PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Started SS. After finishing Infamous 2 a couple of weeks ago and Festival of Blood on Saturday, SS is ridiculously pretty. I like how it starts, too--does a good job of introducing the character and setting things up. Finally realized protag's name is Delsin not Deslin, apparently I've read it wrong like a million times. Interesting choice for the ethnicity of the main character--I didn't realize that was part of the story at all.

Really liking the smoke grenade. Makes things super easy, but it's cool from a mechanics standpoint. Shooting down the drones is way harder than it should be, but I'm guessing I'll get a power later that will make that easy. Right now I just finished off the space needle so I'm still fairly early in.

Feels like Delsin tends to jump off shit a lot. Like I'll climb a pole and he'll jump down rather than jumping up to balance on the top. I've run into a number of other objects that he just slid right off the top rather than standing or balancing upon. It's a bit awkward. Maybe I'm missing some change to the climbing mechanics and just haven't figured it out yet.

Climbing in general feels less quick and easy than Infamous 2. Tons of locations don't have a vent as a quick route to the top of a building, but at the same time there are less handholds in the sides of all the objects to climb. I'm hoping I get a power soonish that makes that a lot easier. I really want a flight power like FoB had.

I both like and dislike the new map. Like because it shows a lot more specifics with the different symbols and such. Dislike because it feels like a lot of that stuff is pretty small and can be obscured by other symbols on the map.

So far I'm not sure I understand the preference of Infamous 2 over SS. Maybe once I get further in I'll start to see that more.
Don't want to spoil it but you get a power that helps with all that I'd say maybe a third of the game in. It is probably my favorite power in all of Infamous.

I wasn't a big fan of the previous Infamous games but SS made me really want to take another go at the previous installments but with my backlog, I never got to it.

Don't want to spoil it but you get a power that helps with all that I'd say maybe a third of the game in. It is probably my favorite power in all of Infamous.

I wasn't a big fan of the previous Infamous games but SS made me really want to take another go at the previous installments but with my backlog, I never got to it.
At the very least play Festival of Blood. It's short and a lot of fun.

Also the problem with that "viewers directly pay for the news they watch model" for ACTUAL journalism is it will only exacerbate the current climate of viewers choosing the echo chamber which best reinforces their existing viewpoint to get their news.

My first real awareness of the danger of the echo chamber is when I was on the official forum for the release of the Firefly movie. It's only populated by Firefly fans of course, so one person tells an anecdote about them planning to see it opening day, talk of lots of people sayings lots of their friends and co-workers plan to go. It builds and builds and feeds on itself over several months prior to release to the point where we've convinced ourselves it's going to smash all kind of records. Then it comes out, makes very little money, and it gets beaten at the box office by a shitty Jody Foster movie which was a holdover from the previous week. Delusion shattered. If I can become that deluded about a fuck ing movie I'm not sure I can fathom the warped perception of the world some chronic Fox News watchers must hold in their mind.

guardian_owl: There's no way to avoid the echo chamber without removing the ability to choose what you surround yourself with. Nobody ever says "I like metal and hate country music, but I'm going to go buy a bunch of country albums just for contrast," for example. People hang out with people with similar viewpoints and interests, watch movies and TV shows that agree with their world view, and prefer to hear the opinions of people they agree with. 

The echo chamber effect is really just a consequence of the advancement of communication. Previously you were stuck talking to the assholes in your immediate area whether they agreed with you on throwing rocks at gay people and blacks or not, but with 5000 television channels anybody can find their own echo chamber. The same is true of the internet allowing any viewpoint, no matter how niche, to find supporters enough to provide the illusion of legitimacy. 

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Lollipop Chainsaw is a button smashing snoozefest so far, I'm only in the prologue. Does it actually get any better?
Maybe slightly. It gets a bit funnier as you progress, but I don't think the gameplay changes all that much. It's been a while since I played it, though (on 360), so I might be wrong.

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Still playing Final Fantasy 13. Still in chapter 11, running around killing stuff.

Galenth Dylsey has more than a little Weskahhhh in him. Which is fantastic. And also terrible.

The character avatar for the menu when you're riding a chocobo might be the greatest thing ever to happen in gaming.

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Maybe slightly. It gets a bit funnier as you progress, but I don't think the gameplay changes all that much. It's been a while since I played it, though (on 360), so I might be wrong.

No. The jokes start repeating really early on. So what little bit of humor just starts to grate on you.
Ugh. I'm not gonna platinum it then since it no way I'll want to play through it twice. Maybe I should just restart on normal so the zombies are (hopefully) not as much of damage sponges.

Ugh. I'm not gonna platinum it then since it no way I'll want to play through it twice. Maybe I should just restart on normal so the zombies are (hopefully) not as much of damage sponges.
I wouldn't blame you. Back when I cared about achievements, I didn't feel like going for the rest of them after finishing the game once.

As large of portions as you normally seem to eat, you probably want to get 2. I have eaten 1.5 before when really hungry and needing a good base on drinking nights.
Since I'm not paying, I'll only get 1. But we finish training around an hour after lunch, so it won't be long before I can get something else if I'm still hungry. I had to do that today.
Remember Me is getting pretty dull. It's just the same few enemies over and over. The combo system is a snooze, and the story is laughable. It seemed like it had such promise at the beginning.

[quote name="ProfessorStotch" post="12416405" timestamp="1421381902"]Omg you'll love it. It's basically a platformer and those are the only games you're not super terrible at. Your mediocre platforing skills will shine![/quote]

No it's not. It is a loot based game.
No it's not. It is a loot based game.

