PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Boring childhood story thanks to bums...

When I was 5, I woke up Christmas morning way too early. Thinking I would be in deep shit if I got caught, I spent 10 minutes climbing down the creaky ladder on the bunk bed I shared with my older brother so I wouldn't wake anyone up. I crept down the hallway, flipped my shit when I saw Stinkor, snuck back to my room with him in tow, spent the next 10 minutes slowly climbing back up the ladder, and then took the next 20 minutes carefully peeling the plastic off the cardboard backing so it wouldn't make any noise.

Feeling like I had danced with the devil and won, it was in the middle of my celebration that I realized he smelled like absolute shit. I was too exhausted by the whole ordeal to take him back. Feeling like I had already pressed my luck too far, I laid there awake with Stinkor until morning.

However, I can say that he is by far the smelliest bed partner I have ever had, so I guess I got that going for me.
Thats a great story and Stinkor takes pride in his smell. I was also 5 years old when Stinkor came stinking up my life.
Trailer for Brandish, BTW:

Hits Tuesday. Though $20 is too much for me to bite. I'll grab it when it hits $10, probably.

I am going to try and post less than a thousand times today.  I am off to a great start.

I might have to pass out at my desk in order to stop myself from saying dumb shit all day.

I just passed a White Castle on the train that was advertising that it was taking Valentines Day reservations. Call now kids!
Everything about this is surprising to me.

1. White Castle is still around?
2. They advertise now?
3. They take reservations?
4. They think White Castle is a valentines day destination?
5. You would encourage kids to go there for valentines day?
6. Trains still work up there?
Trophy challenge for Woah Dave? What's this???
What's your $12 secret dreamboat?

Everything about this is surprising to me.

1. White Castle is still around?
2. They advertise now?
3. They take reservations?
4. They think White Castle is a valentines day destination?
5. You would encourage kids to go there for valentines day?
6. Trains still work up there?
Some people get married there I remember reading
Everything about this is surprising to me.

1. White Castle is still around?
2. They advertise now?
3. They take reservations?
4. They think White Castle is a valentines day destination?
5. You would encourage kids to go there for valentines day?
6. Trains still work up there?
The valentines deal comes with table side service too.

Gator,pancakes and I just finished a mission picking up cars for simeon. At first it was hard but after a few trials and error we figured out what to do and it was fun.
Yeah, it was pretty fun when we finally realized what the hell we had to do to be able to finish it. I wish I had not spun out the one time or maybe we could have gotten to bed about 15 minutes earlier.

I forgot that my parents are coming into town today. So I probably wont be able to play tonight until about 11pm if at all. Probably the same tomorrow as well unless we wanted to play during Pete hours, and I dont think any of us are interested in that. Should be good to go any time on Sunday.

Everything about this is surprising to me.

1. White Castle is still around?
2. They advertise now?
3. They take reservations?
4. They think White Castle is a valentines day destination?
5. You would encourage kids to go there for valentines day?
6. Trains still work up there?
1) I know of at least two open locations in St. Paul

2) By "advertise" I meant letters on their sign put up by minimum wage workers

3) Apparently?

4) See #3

5) See #3

6) Electric light rail train between downtowns, and yes.

I can't get past $1.03 in Woah Dave. It's easy for some of you, at least. But I haven't played for a few days, so from your perspective I have that going for me.

So after playing level 5 of Resogun about 2 hours last night and an hour this morning on the train, I was able to make it to the third part of the final boss, and of course died because fuck that guy.  After one of my game overs this morning, I went to check something on my phone, and apparently accidently grazed the touch screen, shooting me back to the menu and killing all my damn progress for that ship.


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I think I'm going to start Infamous Second Son this weekend. I got an insert in the game about a "Paper Trails" website. I went there and am curious if/how it affects the game. Did anyone bother with it?
The first 3. It was an interesting concept but I traded the game before the last two game out. Don't feel I missed anything at all. You start it on the console. Goto some website (clue is given on the console). Look at a case file answer some questions figure out some code. Enter it on the site. Unlocks the rest of the mission.

I thought this was a joke and then I saw his name in the gif you posted when you got the $4 trophy. He apparently got all the trophies in under 7 hours. Impressive.
Yeah that guy clearly made a deal with the devil. I only played about 15 minutes last night and got to 76 pennies once. The other 10 times or so I played I never got past 50. I'll try it again sometime but 1000 pennies is REdiculous.

Dying Light. Are you guys getting this game? It looks pretty damn cool, but isnt Techland the same dev that made Dead Island?
Not right away--I have a feeling it'll be $20 within 6 months. Call it a hunch. And yes, that's the same developer.

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So after playing level 5 of Resogun about 2 hours last night and an hour this morning on the train, I was able to make it to the third part of the final boss, and of course died because fuck that guy. After one of my game overs this morning, I went to check something on my phone, and apparently accidently grazed the touch screen, shooting me back to the menu and killing all my damn progress for that ship.

So after playing level 5 of Resogun about 2 hours last night and an hour this morning on the train, I was able to make it to the third part of the final boss, and of course died because fuck that guy. After one of my game overs this morning, I went to check something on my phone, and apparently accidently grazed the touch screen, shooting me back to the menu and killing all my damn progress for that ship.

Nice. What difficulty?

I don't think I've died more than once against 3rd stage. Usually I just run away and swing up and down to avoid the holes it goes in and out of. I know it was just one death on 4th stage, and that was because I glanced away to check the boss's life.

Nice. What difficulty?

I don't think I've died more than once against 3rd stage. Usually I just run away and swing up and down to avoid the holes it goes in and out of. I know it was just one death on 4th stage, and that was because I glanced away to check the boss's life.
Experienced. Was my first time past stage 1 and didn't know what was going on and a dirty red hole got me. Couldn't make it back in the 10 or so tries after that.

This Resistance vita game is totally fine. Why were people shit talking it so much in the early days?
I have no idea--I was surprised by how solid and fluid the gameplay felt. Maybe because it released at $40? I know I wouldn't have paid more than $10 for it, but I say that for a lot of games.

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TopsideKracker and Simmias check this video out. I got a kick out of this video and I liked the smell of Stinkor.
Experienced. Was my first time past stage 1 and didn't know what was going on and a dirty red hole got me. Couldn't make it back in the 10 or so tries after that.
Yeah, the bosses are generally way easier than the levels. I kind of wish they'd balanced that out a bit better.

Yeah, the bosses are generally way easier than the levels. I kind of wish they'd balanced that out a bit better.
What did you think about the ship and boss characterizations?

I thought it was pretty racist to make the last boss a worm.

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What did you think about the ship and boss characterizations?

I thought it was pretty racist to make the last boss a worm.
Yeah, it was a black worm, too. Not even a normal-looking color, but they went with the "black is evil" vibe. When combined with the humans all being Santa it turns into a "Black people hate Christmas" thing and that's just kinda shitty.

Not sure if you noticed, but the voice of the last boss was done by Jon Stewart. He hates Christmas.

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