PSP or iPod.


18 (100%)
I'd probably be using custom firmware with the PSP, but I heard it's a bit of a bitch to mess around and get all the stuff figured out.

The new iPods seem pretty cool, but I already have a 2 GB Nano. I don't know if I REALLY need a brand new 80 GB one. I could maybe wait a bit to buy a Touch though, I just don't know if it's worth it for $299 AND having to wait till it gets in stock at my Best Buy.

Oh, and I have $260 in BB credit, so I'm not really going to the iPod store or anything to buy it.
Well, if you don't need that many gb's for your mp3s, then just get a 4 gb memory stick for the psp and just play it on that. But if you need something like 10 or 20 gigabytes then just get the ipod.

And if you put custum firmware on and are afraid of bricking it then just get an extra battery and make a pandora's battery + memory stick to unbrick it. Just search in google for the tuturials.
I just picked up the iPod touch yesterday. It's fantastic.

If you want space, though, obviously go with the Classic.

The PSP is just not well suited to playing music I don't think.
If you own a PS3, I believe you can load a ton of music on there, then have it available on your PSP over the wireless connection. Is that an option for you?

I'm also in the same spot you are in. I want a PSP and Ipod, but not both. 4gb would be plenty for me.
If you want the PSP as a game system that also happens to play music as a bonus, the PSP is great. But I would shy away from getting one solely for music.
Ditto to what else was said, but custom firmware isn't really that difficult to set up if that's deterring you.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I saw PSP, but that's because I dislike iPods. :p[/quote]Why is that?

I can understand if it's the DRM issue with iTunes or some feature that iPods don't have or something, but it seems that vast majority of hate on the iPods I see is because they're popular.

Just curious what people's dislikes about the iPods are.
[quote name='daroga']Why is that?

I can understand if it's the DRM issue with iTunes or some feature that iPods don't have or something, but it seems that vast majority of hate on the iPods I see is because they're popular.

Just curious what people's dislikes about the iPods are.[/QUOTE]Part of it is DRM (not much). I'm not a Mac guy (more so Windows and Linux), and partially because they are popular and I get sick of seeing them on 90% of the people I walk by on college campus. ;)
If you want to run homebrew on a new slim then youll need a chunky psp with 1.5 kernel custom firmware already installe,jigkick battery(pandorasbattery), magic memory stick(regular memory stick formatted with pandoras battery software) and a seperate memory battery.Downgrading in a new slim is hassle.
You got a Touch daroga?

I need the classic with 160GB though.
Unless the Zune matches the storage, I'll be picking it up.
[quote name='daroga']Why is that?

I can understand if it's the DRM issue with iTunes or some feature that iPods don't have or something, but it seems that vast majority of hate on the iPods I see is because they're popular.

Just curious what people's dislikes about the iPods are.[/quote]

I think it's because the popularity is unfounded. It was decent when it first came out, but now for its price it lack quality, space and features that its competitors have. But due to how popular it is Ipod is synonymous with mp3 player so most people buy an Ipod with out ever looking at a non Ipod alternative, which in addition to being annoying it is stagnating the market. If you goggle something like "Ipods suck because" I'm sure you can find all the reasons people hate it so much.

As for psp vs. Ipod I would say if you’re looking for something to listen to music with get an mp3player. Even though most of my portable electronic devices can play mp3's I still use a mp3player because it’s simpler to operate and less cumbersome.
[quote name='dallow']You got a Touch daroga?

I need the classic with 160GB though.
Unless the Zune matches the storage, I'll be picking it up.[/quote]Yeah, I splurged. Since we got our car a year ago in May, my 40 GB iPod Photo lives in there connected to the stereo. I'd been kinda wanting an MP3 player to have at school and such, but when the Touch was revealed, that kind of made my choice for me.

