PSP is gonna OWN !


I am not a big sony fan, but i really have to give credit, where it due. Does that thing look slick or what?

For being a minidisc user, the optical drive almost seems to be the same thing, just on a dvd format. Not only does this device come off as gaming rig, it almost pretty much is a full functioning entertainment rig. I like, 1.8 gig optical dics opposed to microdrives.
yeah i do agree the game line up looks pretty good for the DS. They only bummer i find is the copyright crap sony is planning on encoding. Ah give it a few months there be a hack for it :p
any chance the PSP starts out at less than 300 bucks? it sure doesnt seem so, especially since they specifically said it was aimed at 18-35 year old males with disposable income
You're probaly right about the games. Hopefully the PSP will improve as time goes on.
Al new systems games do, look @ the launch games for the ps2.

Yea i agree it gonna be pretty high retail price on launch. But compared to a PDA at the compariable specs, it almost works out to be cheaper. I cant see blank optical dics runing more than 10 bux, maybe 15 if they are out to be greedy.
I agree the DS software looks good, the design and media used is so-so

I like my tech toys, and psp seems to be very cutting edge for a handheld. i think once it releasd and people see applications it can do , such as watching movies or mp3, it will add a bit more ot it.
I think the PSP is going to be a really awesome handheld. My main problem with it will be price, though. I can't go out and spend that kinda dough on a hendheld. Especially one that's unproven.

Personally, I will probably pick up the DS before I buy a PSP. I'll just have to wait impatiently until the price is a little easier on my black velcro wallet.

Velcro wallets will never go out of style.
i bet it will b a really a good console but what will probally wind up killing it is its price. unless sony is ready to take some losses in the console sector this thing might end up being the next n-gage.
[quote name='EggViper']i bet it will b a really a good console but what will probally wind up killing it is its price. unless sony is ready to take some losses in the console sector this thing might end up being the next n-gage.[/quote]

Sony won't let it become an N-Gage. I think if it comes down to it, Sony will cut the price as much as they need to to win gamers over.

I'd just like to see the DS kick the PSP squarely in the balls concerning sales. Especially, if the hardware is prone to failure like the PS1 and PS2.

LOL, can you imagine the shocked look on gamer's faces if they boot up their PSP only to be greeted by a Disc Read Error? :twisted:
No analog sticks and Ape Escape has been anounced. Anyone else see an issue with this??

I love the design, but no analog sticks and a bunch of PS2 ports is pretty scary.
I guess i love the technical aspect of it. Like with a usb port built in and a optical blank disc to boot oh the possibilities.

Also I think the killer ap that will win gamers over is if they is a ps1 port thinga ma bob. Like really they way sony is talking the disc are all gonna be encoded etc. Cant really see why with a bit of innovative programming you couldnt just dump a ps1 image onto a blank disc and with some softwae play it.I havent seen it anywhere but i wonder if there is a ps1 chip within the psp ?

I do give the prce will be the factor to a certain degree, after all even when the ps2 came out people paid full retail of 299.99, and lets not get into the absurd amounts ebay fetched
I just don't see much how many of the ps/ps2 ports will "feel" right on the PSP. for like 3D games and stuff I can't really see them as "pick up and play" games as much as 2D
[quote name='mememe']I like my tech toys, and psp seems to be very cutting edge for a handheld. i think once it releasd and people see applications it can do , such as watching movies or mp3, it will add a bit more ot it.[/quote]

To have to either re-buy movies on UMD format or dump images onto blank disks, if they'll even let you do that, makes the PSP's movie capability non-existant for me. The mp3s...well, I have an iPod. The price will suck, as will the battery life, and thats what kills me. Sony said there'd be 10 hours of battery life with the screen off and 2.5 hours with it on. So as an MP3 player, it has the battery life of an iPod, as a game player, it has the battery life of a GameGear.
[quote name='alongx'][quote name='mememe']I like my tech toys, and psp seems to be very cutting edge for a handheld. i think once it releasd and people see applications it can do , such as watching movies or mp3, it will add a bit more ot it.[/quote]

To have to either re-buy movies on UMD format or dump images onto blank disks, if they'll even let you do that, makes the PSP's movie capability non-existant for me. The mp3s...well, I have an iPod. The price will suck, as will the battery life, and thats what kills me. Sony said there'd be 10 hours of battery life with the screen off and 2.5 hours with it on. So as an MP3 player, it has the battery life of an iPod, as a game player, it has the battery life of a GameGear.[/quote]

Mod chips ;)

always happens, they claim every new system to be unbreakable and look where most of them are now? microsoft has gotten so low to start scanning xbox live players for back ups, or HDD dumps.yeah the battery life seems a factor, i dont know why they didnt go with a superior version of info-lithium series like there cameras. I know alot of home brew hand helds go that way for the fact of the juice storage. You also have to factor in, the PSP shown as with most of the hardware is it still all proto hardware, things change .
Mini discs suck...they have horrible audio quality...Im sorry but if these discs are like mini discs i WILL NOT be buying this...for an audiophile like myself I will not subject myself to such a horrendous misdeed
[quote name='karmapolice620']Mini discs suck...they have horrible audio quality...Im sorry but if these discs are like mini discs i WILL NOT be buying this...for an audiophile like myself I will not subject myself to such a horrendous misdeed[/quote]

Depends what recording mode you use !
[quote name='spoo']The price has not been announced but speculation is $249-$299.[/quote]

Wow, thats alot.

