough from the trailer. I found it a little hard to tell what was going on as sometimes he seems to jump on things that aren't there. ??? Anyway, if it's not coming to PSN it's not happening, so it's no matter.

Also, it is not at all clear to me whether or not we get the back story.

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You misspelled Baseketball and Field of Dreams and Major League and The Wizard.

Well...he does have a skate board...

in case I didn't mention it, you guys were right to like velocity ultra. it's pretty excellent - it's crazy how flashy it can look when you know what you're doing (like the teleport/bomb/speed rhythm of 50 when you've got it down looks awesome). I'm glad the whole game isn't about split second timing, but I definitely like that side of it.
Had never heard of Electronic Super Joy. Looks tough from the trailer. I found it a little hard to tell what was going on as sometimes he seems to jump on things that aren't there. ??? Anyway, if it's not coming to PSN it's not happening, so it's no matter.

Also, it is not at all clear to me whether or not we get the back story.
I had never heard of it either. I think it looks cool.

ill help with black ops zombies trophies. I only went all the way on the light tower level and the final zombie map in blops 2. world at war is 100% tho, dlc included, bam

I had an ex from 7 or so years ago who used to read those Anita books, doesn't that main character fuck literally every type of were-animal possible? I remember teasing her relentlessly.
I read them for quite a while. Yeah, she becomes some major succubus type. The writing just goes tremendously downhill as well. Laurell K. Hamilton went on some crazy powertrip where she apparently doesn't need proofreaders and editors and anybody that says a bad thing about her books on her forum is banned. Eventually she writes her new RL husband in as a character, who is perfect for Anita in every way because he's submissive and lets her sleep with tons of guys.

The 9th book, Obsidian Butterfly, completely removes her from the normal scene and has her go hang out and kill stuff with the coolest character in the series (Edward.) I kept hanging on because I was hoping it would return to earlier form, because OB really was a huge step up from the recent books. I stopped at book 11, though, because 10 and 11 just backslid terribly. For book 12 (IIRC) literally 1/3 of the content was sex and she didn't even solve the "who killed that guy?" mystery. Book 22 just came out. I can't imagine reading 11 more books of that crap. I haven't heard anything good about the series changing, either, so I don't have a clue why people are still buying them.

do you ever worry that one day you'll find out that this thread is entirely in your head and all of the people that post in this thread are really just manifestations of different parts of your psyche vieing for control over your personality?



yeah. me neither.

here, let me release some endorphins to calm you down. isn't that better? of course it is.
also, I don't understand how you guys have time for movies AND books AND video games AND tv AND sleep. I mean, what the fuck? I couldn't do that when I was single!
ill help with black ops zombies trophies. I only went all the way on the light tower level and the final zombie map in blops 2. world at war is 100% tho, dlc included, bam
That would be awesome sometime. I just need the 3 main game ones since I don't have the DLC yet. World at War 100% here too, so I don't know why I am having such a problem with this one.
Started playing Luftrausers, don't see myself putting too much time into that, not really my game and the controls are a bit annoying. TxK, however, am digging that a lot so far.

Still trying to work through my PS3 backlog. Recommendation out of the following:

Bioshock 1

Fallout 3

Ni No Kuni

Metro: Last Light

Remember Me

Hitman: Absolution
Luftrausers is actually very good. It took me a bit to get into as the controls are odd, but once you get a bit more of a feel for it and start unlocking the upgrades it becomes quite fun. Aside from two glitched trophies, I knocked out everything. Didn't take more than 5 hours, I think?

Not sure if you do PC gaming at all, but the only game you listed that isn't on PC is NNK. If you're trying to clear your backlog and have a semi-decent PC, you might want to play those there instead and just dump the PS3 copies. FO3 especially as the PC version has tons of unofficial patches and mods to make it a lot better.

Actually I am missing some of those too, like the sacrifice arrow shot and the kill the pentagon thief. yeah world at war was my first plat I think, that or Matt Hazard, but those nazi grenade spamming bastards. and that Shi No Numa super score trophy was insane. I had my whole family watching me do laps in the water with that wunderwafter lightning gun and that was insane. hard and fun.

also, I don't understand how you guys have time for movies AND books AND video games AND tv AND sleep. I mean, what the fuck? I couldn't do that when I was single!
Add pinball, subtract the books (though I keep trying to get into reading, it doesn't seem to stick. I did like Ready Player One a lot, though). Also for TV it's mostly baseball. Yeah. We don't get to see anywhere near as many movies as we'd like to, though. I believe in getting more sleep than I could possibly ever get. However I don't stick too well to that either.

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1. Bioshock 1 12-15 hours

2. Fallout 3 24-26 hours

3. Metro: Last Light 10 hours

4. Remember Me 8-10 hours

5. Hitman: Absolution 13 hours

6. Ni No Kuni 45+ hours
I would play them in that order. I have played all of them except Hitman, but for me I would keep the longest game for the last, just so I can blast out the shorter games.

ProfStotch you are playing Ys celceta on Vita? Any tips? I'm about to start that today I think...
It's pretty easy so far. When I got to the second town I started following a guide because I felt like I was missing out on a bunch of stuff, but apparently I wasn't. I just got to the third major dungeon and I'm still following a guide. If you're going for plat, and obviously you are, I'd follow one of the guides on gamefaqs. The trophy guide sucks balls and is one of those that gives no information.

Trophy for doing all quests. "If you do all quests in the game you'll get this, but some are missable". Ok, wtf? "Get all items and you'll get the trophy for getting all items."
I would play them in that order. I have played all of them except Hitman, but for me I would keep the longest game for the last, just so I can blast out the shorter games.
I play kinda slow, but I dont think you're gonna scratch the surface of FO3 in 24 hours. Easily 50+, and probably double that for completionist. If you're following a guide or are familiar with the game, you might could run through it pretty quick, but you'd be missing out on a lot of stuff.

It's pretty easy so far. When I got to the second town I started following a guide because I felt like I was missing out on a bunch of stuff, but apparently I wasn't. I just got to the third major dungeon and I'm still following a guide. If you're going for plat, and obviously you are, I'd follow one of the guides on gamefaqs. The trophy guide sucks balls and is one of those that gives no information.

Trophy for doing all quests. "If you do all quests in the game you'll get this, but some are missable". Ok, wtf? "Get all items and you'll get the trophy for getting all items."

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