Since I don't need to house ALL of my music (only about 18 GB or so total anyway, I try to clean it up and weed out the chaff I don't listen to every now and then) nor do I plan on using it for video stuff in the forseeable future, but could make use of some decent portable web browsing, the Touch was the perfect choice for me. I wavered between 8 GB and 16 GB, but by the time I got to the Apple Store, all the 16s were gone so that made my choice easy. ;)

I looked at the classics at the store. Truth be told, they're not that much thicker than the touch. A nice option, though I can't fathom needing 160 GBs fo media with you at all times. ;)

EDIT: And what features are the iPods missing that other PMPs have? I know they were a tad slow with the video, but what else is out there now?
Here's how I look at it: I've personally been wanting to get an iPod for a while now, but felt a little diluted by the idea of having one once I got a PSP since it could also play music. I use my PSP for gaming and music-playing, but the size has really gotten to me and I never take it around to just listen to music.

On the other hand, I use the PSP's audio streaming capabilities a lot and download a few podcasts all the time over Wi-Fi; it's really nice to have a portable player that can grab podcasts or just about any MP3, AAC, etc. though the web browser to save to the MUSIC folder and play back right there, without ever connecting to a computer. The new iPod touch has a much, much better web browser and the iTunes Wi-Fi Music Store, though, which is sort of accomplishing the same thing now.

I also use iTunes excusively to manage my music library, so it's already at a prime state for hooking up to an iPod.

But if I'm carrying around a PSP anyway, I feel like I should be using its music functionality...I don't know. Carrying around both a PSP and iPod sounds like a hassle.

About the only way I can get an iPod that I'll feel okay using in conjunction with a PSP is if I got an iPhone. :)

[quote name='daroga']And what features are the iPods missing that other PMPs have? I know they were a tad slow with the video, but what else is out there now?[/QUOTE]
I don't know about anyone else, but I still listen to FM radio (!), and that's not in a iPod yet...and yeah, there's the $49 iPod Radio Remote but that doesn't work with the iPod touch or iPhone, only the classic and nano.
As for the Zune daroga, I like the FM tuner, and wider screen for videos (on the times I actually do use it for video).

Plus, I really prefer the interface over the Apple one. I can get to what I want quicker.
I'll give it all up for 160GB though.
the psp sucks as an MP3 player. Much more expensive for less storage, it's huge, and fumbling around with the selections and putting it on hold all the time is a pain.

Dedicated devices are always better. I like the convenience of the ipods. I've been happy with my 1GB shuffle. Easy to clip on a shirt and carry around or wear when you're working out. I could not imagine fumbling with a big ass PSP while I'm trying to work out or having it sit on my desk at work. Ugh.
[quote name='jer7583']the psp sucks as an MP3 player. Much more expensive for less storage, it's huge, and fumbling around with the selections and putting it on hold all the time is a pain.[/QUOTE]It woks just fine as an MP3 player, but not very good if you want to old several gigs of music. I use my PSP as a main MP3 player and it's not bad IMO.
I was considering an mp3 player for xmas and my friend told me I need something bigger than 30 gigs (I have a large CD collection).

The only thing I know that is more than 30 gigs is the Ipod. I do have a Vista X64 bit computer and I want something friendly with my computer.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']It woks just fine as an MP3 player, but not very good if you want to old several gigs of music. I use my PSP as a main MP3 player and it's not bad IMO.[/QUOTE]

You're right about one thing. The PSP can serve as an MP3 player, but it's not an iPod. I challenge anyone to find a better interface than the iPod's. All this hate towards iPod in this thread is completely unfounded. Just a bunch of anti-conformist douchebags that refuse to use a product just because it's popular.
[quote name='Xevious']I was considering an mp3 player for xmas and my friend told me I need something bigger than 30 gigs (I have a large CD collection).

The only thing I know that is more than 30 gigs is the Ipod. I do have a Vista X64 bit computer and I want something friendly with my computer.[/quote]The new Zune coming out later this year is confirmed to have at least 80GB.

[quote name='redgopher']You're right about one thing. The PSP can serve as an MP3 player, but it's not an iPod. I challenge anyone to find a better interface than the iPod's. All this hate towards iPod in this thread is completely unfounded. Just a bunch of anti-conformist douchebags that refuse to use a product just because it's popular.[/quote]
Zune has a better interface, better screen.
I explained so in an earlier post.
[quote name='daroga']Why is that?

I can understand if it's the DRM issue with iTunes or some feature that iPods don't have or something, but it seems that vast majority of hate on the iPods I see is because they're popular.

