PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Pancakes/Keeper/Derek: Sorry I wasn't available for Dying Light earlier tonight. I was away from my PS4 when Keeper sent the message and I didn't play it for much longer after getting back. I mainly started it up to dupe some Korek Machetes while Dust was downloading before installing the new update.

Also, getting the BBQ trophy by dropkicking a flaming zombie onto a spike trap is the most awesome thing in ever.

I don't know if this interests anyone here, but just in case:

Edit: my quote failed, so here's link
Nice, was waiting for that to go up.

K here's my 4 then:

Gravity Rush
Well I'm going to one up Equistina with my list.

-Gravity Rush w/ Platinum (BOOM)

-The Swapper

-Final Horizon (attempting Platinum)

-Road Not Taken

Went all PSN for tyler. Hopefully I can 100% all of them. Would have liked to have thrown in an RPG but I know that would have been way over reaching.

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Played a little of Apotheon, Rogue, and Transister and so far really good.  I would say this is my favorite month of plus ever if it wasn't for that crappy vita game. 

If you haven't played MGS3 before, you probably won't get this reference (gameplay from Life is Strange):

Otherwise: :rofl:

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Just played a few rounds of Rogue Legacy.  It's still amazing.  I'm at level 260 or something on my NG++ run.  I think I may slowly work on maxing everything out because it's fun and at this point in the game you rake in the dough like crazy.

fuck this game is so good.

So my pick of Rogue Legacy is better than Zimm's pick of Woah Dave?
We'll see how much they like it after they get to whatever boss repeatedly MurderDeathKilled my ass into oblivion.

Also, picking an established complex awesome platforming pixelated GOTY contender versus a simple arcade score attack game that no ones played isn't that hard a task there screenshot boy.
I don't know why, but Far Cry 4 just seems incredibly tedious when compared to Far Cry 3.

Could be the fact that I finished 3 not too long before I started 4, but man it's getting to me.

I started up DuckTales and got through the Amazon and Transylvania levels. Pure fucking fun. I never played the original, so I have no nostalgia to base my enjoyment on (though the Disney Afternoon was the shit back in the day). It's been awhile since I played a good 2D platformer.

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Damn. That Dragon class is fuckin' whack. Almost regret getting it just because it's gonna take away a spot from a class I might actually want to use.

Excited to play Transistor, in other news I have been installing Hardline beta now since 3:00PM yesterday.. BS


Finally done downloading, only took me like 18 hours..Anyway, some impressions:

General Gameplay is fine. I find the UI and menus ugly and confusing. Battlefield 4 was much cleaner. No lag at all so far. Switching some of the buttons is annoying, like when you are spawning and you can switch between classes etc

Game looks alright I guess, as long as it runs smoothly I don't mind so much.

Heist was a little confusing at first, mostly down to the menus and UI looking so messy but I guess its fun. Conquest is conquest. Hotwire was pretty fun. I basically just got into a car and did laps around the map. I like the way they handle compared to clunky BF4 driving. When driving the in car radio makes me laugh, this rap, hip hop bassy music.

Is it just me or is the shotgun a huge P.O.S? I literally couldn't get any hit markers on anyone even at close range. Maybe I just suck.

I still don't think I am going to buy it though. Theres just too much other stuff out this year. I feel like the single player could actually be decent for once, but then again you complete it in like 4 hours and never touch it again. If this was a £20 add on I would probably just buy it.

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Started AC: Liberation. It plays fine. A bit of jaggies for sure, and textures pop in and out on occasion, but the big complaint I'd seen with the game was framerate issues. I can see framerate dips, sure, but it's not anything game breaking.

OTOH I'm not really sure what's going on. I feel like I somehow skipped a cut scene giving important back story because right now it just feels like I was dumped into doing missions. After playing AC1, some of AC2, and AC:Rogue, Aveline in comparison feels completely undefined. Even AC1 does a much better job of explaining who Altair is. Maybe the game explains how she became an assassin further in, I dunno.

Liberation does feel tons better than AC: Brotherhood Bloodlines, though. Brotherhood Bloodlines was very empty and felt like a stripped-down version of AC1. Liberation has enough of its own mechanics to feel unique and filled enough with people to feel populated.

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Liberation does feel tons better than AC: Brotherhood, though. Brotherhood was very empty and felt like a stripped-down version of AC1. Liberation has enough of its own mechanics to feel unique and filled enough with people to feel populated.
Considering AC: B (Backlog's favorite entry in the series IIRC) is, for the most part, typically seen as an improvement on AC2, I wonder what you'd think of the latter if you played more of it.

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Considering AC: B (Backlog's favorite entry in the series IIRC) is, for the most part, typically seen as an improvement on AC2, I wonder what you'd think of the latter if you played more of it.
Whoops. Meant to say Bloodlines. I can imagine the comparison of AC:L to Brotherhood not making much sense at all (because it doesn't.)

I don't know why, but Far Cry 4 just seems incredibly tedious when compared to Far Cry 3.

Could be the fact that I finished 3 not too long before I started 4, but man it's getting to me.
I loved FC3. FC4 never clicked for me. I played FC3 on my 360 back in July 2013 so there was a long break in between. Maybe I was expecting to much but I felt it was an ok game. Nothing great. I traded it and if I never play it again that is fine with me. I had to keep pushing to finish the game. Almost bailed a few times. Perhaps it is just me. I am annoyed with Lego Batman 3 on Vita too at this point.

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Does anyone else get sick when they're worn out?

I got sick last night after feeling tired and this morning am now better...weird as hell. I had had a fever and everything :/
Black Hole is actually a cool game, as long as you know how to light re-entry: complete either of the drop target banks in the bottom level (easy) and then it won't drain when it comes back up to the upper play field.

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