If prices were lower, I'd buy myself a PSP, PS3, XBOX2, and a DS...but I need to buy myself a Les PAul, so thatll have to hold off. :p
[quote name='mememe']Mod chips ;)

always happens, they claim every new system to be unbreakable and look where most of them are now? microsoft has gotten so low to start scanning xbox live players for back ups, or HDD dumps.yeah the battery life seems a factor, i dont know why they didnt go with a superior version of info-lithium series like there cameras. I know alot of home brew hand helds go that way for the fact of the juice storage. You also have to factor in, the PSP shown as with most of the hardware is it still all proto hardware, things change .[/quote]

As for the mod chips, my argument was that I didn't want any additional cost to watch stuff I already own. I certainly don't want to have to buy a UMD writer and blank UMD disks everytime I want to have something new.
I hope you're right about the battery life, though. But something tells me the thing uses a lot of juice - having any kind of optical drive takes a lot of electricity, and I don't know if batteries exist yet that can maintain a screen and running optical drive for longer than that
[quote name='Namelessloser']PSP will be about 300
DS will be 200

PSP will have a 2-3 hour batterly life from what ive heard.

DS will probably go with SP's life.[/quote]

DS will probably do about the same as the psp. The dual screens suck juice and the faster clock on the chip uses more juice aswell. A major reason why the sp runs so long is because the chip runs so slow.

The psp has plenty of games and ea. That gt4 stuff is awesome. The hardware in these things aren't even close the psp is near ps2 and the ds is n64.
DS cannot be $200. Nintendo reps said it would be "competitively priced" and $200 is definately everything but competitive. Remember that unlike Sony's PSP, Nintendo is aiming this at kids and their parents as well; those same people are not gonna shell out $200 after buying an SP. A more reasonable estimate puts it at $150.
The DS has the graphics capability of the N64.

The PSP has the graphics capability of the PS2.

You people are crazy if you think the public is not going to freak about the PSP - it's going to the new iPod. The iPod costs MORE than the PSP will and it only plays music!!

I'm all for increasing the creative options available to developers (two screens on the DS? Sure, give it a try, but I'm not impressed yet) but listen to this:

Multiplayer wireless handheld SOCOM - woot!
Few impressions (and some facts) ...

About the DS.
I think after all the news today (well yesterday technically) it looks much more attractive than it did just a day ago. The local networking, WiFi, built in mic, voice recognition and better than expected 3D (though still low level by today's standards) make it a real interesting package IMO. Have you guys seen the movies of Metroid Prime: Hunters running on the thing? Looks nicer than most N64 games. Most sites (including IGN) have said they're surprised Nintendo is trying to downplay its 3D capabilities. Check out for IGN's impressions.

Nintendo announced the battery life is 10 hours, which is about the same as the GB SP with the screen light and volume always on. Nintendo also claims the lighting technology for the screens (and the journalists seem to agree so far) in the DS is supposed to be much better than the GB SP as well, allowing for deeper colors and a sharper picture.

My biggest concern is that too many developers will use the touch screen for gimmicky control (ala Metroid Prime: Hunters) when they SHOULD just be using the control pad and the 6 action buttons. Still, a pretty decent lineup is headed its way. Sort of surprising is Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles... which I guess shouldn't be surprising since the game was made for each player to have two screens to begin with :D

And I don't care what Nintendo says, this is no 'third pillar' it's the next Game Boy. I mean, the thing has a second cartridge slot JUST for GB/GBA games. Even though EB has it listed at 199.99 and Nintendo hasn't annoucned a price yet (they even say DS won't be the name of the system when it launches) most "industry" people are expecting it to come in at $150.

About the PSP...

Technology-wise, it looks nice. The games announced so far are (IMO) a total snore, but the system isn't even coming out here until sometime in 2005 so they've got time to put some stuff together. The battery life is still a total mystery, but comments from the SONY brass make it seem like it specifically depends on the application being used. In the case of movies where the discs are constantly being accessed, as stated earlier in this thread, Sony did say it would last 2.5 hours. For music its 10. They haven't said anything about the battery life and games, but since games won't have to constantly access and spin the drive, I personally imagine you'd get around 4-8 hours depending on the individual game, which I think is tolerable.

