PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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it's a tomato you heathens

The Chinese people leave me alone when I eat their buffets. 

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You guys are seriously retarded. If the mod said that starting this new thread would fix CAG, then why the fuck wouldn't it? Are you implying that yet another mod has no clue what they're talking about?
You guys are seriously retarded. If the mod said that starting this new thread would fix CAG, then why the fuck wouldn't it? Are you implying that yet another mod has no clue what they're talking about?
You guys are seriously retarded. If the mod said that starting this new thread would fix CAG, then why the fuck wouldn't it? Are you implying that yet another mod has no clue what they're talking about?
You guys are seriously retarded. If the mod said that starting this new thread would fix CAG, then why the fuck wouldn't it? Are you implying that yet another mod has no clue what they're talking about?
There's some nosy ass people out there that don't seem to understand that I have no problem playing with my kid and taking breaks when she takes a nap. They act like I'm screwing up her development somehow by not getting a cage for her. :/
She's a minority, you need to train her to be behind bars so she'll be prepared when she enters adulthood.

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Does the gameplay ever get more fun? I mean every room is basically strafe and fire. I know there's a million weapons and shit that change things, but the core gameplay is still similar and I'm not understanding what's so great about it.
I think the million weapons and shit and random floors/bosses/enemies are what makes it fun. I always look forward to finding the golden upgrade room to see what I can do next. At its core, yes it is run and strafe. But the wide variety of ways to shoot and ways to strafe and things to shoot are what makes it fun and engaging and replayable.
Speaking of all you can eat places, they shut down the Gatti's pizza buffet near here. That blows, although I haven't been there in probably 5 years. I used to go there often with my friends when we were teenagers.

Do you get paid more the more clicks you get on a review or what? Or are you doing this pro bono?
I only get paid in free review copies of games. I'm sure the site makes more money the more clicks it gets. But that goes to pay for TE hosting and shit. I'm perfectly happy with this arrangement.
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Does the gameplay ever get more fun? I mean every room is basically strafe and fire. I know there's a million weapons and shit that change things, but the core gameplay is still similar and I'm not understanding what's so great about it.
If you are referring to circle strafing around enemies That strategy absolutely will not work in the later areas of the game.
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I only get paid in free review copies in games. I'm sure the site makes more money the more clicks it gets. But that goes to pay for TE hosting and shit. I'm perfectly happy with this arrangement.
Kinda got shafted on that one then, since you got it free anyway.

Kinda got shafted on that one then, since you got it free anyway.
Yeah. Same deal with Hungry Horde, Pix, & Velocity 2X. At least with V2X I got to play it a month before the public. If a new game is free on release, then I'll most likely do it to capitalize on new game interest clicks. Otherwise it's mostly free codes.
Yeah. Same deal with Hungry Horde, Pix, & Velocity 2X. At least with V2X I got to play it a month before the public. If a new game is free on release, then I'll most likely do it to capitalize on new game interest clicks. Otherwise it's mostly free codes.
"Its all gravy baby!"

Speaking of all you can eat places, they shut down the Gatti's pizza buffet near here. That blows, although I haven't been there in probably 5 years. I used to go there often with my friends when we were teenagers.
Used to go there every Sunday for lunch when they were open, but they probably closed the location in town 10 years or so ago. It's not surprising, kids don't play arcade machines anymore (they were more popular when games cost $60-80 and never dropped much in price below that due to cartridge costs) so all that cost of extra rental space and expensive arcade equipment can't come close to being covered by income.

I just remembered I dont have an eye toy camera anymore.  the last burnout trophy I need for 100% is to take a pic of everyone in a "party". 

I think I have an old digital camera somewhere.  If it hooks up with USB do you think it would work?  Or do I need to find a cheap eye toy at Gamestop?  There is only one near me apparently and who knows if it could be found.

rpg isn't here, so...

Trophy Lists

Telltale's Game of Thrones "Season 1" with confirmed plat (why does WD S2 not have one, again? :headache:)
It's probably some quirk of Sony's trophy allocation policy. Walking Dead Season 2 is a direct continuation of the game so maybe it is classified as standalone DLC instead of its own game. If that's the case Wolf Among US, Game of Thrones, Tales from Borderlands etc. S2's probably won't have plats either.

I'd love to see him in the Premier League but not at fucking chelsea.
Who's your premier team?

Chelsea is the only option for a transfer if there is to be one. Real and Bayern are really the only other two options, maybe ManUre, but they may/may not make UCL this season again, so they are kinda out. Real is never going to happen. Bayern wont happen long as pep is there thanks to the coke incident.

CFC only viable option for two reasons. FFP and Adidas. CFC is really sound financially right now AND they have enough assets to sell to afford the transfer fee. (I could bore you with a list of 7-10 players who would bring in around 80m, but I wont) Wage bill will be a minor issue, but Adidas would possibly help there. Adidas is rumored to be willing to foot HALF the transfer fee, and my guess is help out on the wage bill too by upping his yearly contract with them for sponsoring his boots. Adidas wants him in their kit and CFC and Bayern are only real options to get into their stuff, and again Bayern is out thanks to Pep being the manager there.

So yea, IF messi were to transfer, it would basically have to be to CFC.

IS he going to? Not likely.

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It's probably some quirk of Sony's trophy allocation policy. Walking Dead Season 2 is a direct continuation of the game so maybe it is classified as standalone DLC instead of its own game. If that's the case Wolf Among US, Game of Thrones, Tales from Borderlands etc. S2's probably won't have plats either.
I guess I'm more annoyed by the fact that Telltale never gave an explanation for why WD S2 lacks a plat.

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I really miss TheCAGChampIsHere.  His avatar was pretty sweet too. Wonder what happened to him?  Could he be gettin money?  Or making bold predictions?  How could we remedy this situation?

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Something called "EMAGON" ("NOGAME" when read backwards :rofl:) is set to be unveiled on Friday:

EDIT: Youtube embeds are still working. It must be mobile links that aren't.

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