Finally went through that neogaf list of upcoming Vita games and holy hell. Judging a game by its screenshot has given me all the hype for this year.
Finally went through that neogaf list of upcoming Vita games and holy hell. Judging a game by its screenshot has given me all the hype for this year.
Yep. The picture lists do a lot more for me than just titles. Lots of games in there that are very visually appealing.

I won't be able to game until 10-10:30 tonight, need to find an easy trophy missing in my collection to keep my streak going. Sounds like a good excuse to go on PSNP for a bit at work...
Also, I told the guys on the chat at the time while we played GTA 5 that Munky "liked" one of my activities on PSN.  Apparently I was drunk 10 times in GTA 5 and Munky (Mikey?!) likes it.

Thanks bro.  Keep it real.

So we're all in agreement that Shipwreck is a tool right?

I do have to say though, this was pretty funny:

Also the problem with that "viewers directly pay for the news they watch model" for ACTUAL journalism is it will only exacerbate the current climate of viewers choosing the echo chamber which best reinforces their existing viewpoint to get their news.

My first real awareness of the danger of the echo chamber is when I was on the official forum for the release of the Firefly movie. It's only populated by Firefly fans of course, so one person tells an anecdote about them planning to see it opening day, talk of lots of people sayings lots of their friends and co-workers plan to go. It builds and builds and feeds on itself over several months prior to release to the point where we've convinced ourselves it's going to smash all kind of records. Then it comes out, makes very little money, and it gets beaten at the box office by a shitty Jody Foster movie which was a holdover from the previous week. Delusion shattered. If I can become that deluded about a fuck ing movie I'm not sure I can fathom the warped perception of the world some chronic Fox News watchers must hold in their mind.
You are totally right. The echo chamber effect is actually confirmation bias. Confirmation bias can be defined as a tendency for people to interpret information in ways that confirm their already established beliefs or preconceptions. We do this by homing in on supportive data (people, messages, things) and filtering out, dismissing, or arguing against the validity of any data that doesn’t support those beliefs or preconceptions.

The tricky thing about journalism finding an effective way of disseminating information without spin or bias. We live in an age where we need to fact check the fact checkers. It is very easy to lie with statistics. Competition, debates, and open forums for discussion are possible ways of mitigating the effects of the echo chamber.

I won't be able to game until 10-10:30 tonight, need to find an easy trophy missing in my collection to keep my streak going. Sounds like a good excuse to go on PSNP for a bit at work...
I am going to be home and playing as usual, but I do not have anymore setup and ready to go in GTA 5 like I had for the last week. I might could get a story mode one if I played a few missions. Hopefully Disney Infinity 2.0 has an easy one or I may just burn one of the other foreign Sound Shapes DLC auto-pops I have tried to save for days like this.

I am going to be home and playing as usual, but I do not have anymore setup and ready to go in GTA 5 like I had for the last week. I might could get a story mode one if I played a few missions. Hopefully Disney Infinity 2.0 has an easy one or I may just burn one of the other foreign Sound Shapes DLC auto-pops I have tried to save for days like this.
Its Friday and again you arent going to your friend's house to try some snobby beer? You okay?

I was asked to go to TopGolf again tonight. Probably not going to go though.

Its Friday and again you arent going to your friend's house to try some snobby beer? You okay?

I was asked to go to TopGolf again tonight. Probably not going to go though.
My friend is still in Pensacola. After closing on the condo 2 weeks ago, they have been there ever since working on it. I'll be drinking alone at home playing some more GTA tonight.

I should be back to my regularly scheduled boozing next week.

I won't be able to game until 10-10:30 tonight, need to find an easy trophy missing in my collection to keep my streak going. Sounds like a good excuse to go on PSNP for a bit at work...
Burnout Paradise, Score a x3 Multiplier in Showtime.

Get to a busy road like a highway or downtown with the largest vehicle you have. Get up to speed driving in incoming traffic and then press L1 and R2 at the same time to start Showtime Smash mode. Boost to keep rolling as needed and hit cars to refill your boost gauge. Smashing into buses ups your multiplier by 1 so you just have to locate and hit 2 buses on one run to get the trophy. Shouldn't take any time at all. There is also a trophy for getting X5 multiplier so you might want to stop at 3 and save that trophy for another similar situation like this.

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They also list the top 10 sellers for PS Classics. I hope they realize that category is going to go away if they don't make a PS emulator for the PS4. They'll still get some sales from people holding on to PS3s or having a Vita, but as mass PS4 adoption occurs it's going to kill PS sales if they don't give us an emulator.

I'm trading in a copy of CoD: AW to Best Buy today to transfer some credit from Amazon and the Dying Light coupon is still printing out this week, so it looks like I'll be preordering Dying Light after all. Whether I'll play it at launch or trade it in for $40+ (maybe both, like SoM?) will depend on reviews, though.

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They also list the top 10 sellers for PS Classics. I hope they realize that category is going to go away if they don't make a PS emulator for the PS4. They'll still get some sales from people holding on to PS3s or having a Vita, but as mass PS4 adoption occurs it's going to kill PS sales if they don't give us an emulator.
would that be such a bad thing? I think it'd be OK if people could only use a ps1, ps2, ps3, vita or PC emulator to play the very, very few ps1 games that have aged worth a shit.
Earlier this week or last I remember posting about wondering why I had such a sudden change in TT score.  I only thought that one was bad.  I woke up to my chart looking like this.


At least this time, I could see why there was a change.  This is not pretty.  There must be a ton of ones that are just below that in drops though.  I lost around 3k points over night.


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would that be such a bad thing? I think it'd be OK if people could only use a ps1, ps2, ps3, vita or PC emulator to play the very, very few ps1 games that have aged worth a shit.
You can't buy games on PSN to use with a PS1 or PS2 or PC. So from a standpoint of the companies trying to make money on ancient crap that's 100% profit, yes, that's a bad thing.

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