Liek most of you' I'm totally not sold at all on the movie capabilities. Are we supposed to spend $15-30 or whatever it will cost to rebuy movies we already own on DVD? I know I wouldn't do that in a million years. Also, if you can get blanks and fill 'em up with your own movies, who wants to go through the process of ripping and burning their movies and possibly having to buy hardware to do so? Not me. This feature is totally useless IMO.

Again no price was announced. Most "industry" people are expecting $250, but personally I think it's more likely to be $300. And for a system so heavily 3D, I think not including analog control is a huge mistake. They could have had an analog "pad" like the Sega Saturn 3D pad, that would have been perfect. But I'm not condeming the thing.

Personally, if the DS is only $150 at launch, I'll most likely be picking it up. If it's more than that I'll wait. There's no way I'll be getting the PSP at launch . Not because I think it's a "bad" system but I'm not interested in any of the announced games so far and if it's over $200, well, thats just more than I'm willing to spend :D


OK again edited, its got an analog controller on it, so there's one fear laid to rest :)
[quote name='Vyse2k3']Few impressions (and some facts) ...

About the DS.
I think after all the news today (well yesterday technically) it looks much more attractive than it did just a day ago. The local networking, WiFi, built in mic, voice recognition and better than expected 3D (though still low level by today's standards) make it a real interesting package IMO. Have you guys seen the movies of Metroid Prime: Hunters running on the thing? Looks nicer than most N64 games. Most sites (including IGN) have said they're surprised Nintendo is trying to downplay its 3D capabilities. Check out for IGN's impressions.

Nintendo announced the battery life is 10 hours, which is about the same as the GB SP with the screen light and volume always on. Nintendo also claims the lighting technology for the screens (and the journalists seem to agree so far) in the DS is supposed to be much better than the GB SP as well, allowing for deeper colors and a sharper picture.

My biggest concern is that too many developers will use the touch screen for gimmicky control (ala Metroid Prime: Hunters) when they SHOULD just be using the control pad and the 6 action buttons. Still, a pretty decent lineup is headed its way. Sort of surprising is Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles... which I guess shouldn't be surprising since the game was made for each player to have two screens to begin with :D

And I don't care what Nintendo says, this is no 'third pillar' it's the next Game Boy. I mean, the thing has a second cartridge slot JUST for GB/GBA games. Even though EB has it listed at 199.99 and Nintendo hasn't annoucned a price yet (they even say DS won't be the name of the system when it launches) most "industry" people are expecting it to come in at $150.

About the PSP...

Technology-wise, it looks nice. The games announced so far are (IMO) a total snore, but the system isn't even coming out here until sometime in 2005 so they've got time to put some stuff together. The battery life is still a total mystery, but comments from the SONY brass make it seem like it specifically depends on the application being used. In the case of movies where the discs are constantly being accessed, as stated earlier in this thread, Sony did say it would last 2.5 hours. For music its 10. They haven't said anything about the battery life and games, but since games won't have to constantly access and spin the drive, I personally imagine you'd get around 4-8 hours depending on the individual game, which I think is tolerable.

Liek most of you' I'm totally not sold at all on the movie capabilities. Are we supposed to spend $15-30 or whatever it will cost to rebuy movies we already own on DVD? I know I wouldn't do that in a million years. Also, if you can get blanks and fill 'em up with your own movies, who wants to go through the process of ripping and burning their movies and possibly having to buy hardware to do so? Not me. This feature is totally useless IMO.

Again no price was announced. Most "industry" people are expecting $250, but personally I think it's more likely to be $300. And for a system so heavily 3D, I think not including analog control is a huge mistake. They could have had an analog "pad" like the Sega Saturn 3D pad, that would have been perfect. But I'm not condeming the thing.

Personally, if the DS is only $150 at launch, I'll most likely be picking it up. If it's more than that I'll wait. There's no way I'll be getting the PSP at launch . Not because I think it's a "bad" system but I'm not interested in any of the announced games so far and if it's over $200, well, thats just more than I'm willing to spend :D[/quote]

Wow, thank you for articulating my thoughts in most every thing you said. I absolutely agree with your DS comments. I'm looking forward to what developers can do with the system but hope that the stylus doesn't hinder efficient gameplay. On the PSP front i also agree on the battery and movie storage issues but i disagree on the games. I for one am very excited to get my hands on a faithful portable version of Tony Hawk and Tiger Woods (two of my favorite series) and they look fantastic. But games don't mean squat if the battery dies when the game boots up. So far my pick is the DS both for its originality and practicality as a portable.
I like gameboys and I think that if the DS is 150 or under I will get one. I don't have an SP, so it'll be like buying an SP then buying a DS for 50 bucks. Good deal if you ask me. But since the DS looks so cool, I guess I'm not going to be buying the NES SP.

