PSN Pass Confirmed; Online Verification Will Launch With Resistance 3

I can see where they are coming from, but all this is going to do is piss off the casual gamer and the moms that are buying games used for their kids.
Well that's good. One less game I will get. I'll wait the 2 years untill it hits $10 new. What jerks following EA. i havnt bought an Ea game since dead space 1. It'll be the same with Sony if they keep this up.

Game prices drop so fast now I don't care, and most multiplayer games either have a shitty story and good online(BF2, Killzone 3, etc.) or a shitty multiplayer and a good story(Bioshock 2, Uncharted 2).

Not only that, but most used games usually are only $10 or so cheaper then the new counter part, which cancels the online pass. Might as well support developers.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I can see where they are coming from, but all this is going to do is piss off the casual gamer and the moms that are buying games used for their kids.[/QUOTE]

Well then the console gamers will get a taste of what pc gamers have been dealing with for a long time now. Well, except the used part.

Honestly I knew this day was coming and this is only the start really. Devs and publishers dont or cant figure out anyother way to deal with piracy and used game sales, so they will do the most intrusive things that only piss off people who actually buy their games.

I honestly think lower prices would combat used sales a decent amount. Yes games cost a lot of money to make and I understand that. But if say a game comes out sells for 60 bucks and sells 1 million copies, how many people didnt buy it that are either waiting for a sale or waiting for a used copy because thats too much money? If the game was 45 or 50 I would say they would sell another extra 1/2 or 3/4 of a million thus making up that money they lost by lowering the price. Lowering the prices across the board helps game as a whole also since people can afford to buy more games new.

If you make a good game people will buy it but if you make a good game more affordable even more will buy it. If you make a shitty one like splatterhouse, even a 20 dollar price tag wont make people buy it.

Im not saying its the right answer, but I still think its a better answer than online activations, presistant internet connections to play, one time only use account keys, drm and so on.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Who the fuck cares?

If you really want it you'll buy it at launch and new if you don't you wait for a price drop and buy it new.[/QUOTE]

Or wait until it's used for even cheaper like I do. Now, add 10-20 dollars on top of that. :roll:
[quote name='Sindroam']I won't buy any game that has any sort of online pass.[/QUOTE]

Pretty soon you won't be buying any games. EA, Activision, THQ, Ubi, Warner Bros are doing Project $10. Others like MS and Square Enix are adding DLC code in their game.

The time to act was when EA started the whole thing. But since people have no problem buying Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2, it is here to stay
I never buy used unless it's to profit elsewhere, so this doesn't really concern me. It is, however, a problem for large families who should not be forced to buy multiple copies for separate accounts on the same system. Families can view a movie they purchase together, so they should be afforded the same right for video games.
[quote name='Jodou']I never buy used unless it's to profit elsewhere, so this doesn't really concern me. It is, however, a problem for large families who should not be forced to buy multiple copies for separate accounts on the same system. Families can view a movie they purchase together, so they should be afforded the same right for video games.[/QUOTE]
I agree with this. I've not run into this problem yet with my family, but with the way things are going with online passes I'm betting we'll experience it sooner than later. They should offer a family pass, atleast. I'd be happy to pay an extra $5 if everyone that plays my 360/PS3 could just have the access to whatever content they have on the pass.
[quote name='gargus']Well then the console gamers will get a taste of what pc gamers have been dealing with for a long time now. Well, except the used part.

Honestly I knew this day was coming and this is only the start really. Devs and publishers dont or cant figure out anyother way to deal with piracy and used game sales, so they will do the most intrusive things that only piss off people who actually buy their games.

I honestly think lower prices would combat used sales a decent amount. Yes games cost a lot of money to make and I understand that. But if say a game comes out sells for 60 bucks and sells 1 million copies, how many people didnt buy it that are either waiting for a sale or waiting for a used copy because thats too much money? If the game was 45 or 50 I would say they would sell another extra 1/2 or 3/4 of a million thus making up that money they lost by lowering the price. Lowering the prices across the board helps game as a whole also since people can afford to buy more games new.

If you make a good game people will buy it but if you make a good game more affordable even more will buy it. If you make a shitty one like splatterhouse, even a 20 dollar price tag wont make people buy it.

Im not saying its the right answer, but I still think its a better answer than online activations, presistant internet connections to play, one time only use account keys, drm and so on.[/QUOTE]

I don't think the price lowering would work, some people just don't want to pay MSRP even if it's lower. It's like looking at the price tag and saying "$50 is the MSRP, so now I'll just buy it at $25 instead of $35. I'm sure it'll hit that price point sooner or later."

I agree with Jodou though. The only one it sucks for is families who might have children(or SO) with different PSN/XBL accounts and would have to buy multiple copies of the games. Well, it would also suck for borrowing games from friends. I think the pass EA had with Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit was good. You got online access for buying it new, but lets say if you borrowed it or bought it used, you'd have a 48 hour online trial to see if you like the multiplayer(Not sure if this was per account, or per system). I think the 48 hours is to short, maybe 72 would have been good, but it's better than not getting to try before you buy.

Also, they're shooting themselves in the foot for rentals. "Wow, I can't try the multiplayer, guess I just won't buy the game since I can't see if it's awesome."

$14.99 and $19.99 is too much for an online pass though.
I'm sure this bothers other people but honestly I'm only interested in single player for Resistance 3. I think I played 2 games of team deathmatch on Resistance 2 and it just wasn't my thing.
As someone who doesnt play games online this doesnt bother me much. Ill gladly pay even less for a used game that has its code used already.