Just curious what people's dislikes about the iPods are.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure how the new iPods compare to the competitors, but I remember when iPods were still using black and white screens, I was able to get and Archose Gmini400 for the same price, also 20GB, played videos, games, and photos (and supported many filetypes of each of these), and didn't require proprietary accessories/software that the iPod did. That was about 4 years ago. I have no idea how well the iPod stacks up against its competitors, but I imagine it is still the same (I haven't really been keeping up with newer MP3s).
[quote name='VipFREAK']: points and laughs : Zune? 80gb? Still worthless M$ crap. lol[/quote]It's much, much, MUCH, better than the 30GB iPod I used to have.

Stop being biased.
Zune is sorely underrated.
Super clean interface, and the best screen for movies.
[quote name='VipFREAK']And tons of DRM and a worthless wifi feature. lol[/quote]DRM?

I burn my own discs, I don't use the shitty store, iTunes or whatever the Zune uses.

And yes, the wifi is as useful as the wifi on the iPod.
PSP is too big and bulky for use a a music player. You would be better off having the PSP, and a USB stick sized mp3 player separate for music and FM.

The better question - is the PSP screen good enough to be your sole video player? If so that would make it easy, PSP = games, video, USB stick mp3 = mp3, FM. Each form factor well suited to its purpose, and two devices still modest enough.
I don't hate the iPod because I'm an anti-conformist.

I hate the iPod because even after treating them like gold, I've had three break on me for various different reasons.
My iPod Video apparently because it uses a "tape" hard drive and it's not supposed to move around a lot. What's the point of a portable MP3 player if I can't keep it in the holster inside my backpack without breaking? I didn't do sports or run or drop it in water. All I did was simply take it to school and back. Never mistreated, hard-drive died on me. Apple told me, "F YOU".

My iPod Shuffle, suddenly stopped letting me skip forward on tracks so it basically turned into a 100% random player based on whatever I threw on the flash drive. Then eventually it died altogether. The flash memory just stopped working. I couldn't delete songs from it or put new ones.

My iPod Nano - I was convinced to buy this because my ex girlfriend ASSURED me that my previous iPod Video died because it used the tape hard drive and flash memory lasted much longer. I bought the extended warranty for this. I had to take it back 3 times because of the screen messing up on me. The interface just got all garbled like the video chip was broken or something. Happened to my replacement too.

That and I hate being FORCED to use a program on my computer. With a PSP, it's just MP3. Connect your flash card to your PC, put MP3's on it and you're done. With any iPod, you HAVE to use iTunes, and I don't care what any blind Apple fan says, iTunes sucks, period. I hate having programs on my computer that I only use for things like that. Even if they don't start when your computer starts, they're still in the programs list in the program menu, taking up your virtual memory.

Get a PSP and a bigger memory stick duo. You won't regret it.
[quote name='dallow']DRM?

I burn my own discs, I don't use the shitty store, iTunes or whatever the Zune uses.

And yes, the wifi is as useful as the wifi on the iPod.[/quote]
Main reason I want to buy an ipod touch is for internet access.How is wifi useless on the ipod?
[quote name='aihuman']Main reason I want to buy an ipod touch is for internet access.How is wifi useless on the ipod?[/quote]

Lol, he said "is as useful as on the ipod" not as useless.

He's saying PSP's wifi is as good as iPod's wifi.
Hehe, let me explain that 'joke' I was attempting.

I was saying the wifi on the Zune is as USEFUL as the wifi on the iPod (not the touch).
It's a joke and bit of an insult against the Zune. It is useless on the Zune, which makes it as good as the classic iPods as they don't have wifi anyway.

If you want the Touch for internet, go for it.
Too much for me for just internet and 16gb.
[quote name='NamelessMC']

That and I hate being FORCED to use a program on my computer. With a PSP, it's just MP3. Connect your flash card to your PC, put MP3's on it and you're done. With any iPod, you HAVE to use iTunes, and I don't care what any blind Apple fan says, iTunes sucks, period. I hate having programs on my computer that I only use for things like that. Even if they don't start when your computer starts, they're still in the programs list in the program menu, taking up your virtual memory.
Bingo. It's the main reason why I won't use the Ipod, Zune, or any Sony mp3 players (though I believe Sony is FINALLY dropping Sonicstage from its mp3 players that are coming out). I do not want to be forced to use your shitty software. Just give me a drag and drop functionality, and that's all I need. If you want to bundle in some software, fine. But don't make me use it if I don't want to.