The PSP I really have a wait and see apporach. I need portable gaming, stuff that's easy to pick up and drop. I don't know if Sony can make games "Portable Friendly". Also if it plays mp3s then does it have internal memory or some type of slot for Memory Sticks ?
Can one 2-hour movie even fit on an optical disc? :?: Unless there is a way to store movies or mp3s on the optical disc that doesn’t require another $200 device for the computer, the PSP extra features don’t seem that well thought out. How many people would actually use these functions? I’ve never even watched a DVD in my PS2 (maybe that’s just me though). :?

Also, the only time I ever have a use for an a portable music player is in an airplane (rare) or when I run (waterproof) – The PSP does not look waterproof or like it could take a beating.

I don’t want to be all negative - It looks slick and if it has great games, I will definitely be getting one but I wonder how much cheaper it could be without all the extra junk…
man, hypes. im all about 3rd party support, rite now i have a cart that plays nes + arcade + mp3 + mpeg + pda functions on my gba sp. which i use very often for its mp3 functions :wink: . and dude. when ds come out, my cart is gona be major upgraded! wth u gona do with a encoded psp... i aint gona spend 250 and some for a mod that's garenteed NO GARENTEES!

catch my drift? make like a tree and leave then. do like a tom and cruise~
[quote name='Namelessloser']PSP will be about 300
DS will be 200

PSP will have a 2-3 hour batterly life from what ive heard.

DS will probably go with SP's life.[/quote]

If the DS does not come in at $149 or less it is going to be a hard sell. The PSP is going to be a hard sell above $199.
[quote name='Indiana'][quote name='Namelessloser']PSP will be about 300
DS will be 200

PSP will have a 2-3 hour batterly life from what ive heard.

DS will probably go with SP's life.[/quote]

If the DS does not come in at $149 or less it is going to be a hard sell. The PSP is going to be a hard sell above $199.[/quote]
they are both gonnnasell awsomly btw spong has pics
[quote name='Indiana'][quote name='Namelessloser']PSP will be about 300
DS will be 200

PSP will have a 2-3 hour batterly life from what ive heard.

DS will probably go with SP's life.[/quote]

If the DS does not come in at $149 or less it is going to be a hard sell. The PSP is going to be a hard sell above $199.[/quote]
they are both gonnnasell awsomly btw spong has pics
[quote=" i aint gona spend 250 and some for a mod that's garenteed NO GARENTEES!
catch my drift? make like a tree and leave then. do like a tom and cruise~[/quote]

Um.... are you retarded?
[quote name='meteors'][quote=" i aint gona spend 250 and some for a mod that's garenteed NO GARENTEES!
catch my drift? make like a tree and leave then. do like a tom and cruise~[/quote]

Um.... are you retarded?[/quote]

that must be a rhetorical question :D
Gba-sp drops to 69.99

Ds 129.99-149.99

Psp 149.99-199.99

Thats my guess.

check this post in 6 months to see how close i was.

IMO Nintendo has been overcharging for the old GBA for a long time.
Then came the Gba-sp. At 99.99 it doesnt seem like such a great deal anymore and in 6months when ds/psp comes out it will need to finally drop its price.
The price for DS is going to be around 149$. And i've heard very bad things about the PSP. From the 200-300$ price range..
No exact dates, but both coming out around this Christmas holiday season (Q4 2004)
i still feel unless sony drops its release prices, united states will once again become Nintendo universe. the DS already has Japan locked down, also the bat life of the PSP is really really crappy IMO, ill turn it on 4 times (avg 40min play) and it'll be outta battery. The PSP LCD screen will also be stratched up like snit, the way i carry my handhelds around, with my phone, keys, lighters. and for reals, $250~300 would be worth it for PS3, but for a shorter life span handheld.. i dont know

i guess we wont know the outcome till they're released, IMO DS will def. dominate, untill Sony comes up with a better plan.

also y does the title of this post remind me of GameFaqs?.....

and those that quoted me, please quote right. even if yer trying to be funny, it's not if they dont know who the first quote came from. common now. and if you dont know the "other" functions for the SP & soon DS, please dont come here and ppl names. once again, we are not GameFaqs!
[quote name='mememe']PSP is gonna OWN ![/quote]
But I am not going to OWN a PSP. 3hrs of game playing per charge Shaq-Fu that.
[quote name='spoo'][quote name='mememe']PSP is gonna OWN ![/quote]
But I am not going to OWN a PSP. 3hrs of game playing per charge Shaq-Fu that.[/quote]

Hence they are called prototypes for a reason ;)
bread's done