PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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Damn, I needed that nearly two hour nap. Nothing like a NASCAR race on Sunday afternoon to help you catch up on some sleep.

Just curious how many beers does it take you guys to get buzzed? For me depending on the beer and percentage, due to my (allergy?) and asian heritage, it can take anywhere from 1-3.
The Asian heritage part is funny, but true. There were a couple of Filipino guys we hung out with in college, and they couldn't drink worth shit.

Nowadays, it only takes a couple for me to get a buzz, and not many more before I've hit my limit. I've become such a lightweight since kids showed up on the scene.

I am sure if I tried to tackle booze it would knock me on my ass with the quickness though.
I swore off booze after almost getting arrested for public drunkenness at the '98 UT / USC football game. The combination of a liter of Jack, a bad breakup, and seeing my team getting pummeled on the way to their eighth straight loss (of what would turn out to be 21 in a row) got me very loud and obnoxious in the stands. Fortunately, my sister had come to the game, and managed to talk the USC Police out of taking me out of the stadium in handcuffs.

My wife bought these at the store yesterday.


I just ate my fourth in the last 14 hours.  Including the one my son ate for breakfast, the contents of the box might not see another morning.

Who's ever friend it was that was looking to get a PS4 they might be interested in the current Target bundle. 500 GB system with a download code of Arkham Knight and physical copies of Assassin's Creed Unity and vanilla Destiny for $400.

Does that $30 toward madden 16 at best buy work next week too or just this week? Game comes out in two weeks, but I am not sure if last years deal worked the week before also.

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I had fun 'proselytizing' about FF14 last weekend so I thought I'd do it a little more again today by sharing another aspect of it that I really enjoy; its opening movie.  Even without dialogue I feel like it's one of the best damn game cinematics ever made. If this is what Spirits Within or Advent Children had been like I would've been way more enthusiastic about them.​
Context: The Garlean Empire (primary antagonists) believes that neighboring Eorzea (players' home) is full of heretical lesser forms of life so they decide to pull down the red moon Dalamud and just obliterate the entire continent.  Their plan goes off the rails when it turns out that the moon is a prison for the elder primal Bahamut, who goes on an apocalyptic rampage once freed.  This event is known as the Calamity, and although the world survives it's completely transformed and the collective memory of that time is hazy at best for reasons unknown.

This was the transition event that rebooted the game from its miserable 1.0 state to its immensely better current one, hence the subtitle A Realm Reborn.  I still watch this movie periodically in the in-game viewer simply because it's gorgeous in hd and sounds amazing with a full home theater behind it.  And of course all the FF callbacks in it! (e.g. the guy at 2:20 is this game's Cid)  

I had fun 'proselytizing' about FF14 last weekend so I thought I'd do it a little more again today by sharing another aspect of it that I really enjoy; its opening movie. Even without dialogue I feel like it's one of the best damn game cinematics ever made. If this is what Spirits Within or Advent Children had been like I would've been way more enthusiastic about them.

Context: The Garlean Empire (primary antagonists) believes that neighboring Eorzea (players' home) is full of heretical lesser forms of life so they decide to pull down the red moon Dalamud and just obliterate the entire continent. Their plan goes off the rails when it turns out that the moon is a prison for the elder primal Bahamut, who goes on an apocalyptic rampage once freed. This event is known as the Calamity, and although the world survives it's completely transformed and the collective memory of that time is hazy at best for reasons unknown.

This was the transition event that rebooted the game from its miserable 1.0 state to its immensely better current one, hence the subtitle A Realm Reborn. I still watch this movie periodically in the in-game viewer simply because it's gorgeous in hd and sounds amazing with a full home theater behind it. And of course all the FF callbacks in it! (e.g. the guy at 2:20 is this game's Cid)

Dammit, Bums, I knew there was something 'off' when I was talking to you last night; I just couldn't put my finger on what it was. Now I know.
Yeah I could careless about football, baseball, soccer, and basketball. I do like watching Olympic events summer and winter games, sometimes catching UFC. Watching most sports on TV just makes me want to sleep and NASCAR is a snore fest unless there's a crash.
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Did better than I had thought I would on the MCC digital code. Sold it for $30 on ebay within a couple hours of listing. Suprised its still going for that much. I guess its not completely flooded yet. Theres definitely an influx in new console sales from people who wanted a cheap TV.