This is what I use:

It's a great, slick looking mp3 player that has a ton of features and its easy to use. No software cluttering up my computer, and all the features of an Ipod. Plus it's far sexier!
Ya know I was thinking about selling my 30 gig 5th gen to get a new 80 gig just to keep up so it doesn't get too devalued. If you want to save some money (well save some BB credit anyway), I might trade it over for less BB credit than it would cost for a new one.

I'll PM you.
[quote name='redgopher']You're right about one thing. The PSP can serve as an MP3 player, but it's not an iPod. I challenge anyone to find a better interface than the iPod's. All this hate towards iPod in this thread is completely unfounded. Just a bunch of anti-conformist douchebags that refuse to use a product just because it's popular.[/quote]
Having had a Zune, an iPod, and a PSP. I'd say Zune was my overall favorite, but I stuck with the iPod because the Zune software was broken IMO. The Zune software needs some serious development, but the hardware was excellent, I miss my Zune.
There are many ways to Bypass the use of the Zune Software, Im Able to use the simple Drag and Drop by using it as an external hardrive (Tip: make sure you only Drop Music files and Proper Video files onto the zune drive or ya might get some errors) otherwise its fine, i still use the marketplace on occasions but after a while im reconsidering.

Look online for ways to get the zune to be recognized as a hard drive, I did it without downloading any programs/hacks/or mods its a simple software edit in the zune setup program i think.
I'd be pissed if I had to worry about saving and quitting the game I was playing, watching the damn PSP intro screen, or quitting something else on the PSP everytime I wanted to listen to music.

With the ipod (or any dedicated player), I flip a switch, and press a button. The Pee Ass Pee is not a good mp3 player. it's huge! I barely take the thing with me anywhere to play games!
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Neither. The PSP isn't good for just music. I find it to be far too bulky to carry around, even the slim. And I hate Ipods.

A good site for mp3 player reviews for those people that don't like the Ipod:[/QUOTE]dood I want THIS:

my friend bought a 1 giga of this too:

but both are very expensive for 2 giga models...

I really dig me the small stick of gum shaped players, so I'ma prolly get Sansa C250.

2 gigas + 2 giga microsd expansion, more than enough space!!

but yup! PSP too big for MP3 player... get ipod.
For mp3s obviously get the iPod. I've never played around with a touch, but if it's anything like my iPhone, it should serve you very very well.

The PSP plays MP3s...but it's just way to big, unless you walk around wearing cargo pants all day.
there are plenty of non apple mp3 players over 30 gigs

as for the lack of features thing I know it lacks the ability to play file types which are handled by competitors. Its more of for whatever type of ipod for the same price the competitors have offerings with more features be it more space, playlists, video, recording, ouputing video to tv, battery life ect..
[quote name='daroga']Why is that?

I can understand if it's the DRM issue with iTunes or some feature that iPods don't have or something, but it seems that vast majority of hate on the iPods I see is because they're popular.

Just curious what people's dislikes about the iPods are.[/quote]

I hate them because you can't change out the battery when it dies(ends the life cycle of charging). That is really annoying. You can get different MP3 players, with better features for less money.

I say PSP. It plays games and music and video. Can't play Jeanne D'Arc on a iPod.
Well guys, I bought an iPod 80 GB. I had the iPod Touch in my hands for so long, but my friend kept whispering "8 GB..." in my ear and eventually convinced me (and rightly so) that it would be a stupid purchase.

I'm happy with my 80 GB though. It has a lot of features that my Zen Vision didn't have.
Congrats! Enjoy it!

I really love the new "Cover Flow" way of music browsing. Remember that for a lot of things, iTunes can automatically download the album artwork. :)
you made the right choice. Enjoy!

The PSP is still totally worth buying as a game device, though. Just not as a primary mp3 player.
[quote name='dallow']Cover Flow is cool looking, but what if I have over 700 albums?[/QUOTE]
that is something I had wondered myself. It works great for an 8GB but for 160? I dunno
bread's done