I wish these companies realized that a lot of the NEW game sales they make are due to people selling/trading in old games they have. Without a used game option new game sales will likely drop.
If it's one code for ALL accounts on the PS3, then fine. I really don't mind and maybe it might make used games cheaper.

If it's one code for ONE account on the PS3, fuck sony.

Every PC game has at least a 3-5 install limit on games making multiple machine games possible. Now of course one can't play the game on multiple machines at the same time which is fine and the same would go with the PS3.
[quote name='musha666']I wish these companies realized that a lot of the NEW game sales they make are due to people selling/trading in old games they have. Without a used game option new game sales will likely drop.[/QUOTE]

I've seen enough real world business decisions made with no correlating logic to think they factor in something like lost opportunity cost of traders.

As a single/offline player, this may benefit me but it sucks as a whole.
[quote name='musha666']
I wish these companies realized that a lot of the NEW game sales they make are due to people selling/trading in old games they have. Without a used game option new game sales will likely drop.[/QUOTE]

Before game release: Get this super awesome pre order DLC only at Gamestop

After game release: Gamestop and used games are the devil

I would say that they do realize this but want to have their cake and eat it too. Still not convinced that these passes even do anything.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']I agree with this. I've not run into this problem yet with my family, but with the way things are going with online passes I'm betting we'll experience it sooner than later. They should offer a family pass, atleast. I'd be happy to pay an extra $5 if everyone that plays my 360/PS3 could just have the access to whatever content they have on the pass.[/QUOTE]

You could share downloads with up to five PS3 systems. I'm not sure if different online accounts goes towards this number, but it is possible regardless.
[quote name='Digital Phoenix']You could share downloads with up to five PS3 systems. I'm not sure if different online accounts goes towards this number, but it is possible regardless.[/QUOTE]
It is possible, but I'd think they'd make the online pass unshareable.
This generation has brought us an emphasis on:

DRM headaches
Motion control
Micro transactions/paid DLC
Pay to play online

Looks like this is probably my last run with consoles.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']This generation has brought us an emphasis on:

DRM headaches
Motion control
Micro transactions/paid DLC
Pay to play online

Looks like this is probably my last run with consoles.[/QUOTE]

It is kinda sad to see that... gaming is slowly deteriorating into something else.
Yeah....I'll wait a couple of years until the game is like $10 before I touch it. Greedy fucking companies have to profit off of every little thing these days.
Just read an article on IGN defending this practice. The author compared it to buying a car used and expecting the same features as a new car. I think it's more like buying a car used and then not being able to drive in reverse. I feel like games journalists I read and hear on podcasts have some disdain for people that buy used. I'm all for supporting people that make great games but if these pricks had to pay $60 for EVERY game they played, I think they would be singing a different tune. I, for one, like to play a lot of different games, and it wouldn't be possible without used/cheap games.
[quote name='Vinny']It is kinda sad to see that... gaming is slowly deteriorating into something else.[/QUOTE]

It kinda has to. There is only so long people are willing to pay for the same old thing.

[quote name='n4styn4t3']Just read an article on IGN defending this practice. The author compared it to buying a car used and expecting the same features as a new car. I think it's more like buying a car used and then not being able to drive in reverse. I feel like games journalists I read and hear on podcasts have some disdain for people that buy used. I'm all for supporting people that make great games but if these pricks had to pay $60 for EVERY game they played, I think they would be singing a different tune. I, for one, like to play a lot of different games, and it wouldn't be possible without used/cheap games.[/QUOTE]

It is funny people mention PC gaming, because I'm not sure anyone on the PC side of things is paying $60 a game anymore. I don't think without the used market that the console gaming industry can get away with charging $60 a game. I know I won't pay it for any game.
All they need to do is sale the 5 dollar pass in the stores, that way the passes can be bundled with the used games. If you know you're not going to play the used game online then save 5 bucks; if you want to play online then factor in the cost of the game with the extra 5 dollars and determine if its still worth it.

I'd like to see an unlimited online pass be provided to Plus Subscribers.
I thought Resistances 2 multiplayer was lacking people, this should make sure 3's dies rather quickly.

Looks like I'll be getting Uncharted 3 new at some point.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']If it's one code for ALL accounts on the PS3, then fine. I really don't mind and maybe it might make used games cheaper.

If it's one code for ONE account on the PS3, fuck sony. [/QUOTE]

I agree with this. I'm fine with this feature to combat piracy and compete with the used game market. If I really want the game, I'll save the money/wait for it to price drop to an acceptable price for a new copy.

Besides, from my understanding it is just blocks online functions like DLC and mulitplayer. You can still play a big chunk of the game.

I can see how this will be a problem for games that heavily based on multiplayer like First Person Shooters and games that extend the original game by DLC like Mass Effect 2 or Borderlands.
[quote name='basilofbkrst']Who the fuck cares?

If you really want it you'll buy it at launch and new if you don't you wait for a price drop and buy it new.[/QUOTE]

Yep. Plus for any games I want to play online I usually get them at launch as most suck to jump into down the road as you're a newbie and playing against people who know all the maps etc.

So multiplayer games tend to be my buy new around launch games, and single player games are the ones I often get used from Goozex, so online passes don't really bother me.

Even if it did, as you note, it's easy enough to wait for price drops rather than buying used and still get the game cheap.
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