PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!

If you had your ZTD order delayed by Amazon, check your account for a $10 courtesy credit. You might not be able to see it until you add a game to your cart and go to check out.

$13 Assassin's Creed Syndicate hyyyyyyyyyyype
Some people are reporting getting $20 and $30 credits for whatever reason if they ordered two or three copies; I "only" got the $10, which is still nice.

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Thanks to Youtube, Ray Gigant looks more boring than I expected, so that may have saved me $12. I'll gladly add A Boy and His Blob to the cart, though.

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This chocolate hazlenut porter doesn't taste like chocolate or hazelnuts.  It has a rich stout (?) taste , but there's also a faint hint of that beer aftertaste which I don't care for.

It's not bad...I like it better than just "beer" , but it's not as good as the sour ales I was enjoying.

Okay opinion request time...

I already have

Boy and His Blob

One Piece Pirate Warriors 

and The Bridge

in my cart.

I'm hesitant on....

Trillion - reviews say it can be pretty dull and more menus than combat

Knock-Knock (?)

Ray Gigant - dungeon crawlers are good, but I haven't enjoyed one since Demons Gaze.

Volume - it looks....different...crappy graphics?


pick up Adventures of Mana or wait for a sale?

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fuck, now I'm looking at ps4 games. I'm 90% sure I'll get a ps4 black friday if not sooner.....but it just seems wasteful to buy one now.

Omega Quintet?

Shantae (if I buy this now, do I get the vita version later?)

Okay opinion request time...

I already have

Boy and His Blob

One Piece Pirate Warriors

and The Bridge

in my cart.

I'm hesitant on....

Trillion - reviews say it can be pretty dull and more menus than combat

Knock-Knock (?)

Ray Gigant - dungeon crawlers are good, but I haven't enjoyed one since Demons Gaze.

Volume - it looks....different...crappy graphics?


pick up Adventures of Mana or wait for a sale?
I don't really have opinions on the hesitant stuff (sorry), but I'm also conflicted between buying Adventures of Mana now to support its release or waiting for a sale because money.

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Dreamals Plat!!!


OITNB was fantastic, I hate how it ends the seasons on cliffhangers like that since I blew through the season in two days and it's gonna be a full year before the next season.

Is this game actually good or is it a running joke? I bought it.
I like it. It started as a running joke for me because the name is pretty bad (a weird merging of Dream and Animals) and because it was virtually impossible to find any information about the game or developer online before the first one launched. Also the animal designs are completely bizarre.

It turned out to be a pretty fun 2D puzzle game, Definitely reminded me a bit of the Lolo games. The first one doesn't have a plat but the 2nd one, Dreamals: Dream Quest does. Both are good games, I think the original is probably more difficult than the sequel.

I bought Adventures of Mana. Will play a bit here shortly and let you guys know how it starts at least.
Played for 50 minutes. It's very much an upgraded Gameboy game; combat is super simple and just involves movement and swinging your weapon with X. O triggers whatever item you have equipped. R1 + pyramid, box, or hoop triggers whatever item shortcut you have tied to that combo, which is convenient because in the original you had to repeatedly go to the menu to switch items all the time. Since you have items like keys and mattocks (picks) that let you advance, the shortcuts are nice since you can keep moving without having to hit the menu constantly.

There are a variety of enemies even in the first hour. The vast majority of them so far hurt you simply by contact and don't have an actual attack other than walking/rushing at you. I've seen one enemy type that throws knives. Some enemy types are immune to weapon damage and can only be hurt with magic (which I don't have yet, but I've got a red mage companion following me around who can hurt those.)

Leveling is pretty quick. I'm already at level 9. Each time you level up you get a choice between 4 class types for how you want to level; if you choose warrior str goes up 2, vit 1, if you choose mage int goes up 2, wis 1, etc.. So if you want to be very strength-focused you can do that, alternatively you can build a character who is better at magic or has a lot of health. It's not super sophisticated.

There is a built-in map. It's not super complicated, it just reveals an outline of where you've been so far and lets you mark spots or check to see where various locations are. The game is like the original Zelda in that you explore a small area at a time. When you walk into an area the enemies spawn. You can either kill them all or just move around them to continue on your way. If you kill them and then move to the next map, then back, the enemies respawn. Map transitions are quick.

The game is also like Zelda in that it doesn't hold your hand. Right now I'm in a march cave trying to find a magic mirror that I need in order to rescue the princess I was accompanying a bit earlier in the game. I've no idea where the damn mirror is. I thought I'd fully explored the cave but I must have missed a hidden wall or something so I'm going to have to go through it more carefully; the game doesn't give you any "Your item is here!" assistance like modern titles do.