On top of that I had just activated a promo they emailed me this week giving me a $25 bonus coupon for selling something totaling $25 or more before September 10th. Now my Xbone only cost me $40.

Thank you based CAGmath! 


Rocket League Dlc trophies

Ride or Die - Equip both Dominus and Takumi with a new Decal and Paint Finish, then win a game

An Inch and 62 Miles - Drive 100 km with either the Cristiano or Spinner Wheels

Winning is Winning - Win a Season Championship using Dominus or Takumi in every game

Gladiator - Play a game on Utopia Coliseum

All Fours - Win a 4v4 game

Sky High - Score an Aerial Goal

Drift King - Perform a 180 powerslide with both the Cristiano and Spinner Wheels

Family, Not Friends - Play a complete game with both Dominus and Takumi

Don't Look Back - Use the Burnout or Nitrous Rocket Boost for a total of 10 minutes


I don't recall why Shia LaBeouf came up the other day, but I just saw this for the first time. It's weird and creepy as shit:

I like Sia's music, but this and the video for Chandelier both star Maddie Ziegler (11-12 years old) in a flesh-colored leotard. I really think whoever makes her videos is a pedo.

Rocket League Dlc trophies

Ride or Die - Equip both Dominus and Takumi with a new Decal and Paint Finish, then win a game

An Inch and 62 Miles - Drive 100 km with either the Cristiano or Spinner Wheels

Winning is Winning - Win a Season Championship using Dominus or Takumi in every game

Gladiator - Play a game on Utopia Coliseum

All Fours - Win a 4v4 game

Sky High - Score an Aerial Goal

Drift King - Perform a 180 powerslide with both the Cristiano and Spinner Wheels

Family, Not Friends - Play a complete game with both Dominus and Takumi

Don't Look Back - Use the Burnout or Nitrous Rocket Boost for a total of 10 minutes


:lol: at drive more miles with tires trophy.

I really want fried fish. But the question is, do I want to drive 30 minutes to go get some. And then take three kids inside by myself?
At least it's far enough out of the way so if they do emberass me I'll never have to be seen there again.
(I go to Long John Silvers like, once a year. And then I remember why I don't go there more than once a year)
You inspired our dinner tonight. Just threw some Mahi Mahi on the grill. Wife's roasting veggies in the oven, and cooking rice in the rice cooker.
Can we make the Pinball Tourney the Star Wars tables? Those are the only ones I own.
We tried the Zen Pinball tables before and it tanked because the scoreboards reset before Mild thought they would and then we lost interest. Grab S1 and 2 on PSN if you're interested as they're 14.99 each right now which is half off. Doesn't matter which platform(s) you pick as the leaderboards are shared.

Yeah zen sucks for a million reasons. But one of those reasons are the unpredictable leaderboard reset times.

It is definitely worth picking up s1/s2 for pinball arcade if you like pinball. chewy will talk about the obvious computer physics of it all, but as far as my shit talents go it's just as good as the real thing.
Well, so much for Card Collector being my 1500th trophy.  Apparently I was closer to it then I thought as it popped when buying a couple cards from a merchant earlier.  Whoops...

There we go. 100% on the PS3 version of Ghosts now. Frees up about 5 gb of hard drive space. I replayed Tennis in the Face on PS3 this morning and got all the trophies except the one where you leave it on the menu for an hour. Guess I'll do that right now and might as well go for the triple 100% and get the vita one done.

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Well, I do have to say the end of this season of True Detective was better than last season.  You can see why they made some of the decisions they did in the beginning now.  I wonder if I would enjoy the earlier episodes more now if I watched them again.

Entwined is weird--specifically, the I-might-not-go-for-all-of-the-trophies-after-getting-the-story-ones kind of weird.

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