The game has save anywhere and lets you switch between the original and redone soundtracks (the redone soundtrack sounds great.)

tldr; The game plays exactly like the original Gameboy title with very simple combat, quick map transitions, and a classic "you got lost, sucka!" approach to advancement. It's got great music as an upgrade, clean but simple graphics, and some nice shortcuts built in for removing the tedium of switching constantly between weapons and spells.

If nostalgia is a factor, buy it. If not you might want to wait for a sale because the game is a bit archaic. Playable for sure, but it just doesn't have modern gameplay mechanics at all.

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Apparently the DOOM glitched trophies are fixed as of today with a new update. Too late for me. I doubt I will ever go back to it since i would have to buy or rent the game again. Too much work.
The patch doesn't actually drop until tomorrow (not that it really matters). I hope that despite only mentioning the IDKFA and Every Nook and Cranny trophies, the patch also fixes the What Else You Got? (all mission challenges) trophy because that's the only real obstacle between me and the plat.

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The patch doesn't actually drop until tomorrow (not that it really matters). I hope that despite only mentioning the IDKFA and Every Nook and Cranny trophies, the patch also fixes the What Else You Got? (all mission challenges) trophy because that's the only real obstacle between me and the plat.
Did you try running through and doing all three of the challenges in one run of Mission 9? I've seen some comments that that works, plus it ensures you really did have all the challenges there since that mission doesn't display challenge completion correctly.

Not sure if anybody is into the UC4 MP, but if so:

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Did you try running through and doing all three of the challenges in one run of Mission 9? I've seen some comments that that works, plus it ensures you really did have all the challenges there since that mission doesn't display challenge completion correctly.
I'm pretty sure I did (hard to be 100% certain since the auto-tracking doesn't work for the other two challenges), or at least I made sure to fire the BFG into a demon-crowded room and Glory Kill Possessed Soldiers in as many different ways as possible.

I was awake until 4am this morning watching Game of Thrones.  Finished season 3 and had to watch the first episode of season 4 of course.  I am all for the political games and back stabbing.  Very intriguing.

Spoilers duh...

I guess the end of season 3 where they murder all (well almost all) the Starks at the wedding is something I had heard or seen of before but didnt think of it until after the scene.  Pretty brutal. 

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^Oh fuck yes, it would.

EDIT: But wait, isn't Paragon free-to-play and Gat Out of Hell in this week's sale?

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^Oh fuck yes, it would.

EDIT: But wait, isn't Paragon free-to-play and Gat Out of Hell in this week's sale?
Paragon could be one of those packs you can buy since yeah the game itself is free. And yeah Gat out of Hell is on sale for $5.99. Could be a regional replacement, though--I'm not sure what criteria are involved in making it so a particular area gets one free game instead of another.

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I'll give them a pass this month. Since the sales have been so good. Not that it's a terrible month. I just already own most of it. Fat princess is LOL, and still digging in the PSP games.
jesus that lineup......

got Gat from the Metro/Saints bundle so I guess a little slap but I got a good deal on it.  

Got Fat Princess free via code from that mobile game.  

Full slap on Oreshika, not sure when I bought that, but I hope it was cheap!

I"m guessing the PoP is a PSP?

And what's Furi?

jesus that lineup......

got Gat from the Metro/Saints bundle so I guess a little slap but I got a good deal on it.

Got Fat Princess free via code from that mobile game.

Full slap on Oreshika, not sure when I bought that, but I hope it was cheap!

I"m guessing the PoP is a PSP?

And what's Furi?
POP is PSP, yeah.

And Furi is a boss rush game.

  • Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell (PS4)
  • Furi (PS4)
  • Fat Princess (PS3)
  • Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (PS3)
  • Prince of Persia: Revelations (PS Vita)
  • Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines (PS Vita)
Or, the link for Americans....

it's excessively repetitive and all the skits / dialog is actively pain inducing. the actual jrpg systems are fantastic, but you can't really enjoy them fully until you've played for hours and hours constantly running out of resources. it's worth mentioning that the game is more fun if you splurge on the overpowered dlc weapons.


Otherwise, not a bad month--I have Gat Out of Hell on PS3, but I don't own any of the other games. Oreshika looked boring to me in videos when I researched it the last time it was on sale, but I might give it a shot for free.

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bread's done